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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Ohsawa S. (2013) Relationship between Modern Speleothem Formation and Surface Weather in an Asian Tropical Cave
Hasegawa W, Watanabe Y, Matsuoka H, Ohsawa S, Brahmantyo B, Maryunani KA & Tagami T
(2011) Relative B-Li-Cl Compositions: Capability and Limitation to Direct Observation of Deep Geofluid
Yoshida K, Sengen Y, Tsuchiya S, Minagawa K, Kobayashi T, Mishima T, Ohsawa S & Hirajima T
(2009) Precipitation Variation for the Last 140 Years Recorded in Stable Isotope Ratios from Indonesian Stalagmite
Watanabe Y, Matsuoka H, Sakai S, Yamada M, Ohsawa S, Kiguchi M, Satomura T, Nakai S, Brahamantyo B, Maryunani K, Tagami T, Takemura K & Yoden S
(2008) Stable Isotopic Variations of a Stalagmite from Indonesia and their Comparison of Meteorological Data
Watanabe Y, Matsuoka H, Sakai S, Yamada M, Ohsawa S, Kiguchi M, Satomura T, Nakai S, Brahmantyo B & Maryunani KA

Ohshima K.I. (2015) Mid-Winter Surveys of Sea Ice Biogeochemistry in Polar Oceans
Nomura D, Delille B, Dieckmann GS, Granskog MA, Tison J-L, Meiners KM, Fransson A, Ohshima KI & Tamura T

Ohshima T. (2010) Transcriptional Analysis of the Response to Supersaturated Silicic Acid in Thermus Thermophilus
Fujino Y, Ohshima T, Yokoyma T & Doi K
(2010) Characterization of a Silica-Induced Protein in Thermus Thermophilus Related to Biosilicification
Doi K, Fujino Y, Ohshima T & Yokoyama T

Ohsumi K. (2003) Multiple Micro-Area Analyses of Rhönite in the Opacitized Kaersutites
Monkawa A, Mikouchi T, Matsuyama F, Koizumi E, Miyamoto M & Ohsumi K
(2001) Instrumentation for Obtaining Diffraction Data from Extraterrestrial Materials Using Synchrotron Radiation
Ohsumi K
(2001) Micro Raman Spectroscopy of Unknown Calcium Silico-Phosphates in Angrite Meteorites
Mikouchi T, Kaneda K, Miyamoto M, Sugiyama K & Ohsumi K

Ohsumi Kazumasa (2016) Ceres Revealed in a Grain of Salt
Zolensky M, Bodnar R, Fries M, Chan Q, Kebukawa Y, Mikouchi T, Hagiya K, Komatsu M, Ohsumi K & Steele A

Ohsumi M. (2016) The Equation of State of Liquid Pure Fe and Fe-Light Elements Alloys by ab Initio Molecular Dynamics Simulations to Confine the Outer Core Composition
Ichikawa H, Tsuchiya T & Ohsumi M

Ohsumi T. (2016) Is Ocean Disposal Unnecessary Option in CCS?
Ohsumi T
(2015) Leakage Monitoring of Onshore CCS Using Existing Wells
Ohsumi T
(2013) Leakage Behavior of Gases to Bottom Water Through Sediment Layers with Gas-Hydrate Stable Conditions
Ohsumi T
(2011) Carbonate Dissolution at Oceanic Atolls: A CO2 Sequestration Option
Ohsumi T
(2010) Self-Sealing Effect of CO2-hydrate in the Sediment Storage Concept of CO2
Li X & Ohsumi T
(2008) Geochemical Results on the CO2 Georeactor Sequestration Tests at the Ogachi Hot Dry Rock Site, NE Japan
Ueda A, Nakatsuka Y, Kunieda M, Kuroda Y, Kato K, Yajima T, Sugiyama K, Odashima Y, Ozawa A & Ohsumi T
(2007) Preliminary Geochemical Results on the CO2 Georeactor Sequestration Test at the Ogachi HDR Site
Ueda A, Yajima T, Satoh H, Ozawa A, Kaieda H, Ito H, Ohsumi T & Kato K
(2003) CO2 Sequestration into Geothermal Fields: (2) Experimental Study of CO2/water/rock Interaction at Hydrothermal Temperatures
Kato K, Ueda A, Goto A, Odashima Y, Ohsumi T & Yajima T
(2003) CO2 Sequestration into Geothermal Fields: (1) The Capacity and Possibility
Ohsumi T, Yajima T, Kaieda H, Ito H, Ito Y & Kato K
(2003) CO2 Sequestration into Geothermal Fields: (3) Theoretical Evaluation of CO2/Water/Rock Interaction
Savage D, Metcalfe R, Takase H, Ohsumi T, Ueda A & Haga D
(2003) Phase-Shift Interferometric Study on Feldspar Dissolution Rates Under Supercritical CO2-Water System
Sorai M, Ohsumi T & Ishikawa M

