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Yang Jing (2023) Experimental Approaches to the Study of (Exo)planetary Interiors
Miozzi F, Geballe ZM, Yang J & Walter MJ
(2022) On the Link between Experiments and Interior Models: The Example of Carbon Enriched Systems
Miozzi F, Tracy SJ, Driscoll P, Yang J, Dutta R & Walter MJ
(2020) The Fate of CaCO3 in Earth’s Subduction Zones
Fei Y, Yang J, Lindoo A & Tao R
(2018) Organic Matter Chemical Composition & Mechanical Properties Measured at Nanoscale
Pomerantz A, Yang J, Hatcherian J & Hackley P
(2017) Velocity Profiles and Deformation of Silicate Post-Perovskite in the Lowermost Mantle
Lin J-F, Wu X, Yang J, Fu S, Kaercher P, Mao Z, Liu J, Wenk R & Prakapenka V
(2012) The Impact of Gas on Flow of DNAPL in Porous Media
Ye S, Yang J & Wu J

Yang Jing-Hong (2020) Mineralization Characteristics and Genesis of Rare Earth Elements Enrichment in Marine Phosphorites in China
Yang J-H, Jiang S-Y, Zhu B, Pi D-H & Su H-M
(2019) Rare Earth Element Enrichment in the Precambrian-Cambrian Marine Phosphate Deposits in South China: A Trace Element and Isotope Perspective
Yang J-H, Jiang S-Y, Zhu B & Pi D-H
(2018) Geochemical and Sr-Os-B-Si Isotope Constraints on Ore-Forming Process of Modern Sea-Floor Hydrothermal Sulphide Mineralization
Yang J-H, Jiang S-Y & Yang T
(2017) Eu and Ce Anomaly and REE Patterns in Cap Carbonates of Neoproterozoic Duoshantou Formation in South China
Wu H-P, Yang J-H & Jiang S-Y
(2015) Mineralogical, Geochemical and Isotopic Constraints on Multiple Sources of Metals in Highly Metalliferous Black Shales: An Overview
Jiang S-Y, Pi D-H, Yang J-H & Ling H-F
(2013) Thallium Isotope Geochemistry of Early Cambrian Black Shales and Ni-Mo Sulfide Ores in South China
Yang J-H, Jiang S-Y, Rehkamper M, Xue Z-C, Pi D-H & Zhu B
(2009) Geochemistry of the Lower Cambrian Black Shales in South China and their Palaeoenvironmental Significance
Yang JH, Jiang SY, Pi DH, Ling HF & Chen YQ
(2009) Phosphate Nodules from the Lower Cambrian Niutitang Formation Black Shale in Yangtze Block, NW Hunan Province, China: Implication for Early Diagenetic Processes
Zhu B, Yang J-H & Jiang S-Y
(2008) Palaeoclimate Variation during Pleistocene and Holocene in the Northern Jiangsu Plain, East China: Geochemical and Isotopic Proxies from the Baoying Borehole
Yang J-H & Wang Y
(2007) Geochemistry and Origin of Black Shale Hosted Ni-Mo-Pge-Au Mineralization in South China
Yang J-H

Yang Jing-Sui (2013) A New Model for the Formation of Podiform Chromitites in Ophiolites
Robinson PT, Yang J, Zhou M-F & Xiong F
(2013) Going up or Going Down? Diamonds and Super-Reducing UHP Assemblages in Ophiolitic Mantle
Griffiin W, Yang J, Robinson P, Howell D, Shi R-D, O'Reilly S & Pearson N
(2011) In situ Diamonds and Moissanite in Podiform Chromitites of the Luobusa and Ray-Iz Ophiolites, Tibet and Russia
Yang J-S & Robinson PT
(2011) Deep Subduction of Crustal Minerals in the Mantle: Evidence from Ophiolites
Robinson P, Trumbull R, Yang J-S & Schmitt A
(2010) Helium Isotope Composition and its Geological Significance of the Eclogites in the Lasha Terrane, Tibet
Li Z, Yang J, Xu Z, Li T, Xu X & Ren Y
(2010) Diamond in the Purang Peridotite Massif, West of the Yarlung Zangbu Suture, Tibet: A New Discovery
Yang J, Zhang Z, Xu X, Li Y, Li J, Jia Y, Liu Z & Ba D
(2010) NanoSIMS Studies of δ15N and δ13C in Nitrides Inclusions in Coesite from a Tibetan Massive Chromitite Ore
Matzel J, Dobrzhinetskaya L, Weber P, Hutcheon I, Wirth R, Yang J & Green H
(2008) Boron and Nitrogen in Ultrahigh-Pressure Terrestrial Rocks
Dobrzhinetskaya L, Wirth R, Yang J, Green H, Weber P & Hutcheon I
(2007) Geochemistry, Sm-Nd and Rb-Sr Isotopic Compositions of Eclogite in the Lasha Terrane, Tibet, and their Geological Significance
Li Z, Yang J, Xu Z, Li T, Xu X & Ren Y

