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Hax Damiani L. (2018) HT – Hydrogen Transfer Modeling with the Nernst-Planck Solver (NPS)
Hax Damiani L, Vinsot A, Kosakowski G & Churakov S

Haxel G. (2020) Barite Study Constrains the Origin of the Mountain Pass Carbonatite REE Deposit and Links to Alkaline Magmatism, California, USA
Watts K & Haxel G
(2019) Zircon Record of Alkaline Magmatism Associated with the Mountain Pass Carbonatite REE Deposit, Southeast Mojave Desert, California, USA
Watts K, Haxel G & Miller D

Haxen E.

Hay C. (2018) Eight Million Years of Polar Ice Sheet Variations from Cosmogenic Nuclides in Marine Sediments
Shakun J, Bierman P, Corbett L, Underwood K, Rizzo D, Zimmerman S, Caffee M, Naish T, Golledge N & Hay C

Hay M. Cameron (2019) A City Built on a Mine: The Extent and Impacts of Residual Lead Contamination on Environmental Health in Kabwe, Zambia
Filippelli G, Wood L, Levy J, Hay MC, Mutiti S, Ericson B, van Geen A & Landes F

Hay Michael (2012) Kinetic Modeling of Microbial Fe(II) Oxidation, Fe(III) Hydrolysis, and As(III) Oxidation in Acid Waters
Campbell K, Hay M & Nordstrom K
(2011) A Coupled Ion Exchange, Surface Complexation, Calcite Dissolution, and Mass Transfer Model to Describe Uranium(VI) Desorption and Reactive Transport at the Rifle (USA) Field Site
Davis J, Hay M, Fox P & Williams K
(2011) Physical Versus Chemical Non-Equilibrium Model for Simulating U(VI) Adsorption
Greskowiak J, Hay M, Prommer H, Liu C, Post V, Ma R, Davis J, Zheng C & Zachara J
(2010) Sorption of Uranium on Synthetic Porous Phases as a Model for Understanding Grain-Scale Diffusion Kinetics in Contaminated Sediments
Hay M, Davis J & Zachara J
(2008) Organosulfur Speciation and Dynamics in Forest Floor Leaf Litter and Dissolved Organic Matter
Hay M, Leri A & Myneni S
(2008) Structure and Coordination of Aluminum in Aqueous Solution and on Mineral Surfaces
Mishra B, Hay M & Myneni S
(2005) Local Structure of Carboxylic Acid Groups in Natural Organics
Hay M, Deshmukh A & Myneni S

Hay Michael (2013) Mining, Microbes, and Models: Integrating Microbial Fe(II) Oxidation, Hydrolysis, Precipitation, and Biogeochemical Modeling, with Application to Acid Mine Drainage at Iron Mountain
Campbell K, Alpers C, Nordstrom K, Blum A & Hay M

Hay R. (2020) Synthesis of Brucite from Reject Brine and its Direct Carbonation for Possible Use as Construction Material
Hay R, Singh I & Celik K

Hay W.W. (2000) Extreme Sulfur Isotope Fractionations during (Single-Step?) Bacterial Sulfate Reduction in Hypersulfidic Interstitial Waters of the Great Australian Bight, ODP Leg 182
Wortmann UG, Bernasconi SM, Boettcher ME & Hay WW

Hay-Rollins C. (2017) Solving the Human Health Crisis in Kabwe, Zambia--One of the most Contaminated Cities on Earth
Filippelli G, Levy J, Hay-Rollins C & Mutiti S

Hayabusa2 initial analysis team T. (2022) Relative Abundances of Light Elements between Ryugu and Ivuna
Sakamoto N, Park C, Kawasaki N, Nagashima K & Hayabusa2 initial analysis team T

Hayakawa A. (2016) Investigation of Analysis Methods for Sulfur Compounds and their Isotopic Compostions in Soils and Sediments
Murano H, Yamano Y, Suzuki N, Yasuda M, Aasano R, Hayakawa A & Isoi T

Hayakawa K (2003) Distribution and Dynamics of Dissolved Carbohydrates in Lake Biwa
Hayakawa K

Hayakawa Kazuhide (2020) Distribution of “Minor” Amino Acids Enantiomers in Dissolved Organic Matter in Marine vs. Inland Waters
Yamaguchi YT, Mccarthy MD, Yoshimizu C, Tayasu I, Koba K & Hayakawa K

Hayami H. (2016) Numerical Analysis of Nitrogen Deposition from Atmosphere on East Asian Oceans
Itahashi S, Hayami H, Uno I & Uematsu M

Hayano K. (2002) REE, Th and U Abundances in Individual Chondrules from Dhajala, Allegan and Bjurböle Chondrites
Ebihara M, Hayano K & Noguchi T

Hayasaka Y. (2020) The Genesis of Andesite Magma Inferred from Major and Trace Element Compositions of Amphibole
Okada I, Shibata T, Yoshikawa M, Sugimoto T & Hayasaka Y
(2008) Ultramafic-Mafic Complex of the Pekulney Range (Chukotka, NE Russia): The Evaluation of the Initial Melt Composition
Ledneva G, Bazylev B, Ishiwatari A, Hayasaka Y & Sokolov S

Hayashi D. (2013) XAFS Analysis of C-S-H Formed by Cemet-Betonite Interaction
Negishi K, Sakamoto H, Ishii T, Hayashi D, Fujii N, Owada H & Nitani H

Hayashi H (2003) A Change in the Chemical Composition of Ground Water Around the Mozumi- Sukenobu Fault, Japan and its Relation to Fault Activity
Satake H, Murata M, Hayashi H & Kita Y

Hayashi Hideyuki (2020) Oxygen Isotope Analysis of Northwest Africa 12774 Quenched Angrite: Origin of Olivine Xenocrysts
Hayashi H, Kim NK, Kim H, Park C & Mikouchi T

Hayashi Kazuhiko (2016) Aerosol Surface Area Concentrations Measured by a Diffusion Charger in Fukuoka, Japan
Okuda T, Yamazaki H, Hatoya K, Kaneyasu N, Yoshino A, Takami A, Funato K, Inoue K, Nishita C, Hara K & Hayashi K

Hayashi Ken-Ichiro (2016) Oxygen Isotope Study of Silica Sinter from the Osorezan Geothermal Field, Northeast Japan
Hayashi K-I

Hayashi Kenichiro (2010) Combination of SEM-Cathodoluminescence and Fluid Inclusion Microthermometer of Quartz Veins in Hugo Dummett Porphyry Cu-Au Deposit, Mongolia
Myagmarsuren S, Fujimaki H & Hayashi K
(2005) Magnetite Transformation to Hematite Under High H2 Pressure at 150 Degree C
Otake T, Wesolowski D, Anovitz L, Hayashi K & Ohmoto H
(2003) Chemical Analysis of Individual Fluid Inclusion by Synchrotron X-Ray Fluorescence Microprobe
Hayashi K, Nagaseki H & Iida A

Hayashi Masahiro (2016) Temperature Dependency of Skeletal Growth and Compositions of Temperate Acropora Coral Species Around Japan
Suzuki A, Mori C, Inoue M, Okai T, Isono R, Hayashi M, Yamamoto Y, Suwa R, Yamano H, Nomura K, Nojiri Y & Kawahata H

Hayashi Masakihoro (2015) Influences of Ocean Acidification on Skeletal Growth of Temperate Acropora Coral Species Around Japan
Suzuki A, Kim S, Zhang J, Watanabe Y, Yamamoto Y, Suwa R, Isono R, Hayashi M, Yamano H, Nojiri Y, Nomura K, Mori C, Inoue M & Kawahata H

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