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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Gammon C.L. (2008) Micron-Scale Mapping of Sulfur Cycling Across the Oxycline of a Cyanobacterial Mat
Fike D, Gammon CL, Finke N, Hoehler T, Turk K & Orphan V
(2007) The Ties that Bind: Dynamics of Syntrophic Associations in Marine Methane Seeps
Orphan V, Pernthaler A, Dekas A, Gammon C & House C
(2005) The Vulcano Hydrothermal System: Microbial Community Structure, Novel Isolates, and Geochemical Energy Sources
Amend J, Rogers K, Rusch A & Gammon C

Gammon Paul (2016) Delineating Sources of Bitumen-Derived Acid Extractable Organics in the Athabasca Oil Sands Region
Ahad J, Pakdel H, Gammon P, Mayer B, Savard M, Peru K & Headley J
(2012) Metal Contaminant Emissions to Waters Surrounding a Large Tailings Pond: Athabasca Oil Sands, Alberta
Gammon P, Calderhead A, Savard M, Lefebvre R, Vaive J & Girard I

Gammon Paul R (2024) Can Lake Sediments and Peats Provide a Reliable Record of Cr Mining Activities? Insight from Two Sites in a Pre- and post-Cr Mining Context
Jautzy JJ, Marion J, Parsons MB, Gammon PR, Ahad JME, Galloway JM, Berryman EJ, Nguyen AV, Sanderson NK & Benoit N
(2024) Methane Clumped Isotope Signatures from Continuous Permafrost Thaw Ponds: Implications for Tracing Methanogenesis and Methanotrophy
De Baets B, Douglas PMJ, Ahad JME, Gammon PR & Jautzy JJ

Gammon Paul R. (2021) Quantitative Source Apportionment of Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds (PACs) in Athabasca Oil Sands Region Snowpack Using Compound-Specific Carbon and Hydrogen Isotope Analysis
Ahad JME, Pakdel H, Labarre T, Cooke C, Savard MM & Gammon PR

Gammons Christopher (2023) Production of H2 Gas from Water-Basalt Interaction and the Origin of Native Copper and “5-Element Suite” Hydrothermal Deposits
Gammons C & Allin N
(2022) Fluorescent Sphalerite from Montana, USA: Coupled Substitutions of Cu, Ga, and W
Beaucamp CM, Thompson J, Gammons C, Cangelosi G & Lund K
(2022) Ecological and Geochemical Conditions of Surface and Near-Surface Waters of Kyiv, Ukraine
Kosharna S, Koshliakova T, Koshliakov O & Gammons C
(2020) The Importance of Dissolved Ferric Iron in Hydrothermal Fluids
Gammons C
(2018) Solubility of Hematite and Stability of Fe(III) Chloride Complexes at 200 to 300ºC, SWVP
Gammons C & Allin N
(2018) Hydrothermal Formation of Cu, Ni, and Co Arsenide and Sulfide Minerals: An Experimental Study of Thermochemical Arsenite Reduction
Allin N & Gammons C
(2018) The Fate of Heavy Metals in Acidic Rivers and Sedimentation Mechanism
Ogawa Y, Ishiyama D, Đorđievski S, Saini-Eidukat B, Wood S & Gammons C

Gammons Christopher H. (2012) Stable Isotopes Reveal Biogeochemical Processes in a Shallow, Eutrophic Lake
Gammons C, Henne W & Poulson S
(2010) Cu Isotope Systematics of the Butte Mining District, Montana
Wall A, Heaney P, Mathur R, Gammons C & Brantley S
(2008) Diel Biogeochemical Processes in Rivers; Stable Isotopes Variations of Dissolved Oxygen and Inorganic Carbon
Parker S, Gammons C & Poulson S
(2008) Biogeochemical Processes in Flooded Underground Mine Workings of Butte, Montana, USA
Gammons CH, Poulson S & Snyder D
(2007) Diel Iron Cycling in Acidic Rivers of Southwestern Spain
Gammons C, Nimick D & Parker S
(2007) Diel Biogeochemistry of the Rio Agrio, Argentina
Parker S, Gammons C & Pedrozo F
(2005) Diel Cycles in Stable Isotopes of Dissolved O<->2<$> And Dissolved Inorganic Carbon in the Big Hole River, Montana
Parker S, Poulson S & Gammons C
(2005) Causes of Diel Cycling of Zn in Streams with Near-Neutral pH Draining Abandoned Mine Lands
Gammons C, Shope C & Xie Y