Yang Jing-Sui (2015) Ca-Perovskite: A First Report of a Lower Mantle Mineral in Ophiolite-Hosted Diamond
Yang J, Wirth R, Xiong F, Tian Y, Huang Z, Robinson P & Dilek Y
(2015) Ophiolite-Hosted Diamond: The Key to Understanding the Evolution of Oceanic Mantle
Robinson PT, Yang J-S, Wirth R, Xu X & Dilek Y
(2015) Southern Tibetan Ophiolites Display a Geological – Geochemical Record of Plume-Influenced Rift – Drift Magmatism in Neotethys
Dilek Y, Liu F, Xie Y, He J & Yang J

Yang Jinghong (2016) Geochemical Constraints on the Chert in the Ediacaran Doushantuo Formation at the Xiaofenghe Section in the Three Gorges Area, Yangtze Platform: Implications for the Diagenetic Conditions
Zhao Y-Y, Jiang S-Y, Li D & Yang J

Yang Jingjing (2009) Tracing Sources of Fe to the Central and Eastern Equatorial Pacific with Rare Earth Elements and Aluminium
Yang J, Henderson G, de Hoog JCM & Measures C

Yang Jingsui (2023) Discovery and Significance of Diamonds in the Volcanic-Arc Type Josephine Ophiolite, USA
Liu F, Yang J & Lian D
(2023) Microdiamonds and their Mineral Inclusions in a Tonian Alkali Basaltic Intrusion in the North China Craton (NCC)
Wang Y, Yang J, Wu W, Liu F & Cai Y
(2023) Diamond with Alloy + Chloride Mineral Inclusions Discovered in the 5.9 Ma Mid–Ocean Ridge Taitao Ophiolite, Chile, and its Implications for the Mantle Heterogeneity
Wu W, Yang J, Dilek Y, Chen J, Wen Y, Lian D, Yang Y & Cai P
(2023) Global Distribution of Ophiolite-Type Diamond, and its Implications for Mantle Dynamics and Recycling Processes
Yang J, Lian D, Wu W, Liu F & Dilek Y
(2023) Chromium Mineralization during Deep Continental Subduction
Cai P, Yang J, Lian D, Das S, Wu W, Yang Y & Ma H
(2023) OCT Ophiolite Key to the Genesis of the Podiform Chromitites: Case Study of Tibetan Dingqing Ophiolites
Shi R, Yang J, Cui G, Huang Q, Gong X, Liu F, Li G & Lian D
(2023) Osmium-Zinc Isotope Constraints on the Formation of Chromitites in the Yarlung-Zangbo Ophiolitic Belt in Tibet, China
Lian D, Liu F, Cai P, Wu W & Yang J
(2023) Diffusion-Induced Li Isotopic Heterogeneity in the Oceanization SCLM Peridotites of Tibetan Yunzhug Ophiolite
Cui G, Shi R, Yang J, Huang Q & Gong X
(2023) Genesis of high-Al Chromitites in Wadi Rajmi, Northern Oman: Constraints from Mineralogy and Geochemistry
Bo R, Yang J, Nasir S, Lian D, Wu W-W, Cai P & Das S
(2023) Microstructural Evolution of Chromite from Luobusha: Implication for Plastic Deformation of Yarlung Zangbo Suture
Yang Y, Yang J, Wu W, Cai P, Lian D & Wang Y
(2023) Late Paleoproterozoic to Mesoproterozoic Tectonic Evolution of the Bainaimiao Micro-Block in the Southeastern Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB): Implications for Reconstruction of Columbia Supercontinent
Ma H, Chen J, Ma X, Meng Y, Yang J, Lian D & Cai P
(2023) Discovery of Chemosynthetic Micro-Fossils in the Indus Ophiolite-Hosted Hydrothermal Ophicarbonate Veins
Das S, Basu A, Mukherjee B, Yang J, Sen K, Marcantonio F & Bhattacharya S
(2020) Metamorphic Evolution and Exhumation Processes of the Newly Discovered Xilang Eclogite in Tibet—constraints from Phase Equilibrium Modeling and Raman Microspectroscopy
