Cugerone A.
One-Size-Does-Not-Fit-All: Diversity of Critical Elements Distribution in Sphalerite at the Nanoscale
Fougerouse D, Cugerone A, Luo K, Krause J, Reddy SM, Saxey DW & Rickard WDA
Rare Metals in Recrystallized Pb-Zn Mineralizations: New Insights from the Pyrenean Sphalerite
Cugerone A, Cenki-Tok B, Oliot E, Munoz M, Kouzmanov K, Salvi S, Motto-Ros V, Barou F & Le Goff E
LIBS Imaging for Geological Samples: Short Review of Applications
Motto-Ros V, Fabre C, Trichard F, Pelascini F, Panczer G, Gaft M, Cugerone A, Genty D, Cauzid J, Tarantola A & Munoz M
Occurrence of Ge-Bearing Accessory Minerals within the Variscan Pb-Zn Deposits of the Bossost Dome, French Pyrenean Axial Zone
Cugerone A, Cenki-Tok B, Chauvet A, Le Goff E, Bailly L, Alard O, Oliot E & Alard M
Cugini B.
Petrologic and Geochemical Links in the Jackass Lakes Volcanic-Plutonic Complex, Sierra Nevada Batholith
Dunn S, Memeti V, Cugini B, Durning S, Real J & Quiroz A
Cui B.
Geological Characteristics and Genesis Discovery of Native Copper in East Tian Mountain, Xinjiang, P.R. China
Cui B, He Z & Zhao L
Geochemical Characteristics of Basalts from Shilipo and Heilongfeng Native Copper Mineralized Areas, Eastern Tianshan, Xinjiang
He Z, Zheng D & Cui B
Cui D
Metal Speciation in Heterogeneous Waste Repository Materials Using micro-Xrf and micro-XAS
Scheidegger A, Grolimund D, Vespa M, Harfouche M, Wieland E, Dähn R & Cui D
Cui Daqing
Oxygen Consumption by Granite Samples Under Sterile Glacial Melt Water Conditions
Bjorkman E, Cui D & Puigdomenech I
Cui Gao-Yang
Comparison of Dual Nitrate Isotopes in Aerosols Sampled at Two Typical Cities, Southwest China
Li X-D, Yang Z, Li Q-K, Cui G-Y, Huang J & Tao Y-L
Cui Guang-Yao
Water Pollution Treatment of Chinese Highway Tunnel Construction
Cui G, Wang M, Lu J-F, Zhang W & Wang W
Environmental Protection Design of Chinese Highway Tunnel
Lu J-F & Cui G-Y
Research on Environmental Protection Construction of Urban Road Tunnel
Cui G-Y
Cui Guanghao
OCT Ophiolite Key to the Genesis of the Podiform Chromitites: Case Study of Tibetan Dingqing Ophiolites
Shi R, Yang J, Cui G, Huang Q, Gong X, Liu F, Li G & Lian D
Diffusion-Induced Li Isotopic Heterogeneity in the Oceanization SCLM Peridotites of Tibetan Yunzhug Ophiolite
Cui G, Shi R, Yang J, Huang Q & Gong X
Cui Hao
Sulfate-Rich Crustal Fluids and REE Tranpsort
Zhong R, Cui H, Xie Y, Yuan X, Brugger J, Chen H, Liu W & Yu C
A Highly Redox-Heterogeneous Ocean in South China during the Early Cambrian (~529-514 Ma): Implications for Biota-Environment Co-evolution
Li C, Jin C, Algeo T, Planavsky N, Cui H, Yang X, Zhao Y, Zhang X & Xie S
Cui Haojie
Fe(II)-Bearing Clay Minerals Accelerate Ferrihydrite Transformation
Liao W, Yuan S & Cui H
Cui Huan
The Potential Influence of Mountain Belts on Ediacaran-Cambrian Ecosystems of Western Gondwana
Caxito F, Sperling EA, MacDonald F, Uhlein G, Cawood PA, Xiao S, Cui H, Pedrosa Soares A, Novo T, De Grave J, Roncato J, Uhlein A, Lana C, Santos L, Rangel C, Ross S, Halverson G, Tedeschi M, Alkmim F, Okubo J, Warren LV, Scholz R & Queiroga G
Clay Mineral and Isotopic Evidence for Widespread Restricted, Evaporitic Conditions during the Deposition of the Ediacaran Doushantuo Formation
Han S, Löhr S, Abbott A, Baldermann A, Voigt M, Cui H, Chen B, Farkas J, Shields GA & Kaufman AJ
Neoproterozoic Carbon Isotope Positive Anomalies: Primary or Secondary? Global or Regional?
Cui H, Kaufman AJ, Warren LV, Uhlein G, Okubo J & Liu X-M
Probing the Ediacaran Shuram Excursion by SIMS: Depositional or Diagenetic? Global or Local?
