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Index of Authors

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Agol E. (2009) Implications of Dynamical Stability for the Detection of Super-Earths via Transit Timing Variation Method
Haghighipour N, Hinse T, Steffen J & Agol E

Agosta S. (2012) Generating Pore Fluid Isotope and Solute Profiles in Exceptionally Low Permeability Rocks
Agosta S, Hanna D, Liu I & Clark I

Agostini F. (2013) Modelling the Impact of C4 Biofuel Crops (Miscanthus spp.) on Soil Carbon Storage in Different Climates
Agostini F, Roncucci N & Richter G

Agostini S. (2023) Kamafugites and Kamafugites: A Comparison of the Ugandan, Brazilian and Italian Variants
Innocenzi F, Agostini S, Foley SF, Ronca S & Lustrino M
(2023) Boron Loss and Isotopic Fractionation as a Result of Sediment Dehydration during Subduction from Seafloor to Sub-Arc in SW Japan
Do E, Perez S, Chen T-W, Fisher D, Agostini S, Saffer D & Feineman M
(2023) Boron and B-Sr-Nd Isotopes as Tracers of FME and Volatile Enrichments in the Mantle Source of Kamchatka Arc Basalts
Brennan E, Savov IP, Agostini S, Churikova T, Gordeychik B, Iveson AA, Morgan DJ & Humphreys MCS
(2022) Šumovit Greben, a Tale of a Rhyolitic Lava Dome
Molnár K, Dibacto S, Lahitte P, Arató R, Benkó Z, Szepesi J, Agostini S, Döncző B & Temovski M
(2021) Benchmarking Analysis of δ11B in Low B Mid Ocean Ridge Basalt (MORB) Volcanic Glasses
Paul AN, Stewart J, Agostini S, Kirstein L, De Hoog J, Savov I, Walowski K, Rae JWB & Elliott T
(2021) Redox-Dependent Recycling of Carbon in Subduction Zones: A Petrological and Isotope Study from the Belvidere Mountain Complex Ultramafic Body
Boutier A, Vitale Brovarone A, Martinez I, Sissmann O, Agostini S, Daniel I & Mana S
(2019) The Pleiades Volcanic Complex in the W Antarctic Rift: Basaltic Magmas Differentiation Affected by Ice Cover during the Last Glacial Maximum
Agostini S, Leone N, Di Vincenzo G, Rocchi S & Smellie J
(2018) At the Root of the Geothermal Field of Larderello: Boron Isotope Constraints
Dini A, Pennisi M, Agostini S, Di Giuseppe P & Rielli A
(2015) Orogenic Volcanism in Kurdistan Province of Iran
Agostini S, Rahimzadeh B, Petricca E, Masoudi F & Lustrino M
(2015) Serpentinites and their Role as Tracer of Fluid Pathway in Subduction Zones
Cannaò E, Scambelluri M, Agostini S & Tonarini S
(2013) B, Pb, Sr Isotopic Imprint of Crustal and Mantle Rocks from the Slab-Mantle Interface: The Cima di Gagnone Example (Central Alps)
Cannaò E, Agostini S, Scambelluri M & Tonarini S
(2013) Boron Isotopes in Boninites from the Izu-Bonin-Mariana Arc System: Insights into Subduction Initiation
Savov I & Agostini S
(2013) Across-Arc Geochemical Variations in Central America Subduction Zone: Evidences from Honduras Basalts
Mattioli M, Agostini S & Renzulli A
(2013) Carbonate, Not Carbonatite, at Villamayor Volcano (Calatrava Volcanic District, Central Spain)
Lustrino M, Agostini S, Capizzi L, Psarakis M & Prelevic D
(2013) Sub-Arc δ11B: The Introduction of Boron Isotope Heterogeneity into the Convecting Mantle
Harvey J, Garrido C, Agostini S, Padron-Navarta J-A, Lopez Sanchez-Vizcaino V, Savov I & Marchesi C
(2013) Isotopic Signature of Naturally Cr(VI) Contaminated Spring Waters from Western Tuscany (Italy)
Chiarantini L, Agostini S, Baneschi I, Guidi M, Natali C, Tonarini S & Frei R
(2013) B and O Isotopes as Tracers of Serpentinization along Fossil Oceanic Detachments, Troodos Ophiolite, Cyprus
Elisha B, Katzir Y, Abelson M, Agostini S, Valley J & Spikuzza M
(2012) High-Pressure Dehydration of Antigorite-Serpentinite and its Effect on Boron Isotope Fractionation in the Shallow Mantle Wedge
Harvey J, Garrido C, Agostini S, Padran-Navarta J-A, Lopez Sanchez-Vizcaino V & Marchesi C
(2012) Mantle Source of Back-Arc Ecuador Volcanoes: Insights from B and Radiogenic Isotopes
Agostini S, Puerini M, Renzulli A & Ridolfi F
(2011) Subduction-Related or Subdution-Modified Source? The Case of Central-Eastern Anatolia Volcanism
Agostini S, Savaşçın MY & Manetti P
(2010) Mantle Wedge and Slab Fluids in Eastern Mediterranean Arc Magmas
Agostini S, Tonarini S & Manetti P
(2009) Boron Isotope Systematics in Central America Volcanoes
Tonarini S, Leeman WP & Agostini S
(2008) Coupled Li and B Isotope Variations in Aegean-Western Anatolia Arc Lavas: Evidences for δ7Li Fractionation in Subducted Slabs
Agostini S, Ryan JG, Tonarini S & Innocenti F
(2007) B Isotope Study on Tourmalines and Axinites in Hydrothermal Systems: Insights into Fluid Circulation
Agostini S, Oyman T, Tonarini S & Savasçin MY
(2006) Drying and dying of a subducted slab: Li and B isotopes in Western Anatolia Cenozoic Volcanism
Agostini S, Tonarini S, Ryan JG & Innocenti F
(2006) B, Sr, Nd and Pb isotope variations in El Salvador arc lavas: insights into subarc mantle modifications
Tonarini S, Agostini S, Doglioni C, Innocenti F & Manetti P

