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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Gavrilenko P. (2007) Water Solubility in Clinopyroxene
Gavrilenko P & Keppler H

Gavrilov Y. (2019) Foraminiferal Stable Isotope Record from the Northeastern Peri-Tethys during the Palaeocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM)
Pedentchouk N, Chapman M & Gavrilov Y
(2013) Osmium Isotope Records of Continental Weathering and Volcanism Spanning the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum
Dickson A, Cohen A, Coe A, Davies M, Shcherbinina E & Gavrilov Y
(2011) Ocean Oxygenation during the PETM: Mo Isotope Data from the Arctic and Tethyan Oceans
Dickson A, Cohen A, Coe A, Gavrilov Y & Shcherbinina E

Gavrilyuk A. (2013) Spin Transition of Fe2+ in Ringwoodite (Mg, Fe)2SiO4 at High Pressures
Ivanova A, Lyubutin I, Gavrilyuk A, Lin J-F, Mironovich A & Presnyakov M

Gavryliv L. (2023) Correlation of Symmetry Indices and Mineral Properties
Bermanec M, Gavryliv L, Hummer DR, Hazen RM, Morrison SM, Prabhu A & Williams JR

Gavshin V. (2000) Radionuclide 137Cs in the Lake Deposits of the Altai Region
Bobrov V, Strakhovenko V, Shcherbov B, Gavshin V, Malikova I, Sukhorukov F, Kovalev S, Stepin A & Melgunov M

Gawęda A. (2019) Cimmerian Hydrothermal Activity in the Sakar Mountains of SE Bulgaria
Salacinska A, Szopa K, Gaweda A, Gumsley A, Chew D & Petrov P
(2017) A New Natural Reference Material for U-Pb Geochronology: Monazite from the Skalna Brama Pegmatite, the Sudetes, Poland
Szopa K, Kusiak M, Gawęda A, Banasik K, Chew D, Dunkley D, Iizuka T, Janeczek J, Konečný P, Krzykawski T & Yi K
(2017) Metasomatic Alteration of Paralava at the Contact with Pyrometallurgical Slag from Trzebinia, S-Poland
Włodyka R, Warchulski R & Gawęda A
(2016) Mineral Speciation and Migration of Potentially Toxic Elements from Pyrometallurgical Slags from Ruda Śląska, Poland
Warchulski R & Gawęda A
(2016) Enigmatic Presence of Zircon Crystals in Rocks from Teschenite-Picrite Association in the Silesian Unit (Southern Poland)
Szopa K, Wlodyka R, Chew D & Gaweda A
(2016) Trace Metals Bioaccumulation Ability of Selected Freshwater Bivalve Shells
Brom K, Szopa K & Gawęda A
(2011) Re-Os Age of Molybdenite from the Tatra Mountains, Poland
Mikulski S, Gawęda A & Stein H

Gaweł A. (2020) Fire Phenomenon in Agate from Deer Creek (Arizona, USA)
Dumańska-Słowik M, Natkaniec-Nowak L, Gaweł A, Kowalczyk-Szpyt J, Milovska S & Łatkiewicz A
(2015) Thermal Transformation of Si-rich Ferrihydrite to Hematite via Three (γ, ε, and β) Fe2O3 Polymorphs
Rzepa G, Pieczara G, Gaweł A, Zelek S, Zubko M, Zalecki R & Tomczyk A

Gawronska A. (2020) Comparison of Select Major Elements within the Apollo Basalt Suite via Cluster Analysis
Gawronska A, Hughes M & McLeod C

Gawronski T. (2013) Peridotite-Derived Sulfides in Pyroxenites from the Lanzo and the Lherz Ultramafic Massifs?
Gawronski T, Becker H & Humayun M
(2012) HSE and Os Isotope Systematics of Mantle Pyroxenites from the Lherz and Lanzo Ultramafic Massifs
Gawronski T & Becker H
(2011) Highly Siderophile Element and Os Isotope Systematics of Pyroxenite Layers from the Lanzo Peridotite Body (Northern Italy)
Gawronski T & Becker H
(2011) Fractionation of Highly Siderophile Elements, Selenium and Tellurium in Peridotites from the Baldissero and Balmuccia Peridotite Massifs, Ivrea Zone (Northern Italy)
Wang Z, Becker H & Gawronski T

