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Dasari Sankar (2015) Proterozoic Mafic-Alkaline Intrusives in the Vicinity of the Southern Part of Cuddapah Basin of South India
Dasari S, Konduri S, Kothacheruvu VR, Denduluri Venkata SR & Rangepalli H

Dasgupta A. (2019) Decoding Early Earth Tectonics from Mesoarchaean Metamorphic P-T Path of Evolution: New Evidence from Sargur Supracrustals in the Western Dharwar Craton, South India
Dasgupta A, Bhowmik SK, Dasgupta S, Ireland T & Avila J

Dasgupta Rahul (2015) Evidence of Decarbonation Process in a Skarn Deposit from Matanumadh Formation, Kachchh Basin, India
Banerjee Y, Dasgupta R, Ghosh P, Chakrabarti R & Hergt J

Dasgupta Rajdeep (2023) Outgassed Atmospheres of Magma Ocean Exoplanets
Maurice M, Dasgupta R & Hassanzadeh P
(2023) Estimating the Carbon Budget of the Earth’s Deep Mantle from Petrogenesis of Silica-Poor Ocean Island Basalts
Dasgupta R & Sun C
(2022) The Fate of Nitrogen during Parent Body Partial Melting and Accretion of the Inner Solar System Bodies at Highly Reducing Conditions
Dasgupta R, Falksen E & Sun C
(2021) A Very Early Origin of Isotopically Distinct Nitrogen in Inner Solar System Protoplanets
Grewal D, Dasgupta R & Marty B
(2021) Nitrogen Depletion in the Inner Solar System Planets Linked to the Rates of Protoplanetary Accretion and Differentiation
Dasgupta R, Grewal D, Farnell A & Hough T
(2021) A Machine Learning Model for the Differentiation of Hydrous Magma at Lower Crust
Liu B, Lee C-T & Dasgupta R
(2020) Extraction of Life-Essential Volatiles via Melting of Rocky Planetary Mantles of Variable Redox
Dasgupta R, Chowdhury P, Eguchi J, Sun C & Saha S
(2020) The Effect of Differentiation via Internal Versus External Magma Oceans on the Carbon and Nitrogen Budgets of Rocky Planets
Grewal D, Dasgupta R & Eguchi J
(2020) Correcting Fe- and S-XANES Beam Damage and Recognizing Rapid Redox Equilibration of Olivine-Hosted Melt Inclusions
Lerner A, Muth M, Wallace P, Lanzirotti A, Newville M, Gaetani G, Chowdhury P & Dasgupta R
(2019) The Core-Mantle Partitioning of Nitrogen in Carbon-Undersaturated Ultramafic Systems
Grewal D, Hough T, Tsuno K & Dasgupta R
(2019) Control of Accretion and Early Differentiation Process on the Diversity of Volatile Inventory of Rocky Solar System Objects
Dasgupta R, Grewal DS & Tsuno K
(2018) Fate of Nitrogen during Core-Mantle Separation
Grewal D, Dasgupta R, Costin G, Tsuno K, Li Y & Holmes A
(2018) Core-Mantle Fractionation of Carbon in Magma Oceans of Inner Solar System Bodies: The Role of Sulfur
Dasgupta R, Tsuno K & Grewal D
(2017) A New CO<sub>2</sub> Solubility Model for Silicate Melts from Fluid-Saturation to Graphite-Saturation: Implications for the Redox State of Oceanic Basalt Source Regions
Eguchi J & Dasgupta R
(2017) Carbon Contents in Reduced Basalts at Graphite Saturation: Implications for the Degassing of Mars, Mercury, and the Moon
Li Y, Dasgupta R & Tsuno K
(2017) Limited Dissolution of Organic Carbon in Slab Melt Causes the Rise of Atmospheric O2 Across GOE
Dasgupta R & Duncan MS
(2016) Efficiency of Organic Carbon Subduction Constrained by the Solubility of Carbon in Hydrous Slab Melt at Graphite Saturated Conditions
Dasgupta R & Duncan M
(2016) The Fate of Sulfur during Mantle Melting – Implications for the Mantle Sulfur Budget and the Mode of Deep Carbon Storage
Dasgupta R, Ding S & Tsuno K