Agra N.A. (2019) Growth of New Lithosphere during the Period 2.3-2.0 Ga in the Birimian Supergroup of the Bui Belt of Ghana: Insights from Geochemistry
Agra NA, Elburg MA & Vorster C

Agrahari S. (2022) Beach Placers of South-Eastern Peninsular India: A Petrological, Geochemical, Geophysical and Radiometric Perspective
Ghosal S, Venkatesh AS, Agrahari S & Sengupta D
(2018) REE Resource Estimation in the High Background Radiation Areas (HBRA’s) of Coastal Odisha, India
Ghosal S, Agrahari S, Banerjee D & Sengupta D

Agranier A. (2021) Evidence for Continental Weathering and Riverine Input during the Sturtian Glaciation
Bricker HL, Foster I, Hagge P, Agranier A, Sansjofre P, Lalonde SV & Tripati A
(2021) Earth’s Volatile Accretion as Told by Cd, Bi, Sb and Tl Core–mantle Distribution
Kubik E, Siebert J, Blanchard I, Agranier A, Huang D, Mahan B & Moynier F
(2021) Development and Calibration of a New Method Geo-Chronometric (U-Th-Sm)/He on Magnetite and Spinel in Ultrabasic Rocks
Corre M, Agranier A, Lanson M, Schwartz S, Brunet F & Gautheron CE
(2021) Possible Hafnium Isotope Evidence for Continental Emergence Prior to 3.22 Ga
Foster I, Hagge P, Bricker H, Agranier A, Köhler I, Homann M, Heubeck C, Nonnotte P, Konhauser K, Tripati A & Lalonde SV
(2019) Revisting the Apparent Elemental Complementarity between Chondrules and Matrix in Carbonaceous Chondrites
van Kooten E, Moynier F & Agranier A
(2019) Tracing Earth's Volatile Delivery with Tin
Kubik E, Siebert J, Mahan B, Blanchard I, Creech J, Shcheka S, Agranier A & Moynier F
(2017) Ultra-Radiogenic Hafnium in Archean BIF: Intense Sedimentary Lu/Hf Fractionation at 3.2 Ga
Foster I, Agranier A, Heubeck C, Köhler I, Homann M, Tripati A, Nonnotte P, Ponzevera E & Lalonde S
(2015) Mantle Dynamics during a Continental Break-Up: Insights from the North Atlantic Magmatic Province
Stéciuk-Mouillard P, Agranier A, Maury R, Nonnotte P, Chauvet F & Geoffroy L
(2012) The Southeast Indian Ridge: Scale of Source Heterogeneity and Origin of the DUPAL Anomaly
Hanan B, Blichert-Toft J, Sayit K, Agranier A, Hemond C, Briais A, Maia M, Graham D & Albarade F
(2011) New Isotopic Constraints on Amsterdam-St. Paul Hotspot Activity: Evidence for a Deep-Seated Mantle Plume and Implications for the DUPAL Anomaly Origin
Janin M, Hemond C, Maia M, Agranier A, Johnson K & Ponzevera E
(2011) A High-Resolution, Multi-Isotopic Study of Mantle Heterogeneity beneath the Southeast Indian Ridge: Preliminary Pb and Hf Results
