A A.
Inter-Estuarine and Seasonal Cycling of Particulate REEs in the Gulf of Cambay
Qasim A, Singh SP, Sahu S & A A
A a K.
Mineral Dust Deposition to the Western Arabian Sea: Marine Sediment Records
A a K, Ak S, Krishna DKB, Gaddam M, Bhushan R & Suresh K
A. Marques A.F.
Variability of the Hydrothermal Fields within the Portuguese Seafloor (MAR)
Alveirinho Dias Á, Relvas JMRS, A. Marques AF, Qiu W, Barriga FJAS, Ribeiro L & Calado A
Aaberg I.
Carbonation of Olivine at CO2 Supercritical Conditions: Reactivity Differences between Synthetic and Natural Olivines
Aaberg I, Dideriksen K, Rodriguez-Blanco JD, Regnarsson E, Olsson J, Jespersen HT, Schaumburg K & Stipp SLS
Aacharya S.
Removal Mechanism of Al-Bearing Polysilicic Acid from Geothermal Water by CTAB for the Prevention of Silica Scaling
Yonezu K, Ohashi R, Watanabe K, Aacharya S & Yokoyama T
Aackerman K.
Influence of Landscape Processes on the Preservation of Soil Organic Matter in Hydric Soils
Sundquist E & Aackerman K
Aadhiseshan K.R.
Detrital Zircon Evidence for Mesoarchean Continental Collision in the Western Dharwar Craton (India)
Mallens J, Guitreau M, Jayananda M, Gannoun A, Fonquernie C, Voyer E & Aadhiseshan KR
Aagaard P.
CO2 Capture Processes Monitored with Noble Gas Measurements
Weber UW, Sundal A, Brennwald M, Ringrose P, Aagaard P & Kipfer R
Flow Dynamics and 3H/3He Ages of Deep Groundwater at Gardermoen (Oslo Airport, Norway)
Sundal A, Aagaard P, Wejden B & Brennwald MS
Potential for Mineral Trapping during CO2 Storage in Sedimentary Basins
Aagaard P, Hellevang H, Alemu BL, Pham VTH & Sundal A
Effect of Temperature and Mineralogical Composition on the Reactivity of Shale: A Comparison Study of Potential Caprock from Two Potential CO2 Storage Sites
Alemu B, Aagaard P & Hellevang H
On the Potential for CO2 Mineral Storage in Continental Flood Basalts
Pham V, Hellevang H & Aagaard P
Can Ti Phases Appearance on Foresudetic Monocline be Affected by CO2
Sokalska E & Aagaard P
Environmental Isotopes Investigation on Groundwater Residence Time and Recharge Processes in a Coastal Aquifer, South-East, Tanzania
Bakari SS, Aagaard P, Vogt RD, Ruden F, Johansen I & Gulliksen S
Can Carbonate Precipitation Rates be Derived from Dissolution Rate Data?
Hellevang H & Aagaard P
Burial Diagenesis of Siliciclastic Reservoirs and Control on Formation Water Chemistry
Aagaard P, Hellevang H & Jahren J
Hydration of Forsterite at 1 Atm PCO2 and 80 to 120℃ – Comparisons of Numerical Simulations and Laboratory Experiments to Understand the Factors that Govern the Overall Mineral Transformation Rate
Hellevang H, Sokalska E & Aagaard P
Glauconite Dissolution Kinetics and Application to CO2 Storage in the Subsurface
Aagaard P, Oelkers E & Schott J
Geochemistry of Devolatilization (and Exhumation) in W. Alps HP and UHP Metasedimentary Suites
Bebout G, Agard P, King R & Nakamura E
Modeling Natural Attenuation of Petroleum Contaminants in Aquifers: Conceptional Model and Simulations
Aagaard P, Zheng Z & Breedveld G
Aalseth Craig
Multi-Tracer Approach to Constraining Groundwater Age Structure
Kulongoski J, Jurgens B, Zappala J, Mueller P, Mace E, White S, Aalseth C & Belitz K
Development of Non-Traditional Radioisotopes to Fill Key Age-Dating Gaps for Interpreting Geologic and Biogeochemical Cycles
Moran J, Aalseth C, Brandenberger J, Gill G, Mace E, Seifert A & White S
Aalseth Craig E
Creating High-Precision, Low-Uncertainty Reference Gas Standards for the Groundwater Community
Mace EK, Aalseth CE, Alexander TR, Bunker RA, Hackett BR & Thommasson KS
Aalto P.