Ohta A. (2022) New Geochemical Data Set of 53 Elements in Stream Sediments Classified by the Dominant Lithology in a Drainage Basin –GSJ Medal Lecture–
Ohta A, Imai N, Okai T, Manaka M, Kubota R, Nakamura A & Tachibana Y
(2019) Lanthanoid Coordination and Speciation in Rare Earth Minerals Using the L3-edge XANES
Ohta A & Tanaka K
(2019) 10Be/9Be Ratios of Be-Bearing Minerals and Suitability for Use as Be Carrier
Nakamura A, Okai T, Matsuzaki H & Ohta A
(2016) Influence of Different Drying Conditions on Cu and Zn Speciation in Sediment and Soil Substances
Ohta A & Kubota R
(2016) Speciation Study in Sediments Using BCR Sequential Extraction Method: A Long-Term Stability of Chemical Forms
Kubota R & Ohta A
(2013) The Spatial Distribution of Chalcophile Elements in Terrestrial and Marine Areas of Japan
Ohta A & Imai N
(2013) Geochemical Map of 87Sr/86Sr Ratios Using Stream Sediments is Useful for Detection of Food-Producing Areas and Human Migration?
Minami M, Jomori Y & Ohta A
(2013) Geochemical Mapping of 87Sr/86Sr Ratios Using Stream Sediments in Japan
Jomori Y, Minami M & Ohta A
(2012) Speciation Study of Copper in Stream Sediments and Soils
Ohta A & Kagi H
(2009) Oxidation State of Chromium in Ferropericlase Inclusions in Lower Mantle Diamonds Determined with micro-XANES Measurements
Odake S, Kagi H, Arakawa M, Ohta A & Harte B
(2007) A Combined Terrestrial and Marine Geochemical Mapping Project in Japan
Ohta A, Imai N, Terashima S, Tachibana Y, Okai T, UJiie-Mikoshiba M & Kubota R
(2006) Coordination study of lanthanide and yttrium in aqueous nitrate solutions
Ohta A, Kagi H, Tsuno H & Nomura M
(2003) XAFS Study on Trace Amount of Ytterbium Ions Incorporated in Calcite and Aragonite
Tsuno H, Kagi H, Yoshida T, Takahashi Y, Ohta A & Akagi T
(2003) Structural Change of REE Coprecipitated with Fe-Mn Oxyhydroxides
Ohta A, Tsuno H, Kagi H & Nomura M
(2003) Geochemical Map of Japan
Imai N, Terashima S, Okai T, Kanai Y, Mikoshiba M & Ohta A
(2002) XAFS Characterization of La and Nd Coprecipitated with Mn Dioxide and Fe Oxyhydroxide
Ohta A, Tsuno H, Kagi H & Nomura M

Ohta C. (2003) Cathodoluminescence Study of a Shocked Ordinary Chondrite
Ninagawa K, Fujimoto H, Ohta C, Gucsik A, Hyodo H & Nishido H

Ohta Junichiro (2013) Modeling Fluid Migration in Deep Crust with Modeled Permeability Based on Wettability and Energy Consideration
Ohta J & Tokunaga T

Ohta Junichiro (2015) Grain Size Distributions of Extremely REY-Enriched Pelagic Sediments in the Western North Pacific Ocean
Ohta J, Yasukawa K, Machida S, Fujinaga K, Nakamura K, Takaya Y, Iijima K & Kato Y

Ohta Junichiro (2016) A Distribution of Cretaceous to Paleogene Deep-Water Agglutinated Foraminifers in the Western North Pacific Ocean
Ohta J, Nakamura K, Yasukawa K, Fujinaga K, Iijima K, Iwamori H & Kato Y
(2016) Pb Isotope Ratios of the Akeshi Au Deposit, Kagoshima, Japan: Implication for Gold Mineralization
Murakami S, Fujinaga K, Araki S, Ohta J, Yasukawa K, Nakamura K, Kato Y, Kurokawa K, Iwamori H, Nagaishi K & Ishikawa T
(2016) REY-Rich Mud: A Perspective on Science and Engineering of the New REY Resource
Kato Y, Fujinaga K, Yasukawa K, Ohta J, Takaya Y, Nozaki T, Machida S, Nakamura K & Iwamori H
(2016) Geochemical Features and Distribution of the Extremely REY-Rich Mud in the Minamitorishima EEZ
Fujinaga K, Yasukawa K, Ohta J, Nakamura K, Takaya Y, Nozaki T, Machida S, Iijima K & Kato Y
(2016) The Origin of Seafloor Surface Sediment in the Western North Pacific Ocean
Tanaka E, Yasukawa K, Nakamura K, Miyazaki T, Ohta J, Fujinaga K, Iwamori H & Kato Y
(2016) Chemostratigraphic Correlation of Deep-Sea Sediments in the Western North Pacific Ocean and its Implication for the Origin of the Extremely REY-Rich Mud
Mimura K, Nakamura K, Yasukawa K, Ohta J, Fujinaga K, Machida S & Kato Y