Hanan B, Blichert-Toft J, Sayit K, Agranier A, Hemond C, Briais A, Maia M, Graham D & Albarède F
(2011) An Unusual Hf-Pb Signature Below the East Pacific Rise – Mathematician Hotspot System
Mougel B, Agranier A, Hemond C & Gente P
(2006) Fluid mobile element budget in the “in-situ” serpentinized harzburgites from the Feather River Ophiolite.
Agranier A, Li Z, Lee C-T & Leeman W
(2006) Remnant iron oxide/sulfide mattes from a Hadean magma ocean at the core-mantle boundary: insights from a small scale post-Archean analog
Lee C-T, Lenardic A, Thiagarajan N, Agranier A, O'Neill C & Yin Q-Z
(2004) The Mohns Ridge as a Major Mantle Convection Boundary
Blichert-Toft J, Agranier A, Schilling J & Albarede F
(2004) Isotopic Evidence of Large-Scale Mantle Stretching and Refolding beneath the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
Agranier A, Blichert-Toft J, Schilling J, Debaille V, Schiano P & Albarède F
(2004) Hf-Nd-Pb Isotope Systematics in MORB from the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 22-35°N
Debaille V, Doucelance R, Agranier A, Blichert-Toft J & Schiano P
(2002) Hf-Pb Isotope Systematics in MORB along the Reykjanes Ridge (50-64?N)
Agranier A, Blichert-Toft J, Schilling J-G, Nelson B & Albarede F
(2002) High-K Magmas from the French Massif Central: Crust-Mantle Interaction during the Hercynian Orogeny
Arnaud N, Agranier A, Chazot G, Pin C, Poidevin J-L & Blichert Toft J

Agrawal Abinash (2020) Fe Redox Cycling Revealed by Ligand-Promoted Microbial Fe(II) Oxidation in Clay Mineral
Zhao S, Jin Q, Agrawal A & Dong H
(2014) The Role of Methanogens in the Preservation of Organic Matter in Smectite Mineral
Zhang J, Dong H, Zeng Q & Agrawal A

Agrawal Akhil (2013) Souring Control by Six Years of Nitrate Injection into a Low Temperature Oil Field
Voordouw G, Agrawal A, Park HS, Jack T, Miner K & Benko A

Agrawal Ariha (2023) Ex situ Carbon Mineralisation Using Scoria
Haese RR, Agrawal A, Opat LR & Polymenis A

Agrawal P. (2021) The Contribution of Hydrodynamic Processes to Calcite Dissolution Rate Spectra: Measurements and Simulations
Wolthers M, Agrawal P, Bollermann T, Iliev O, Fischer C & Raoof A
(2017) Computing the Dynamics of Mineral Dissolution and Growth at the Atomic-To-Macroscopic Scale in Carbonate Rocks
Wolthers M, Koskamp J & Agrawal P
(2017) Reactive Transport Modeling of CO2 in Carbonate Rocks: Single Pore Model
Agrawal P, Koskamp J, Raoof A & Wolthers M
(2017) Computing the Water Dynamics for Nonstoichiometric Calcite Surfaces
Koskamp J, Agrawal P, Wolthers M & Ruiz Hernandez SE

Agrawal S.