(2015) Comparison of the Conditions of Melting in the Martian Mantle from Surface Basalts and Meteorites
Filiberto J & Dasgupta R
(2015) Origin and Evolution of C-O-H Volatiles in Terrestrial Magma Ocean, Earth’s Hadean Mantle, and Atmosphere
Dasgupta R, Li Y & Duncan MS
(2014) Basalt-Limestone Interaction at Crustal Conditions and Implications for Volcanic Emission of CO2
Carter LB & Dasgupta R
(2014) Hybridization of Mantle-Wedge by Hydrous Sediment Partial Melt and Generation of Ultra-Potassic Arc Lavas
Mallik A, Nelson J & Dasgupta R
(2014) Continental Arc-Island Arc Fluctuations, Skarn Formation and Long-Term Climate
Lee C-T, Lackey JS, Barnes J, Jiang H, Dasgupta R & Dickens G
(2013) Tracing Whole-Earth Carbon from the Hadean to Present
Dasgupta R
(2013) Effect of Variable CO2 on Andesite-Lherzolite Reaction: Implications for Mantle Hybridization and Generation of Alkalic Basalts
Mallik A & Dasgupta R
(2013) Deep Subduction of Carbon and Sulfur Constrained by Laboratory Experiments
Dasgupta R, Duncan M, Jégo S & Tsuno K
(2013) Solubility of CO2 in Rhyolitic Melts as a Function of Depth, Temperature, and Oxygen Fugacity – Implications for Carbon Flux in Subduction Zones
Duncan M & Dasgupta R
(2012) Genesis of Alkaline Magmas by Reaction of MORB-Eclogite Derived Carbonated Melt with Lherzolite
Mallik A, Dasgupta R & Mishra V
(2012) Carbon Solution and Partitioning between Metallic and Silicate Melts in a Shallow Magma Ocean: Implications for the Origin and Distribution of Terrestrial Carbon
Dasgupta R, Chi H, Shimizu N, Buono A & Walker D
(2011) Mineralogical Heterogeneities in the Earth’s Mantle: Constraints from Mn, Co, Ni and Zn Partitioning during Partial Melting
Le Roux V, Dasgupta R & Lee C-T
(2011) Compressibility Change in Fe-Rich Melt and Implications for Core Formation Models
Sanloup C, van Westrenen W, Dasgupta R, Maynard-Casely H & Perrillat J-P
(2011) Subduction Cycling of C-O-H Volatiles from Sediment Melting
Tsuno K, Dasgupta R, Danielson L & Righter K
(2011) Silicate Melting in the Earth’s Deep Upper Mantle Caused by C-O-H Volatiles
Dasgupta R, Tsuno K, Withers AC & Mallik A
(2011) Copper Systematics in Arc Magmas and Implications for the Origin of Continents, the Pb-Paradox, and Copper Porphyry Deposits
Lee C-T, Chin E, Bouchet R, Luffi P, Dasgupta R, Morton D, le Roux V, Yin Q-Z, Albarède F & Blichert-Toft J
(2010) Conservative Tracers of Oxygen Fugacity in Basalts and their Mantle Source Regions
Lee C-T, Luffi P, Le Roux V & Dasgupta R
(2010) First Series Transition Metals (Zn, Fe, Mn, Co, Sc, V) as Tracers of Mineralogic Heterogeneities in the Mantle
Le Roux V, Dasgupta R & Lee C-TA
(2010) Effect of Chlorine on Near-Liquidus Phase Equilibria of Basalts
Filiberto J, Dasgupta R & Treiman AH
(2009) Major Element and Volatile Heterogeneity in the Earth’s Mantle and Generation of Oceanic Basalts
Dasgupta R
(2009) Volatile-Induced Metasomatic Melting in Terrestrial Planets
Dasgupta R
(2008) High-Pressure Melting Relations in Fe-C-S Systems: Implications for Metallic Cores in Planetary Bodies
Dasgupta R, Whelan G, Buono A & Walker D
(2007) Carbonatite-Mantle Interaction in the Formation of Highly Alkalic Oceanic Island Basalts
Hirschmann M & Dasgupta R
(2006) Melting induced extraction of C-O-H volatiles at mid-ocean ridges
Dasgupta R & Hirschmann M
(2005) Near-Solidus Melt Compositions from Natural Carbonated Lherzolite
Dasgupta R, Hirschmann M & Withers A