Springtime Boreal VOCs: The Role of Monoterpenes in Selected Intense Nucleation Events (Source Inventory)
Eerdekens G, Sinha V, Yassaa N, Aalto P, Aufmhoff H, Arnold F, Kulmala M & Williams J
Aalto R.E.
Organic Matter Compositions and Loadings in Soils and Sediments along the Fly River, Papua New Guinea
Goni M, Kurtz A, Aalto R, Lauer W & Aufdenkampe A
Holocene Carbon Sequestration Budgets for the Fly River, PNG
Aalto R, Goni M, Lauer W, Aufdenkampe A & Dietrich W
Radionuclides (10Be, 210Pb, 137Cs and 7Be) to Determine Anthropogenic Impact on Erosion Rates
Marquard J, Barrows TT & Aalto RE
Aaltonen M.
Crustal Contamination Recorded by Zoned Plagioclase in Primitive Karoo Flood Basalts, Mozambique
Aaltonen M, Luttinen A & Turunen S
Aamand J.
Emerging Organic Contaminants (EOCs) and Inorganic Nutrients Modelling in MAR Wastewater Column Experiments
Canelles A, Rodríguez-Escales P, Modrzyński J, Albers Nyrop C, Aamand J & Sanchez-Vila X
Aamano Y.
Biogeochemical Modelling of Water-Rock-Microbe System in Horonobe Area, Japan
Iwatsuki T, Sasaki Y, Ito T, Asano T, Aamano Y, Yoshikawa H, Aoki K, Nakamura T & Nagaoka T
Aanderud Z.
87Sr/86Sr as a Tracer of Aeolian Dust from Snowpack to Snowmelt Runoff
Carling G, Dastrup D, Tingey D, Fernandez D, Nelson S & Aanderud Z
Aaouine K.
The Effect of Temperature on the Structural and Optical Properties of ZnO Nanoparticles Synthesized Through a Precipitation Method
Lhimr S, Bouhlassa S, Elyahyaoui EIA, Bouhssane N, Aaouine K & Maarouf F
Aare M.Y.
A Review of the Genesis and Timing of Enrichment of Critical Metals in A-Type Granites, North-Central Nigeria: Insights from Zircon U-Pb-Hf Isotopes, Whole-Rock and Zircon Geochemistry
Amuda AK, Girei MB & Aare MY
Aaring A.
The Selective Pressures on the Microbial Community in a Metal-Contaminated Aquifer
Carlson H, Price M, Callaghan M, Liu H, Aaring A, Chakraborty R, Kuehl J, Arkin A & Deutschbauer A
Aarnes I.
The Impact of Large Scale Contact Metamorphism on Global Climate
Aarnes I, Svensen H, Polteau S, Connolly JAD & Podladchikov Y
Aarnos H.