Ágreda López M. (2023) Rapid Ascent and Accumulation of Mafic and Alkaline Magma Precedes Caldera Forming Eruptions
Jorgenson C, Caricchi L, Ágreda López M, Giordano G & Chiaradia M
(2023) Pre-Eruptive Dynamics and Timescales Estimates at the Campi Flegrei Caldera
Petrelli M, Ágreda López M, Pisello A & Perugini D
(2023) Machine Learning Thermo-Chemo-Barometry in Volcanic Systems
Ágreda López M, Petrelli M, Musu A & Caricchi L

Agredazywczuk P. (2022) Spatio-Temporal Variability of Nitrogen and Major Ions in a Nitrogen-Enriched, Calcareous fen and Contiguous Waters
Agredazywczuk P, Robinson S & Wade A

Ågren G.I. (2018) Land-Use Alters the Temperature Response of Microbial Carbon-Use Efficiency
Bölscher T, Ågren GI & Herrmann AM

Agren R. (2017) Ancient Archaeal Community Successions in Lateglacial Lake Sediments
Ahmed E, Agren R, Unneberg P, Schenk F, Rattray J, Han L, Yamoah K, Muschitiello F, Pedersen M, Smittenberg R, Parducci L, Slotte T & Wohlfarth B

Agresti D. G. (2001) Mars Mineralogy by Microbeam Raman Spectrometry
Haskin LA, Wang A, Jolliff BL, Wdowiak TJ, Agresti DG, Lane AL & Squyres SW

Agresti David (2019) Distribution of Fe3+ and H in Minerals during Partial Melting and Metasomatism of Spinel Peridotite
Peslier A, Schaffer L, Brandon A, Kilgore M, Agresti D, Morris R, Graff T, Lamb W, Armytage R & Harvey J
(2019) Formation of Akaganeite on Mars
Peretyazhko T, Ming D, Rampe L, Morris D & Agresti D
(2018) Oxidative Transformations of Ferrous Iron Smectites on Mars
Chemtob S, Rivera-Banuchi V, Kamali S, Catalano J, Morris R, Agresti D, Liu W & Yee N