Cui H, Kitajima K, Orland IJ, Xiao S, Kaufman AJ, Baele J-M, Denny A, Spicuzza MJ, Fournelle JH & Valley JW
Questioning the Biogenicity of Neoproterozoic Superheavy Pyrite
Cui H, Kitajima K, Spicuzza M, Fournelle J, Denny A, Ishida A, Zhang F & Valley J
Cui J
Pb isotope fractionation during evaporation
Zhu X, Wu X, Cui J, Yang C & Yang Y
Cui Ji-Qiang
Cathodoluminescence Characteristics and Al, Ti Contents of Quartz in Xiangshan Volcanic-Intrusive Complex, South China: New Insight into Magma Evolution
Yang S-Y, Cui J-Q, Jiang S-Y & Liang J-P
Petrogenesis of Mafic Microgranular Enclaves, Host Monzogranite and Diorite from Xiaojiang Pluton, SE China
Zhang R-X, Yang S-Y, Jiang S-Y, Liang J-P & Cui J-Q
Cui Jian-Ming
Tungsten Mineralization Formed by Single-Pulsed Magmatic Fluid
Cui J-M, Ni P & Pan J-Y
Cui Jianghu
Biochar Amendment Increases Arsenic Release from Flooded Paddy Soil by Modulating the Transcriptional Activity of Arsenic-Reducing Bacteria and Genes
Qiao J, Li X, Hu M, Li F & Cui J
Cui Jianjun
Diachronous Subduction and Exhumation of the Tongbai-Dabie-Sulu HP/UHP Metamorphic Belt in Central China
Liu X, Jahn B-M, Cui J & Lou Y
Cui Jianyong
Possible High U Effect on Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS) of Cassiterite U-Pb Dating
He S, Guo D, Cui J, Liu R & Fan Z
Cui Jinggang
Organic-Rich Shale Porosity Evolution from Physical Modelling
Cui J, Gao Z, Wu S & Su L
Cui Jingwei
Are Organic-Matter-Rich Shales with Laminations the Right Targets for Lacustrine Shale Oil Exploration?
Wu S, Zhu R, Yang Z & Cui J
Sedimentary and Geochemical Characteristics of the Triassic Chang 7 Member Shale in the Southeastern Ordos Basin, Central China
Cui J, Zhu R & Luo Z
Oil and Gas Resources of Shale System Orderly Accumulation and its Prospecting significance-A Case Study of Chang7 in Ordos Basin
Cui J
Movable Oil and its Controlling Factors in Tight Sandstone Oil
Cui J & Zhu R
Appraisal Methods on Oil Fluid Ability in Tight Sandstone: A Case Study of Chang7 Formation, Ordos Basin
Cui J & Zhu R
From Pore System to Fluid Flow: Tight Oil Evaluation and Sweet-Spotting
Wu S, Zhu R, Su L & Cui J
Geochemical Characteristics and Oil-Source Correlation of Oil-Sand Extracts of Kelatuo Anticline in the Northern Kashi Sag, NW Tarim Basin, China
Hu J, Wang T, Cui J, Zhang B, Li M & Liu Q
Evolution and Controlling Factors of Shale Pores
Cui J
Research Advances of Microscopic Pore-Throat Structural Characterization Techiques in Unconventional Tight Oil and Gas Reservoirs
Zhu R, Bai B, Wu S & Cui J
Interrelation between Tuffs and Organic Rich Source Rock in Chang7 Formation, Triassic, Ordos Basin, Central China
Cui J, Zhu R, Wu S & Bai B
Cui Jun
Sulfur Isotopes of Pyrite in Meteorite NWA 7533 and Early Oxygenation Event on Martian Atmosphere
Shang S, Hui H, Yang W, Hu S, Hao J, Zhang J, Wei Y, Lin Y, Cui J, Li S, Li Y & Zeng X
Cui Lifeng
Significant Differences of Denudation Rates in Mountainous Small Watersheds in Eastern Margin of Tibet Plateau
Cui L, Xu S, Liu C, Zhao Z & Zhang X
Variance of REEs Distribution in Two Weathered Granitic Profiles in East Tibet Plateau, China
Cui L, Liu C & Zhao Z
10Be-Derived Denudation Rates from Granitic Basins in Laoshan Mountain,
East China
Cui L, Liu C, Xu S & Zhao Z
Cui Linlin
Changes in Sulfur Cycling in a Large Lake during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum and Implications for Lake Deoxygenation
Wang X & Cui L
δ13C Record of Black Carbon in Daihai Lake Sediments, Northern China: An Indicator of Terrestrial Environmental Changes
Cui L, Wang X, Xiao J & Ding Z
Holocene Changes in Fire Frequency in the Daihai Lake Region (North-Central China): Indications and Implications for an Important Role of Human Activity
Wang X, Xiao J, Cui L & Ding Z
Cui M.
Rare Earth Element Cycling Across the Chemocline of the Pettaquamscutt River Estuary, Rhode Island
Adebayo S, Cui M, Kelly R, Akintomide O & Johannesson K
Tungsten in Sulfidic Waters: Implications for Paleoceanography and the Origins of Life
Johannesson K, Cui M & Helz G
Speciation and Mobility of Tungsten in Modern Euxinic System: Determination of Acid Catalyzed Thiotungstates Formation and Kinetics
Cui M & Johannesson K
Cui N.
Cui Qiang
High-Resolution Three-Dimensional Structure of Collagen Fibrils and Its Role in Vertebrate Skeletal Biomineralization
Xu Z, Yang Y, Zhao W, Wang Z, Landis W, Cui Q & Sahai N
Molecular Dynamics Structural Analysis of Calcium Phosphate Clusters Nucleated in Collagen Fibril Hole Zones
Xu Z, Zhao W, Wang Z, Cui Q & Sahai N
Ca2+ and Phosphate Ion Transport to and Calcium Phosphate Cluster Nucleation within Collagen Fibrils In Bone Biomineralization
Xu Z, Zhao W, Yang Y, Cui Q & Sahai N