Gammoudi N. (2019) Changing Temporal Patterns of Saharan Dust Events in Central Europe
Varga G, Király C, Szalai Z & Gammoudi N

Gamo T. (2023) The Sectional Distributions of Several Particulate Trace Elements in the Western South Pacific
Norisuye K, Hayashi Y, Obata H, Gamo T, Minami H & Nakaguchi Y
(2018) Dissolved Pb Stable Isotopes in the Bay of Bengal
Norisuye K, Obata H, Gamo T, Lee J-M & Boyle EA
(2018) Trace Metals and Zinc Complexing Ligands in Seawaters at a Shallow Hydrothermally Active Area in Japan
Kim T, Obata H, Mashio AS, Gamo T & Takeda S
(2018) Distributions of Total Particulate Trace Elements in the Subarctic North Pacific
Maruyama K, Norisuye K, Obata H, Minami H, Nakaguchi Y, Tazoe H & Gamo T
(2017) Distributions of Nd Isotopic Composition and REE Concentrations in Surface Seawater in the North Pacific Ocean
Hara T, Tazoe H, Obata H & Gamo T
(2017) Tracing the Subarctic North Pacific Intermediate Water by Using the Decoupling of Dissolved Zinc and Silicate
Kim T, Obata H, Ogawa H & Gamo T
(2017) Distributions and Biogeochemical Cycles of Platinum in Seawaters at Coastal Areas Around Japan
Mashio A, Obata H & Gamo T
(2017) Latitudinal Variations of Neodimium Isotopic Composition in Seawater along 160th Meridian East in the Western North Pacific
Tazoe H, Obata H, Gamo T & Nishioka J
(2016) Nanometer Size Fractionation of Metal Sulfides over the Hydrothermal Area in Okinawa Trough
Nakayama N, Gamo T & Obata H
(2016) Distribution and Speciation of Copper in Seawater of East China Sea and its Surrounding Areas
Wong KH, Kim T, Obata H & Gamo T
(2016) Distributions of Dissolved Zinc in the Western and Central North Pacific
Obata H, Kim T, Gamo T & Nishioka J
(2016) Dissolved Bismuth in the Subarctic North Pacific
Norisuye K, Takahashi K, Hasegawa S, Takano S, Konagaya W, Sohrin Y, Obata H & Gamo T
(2015) Dissolved Zinc and its Speciation in the Northeastern Indian Ocean and Andaman Sea
Kim T, Obata H & Gamo T
(2015) Sulfides in Oxic Seawater over the Submarine Hydrothermal Area of Kikai Caldera South of Kyushu Island, Japan
Nakayama N, Shirai K, Sano Y, Gamo T & Obata H
(2015) Vertical Distributions of Lead and Bismuth in the Japan Trench
Norisuye K, Hori E, Nakagawa M, Obata H, Kondo Y & Gamo T
(2015) Iodine Speciation and Iodine-129 Distribution in the Chukchi Sea and Bering Sea
Obata H, Miwa K, Kondo Y, Gamo T, Otosaka S & Suzuki T
(2015) Lithium Isotopic Behavior during Water-Rock Interaction at High-Tempareture Deduced from Submarine Hydrothermal Systems
Araoka D, Nishio Y, Gamo T, Yamaoka K & Kawahata H
(2014) The Nd Isotopic Composition of Seawater in the Southwest Pacific Ocean
Amakawa H, Tazoe H, Obata H, Gamo T, Sano Y & Shen C-C
(2014) Pb and Pb Isotopes throughout the Global Ocean, GEOTRACES Style
Boyle E, Noble A, Echegoyen Y, Lee J-M, Norisuye K, Gamo T, Zhang J, Zhao N, Carrasco G & Fornace K
(2013) Determination of Picomolar Zn in Seawater of the North and South Pacific with Clean Sampling Methods
Kim T, Gamo T & Obata H
(2013) Distribution of Iron (II) in the Northwestern Pacific
Obata H, Takahashi S, Gamo T & Nishioka J
(2012) Distribution of Helium Isotope Ratio in the Central Indian Ocean
Hara T, Takahata N, Sano Y, Shirai K, Ohmori K & Gamo T