Agrinier P. (2023) Fractionation of Stable Chlorine Isotopes in the Kidneys of Mice
Aloisi G, Crambert G, Agrinier P, Bardoux G, Cheval L & Houillier P
(2023) TERNEB, the Mother Nebula of Terrestrial Planets
Javoy M, Connelly J & Agrinier P
(2023) Balance of Fluid Exchange between Sediments and Seawater. The Perspective of the Chlorine Isotopes of Chlorides
Agrinier P, Gieskes J, Subbarao G, Bardoux G & Bonifacie M
(2023) Three-Years Variations of HCl Concentration and Chlorine Isotopic Compositions in Fumarolic Gases of La Soufrière de Guadeloupe (FWI) Reveal Key Constraints on the Scrubbing of HCl(g)
Le Glas E, Bonifacie M, Agrinier P, Robert V, Bardoux G, Moretti R, Labidi J, Chilin-Eusebe E, Didier T, Burtin A & Pantobe L
(2021) Chlorine Isotopes from Chlorides in Sedimentary Fluids of the Ocean Crust and the Cl Budget of Earth Surface Chlorine
Agrinier P, Bonifacie M, Bardoux G, Giunta T, Lucazeau F & Ader M
(2021) Record of Cenozoic Weathering Episodes in Central Amazon Basin
Ansart C, Demri D, Allard T, Calmels D, Gautheron CE, Guinoiseau D, Agrinier P, Quantin C & Horbe A
(2021) The Cl Isotope Variation of Sodalite and Eudialyte in Ilímaussaq (South Greenland)
Eggenkamp HGM, Marks MAW, Bonifacie M, Bardoux G, Agrinier P & Markl G
(2021) Chlorine Isotopes in La Soufrière de Guadeloupe (FWI) Fumaroles Trace HCl Scrubbing at Shallow Depth
Le Glas E, Bonifacie M, Agrinier P, Bardoux G, Moretti R, Labidi J & Robert V
(2021) Do Ancient Brines Trapped as Fluid Inclusions in Unconformity-Related Deposits Differ from Present-Day Porewaters in Triassic Aquifers of the Paris Basin?
Lenoir L, Blaise T, Chourio-Camacho D, Tarantola A, Agrinier P, Richard A, Rigaudier T, Monvoisin G, Bardoux G, Brigaud B & Barbarand J
(2020) Multiple Origin of Aptian Salt Deposit in Proximal Domain of the West African Margin
Pichat A, Gaucher E, Revillon S, Agrinier P, Catherine L & Christine F
(2020) Synthesis of Tachyhydrite and Bischofite for Isotopic Calibration Measurements
Gaucher EC, Pichat A, Ferrage E, Lerouge C, Flehoc C & Agrinier P
(2019) Ion Filtration in Oceanic Clay-Rich Sediments: Evidence from Chlorine Stable Isotopes of Pore Fluid Chlorides
Agrinier P, Destrigneville C, Giunta T, Bonifacie M, Bardoux G, Lucazeau F & Ader M
(2019) A Forest of Carbonate-Brucite Chimneys at the Southwest Indian Ridge: The Ultramafic-Hosted Old City Hydrothermal Field
Cannat M, Agrinier P, Martinez I, Vitale Brovarone A, Lecoeuvre A, Corre M, Früh-Green G, Fontaine F, Chavagnac V, Brunelli D, Prampolini M, Bickert M, Hamelin C, Lie Onstad S & Rouméjon S
(2019) Chlorine Isotopes in Volcanology: Exemple from La Soufriere de Guadeloupe (FWI)
Bonifacie M, Gérard B, Robert V, Agrinier P, Moune S, Moretti R, Dessert C, Komorowski J-C & Legendre Y
(2017) Oxygen Isotope Fractionation Among Uranium Oxides: A Tracer of Origins and Transformations of Nuclear Material
Dierick M, Pili E, Szenknect S & Agrinier P
(2017) The Fate of Carbon during Oceanic Crust Alteration Through Time
Shilobreeva S, Martinez I, Polyakov V & Agrinier P
(2017) Halogen Concentrations and Chlorine Isotope Compositions along the Lesser Antilles Arc Recorded in Thermal Springs
Bonifacie M, Bardoux G, Robert V, Dessert C, Moune S, Agrinier P & Joseph E
(2017) Extreme δ37Cl Depletion in Pore Fluids of Compacting Clay Sediments of the Fore Front of the Nankai Subduction Zone
Andre J, Bardoux G, Destrigneville C & Agrinier P
(2017) Carbon Dioxide in the Nepal Himalayas: Segmentation of the Crustal Source?
Girault F, France-Lanord C, Agrinier P, Koirala BP, Bhattarai M, Adhikari LB, Sapkota SN & Perrier F
(2016) Oxygen Isotopes in Uranium Oxides from the Front End of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle
Dierick M, Pili E, Agrinier P & Szenknect S
(2016) Solute Transport in Porous Media during Drying: The Chlorine Isotopes Point of View
Bernachot I, Garcia B, Ader M, Peysson Y, Rosenberg E, Bardoux G & Agrinier P
(2015) Chlorine and Bromine Stable Isotope Diffusion Through Natural Porous Media