Gawthorpe R. (2006) The Use of Noble Gases as a Tracer in Carbon Dioxide Sequestration
Mackintosh S, Ballentine C & Gawthorpe R

Gaxiola G. (2009) Expansion of the Northeast Pacific Oxygen-Minimum Zone Since 1995? Sediment N-Isotope Evidence from Soledad Basin, Baja California
van Geen A, Thunell R, Carriquiry J, Mey J, Crusius J, Zhao M, Baumgartner T, Fereira V & Gaxiola G

Gay-des-Combes J. (2016) Metabolic and Redox Controls on the Kinetics and Products of Microbial Cr(VI) Reduction
Alessi D, Falquet L, Gay-des-Combes J, Wang Y, Cordier D, Bagnoud A, Suvorova E & Bernier-Latmani R

Gaya C. (2023) Microplastics in Table Salts: From University Research to School Activities
Cantarero I, Playà E, Baqués V, Lería M, Gaya C & Travé A

Gaye B. (2020) Nitrogen Cycle and Particulate Matter Fluxes in the Indian Ocean Subtropical Gyre
Harms N, Lahajnar N, Gaye B, Schwarz-Schampera U & Emeis K-C
(2018) Indian Monsoon and Westerlies during the Holocene – Consequences for the Oxygen Minimum Zone in the NE Arabian Sea
Burdanowitz N, Emeis K-C, Gaye B, Lückge A & Rixen T
(2017) Long-Term Impacts of a Manganese Nodule Mining Experiment on Sediment and Pore Water Geochemistry
Paul S, Koschinsky A, Gaye B & Daehnke K
(2013) Reconstructing Past Organic Matter Fluxes from δ15N Records
Möbius J, Gaye B, Lahajnar N & Emeis K-C

Gayer E. (2023) Relationship between Chemical Weathering and Physical Erosion in the Critical Zone: The Case Study of La Réunion
Chen C, Gayer E, Derry LA & Gaillardet J
(2023) All Quiet on the Weathering Front: Geochemical Evolution of Soils on Réunion Island
Dosseto A, Hannan-Joyner A, Gayer E & Michon L
(2019) C-Q Relationships Viewed by High Frequency Temporal Monitoring of Rivers
Gaillardet J, Floury P, Bouchez J, Gayer E, Blanchouin A, Tallec G & Ansart P
(2018) Subsurface Water Flux as an Indicator of Landslide Preparatory Factor
Sy A, Gayer E, Yokochi R, Violette S & Michon L
(2017) New Insights for Concentration-Discharge Relationships: High Frequency of Stream Water Chemistry
Floury P, Gaillardet J, Bouchez J, Gayer E & Tallec G
(2017) River Geochemistry: Opportunities and Challenges
Gaillardet J, Floury P, Gayer E, Bouchez J, Tallec G, Blanchouin A & Ansart P
(2016) Cosmogenic Nuclides, River Geochemistry, and Lanforms Reconstruction Methods Comparison to Study the Coopling between Chemical Weahering and Mechanical Erosion in a Steep Reunion Island Basins
Gayer E, Louvat P, Bouchez J, Michon L, Gaillardet J, Sy A & Havas R
(2015) Is the Earth Surface Denudation Operating at Steady State?
Bouchez J, Dellinger M, Gaillardet J, Louvat P & Gayer É
(2013) Cosmogenic Nuclides, River Geochemistry, and Lanforms Reconstruction Methods to Estimate Erosion Rates in Reunion Island
Gayer E, Louvat P, Michon L, Etzol C & Kurz M
(2011) Spatial Distribution of Erosion Rates in Small Tahitian Catchment (10km2), from Cosmogenic 3He in Olivine
Gayer E, Ye F & Mukhopadhyay S
(2009) Cosmogenic 21Ne and 10Be Dating on Offset Fans along the Dead Sea Transform, Jordan
Gayer E, LeBéon M, Klinger Y, Moreira M, Anne-Mériaux A-S & Al-Quaryouti M
(2009) Rare Gases on Off-Axis Seamounts: Constraints on the Marble-Cake Model
Moreira M, Gayer E, Guillon F, Dosso L & Ondreas H
(2007) Cosmogenic 3He Production Rate in Pyroxenes and Olivines at Low Latitude
Gayer E, Dunai T & Stuart F
(2004) High Elevation Cosmogenic 3He Production Rates (Central Nepal) Determined from 10Be Cross-Calibration
Gayer E, Pik R, France-Lanord C, Lave J, Bourles D & Marty B
(2002) Cosmogenic 3He Production Rate: Comparison of He and Be Data from Himalayan Samples
Gayer E, Pik R, France-Lanord C, Marty B & Bourles D