Zhang C, Bader T, van Roermund H & Yang J
(2019) Origin of Chromitites with UHP Minerals in the Aladag Ophiolite, Turkey: Two-Way Recycling in Oceanic Lithosphere Generation
Lian D, Yang J, Wiedenbeck M, Dilek Y, Rocholl A & Wu W
(2019) Recycling Oceanic Crust in Mantle Revealed by Diamond within Chromitite from the Mirdita Ophiolite (Albania)
Wu W, Yang J, Wirth R, Zheng J, Lian D & Qiu T
(2019) Early Devonian Ultrapotassic Magmatism in the North China Craton: Geochemical and Isotopic Evidence for Subcontinental Lithospheric Mantle Metasomatism by Subducted Sediment–Derived Fluid
Niu X, Dilek Y, Liu F, Feng G & Yang J
(2019) Carbon-Rich Fluids and Formation of Microdiamonds in Nature
Yang J, Lian D, Robinson PT & Wu W
(2019) Ophiolites and Ocean Plate Stratigraphy from the Northern and Southern Belts in Western Yarlung Zangbo Suture Zone, Tibet: Constraint on Tectonic Evolution of Neotethys Ocean
Liu F, Yang J, Lian D, Niu X, Feng G & Dilek Y
(2019) Geochemistry and Geochronology of OIB-Type Early Jurassic Magmatism in the Zhangguangcai Range, NE China, as a Result of Continental Back-Arc Extension
Feng G, Dilek Y, Niu X, Liu F & Yang J
(2019) Multi-Stage Process of the Purang Ophiolitic Chromitites (SW Tibet): Insights from Magnesiochromite-Hosted Silicate Mineral and Other Inclusions
Xiong F, Yang J, Dilek Y, Wirth R & Xu X
(2019) Mineral Inclusions in Ophiolite-Hosted Diamonds Provide Strong Evidence of a Deep Mantle Origin
Robinson PT, Yang J, Wirth R & Lian D
(2017) Ophiolites as Archieves of Recycled Crustal Material Residing in the Deep Mantle
Yang J, Robinson P, Dilek Y & Wirth R
(2017) Element Redistribution and Seawater Imprint in UHP Serpentinites from Tianshan, China
Shen T, Zhang L, Hermann J, Padrón-Navarta JA, Yang J & Zhang C
(2017) Kalaymyo Peridotite Massif in the Indo-Myanmar Ranges (Western Myanmar): Its Mineralogy, Petrology and Tectonic Implications
Niu X, Liu F, Yang J, Dilek Y, Xu Z & Sein K
(2017) The Origin and Tectonic Setting of the Cuobuzha Peridotite, Yarlung Zangbo Suture Zone, China: Constraint from Re-Os Isotopic
Feng G, Yang J, Dilek Y, Liu F & Xiong F
(2017) Trace Element Mobility in Shear Zones within the Sartohay Ophiolite, West Junggar, Xinjiang (NW China): Implications from CO2-metasomatism of Peridotite and its Shearing Deformation
Qiu T, Zhu Y & Yang J

Yang Jingwei (2017) Hydro-Geochemical Characterization of Eutrophication by Phosphorus in Lake Taihu, China
Holbach A, Wilhelms A, Qin Y, Zheng B, Yang J, Zou H, Qin B & Norra S

Yang Jinhui (2019) Lithospheric Mantle of North China Craton is Instinctly Rich in Gold?
Wang Z, Cheng H, Zong K, Liu Y, Yang J, Wu F & Foley S
(2017) Composition of the Lithospheric Mantle in the Northern Siberian Craton: Constraints from Peridotites in the Obnazhennaya Kimberlite
Sun J, Liu C, Kostrovisky SI, Wu F, Yang J, Chu Z & Yang Y

Yang Jiong (2017) Carbon Isotopes of Nephrite-Hosted Graphites: Implications for the Origin Discrimination of Nephrite Jade
Zhang Y, Qiu Z, Stern R, Lu T, Yang J & Li L

Yang John (2002) Dissolution of Iron-Rich Clay and Sulfur Sequestration by a Sulfate-Reducing Bacterium
Li Y-L, Yang J, Zhang C, Deng B & Phelps T

