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(2020) Marine Os Isotope Record during the Eocene Hyperthermals in the Indian Ocean: Implication for Continental Silicate Weathering Feedback

Tanaka E, Yasukawa K, Ohta J, Nakamura K, Ravizza G & Kato Y


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14g: Plenary Hall, Thursday 25th June 00:39 - 00:42

Listed below are questions that have been submitted by the community that the author will try and cover in their presentation. To submit a question, ensure you are signed in to the website. Authors or session conveners approve questions before they are displayed here.

Submitted by Mohit Melwani Daswani on Wednesday 24th June 22:54
[Thank you for your interesting presentation. We want to prioritize questions from the audience over the questions from the conveners, but if there is time and no other questions, please feel free to address these questions.] 1) Prior to the ETM3, there is what looks like an important negative 187Os/188Os excursion. What do you think could have happened there? A large increase in mantle input? Would that be supported by other evidence or isotopes? 2) One or two of the 187Os/188Os measurements between the ETM3 and I1 events are not very distinguishable from the values during ETM3, I1 and ETM2, but there does not appear to be a thermal maximum there, at least as predicted by d13C and d18O. Is that significant?
Thank you for your questions. Both of your questions are related to the interval between the I1 event and ETM3. We do not have a good idea about the fluctuation at the interval now (Original marine value? Locally input?), and we are planning to conduct additional observations after our lab opens. We hope it will reveal a reason of this fluctuation.

Submitted by Pam Vervoort on Wednesday 24th June 23:05
This is a question from Pam Vervoort, University of California, Riverside. The residence time of Osmium is about 30-50 kyr if I'm correct. Both the onset and recovery phase of most hyperthermals occur on the same timescales. Can you elaborate a bit more on how you think this would impact the record?
Thank you for posting your question. Os residence time (~10 kyrs) is longer than oceanic circulation (~1000 years), so it is enough to detect the global average of marine Os isotope and the onset and recovery phase of hyperthermals (e.g. PETM in previous researches).

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