Photochemical Mineralization of Biologically Non-Labile Terrigenous DOC to Dissolved Inorganic Carbon in Coastal Waters
Aarnos H, Gélinas Y, Kasurinen V, Gu Y, Puupponen V-M & Vähätalo A
Microbial and Photochemical Mineralization of Dissolved Organic Carbon from Big Rivers
Vähätalo A & Aarnos H
Aarons Sarah
A Non-Traditional Stable Isotope Perspective on Early Earth Continental Magmatism
Greber ND, Aarons S, Dauphas N, Savage PS, Reimink JR & Storck J-C
Titanium Transport and Isotopic Fractionation in the Critical Zone
Aarons S, Dauphas N, Greber ND, Roskosz M, Bouchez J, Liu X-M, Rudnick R & Gaillardet J
Insights into Fe Sources and Cycling in Southcentral Alaska from Fe Isotopes
Huang L, Aarons S & Koffman B
Influence of Dust on Biogeochemical Cycling in Mountain Ecosystems
Aarons S
Titanium Isotope Fractionation in Kilauea Iki Lava Lake is Driven by the Crystallization of Oxides
Johnson A, Aarons S, Dauphas N, Nie N, Zeng H, Teng F, Helz R, Galli G, Romaniello S & Anbar A
Competing Droughts Affect Dust Delivery to the Sierra Nevada
Aarons S, Arvin L, Aronson E, Aciego S, Riebe C, Hart S & Carey C
Reevaluating the Role of Dust in Mountain Ecosystems: Insights from Tracer Isotopes, Microbial Genomics, and Global Databases
Riebe C, Arvin L, Carey C, Aciego S, Aarons S, Blakowski M, Hart S & Aronson E
Variable Radiogenic Isotopic Compositions in Saharan Dust Across the Atlantic
Aarons S, Aciego S & Gleason J
Aarons Sarah M.
Titanium Isotopic Insights into Partial Melting Versus Magma Mixing in the Aleutian Arc
Ling EG, Aarons SM, Zhang ZJ, Huang L, Johnson A, Dauphas N, Yogodzinski G & Kelemen P
Evidence for Diminished Ross Ice Shelf and West Antarctic Ice Sheet during the Last Interglacial at the Allan Hills, Antarctica
Carter AJ, Schnaubelt J, Tabor C, Higgins JA, Shackleton SA, Epifanio J, Morgan J, Koornneef JM, Davies GR, Gabrielli P, Choi A, Severinghaus JP, Brook E, Introne D, Davidge L, Marks Peterson J, Sutter J & Aarons SM
Unraveling Antarctic Dust Sources: Geochemical Insights from Allan Hills Sediment Samples
Goswami A, Carter AJ & Aarons SM
A Tale of Two Ice Core Dust Records from the Allan Hills, Antarctica
Aarons SM, Carter AJ & Choi A
Titanium Isotopic Fractionation during Tholeiitic Magmatic Differentiation from the Bushveld Complex
Zhang ZJ, VanTongeren JA, Aarons SM & Dauphas N
Zirconium Isotopic Fractionation in the Ocean and its Application as Tracer of Seawater Composition
Huang L, Tissot FLH, Ibanez-Mejia M, MacLennan S & Aarons SM
Elemental and Li Isotopic Investigation of a Proglacial River System Provides Insights to Modern Chemical Weathering Processes
Pappala VS, Liu X-M, Aarons SM & Arendt CA
Ti and Fe Isotopic Signatures of Basalt Melting and Crustal Reworking in Archean Granitoids
Zhang ZJ, Dauphas N, Johnson A, Aarons SM, Bennett VC, Nutman A, MacLennan S & Schoene B
High-Precision Zirconium Isotope Analysis of Pacific Seawater Reveals Large Mass-Dependent Fractionations in the Ocean
Huang L, Tissot FLH, Ibanez-Mejia M, Forsch KO, Arendt CA, Choy CA & Aarons SM
Unraveling Processes Responsible for Early Earth Crustal Generation Using Stable Titanium Isotopes – F.W. Clarke Medal Lecture
Aarons SM
Aartsen J.M.
The Mantle Source of Lamproites from Torre Alfina, Italy: Evidence from Melt Inclusions in Olivine
Bracco Gartner AJJ, Nikogosian IK, Aartsen JM, Gonggrijp C, Luciani N, Davies GR & Koornneef JM
Aasano R.
Investigation of Analysis Methods for Sulfur Compounds and their Isotopic Compostions in Soils and Sediments
Murano H, Yamano Y, Suzuki N, Yasuda M, Aasano R, Hayakawa A & Isoi T