Yang Juan (2020) Application of Rapid Heat Separation and Injection in Detection of Biomarker Compounds
Wang Z, Zhang T, Yang J, Li X, Li Z & Zhang M

Yang Judy (2020) 4D Imaging of Clay Reveals Soil Carbon Dynamics
Yang J, Bourg I, Zhang X & Stone H

Yang Jun (2020) Climate and Ocean Circulations during the “Boring Billion”
Liu P, Liu Y, Hu Y, Yang J & Sergei P
(2016) The Petrology, Geochemistry and Geochronology of Upper Carboniferous Volcanic Rocks in the Eastern Junggar Basin, China
Zhao X, Yang J & Wei Y

Yang Jung-Seek (2009) Comparison of Heavy Metal Removal Using Adsorbing Agents for Acid Mine Drainage
Choi J, Yang J-S, Park Y-T & Lee J-Y

Yang Jung-Seok (2013) Geochemical Characteristics and Microbial Community Composition of Toxic Metal-Rich Sediments Contaminated from Mine Tailings
Kwon MJ, Ham B, Hwang Y, Choi J, Boyanov M, Kemner K, O'Loughlin E & Yang J-S

Yang Junjie (2010) Reduction-Oxidation Cyclings of Clay Mineral Nontronite (NAu-2) and Its Effect on Tc Immobilization
Yang J, Dong H & Bishop M

Yang Junsheng (2019) Geological Characteristics and Ore Genesis Research of Erdaohe Zn-Pb Polymetallic Deposit in Inner Mongolia
Chen C, Lv X, Gun M & Yang J

Yang Junxia (2018) Episodic Methane Events Inferred from the Authigenic Pyrites and Sulfur Isotopes in Sediments at Site U1447 of IODP 353 in the Andaman Sea
Wang J, Yang J & Wei Q

Yang Junxing (2016) Fractionation of Stable Cadmium Isotopes in the Cadmium Tolerant Ricinus communis and Hyperaccumulator Solanum Nigrum
Wei R, Guo Q, Liu C, Wen H, Yang J, Hu J, Tian L, Han X & Kong J
(2016) Distribution Characteristic and Sources Apportionment of Polycyclic Aromatic hydrocarbons(PAHs) in the Songhua River Drainage Basin, Northeast China
Hu J, Zhao Z, Lang Y, Guo Q, Yang J & Song G

Yang JuYeon (2023) Synchronous Evolution of Surface and Bottom Waters in the Conrad Rise of the Southern Ocean during the Last 43, 000 Years
Yang J, Ikehara M, Choi H & Khim BK

Yang Kai (2023) Multi-Stable Isotope Variations (Fe-Zn-Cu) along the Yarlung Zangbo Suture Zone (Southern Tibet, China)
Yang K, Debret B, Wang C, Shen J, Zhu X & Dai J
(2023) Origins of Deep Abiotic Hydrocarbons: Insights from Fundamental Redox Reactions within the Fe-C-H-O System
Wang C, Tao R, Zhang L, Debret B, Walters JB, Lan C, Zhu X, Yang K & Menez B

Yang Ke (2020) Urban Soil Environmental Quality in the Yangtze River Economic Zone, China
Tang S, Cheng H & Yang K

Yang Kiho (2016) Formation of Fe-Mn Crust in Western Pacific Magellan Seamount
Park H, Yang K, Kim J, Baik H, Yoon J, Park K & Kim J

Yang Kui-Feng (2016) The Giant Bayan Obo REE-Nb-Fe Depsoit, China: Ore-Forming Process and Controversial Debate
Fan H-R, Hu F-F & Yang K-F
(2014) Geochronology and REE-Rich CO2 Fluids in the Giant Bayan Obo Deposit, China: Implications for REE Mineralization
Fan H-R, Hu F-F & Yang K-F
(2011) Molybdenite Re-Os and Zircon U-Pb Dating of the Mesozoic Xingjiashan Mo-W Deposit in the Jiaodong Peninsular, Eastern China
Hu F-F, Fan H-R, Lan T-G & Yang K-F
(2011) Gold Ore-Forming Fluids and Metallogeny in the Zhaoyuan-Laizhou Concentration Region of Jiaodong Peninsula, Eastern China
Fan H-R, Hu F-F, Jiang X-H, Yang K-F & Lan T-G

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