Qilin Y.
Formation Environment and Organic Enrichment Mechanism of Organic-Rich Mixed Sedimentary Source Rocks in Member 2 of Paleogene Funing Formation in Qintong Sag, Subei Basin
Qilin Y, Zhang Z & Li Z
Qin Ben
Interpretable Machine Learning to Predict Mantle Metasomatism Worldwide
Qin B, Huang F, Huang S, Python A, Chen Y & Zhang Z
Qin Boqiang
Hydro-Geochemical Characterization of Eutrophication by Phosphorus in Lake Taihu, China
Holbach A, Wilhelms A, Qin Y, Zheng B, Yang J, Zou H, Qin B & Norra S
Qin C.
Fate of Energetic Compounds as Influenced by Environmental Conditions
Dontsova K, Taylor S, Hunt E, Qin C, Brusseau M, SImunek J, Troya D & Wang Y
Qin Dahe
Spatial Deuterium Excess Patterns in High-Elevation Asian Precipitation
Kreutz K, Kang S, Mayewski P, Introne D, Qin D & Wake C
Qin Dan
Genetic and Functional Properties of Uncultivated Miscellaneous Crenarchaeota Group (MCG): Implication from the Metagenome Analysis
Wang F-P, Meng J, Zheng Y-P, Qin D, Xu J & Xiao X
Qin Fanqi
Impact of Pore Connectivity Classification on Mineral Accessibility in Sandstone Samples
Salek MF, Qin F, Asadi P, Iloejesi C, Brunhoeber O, Mahmood M, Kiernan M & Beckingham LE
Impact of Image Resolution on Quantification of Mineral Properties and Simulated Mineral Reactions and Reaction Rates
Qin F & Beckingham L
Qin Fei
Crystal Chemistry of Calcium-Ferrite Type Aluminous Phase
Qin F, Wu Y, Wu X, Zhang D, Lord O, Qin S & Jacobsen S
Pressure-Induced Phase Transition of Dioptase: X-Ray Diffraction and Raman Spectroscopy
Qin F, Wu X & Jacobsen S
Qin Fuyu
Qin G.
Numerical Modeling and Simulation of Geochemical Reactions in Fractured Carbonate Formations Induced by Seawater Injection
Deng B & Qin G
Qin H
Experimental study of non-Fickian transport in a sand-filled fracture
Qian J, Luo S, Wu J, Zhou N, Chen Z & Qin H
Qin Hai-Bo
Antimony Isotope Fractionation during iron(II)-mediated Oxidation of antimony(III) by Dissolved Oxygen
Zhu J, Tan D, Qin H-B & Liao H
The Mechanism of Isotopic Fractionation during Selenium Adsorption on Iron Oxides: An EXAFS Study
Qin H-B, Zhu J-M, Xu W-P & Takahashi Y
Employment of the Generalized Adsorption Model for the Prediction of Solid-Water Distribution of Cesium in the River-Estaury-Ocean System
Fan Q, Nie L, Qin H, Guo L, Takahashi Y, Wu H & Wu W
Selenium Speciation and Translocation in a Se Hyperaccumulator from High-Se Area, Enshi, China
Qin H-B, Zhu J-M, Liang L & Zheng L-R
Isotopic Fractionation of Selenium in Higher Plants
Zhu J, Johnson TM, Qin H, Wang X & Yuan Y
Selenite Reduction by Bacillus L
Yuan Y, Zhu J, Lei L, Liu C-Q & Qin H
The Bioavailability of Selenium and Risk Assessment for Human Selenium Poisoning in Se-High Areas, China
Qin H, Zhu J & Su H
The Pathways of Selenium Poisoning in Enshi, China
Zhu J-M, Johnson TM, Qin H-B & Su H-C
Selenium Fractionation in Se-Rich Soils and Rock Spoils in Enshi by Alkaline Extraction
Qin H-B, Zhu J-M, Lei L & Su H
Investigation on the Origin of Se-Rich Soils and Selenosis in Yutangba, China
Zhu J-M, Qin H-B, Lei L & Li L
Qin Haibo
The Isotopic Composition of Selenium in Chinese Coals
Zhu J-M, Johnson TM, Liang L, Wang X-L, Qin H-B & Yin Z-Y
Chemical Speciation of Heavy Metal Elements in Indoor Dust by XAFS Spectroscopy
Yamada H, Qin H & Takahashi Y
Qin J
Organic geochemistry of a potential precursor for petroleum generation: Devonian Liptobiolith in Luquan, southwestern China
Liu W, Lu X, Qin J, Zhiming L & Kai H
Qin Jiangfeng
High-Temperature Melting of Refractory Lower Crust in the Inner Zone of the Emeishan Large Igneous Province: Constraints from the Permian A-Type Granites from the Panxi Region