(2012) Distribution of Lead and Lead Isotopes in the Indian Ocean: Data from the Japanese Indian Ocean GEOTRACES Transect
Lee J-M, Echegoyen-Sanz Y, Boyle E, Gamo T, Obata H & Norisuye K
(2012) Vertical Distributions of 230Th in the Pacific Ocean and their Relation to Advection and Diffusion
Okubo A, Obata H, Gamo T & Yamada M
(2011) Lead and Lead Isotopes in the Atlantic and Indian Ocean: GEOTRACES Data
Boyle E, Echegoyen-Sanz Y, Fornace K, Lee J-M, Gamo T, Obata H & Norisuye K
(2011) Nd Isotopic Compositions in the Central Indian Ocean
Tazoe H, Obata H, Nagai H & Gamo T
(2010) Excess N2 Formation by Denitrifcation in the Indian Ocean Oxygen Deficient Zone Estimated by Simultaneous N2, Ar, and O2 Measurements
Nakayama N, Ogura T & Gamo T
(2009) Supersaturated Molecular Hydrogen in Coastal Surface Water at Otsuchi Bay, Japan
Kawagucci S, Narita T, Obata H, Fukuda H & Gamo T
(2009) Fluid Geochemistry of the Suiyo Hydrothermal Field at the Izu-Bonin Arc Submarine Volcano
Ishibashi J-I, Akashi H, Yamanaka T, Toki T, Teranishi G, Obata H & Gamo T
(2009) 10% Decrease of Dissolved Oxygen in the Japan Sea (East Sea) Bottom Water for the Last 30 Years
Gamo T & Kim K-R
(2008) Distributions of Th Isotopes in the North Pacific Ocean
Okubo A, Obata H, Gamo T & Zheng J
(2008) Surface Nd Isotopic Distribution in the South Pacific Ocean
Tazoe H, Sato H, Nagai H, Obata H & Gamo T
(2007) Distribution of 3He Plumes and Deep-Sea Circulation in the Central Pacific Ocean
Takahata N, Kiyota K, Shirai K, Nishizawa M, Sano Y & Gamo T
(2007) Anomalously Low D/H Ratio of H2 Gas from High Temperature Hydrothermal Fluids in the Mariana Trough
Kawagucci S, Toki T, Ito M, Oomori T, Ishibashi J-I, Masuda H, Takai K & Gamo T
(2006) An evaluation for mixing and biological processes based on oxygen isotopic ratios of dissolved oxygen.
Nakayama N & Gamo T
(2006) Vertical profiles of Cerium and Neodymium Isotopic compositions and REEs pattern in the Ross Sea
Tazoe H, Obata H & Gamo T
(2006) Helium isotopes of seawater in adjacent sea of Japan
Sano Y, Horiguchi K, Takahata N, Shirai K, Oda S & Gamo T
(2005) Cerium and Neodymium Isotopic Compositions in the Northwestern Pacific and its Adjacent Seas
Tazoe H, Obata H, Amakawa H & Gamo T
(2003) Highly Isotopically Depleted Hydrocarbon Gases in Methane-Derived Carbonate of the Cretaceous Age
Ijiri A, Tsunogai U, Gamo T & Hikida Y
(2003) Carbon Isotopic Composition of CH4 and CO Emitted during Biomass Burning Experiments
Nakagawa F, Komatsu D, Tsunogai U, Gamo T, Yamada K & Nara H
(2003) ‘Microbial Plumes’ as Inferred from the Increase of Stable Carbon Isotope Composition of Methane Originated from Submarine Hydrothermal Activity
Gamo T, Tsunogai U, Ichibayashi S & Hirota A
(2003) Geochemical Studies of the Submarine Ground Water Discharge by Using Methane Concentration and its Carbon Isotope Ratio as a Tracer; Toyama Bay, Japan
Kameyama S, Tsunogai U, Gamo T, Zhang J & Suzuki M
(2003) Carbon and Oxygen Kinetic Isotope Effects during Soil Uptake of Atmospheric Carbon Monoxide
Komatsu D, Tsunogai U, Nakagawa F & Gamo T
(2003) Gas Geochemistry of Seafloor Seeping Bubbles at Kuroshima Knoll
Kosaka A, Tsunogai U, Nakayama N, Gamo T, Sumino H & Nagao K
(2003) Geochemical Study of Cold Seeps on the Seafloor off Kumano in Nankai Trough
Toki T, Tsunogai U, Gamo T & Kuramoto S