Gayet N. (2022) Trace Metal Distributions in the South West Indian Ocean (SWINGS Cruise): A Focus on Iron and Manganese
Baudet C, Planquette H, Bucciarelli E, Sarthou G, Pelleter E, Gayet N, Germain Y & Jeandel C

Gayler V. (2010) Modelling the Terrestrial Phosphorus Cycle in the Framework of an Earth System Model (ESM)
Goll DS, Brovkin V, Parida B, Reick CH & Gayler V

Gaylor J.R. (2012) Geochemical Proxies Linked to Astronomical Climate Forcing in Dynamic Sedimentary Environments: Western Canada Sedimentary Basin
Heredia BD, Gaylor JR, Mezger K, Hilgen F & Kuiper K

Gaylord B. (2015) The Role of Biological Processes in Geochemical Heterogeneity in Cultured Planktic Foraminifera: Calcite Crusts and pH-Dependent Respiration
Davis C, Rivest E, Russell A, Fehrenbacher J, Gaylord B, Spero H, Jahncke J & Hill T

Gaylord D. (2008) Provenance of Late Pleistocene Megaflood and Late Ordovician Cordilleran Passive Margin Sedimentary Deposits by LA-ICPMS Detrital Zircon Analysis
Gaylord D, Pope M, Anfinson O, Cabbage P, Baar E & Vervoort J

Gaynor Sean (2020) Timing and Tempo of Dolerite Sill Emplacement into the Karoo Basin during the Toarcian
Gaynor S, Schaltegger U, Svensen H & Polteau S

Gaynor Sean P (2021) U-Pb Geochronology at 100ppm Age Uncertainty
Schaltegger U, Ovtcharova M, Gaynor SP, Schoene B, Wotzlaw J-F, Davies JHFL, Farina F & Greber ND
(2021) Geochronology of Basin-Scale LIP Sill Emplacement in the Karoo Basin during the Toarcian
Gaynor SP, Schaltegger U, Svensen H & Polteau S
(2021) The Mafic Intrusive Magmatism from the Paraná LIP Constrained by New U-Pb Baddeleyite ID-TIMS Ages
Rocha BC, Gaynor SP, Janasi VDA, Davies JHFL, Florisbal LM, Waichel BL & Schaltegger U

Gaynor Sean P. (2023) High-Precision Zircon Geochronology and Geochemistry from the Santa Rita Porphyry Cu Deposit, NM, USA
Gaynor SP, Audetat A, Chang J, Koran I & Schoene B
(2023) Developing Reference Materials for High-Resolution Apatite Petrochronology
Apen FE, Gaynor SP & Schoene B
(2023) Tracing the Evolution of Fluids during Batholith and Deposit Formation: In situ and Bulk Rock Mo Isotopes from the Questa Porphyry Mo Deposit
Greber ND, Gaynor SP, Ahmad Q, Künzi P, Horn I & Weyer S
(2023) Duration and Lifetime of LIPS: Knowns and Unknowns
Schaltegger U, Davies JHFL, Gaynor SP, Greber ND, Antoine C & Paul AN

Gaynullova O. (2011) The Interaction of Pd- and Pt-Bearing Chloride Solutions with Sulphide Minerals: XPS, SPM and Electrochemical Study
Romanchenko A, Gaynullova O & Mikhlin Y

Gayout A. (2015) The Role of Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria in Arsenic Biomethylation in Rice Paddies: Implications for Uptake into Rice Plants
Reid M, Le Vo P, Gayout A & Bernier-Latmani R
(2015) Arsenic Mobilization in an Aquifer in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam
Asta MP, Frutschi M, Gayout A, Wang Y, Le Vo P, Pham V, Planer-Friedrich B, Charlet L & Bernier-Latmani R

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