Zhang Z, Qin J, Lai S, Long X, Ju Y, Wang X, Zhu Y & Zhang F
Petrogenesis and Geochemical Diversity of Late Mesoproterozoic S-Type Granites in the Western Yangtze Block, South China: Co-entrainment of Peritectic Selective Phases and Accessory Minerals
Zhu Y, Lai S, Qin J, Zhu R, Zhang F & Zhang Z
High-K and Shoshonitic Intrusions in Southeastern Tibet: Implications for the Metasomatized Lithospheric Mantle and Enriched Continental Crust
Zhu R-Z, Lai S-C, Slaby E, Fowler M, Zhao S, Qin J & Liu W
A Change of Arc Magma Composition at ca. 450 Ma in the Bainaimiao Arc, Southern Central Asian Orogenic Belt
Liu M, Lai S, Zhang D, Zhu R, Qin J, Xiong G & Wang H
Qin Jianzhong
Biogenic Silica in the Wufeng-Longmachi Shale and Relationship with Shale Gas Accumulation in Sichuan Basin, China
Lu L, Qin J, Borjin T, Liu W & Shen B
Evaluation of Organic Matter Sources and Hydrocarbon-Generation Contribution of Coal Macerals by Laser Micropyrolysis GC-MS Analysis
Pan A, Zhang Z, Xie X, Shen B, Borjin T & Qin J
Reconstruction of Oil-Filling History by Fluid Inclusion Analysis: A Case Study of Tahe Oil Field, Tarim Basin, NW China
Shi W, Zhang Z, Volkman J, Qin J, Ten G & Xi B
Qin Junying
Hydrogen Diffusion in Orthopyroxene within Peridotite Xenoliths from Nanjing, Eastern China
Wang Y, Qin J, Vincent S, Zhang J & Xu H
Qin Ke-Zhang
In situ Measurements of Li Isotopes in Quartz: Implications for Magmatic-Hydrothermal Evolution of Koktokay No.3 Rare Metal Pegmatite
Gao Y-Y, Zhou Q-F & Qin K-Z
Qin Kezhang
Highly Oxidized Fluid Exsolution and Ore-Forming Process of Chalukou (NE China) Giant Porphyry Mo Deposit and its Transition to Vein-Style Zn-Pb Mineralization
Qin K, Li Z, Jin L, Li G, Song G & Rusk B
Abiogenic Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis of Methane at the Baogutu Reduced Porphyry Cu Deposit, Western Junggar, NW-China
Cao M, Qin K, Li G, Evans NJ & Jin L
Qin L
Implications of Mantle Fe/Mn for Mantle Plumes
Humayun M, Qin L & Brandon A
Qin Lanzhi
Petroleum Generation Potential of the Eocene Liptinite-Rich Coals in the Xihu Sag, East China Sea Shelf Basin
Shao L, Li S, Liu J, Qin L, Kang S, Eriksson K, Chen X, Yu Z & Liu J
Qin Liping
Micro-Gravity Experiments on the China Space Station Reveal the Mechanisms of Formation and Crystallization of Chondrule and CAI in the Early Solar System
Tang H, Han Z, He H, Zhang A, Yang B, Yono K, Hui H & Qin L
Potassium Isotopic Anomalies Constrain the Source of Moderately Volatile Elements of Ryugu
Zhang Y, Tang H, Wang D, Zhou M & Qin L
Nickel and Samarium Isotopic Evidence for the Impact and Genesis of Regolith at the Chang’e 5 Landing Site
Qin L, Li S, Zhang Y & Wang Z
Chromium and Strontium Isotopic Evidence for the Fractional Crystallization of Parent Magma of Chang’e 5 Mare Basalts
Zhang Y, Shen J, Wang Z, Hu Y, He X, Yu X, Fang Z & Qin L
Isotopic Evolution and Distribution of the Neutron-Rich Nuclides in the Solar Nebula Inferred from Chromium Isotopes in Iron Meteorites
Yang B & Qin L
The Absence of Pyruvate Kinase is Essential in Genome Streamlining of Marine Group IIb Archaea
Liu H, Xu B, Qin L & Zhang C
Petrographic and Isotopic Features of the Ni- and Mo-Sulfides Extremely Enriched Black Shales in the Lower Cambrian Niutitang Formation, Southwest China
Zhang Y, Li Y & Qin L
Minimal Ni Isotope Fractionation during Core Formation as Revealed by Super-Liquidus Experiments
Yang B, Zhang Y, Ni H & Qin L
Redox Controlled Stable Chromium Isotope Fractionation during Planetary Differentiation
Shen J, Qin L, Xia J, Carlson RW, Huang S, Helz RT & Mock TD
Cr Isotopic Compositions of Chondrules from Murchison (CM2) and EET 92042 (CR2) Chondrites