Ohta Junichiro (2017) The Origin of Deep-Sea Sediments in the Western North Pacific Ocean Based on Neodymium and Strontium Isotopic Ratios
Tanaka E, Yasukawa K, Nakamura K, Miyazaki T, Vaglarov B, Ohta J, Fujinaga K, Iwamori H & Kato Y
(2017) A Chemostratigraphic Correlation of Pelagic Clay in the North Pacific Ocean
Mimura K, Yamamoto K, Nakamura K, Yasukawa K, Ohta J, Fujinaga K, Machida S & Kato Y

Ohta Junichiro (2018) Chemostratigraphy and Depositional Ages of Pelagic Clay in the North Pacific Ocean: Implications for the Origin of REY-Rich Mud
Mimura K, Yamamoto K, Nakamura K, Yasukawa K, Ohta J, Fujinaga K, Machida S & Kato Y
(2018) Downhole Variation of REY-Rich Mud in the Western North Pacific Ocean Based on Bulk Chemical Composition and Nd-Sr Isotopic Ratios
Tanaka E, Yasukawa K, Nakamura K, Miyazaki T, Vaglarov B, Ohta J, Fujinaga K, Iwamori H & Kato Y

Ohta Junichiro (2019) Fluctuation of Osmium Isotope Composition Recorded in Cenozoic Pelagic Brown Clay from the Western North Pacific Ocean
Ohta J, Nozaki T, Takaya Y, Yasukawa K, Fujinaga K, Nakamura K, Kimura J-I, Chang Q & Kato Y
(2019) Origin of REY-Rich Mud in the North Pacific Ocean Constrained from Bulk Geochemistry and Depositional Age
Mimura K, Yamamoto K, Nakamura K, Yasukawa K, Ohta J, Fujinaga K, Machida S, Usui Y & Kato Y
(2019) REY-Rich Mud: An Overview from Scientific and Engineering Perspectives
Kato Y, Yasukawa K, Nakamura K, Fujinaga K, Takaya Y, Ohta J, Tanaka E, Mimura K, Iijima K, Machida S & Nozaki T

Ohta Junichiro (2020) Fish Debris and Rare-Earth Deposition Event in the Latest Eocene Revealed by Osmium Isotope Stratigraphy
Ohta J, Yasukawa K, Nozaki T, Takaya Y, Mimura K, Fujinaga K, Nakamura K, Usui Y, Kimura J-I, Chang Q & Kato Y
(2020) Marine Os Isotope Record during the Eocene Hyperthermals in the Indian Ocean: Implication for Continental Silicate Weathering Feedback
Tanaka E, Yasukawa K, Ohta J, Nakamura K, Ravizza G & Kato Y

Ohta Junichiro (2021) Fluctuation of Marine Osmium Isotope Ratio during the Quaternary Climate Cycles
Kuwahara Y, Yasukawa K, Fujinaga K, Nozaki T, Ohta J, Sato H, Kimura J-I, Nakamura K, Yokoyama Y & Kato Y
(2021) Stratigraphic Variations in Geochemistry and Morphology of Fe–Mn Micronodules: Implications for the Formation Process of Extremely REY-Rich Mud in the Western North Pacific Ocean
Yasukawa K, Kino S, Ohta J, Azami K, Tanaka E, Mimura K, Fujinaga K, Nakamura K & Kato Y

Ohta Junichiro (2023) Os Isotopic Composition of Early Cretaceous Seawater Reconstructed from Umber Deposit in the Japanese Accretionary Complex
Yano M, Yasukawa K, Fujinaga K, Ohta J, Kuwahara Y, Nakayama K, Nakamura K & Kato Y