Gampell N. (2019) Speleothem Archives of Volcanism: In Search of the Taupō Eruption
Gampell N, Barker S, Frisia S, Borsato A, Williams P, Hellstrom J, Drysdale R, Wilson C, Hartland A & Baker J

Gamper A. (2013) Ocean-Ph Evolution and Weathering Conditions during the Ediacaran: Insights from B, Sr & Li Isotopes at the Gaojiashan Section, South China
Ohnemueller F, Meixner A, Gamper A & Kasemann SA
(2013) Multi-Proxy Study of Shallow- and Deep-Water Doushantuo Carbonates, Yangtze Platform, South China
Hohl S, Becker H, Herzlieb S, Guo Q & Gamper A
(2013) Tracking Down the Ediacaran Isotope Anomalies in a Sedimentary Section from Kazakhstan
Gamper A, Struck U & Ergaliev G
(2013) Late Devonian “Kellwasser-Event” a Global Mass-Extinction Eqivalent to the Precambrian-Cambrian Boundary Interval?
Steinmann Y, Struck U & Gamper A

Gamyanin Gennadii (2011) REE Distribution for the Arkachan Large Intrusion-Related Gold Deposit: Evidence for Fluid Origin
Vikent’eva O, Gamyanin G & Bortnikov N

Gamyanin Gennady (2013) A Contribution from Radiogenic Isotope Study to Metal Source and Timing of Gold Orogenic Deposits: A Case of Nezhdaninsky Deposit, Yakutia, Russia
Chugaev A, Chernyshev I, Bortnikov N & Gamyanin G

Gamzo P. (2013) Geochemical Modelling of Salt Systems: Case Study Sebkha Oum Lekhialette
Nasri N, Bouhlila R, Saaltink M & Gamzo P

Gan B. (2020) Middle Cambrian Granites in the Dunhuang Block NW China Mark the Southernmost Subduction in the Central Asian Orogen
Gan B, Li Z, Song Z & Li J

Gan H. (2018) Geochemistry of Crude Oil and Petroleum Systems in Fushan Depression, Beibuwan Basin, South China Sea
Gan H, Wang H, Chen J & Yan D
(2010) Geochemical and Hydrocarbon Generation Diffenreces of Source Rocks in Diverse Depositional Settings in Biyang Depression, Central China
Gan H, Wang H & Chen J

Gan J. (2021) Genesis of the Early Cretaceous Tudui–Shawang Gold Deposit, Jiaodong Peninsula, North China Craton: Evidences from H-O-He-Ar-S-Pb Isotopic Compositions
Liu X, Tan J & Gan J

Gan L. (2016) Geochemical Characteristics of Crude Oil from M1ss Member in Tarapoa Block, Oriente Basin, Ecuador
Ma Z, Xie Y, Zhang Z, Yang X & Gan L

Gan N. (2022) Uranium Occurrence of Barun Uranium Deposit in Erlian Basin, Inner Mongolia
Gan N, Han M, Yu C, Shi L & Wang N