Liu J, Qin L, Alexander C & He Y
Hf-W Isotopic Systematics of Iron Meteorites Revisited
Qin L, Zhang Q, Dauphas N, Wang G & Li J
High-Precision Stable Cr Isotope Analysis of Geological Materials by Double Spike TIMS Method
Liu C, Liu J, Xu L, Liu S-A & Qin L
The Origin of Chromium Isotopic Anomalies in Lunar Rocks
Qin L, Liu J, Dauphas N, Carlson RW, Xu W & Hui H
Redox Evolution of the Ediacaran Ocean and Atmosphere Constrained by Chromium Isotopes
He X, Fang Z, Gao Y, Shen Y & Qin L
Effect of Bioavailability Restrictions on Chromium Isotope Fractionation during Microbial Cr(VI) Reduction
Chen G & Qin L
XANES Evidence of Cr Species in Carbonates: Implication for the Use of Cr Isotope as a Proxy for Atmospheric Oxygenation
Fang Z, Qin L, Wei S, Yao T, Liu W, Shen Y & Zhou G
53Mn−53Cr Systematics of Chondrules in CO Carbonaceous Chondrites
Zhu K, Liu J & Qin L
Precise Determination of Cr Stable Isotopic Composition Using a Double Spike Method
Zhang Q, Liu J, Zhang Y, Chen G, Yu H & Qin* L
High Temperature Inter-Mineral Cr Isotope Fractionation: Ionic Model Constraint and Implication for Mantle Xenoliths from North China Craton
Shen J, Fang Z, Qin L, Zhang Q, Xiao Y & Yu H
Cosmogenic Effects on Chromium Isotopes in the Iron Meteorites
Liu J, Qin L, Xia J, Leya I & Carlson R
Solar System and Planet Formation, Insights from Nucleosynthetic Anomalies
Qin L & Carlson RW
Pre-, Syn-, and Post Formation Controls on Earth Composition
Carlson R, Boyet M, Qin L, O'Neil J & Rizo H
Chromium Stable Isotope Composition of Meteorites and its Cosmochemical and Geochemical Significance
Qin L, Xia J, Carlson RW & Zhang Q
Cr Isotope Anomalies, their Origins and Implications
Qin L, Xia J, Alexander C, Nittler L, Carlson R & Wang J
K and Ca Isotopic Fractionation by Plants
Qin L, Christensen J, Brown S & DePaolo D
Cr Isotopic Evidence of Enzymatic Reduction of Cr(VI) Catalyzed by a Sulfate-Reducing Bacterium
Qin L, Han R, Chakraborty R, Christensen J & Beller H
Early Earth Differentiation: Before and after Earth Formation
Carlson R, Boyet M, Jackson M, O'Neil J & Qin L
Cr Isotope Fractionation during Biogeochemical Reduction of Cr(VI) by Hanford Native Aquifer Microbial Communities
Qin L, Christensen J, Brown S, Yang L, Conrad M, Sonnenthal E & Beller H
The Consequences of Isotopic Variability in the Early Solar Nebula
Carlson R, Qin L & Alexander C
Chromium Nucleosynthetic Anomalies in Bulk and Components of Chondrites
Qin L, Alexander C, Carlson R & Horan M
Qin M.
Experimental and Modelling Studies of Nuclear Materials
Lumpkin G, Aughterson R, Gregg D, Kuo E, Middleburgh S, Qin M, de los Reyes M, Thorogood G, Zhang Y, Zhang Z, Robinson M & Marks N
Structure and Radiation Damage in Y<sub>2</sub>Ti<sub>2</sub>O<sub>7</sub> And Y<sub>2</sub>TiO5
Robinson M, Marks N, Carter D, Qin M, Middleburgh S, Thorogood G, Kuo E, Aughterson R & Lumpkin G
Qin Qianhui
Methane Clumped Isotopes Reveal the Formation of Microbial Methane
Liu J, Young ED, Pellerin A, Ash JL, Barrett GT, Girguis PR, Harris CM, Krause SJE, Leavitt WD, Murphy K, Qin Q, Sivan O, Teske A, Valentine DL, Walter-Anthony K & Treude T
Qin Qie
Rejuvenation and Growth of Micro-Continents of the CAOB: Insights from Zircon Isotopic Mapping in the Yili Block and Adjacent Regions
Huang H, Wang T & Qin Q
Hf Isotopic Mapping of Paleozoic Granitoids in the Yili Block, NW China: Implications for Continental Growth in the Central Asian Orogenic Belt
Huang H, Wang T & Qin Q
Late Carboniferous to Early Permian Crustal Anatexis in the Central Asian Orogenic Belt: Evidence from Garnet-Bearing Granites in the Chinese South Tianshan
Qin Q, Huang H & Wang T