Ohta K. (2020) The Effect of Melting on Electrical Resistivity for Iron at High Pressure and Implications for the Earth’s Core Conductivity
Suehiro S, Ohta K, Hirose K & Ohishi Y
(2019) Lattice Thermal Conductivity of Wadsleyite and Ringwoodite at the Mantle Transition Zone Pressures
Kimura S, Ohta K, Kawazoe T, Hirose K, Kagi H & Yagi T
(2019) Thermal Conductivity Measurement at High Pressure and High Temperature Similar to Earth’s Lower Mantle Conditions
Hasegawa A, Ohta K, Yagi T & Hirose K
(2019) Sound Velocity Measurements on Lower Mantle Minerals by Femtosecond Pulse Laser Pump-Probe Technique
Wakamatsu T, Ohta K, Yagi T, Nishihara Y, Okuda Y, Mitsude Y & Hirose K
(2018) Anomalous Behavior of the Compressibility and Thermal Conductivity of Fe, Al-Bearing Bridgmanite
Okuda Y, Ohta K, Sinmyo R, Yagi T, Ohishi Y & Hirose K
(2016) Lattice Thermal Conductivity of Lower Mantle Minerals
Ohta K, Okuda Y, Yagi T, Hirose K & Sinmyo R
(2015) The Effect of Sulfur on the Electrical Resistivity of Iron and Implications for Planetary Cores
Suehiro S, Ohta K, Hirose K & Ohishi Y
(2015) Fcc FeHx at Core Pressure
Kato C, Ohta K, Hirose K & Ohishi Y
(2015) The Electrical Resistivity of Iron Alloys at Earth’s Core Conditions
Ohta K, Suehiro S, Hirose K & Ohishi Y
(2011) The High Conductivity of Iron and Thermal Evolution of the Earth’s Core
Hirose K, Gomi H, Ohta K, Labrosse S & Hernlund J
(2011) Volume and Ionic Conductivity Measurements of H2O Ice at High Pressure and Temperature
Sugimura E, Komabayashi T, Ohta K, Hirose K, Sata N, Ohishi Y & Dubrovinsky LS
(2007) The Effect of Iron Spin Transition on Electrical Conductivity of Perovskite and Magnesiowüstite
Ohta K, Onoda S, Hirose K & Shimizu K
(2006) The sharpness and compositional effects on post-perovskite phase transition
Ohta K, Hirose K, Sata N & Ohishi Y

Ohta M. (2003) Thermoluminescent Mechanism of Natural SiO2
Takami M, Yasuda M & Ohta M
(2001) Unique High Pressure Evidence in the Kokchetav UHP Carbonate Rocks
Ogasawara Y, Ohta M, Ishida H & Fukasawa K

Ohta S. (2018) External Electron Mediating Function of Humin Extracted by Different Methods
Pham DM, Miyata Y, Ohta S & Katayama A

Ohta Takehiro (2015) A Dissolution Test for Understanding Water-Rock Interaction in Waste Rock Muck Under Rain Events
Urakoshi T, Ohta T, Kawagoe T, Atsuta S, Sun Y & Nakano Y

Ohta Takeshi (2016) Endurance of Larch Forest in Eastern Siberia Under Warming Trends
Sato H, Kobayashi H, Iwahana G & Ohta T

Ohta Tohru (2020) A Robust Chemical Weathering Index Applicable to a Wide Range of Sedimentary Rocks
Cho T & Ohta T
(2009) A New Geochemical Index for Evaluating Crustal Weathering and Paleoclimate
Ohta T, Kaneko A & Arai H
(2003) Dependence of 14C Ages on Carbon Fraction and Reservoir Effect for Archeological Materials
Nakamura T, Minami M, Oda H, Niu E, Ikeda A & Ohta T

Ohta Tomoko (2022) Identification of Glacial Meteoric Water Using Noble Gas Temperature, in the Northern Part of Japan
Hasegawa T, Nakata K, Tomioka Y, Ohta T, Okamoto S, Marui A, Machida I, Ikawa R, Ono M & Matsumoto S
(2020) Multiple Groundwater Dating Conducted at Mizunami URL
Hasegawa T, Nakata K, Tomioka Y, Ohta T, Okamoto S, Hama K, Iwatsuki T & Watanabe Y
(2019) Stability of Deep Groundwater at Costal Area in Japan
Hasegawa T, Nakata K, Tomioka Y, Ohta T, Marui A, Machida I, Ikawa R, Ono M & Matsumoto S
(2019) Radon-Based on-Site Estimation of Extraction Efficiencies of Krypton and Argon by Field-Degassing Device for Groundwater Dating
Ohta T, Hasegawa T, Nakata K, Tomioka Y & Matsumoto T
(2012) Strontium, Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen Isotope Geochemistry from Two Hot Spring Waters in Busan Area, Korea
Lee S-G, Nakamura T, Kim T-K, Yoon YY, Ohta T, Lee T & Kim HC
(2011) Geochemical Significance of 14C, 3H, δ18O, δ2H and 87Sr/86Sr Isotopic Data in the Hot Spring Waters of South Korea
Lee S-G, Nakamura T, Yoon YY, Kim T-K, Ohta T & Lee T
(2009) Geochemical Significance of 14C and 87Sr/86Sr Isotopic Data of High-Temperature Deep Groundwater at the Southeastern Part of Korea
Lee S-G, Nakamura T, Kim T-K, Ohta T & Lee T

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