Giunta T, Maineult A, Ader M, Bonifacie M & Agrinier P
(2015) Cl Isotope Fractionation during Drying of Brine in a Porous Media
Bernachot I, Garcia B, Ader M, Bardoux G & Agrinier P
(2014) Multiphase Serpentinization at the Southwest Indian Ridge (62°-65°E)
Roumejon S, Cannat M, Agrinier P, Godard M & Andreani M
(2014) Chlorine Stable Isotope Diffusion Through Natural Porous Media
Giunta T, Ader M, Bonifacie M, Meineult A & Agrinier P
(2013) Geochemical and Isotopic Monitoring of Dissolved Carbon Dynamic in a Karst Aquifer, Located Above the Rousse Site Test for CO2 Geological Storage
Staniszewski Y, Groleau A, Jézéquel D & Agrinier P
(2013) Carbon Budget during Alteration of the Oceanic Crust
Martinez I, Shilobreeva S, Busigny V, Laverne C, Alt J & Agrinier P
(2012) Understanding Gas Dynamics in Unsaturated Fractured Granite Using SF6, CO2, Rn and Other Noble Gases
Guillon S, Pili E, Sabroux J-C & Agrinier P
(2012) Denudation of the Lesser Antilles
Gaillardet J, Lajeunesse E, Rad S, Dessert C, Louvat P, Rive K, Agrinier P, Lloret E & Benedetti M
(2011) On the Mass Independent Fractionations of O, Hg, Si, Mg and Cd during Open-System Evaporation or Thermal Decomposition
Cartigny P, Eiler J, Agrinier P & Assayag N
(2011) Hydrogeochemical Survey of CO2 Geological Leakage Using Noble Gases: Application to the Furnas Caldera (Azores, Portugual)
Gréau C, Moreira M, Agrinier P, Lagneau V, Schneider H, Madureira P & Ruzié L
(2011) A Close Look at the Carbon Cycle from the Roselend Natural Laboratory Using Laser-Based Isotope Ratio Spectrometry
Pili E, Guillon S, Agrinier P & Dellinger M
(2011) Fractionation of Cl and Br Isotopes during Precipitation of Salts from their Saturated Solutions
Eggenkamp H, Bonifacie M, Ader M & Agrinier P
(2011) A Review of the Analytical Accuracy of Cl Isotope Measurements in Rocks by Various Techniques: A Way to Explain Inconsistency between Results
Agrinier P, Coleman M & Bonifacie M
(2009) Chlorine Isotope Composition of Spring Waters from Martinique (Lesser Antilles)
Li L, Aubaud C & Agrinier P
(2009) Transient Geochemical and Hydrogeological Coupling during Weathering and the Carbon Cycle in the Critical Zone
Pili E, Dellinger M, Charlet L, Agrinier P, Chabaux F & Richon P
(2008) CO2 Ionic Trapping by Water-Rock Interactions during a Push-Pull Test in a Basaltic-Metasedimentary Aquifer
Assayag N, Matter J, Ader M, Goldberg D & Agrinier P
(2008) Noble Gases as Precursors of CO2 Deep Storage Leaks Towards Surface
Lafortune S, Moreira M, Agrinier P, Schneider H & Catalette H
(2008) Origin of Riverine Dissolved Inorganic Carbon: Comparison between West Indies, Reunion and Iceland
Rive K, Agrinier P & Gaillardet J
(2007) Tracing the Sources of Carbon in the Rivers of Lesser Antilles
Rivé K, Gaillardet J, Agrinier P & Rad S
(2007) First Steps in the Feasibility Study of CO2 Geological Storages Monitoring Through Noble Gas Geochemistry
Lafortune S, Moreira M, Agrinier P, Schneider H & Catalette H
(2007) DIC Concentration and δ13C in Thermal Springs of La SoufriFre Volcano (Guadeloupe, FWI): Implications for Volcanic Surveillance
Aubaud C, Dessert C, Agrinier P, Crispi O & Beauducel F
(2006) The global chlorine cycle : Cl isotope constraints
Bonifacie M, Jendrzejewski N, Agrinier P, Coleman M & Javoy M
(2005) The Behavior of Chlorine and d<+>37<$>Cl during the Oceanic Crust Alteration
Bonifacie M, Jendrzejewski N, Agrinier P, Monnin C, Laverne C, Coleman M, Charlou J & Javoy M
(2004) The Geodynamic Cycle of Chlorine Based on d37 Cl
Bonifacie M, Jendrzejzwski N, Agrinier P, Pineau F, Charlou J & Monnin C
(2002) Significance of Oxygen Isotopic Signature in Magnetite [Fe3O4] Under Earth Surface Conditions: Preliminary Results
Faivre D, Zuddas P, Agrinier P, Guyot F & Menguy N
(2002) Short Lifetime for CO2 in the Atmosphere after a Meteorite Impact on Sediments
Agrinier P, Alexander D, Urs S & Isabelle M
(2000) Li Behaviour during Serpentinisation of Oceanic Peridotites
Decitre S, Deloule E, Reisberg L, James R, Mevel C & Agrinier P

