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(2020) The Effect of Differentiation via Internal Versus External Magma Oceans on the Carbon and Nitrogen Budgets of Rocky Planets

Grewal D, Dasgupta R & Eguchi J


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01c: Room 1, Tuesday 23rd June 00:36 - 00:39

Listed below are questions that have been submitted by the community that the author will try and cover in their presentation. To submit a question, ensure you are signed in to the website. Authors or session conveners approve questions before they are displayed here.

Submitted by My Riebe on Sunday 21st June 19:07
For the external magma ocean you say that an early atmosphere might be important to incorporate C and N. How much do we know about atmosphere's on planetesimals? What is needed for them to develop? Were they common?
If the planetesimals were accreted within the timescales of 26Al decay (as evidenced from accretion ages of parent bodies of iron meteorites) , then depending upon the relative timing of accretion as well as size of the parent body, the rocky bodies could form a whole silicate mantle magma ocean. Volatiles released due to magma ocean degassing would form a transient atmosphere and depending upon vapor pressure induced solubility of those volatiles would also ingass some volatiles into the magma ocean. Of course those transient atmosphere could not have been retained for longer timescales but they would retained for long enough to ingass volatiles into the cores and mantles of those plantesimals.

Submitted by Tomohiro Usui on Monday 22nd June 23:02
The reason why you chose iron meteorites is the great number of parent bodies. But, I was wondering if the major source of C and N in the planetesimals might have been derived from C-chondrite-like reservoirs.

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