Dasgupta Somnath (2022) Occurrence of Granulite Facies Metamorphosed Bastar Cratonic Rocks in the Western Margin of the Eastern Ghats Province: Implications from Petrology and Whole Rock Geochemistry of Garnet-Bearing Charnockites
Padmaja J, Sarkar T & Dasgupta S
(2019) Decoding Early Earth Tectonics from Mesoarchaean Metamorphic P-T Path of Evolution: New Evidence from Sargur Supracrustals in the Western Dharwar Craton, South India
Dasgupta A, Bhowmik SK, Dasgupta S, Ireland T & Avila J
(2013) Duration of Prograde Metamorphism in the Inverted Barrovian Sequence, Sikim Himalaya, India
Anczkiewicz R, Chakraborty S, Dasgupta S & Mukhopadhyay D
(2012) Accuracy of Lu-Hf and Sm-Nd Garnet Dating
Anczkiewicz R, Chakraborty S, Dasgupta S & Mukopadhyay D
(2007) Geospeedometry as a Tool for Identifying Different Lithotectonic Packages in Higher Himalayan Crystallines, Sikkim, India
Chakraborty S & Dasgupta S

Dasgupta Soumitri S. (2010) Partitioning Peatland Gas Prodution: Determining the Fraction of CO2 Produced from Methanogenesis
Corbett JE, Chanton JP, Burdige D, Glaser PH, Cooper WT, Siegel DI, Dasgupta SS & Tfaily MM

Dasgupta T. (2010) Insights into Ancient Magma Chamber Evolution Based on Sr and Nd Isotopic Composition of Apatite
Samson S & Dasgupta T

Dash Jitendra (2013) Contrasting Patterns of Bacterial Weathering of Granite, Granulite and Gabbro from Tropical Regions of South India
Subashri R, Dash J, Srinivasan B & Natarajan S
(2009) Geochemistry and Sr-Nd Isotope Studies of Proterozoic Basic Dykes, Southern Granulite Terrain, India
Dash JK, Balakrishnan S & Bhutani R

Dash Jitendra K (2016) Constraints on the Evolution of the Mafic-Ultramafic Rock Suites of Selected Mesoarchean Greenstone Belts of Western Dharwar Craton, Southern India
Patra K, Anand R, Balakrishnan S, Dash JK & Tom NG

Dash Jitendra Kumar (2020) Depositional Environments of Neoarchean Carbonates from the Dharwar Craton, India: Constraints from Geochemical and Isotopic Studies
Govind A V, Behera K, Balakrishnan S, Dash JK, Bhutani R, Managave S & Srinivasan R
(2017) Petrogenesis of Peridotitic Komatiites from Two Mesoarchean Greenstone Belts of Sargur Group, Western Dharwar Craton, Southern India
Patra K, Anand R, Balakrishnan S & Dash JK
(2017) Subduction Zone Influence in Manipur Ophiolite Complex, Indo-Myanmar Range: Constraints from 143Nd/144Nd and Elemental Concentrations
Kingson O, Bhutani R, Dash JK, Srinivasan B, Pandit D & Rao NVC

Dash P. (2023) Uptake of Iodine by Crystallization of Phosphate Minerals
Gabitov R, Jimenez A, Migdisov AA, Perez-Huerta A, Guo X, Xu H, Dash P, Caporuscio F & Roback R
(2022) Uptake of Uranium by Crystallization of Phosphate Minerals
Gabitov R, Jimenez A, Migdisov AA, Liu J, Guo X, Rose K, Perez-Huerta A, Paul V, Dash P, Navarathna C, Mlsna T, Caporuscio F, Xu H & Roback R
(2021) Retention of Geochemical Signatures during the Transformation of Aragonite to Calcite at Elevated Temperatures
Gabitov R, Nguyen A, Jimenez A, Dygert D, Varco J, Paul V, Perez-Huerta A, Migdissov A, Dash P & Kirkland B
(2019) Influence of Dissolved Organic Matter on Declining Oyster Populations in the Western Mississippi Sound
Wickramarathna S, Dash P & Moorhead R
(2018) Microbial Diversity in Hematitic Bearing Rock from Tropical Sri Lanka
Wickramarathna S, Chandrajith R, Senarathe A, Wickramashinghe S, Paul V & Dash P

Dash S. (2022) Evidence of Colder Ambient Mantle Condition during the Archean; Implication from the Calculation of Mantle Potential Temperature (Tp)
Dash S, Babu E & Ganne J

Dash U.K. (2023) Performance Comparisons of the Three Data Assimilation Methods for Improved Predictability of PM2.5: EnKF, EnSRF, and 3D-Var
Dash UK & Park S-Y