Agrios K. (2016) Radiocarbon Measurement of Carbonaceous Aerosols in the Outflow from Northeast China
Zhang Y, Kawamura K, Agrios K, Lee M & Szidat S

Agrusta R. (2020) Thermo-Compositional Evolution of the Primitive Mantle with Magma Oceans
Morison A, Bolrão D, Labrosse S, Agrusta R, Rozel A, Ballmer M, Deguen R, Alboussière T & Tackley P

Agterhuis T. (2021) Cenozoic Evolution of Deep-Sea Temperature from Clumped Isotope Thermometry
Meckler AN, Sexton P, Piasecki A, Leutert T, Marquardt J, Ziegler M, Agterhuis T, Rae JWB, Barnet JSK, Tripati A & Bernasconi SM
(2021) Absolute Seasonality Reconstructions from Clumped Isotope Analyses in Carbonate Archives
de Winter NJ, Müller IA, Kocken IJ, Agterhuis T & Ziegler M
(2021) Deep-Sea Temperatures Across Two Early Eocene Hyperthermal Events Based on Clumped Isotope Paleothermometry
Agterhuis T, Ziegler M & Lourens LJ

Aguado A. (2005) Development of Transferable Interatomic Potentials for Oxides and Silicates Using DFT Calculations
Jahn S, Aguado A & Madden PA

Aguado R. (2017) C-Isotope Stratigraphy of the Early Aptian OAE1a: Contribution to Global Correlation from a New High-Resolution Record (the Cau Core – Prebetic Zone, Southern Spain)
Castro JM, Ruiz-Ortiz PA, Aguado R, Gallego D, de Gea GA, Jarvis I, López C, Molina JM, Nieto LM, Pancost R, Quijano ML, Reolid M, Rodríguez R, Skelton PW & Weissert H
(2017) Biomarker and Trace-Element Evidences for Redox-Conditions and Productivity during the Early Aptian Oceanic Anoxic Event (Carbonero Section, Southern Spain)
de Gea GA, Quijano ML, Froehner S, Castro JM, Aguado R, Naafs BDA & Pancost R
(2015) Geochemistry and Stratigraphy of an Expanded Section Recording the Early Aptian Oceanic Anoxic Event (Carbonero Section, Subbetic Basin, Southern Spain)
Froehner S, Aguado R, de Gea GA, Castro JM, Quijano ML, Pancost RD & Naafs D
(2013) Multiple Pools of Reduced Carbon can be Released during Hyperthermals
Pancost R, Badger M, Naafs D, Froehner S, Castro J-M, De Gea G, Quijano M-L, Aguado R, Lowson C & Ridgwell A

Agudelo F. (2023) Nanoremediation the Tannery Wastewater: A Case Study from the Upper Basin of the Bogotá River (Colombian)
Vasquez Y, Galvis J, Filip J, Agudelo F, Franco J, Vasquez J, Cardenas G, Petala E & Herrera O

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