Gan S. (2024) A Novel Method for Characterizing Dissolved Organic Matter (DOM) in Subsurface Sediments for Anaerobic Degradation Processes Using FT-ICR-Ms and Induction-Based Nano-Spray Technique
Gan S
(2019) Transformations of Dissolved Petroleum Compounds at a Natural Asphalt Seep in the Gulf of Mexico
Brünjes J, Seidel M, Gan S, Song M, Dittmar T & Schubotz F
(2017) Biotic and Abiotic Carbon Cycling in Geothermally Heated Sediments from the Nankai Trough
Gan S, Heuer V, Schmidt F, Wörmer L, Adhikari R & Hinrichs K-U
(2016) Temperature Effects on Life in the Deep Subseafloor Biosphere
Heuer V, Gan S, Lipp J, Morono Y, Inagaki F & Hinrichs K-U

Gan Tian (2024) Carbonate Uranium Isotopes Record Global Expansion of Marine Anoxia during the Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event
Remírez M, Gilleaudeau GJ, Gan T, Kipp MA, Tissot FLH, Kaufman AJ & Parente M
(2024) Uranium Isotope Response to Changing Oxygen Minimum Zone Dynamics in the Arabian Sea over the Past 65 kyr
Hasley-Velez WA, Gilleaudeau GJ, Gan T, Reichart G-J, Hennekam R, Remirez MN, Kaufman AJ & Anbar AD
(2022) Lithium Isotope Evidence for a Plumeworld Ocean in the Aftermath of a Cryogenian Snowball Earth
Gan T, Tian M, Wang X-K, Wang S, Liu X, Luo T & Xiao S

Gan Ting (2019) K Isotope Fractionation in Diffusion Couples of Molten Basalts
Zhang Y, Gan T & Guan Y

Gan Yang (2012) Intrinsic Proton Activity of Surface Hydroxyl Groups of Single-Crystal (Hydr)oxide Minerals: Insights from Recent AFM Studies
Gan Y

Gan Yi-Qun (2014) Contribution of Fly Ash to Heavy Metal Contamination of Chinese Croplands Revealed with Q-ICP-MS
Ying S, Weiss D, Bu J, Zhao R, Gan Y, Wang Y, Wilcox J & Fendorf S
(2014) A Precise, Accurate and Fast Determination Method of δ13C Value in Dissolved Organic Carbon Using Gas Chromatography Combined with Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry
Yu K, Gan Y-Q, Zhou A-G, Liu Y-D & Han L
(2014) Spatial Distribution of Arsenic in Groundwater of the Jianghan Plain, Central China
Duan Y-H, Wang Y-X, Gan Y-Q, Deng Y-M, Dong C-J & Wang C-Y
(2014) Seasonal Variation of Arsenic Speciation in the Shallow Aquifer of the Jianghan Plain, Central China
Deng Y, Li H, Ni Q, Duan Y, Wang Y & Gan Y

Gan Yiqun (2019) Effects of Microbial Communities on Arsenic Mobilization and Enrichment in Groundwater: Evidence from PLFA and 3D Fluorescence Analysis
Yan L, Xie X, Gan Y & Deng Y
(2019) Mobilization of Geogenic Arsenic and Iodine in Shallow Aquifer along the Middle Reaches of Yangtze River
Deng Y, Gan Y, Ma T & Wang Y
(2018) Sedimentological Controls on the Formation of High Arsenic Aquifers in Central Yangtze River Basin
Deng Y, Gan Y, Ma T & Wang Y
(2017) Sediment Geochemisty of Quaternary Aquifers in Jianghan Plain, Central China: Implication of Arsenic Occurrences and Mobilization
Deng Y, Gan Y & Xie X

Ganachaud A. (2015) Rare Earth Elements in the Coral and Solomon Seas (Pandora-GEOTRACES)
Pham V, Jeandel C, Leleu T, Grenier M, Rousseau T, Ganachaud A & Eldin G

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