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(2020) Synthesis of Brucite from Reject Brine and its Direct Carbonation for Possible Use as Construction Material

Hay R, Singh I & Celik K


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08r: Plenary Hall, Friday 26th June 06:45 - 06:48

Rotana Hay
Inderjeet Singh
Kemal Celik

Listed below are questions that have been submitted by the community that the author will try and cover in their presentation. To submit a question, ensure you are signed in to the website. Authors or session conveners approve questions before they are displayed here.

Submitted by Fulvio Di Lorenzo on Monday 22nd June 23:00
What are the major elements contained in the waste brines (the initial substrate)? Are they constant in terms of composition over the production cycle or does the composition of the brine wastes varies significantly over time?

Submitted by Rotana Hay on Thursday 25th June 19:34
Fulvio, Thank you for the question. The reject brine was obtained from a desalination plant in the UAE and the process was based on multi-effect distillation. The major elements of the brine are sodium, chloride, calcium, sulfate and magnesium ions. CaO was used as the reagent in the precipitation process. The concentration was a multiple of the saturation concentration at 25 C. The required amount of CaO was added into the brine and the mixture was stirred until equilibrium. In that case,the composition of the solution was not constant due to precipitation of solids.

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