Dashdorjgochoo O. (2022) Geochronology and Petrogenesis of the Bronze Fox Porphyry Cu-Au Deposit: Implications for Geodynamic Evolution of the Gurvansaykhan Island Arc, Southern Mongolia
Bayaraa G, Dashdorjgochoo O, Yang X, Dorjgochoo S, Faisal M, Enkhtur M & Naidansuren T
(2018) Geochronology and Geochemistry of the Modot Granitic Pluton, Central Mongolia
Naidansuren T, Dorjgochoo S, Bayaraa G, Otgon O, Dashdorjgochoo O & Sukhbat B

Dashtseren K. (2020) Lithium Mineralzition of the Idermeg Zone in Central Mongolia: Petrography and Mineralogical Study
Dashtseren K, Naranbileg B, Sereenen J & Arribas A

Dasilveira L.A. (2022) Helium Isotopes Constrain Magma Sources and Emplacement beneath Kīlauea Caldera during the 2018 and 2020 Eruptions
McMurtry GM, Dasilveira LA, Fischer TP, Bekaert DV & Barry PH

Daskalakis N. (2023) Inversion of Permafrost Methane Emissions Using TM5-MP/4DVAR with TROPOMI Measurements
Parraguez S, Daskalakis N, Kanakidou M, Vrekoussis M, Segers A, Schneising O & Buchwitz M
(2013) Impact of Crustal Elements on Global Atmospheric Deposition of Nitrogen
Myriokefalitakis S, Daskalakis N & Kanakidou M
(2009) Global Sources of Organic Aerosols in the Atmosphere: Reconciling Model Results with Observations
Kanakidou M, Myriokefalitakis S, Tsigaridis K & Daskalakis N

Daskalopoulou K. (2022) Geogenic Carbon Transport Through Karst Hydrosystems of Greece
Li Vigni L, Cardellini C, Chiodini G, D'Alessandro W, Daskalopoulou K, Calabrese S, Brugnone F, Aiuppa A & Parello F
(2017) Extreme Isotope Fractionation of Hydrothermal Methane due to Oxidation Processes in Hot Springs of Central Greece
D'Alessandro W, Daskalopoulou K, Gagliano AL, Calabrese S, Fiebig J, Tassi F & Kyriakopoulos K

Dass P. (2017) Nitrogen Inputs via Rock Weathering Point to Higher CO2 Uptake Capacity of Terrestrial Biosphere Than Previously Suggested
Dass P, Houlton B, Wang Y, Pak B, Morford S & Warlind D

Dassargues A. (2013) Opal-Ct Precipitation in a Clayey Soil Explained by Geochemical Transport Model of Dissolved Si (Blégny, Belgium)
Ronchi B, Barao AL, Vandevenne F, Van Gaelen N, Verheyen D, Adriaens R, Batelaan O, Dassargues A, Struyf E, Diels J & Govers G

DasSarma S. (2018) Early Evolution of Haloarchaeal Photopigments and Potential as a Remote Surface Biosignature
DasSarma S & Schwieterman E

Dassenakis Emmanuel (2017) Geogenic Occurrence of CrVI in Groundwater of Northeast Peloponnese, Greece
Pyrgaki K, Argyraki A, Kelepertzis E, Botsou F, Paraskevopoulou V, Mitsis I & Dassenakis E

Dassenakis Emmanuil (2019) Assessing the Natural Background of Cr(VI) Impacted Aquifers in Central Greece
Pyrgaki K, Argyraki A, Kelepertzis E, Botsou F, Megremi I, Karavoltsos S & Dassenakis E

Dassenakis M. (2015) Lead Content, Fractionation and Ratios of Stable Isotopes in Marine Sediments from Saronikos Gulf, Greece
Prifti E, Kaberi E, Iliakis S, Dassenakis M & Scoullos M

Dassuncao C. (2017) An Analysis of Variability in the Methylmercury Burden of Marine Mammals Using Stable Mercury Isotopes
Li M, Juang A, Ewald J, Mikkelsen B, Yin R, Krabbenhoft D, Dam M, Dassuncao C & Sunderland E
(2015) Temporal Trends in Perfluorinated Alkylated Substances (PFASs) in North Atlantic Seawater and Pilot Whales
Sunderland E, Zhang X, Dassuncao C, Hu X, Mikkelsen B, Dam M & Bossi R

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