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Yancey T. (2016) Evolution of Phanerozoic Oceans: Isotopic Evidence for Early Paleozoic Warmth and Constant Seawater δ18O
Grossman E, Henkes G, Passey B, Shenton B, Yancey T & Perez-Huerta A
(2012) Clumped Isotope Thermometry of Carboniferous Brachiopods and the Effects of Burial Heating
Henkes G, Grossman E, Yancey T & Passey B
(2010) Nd Isotopes as Indicator of Glacio-Eustasy, Mid-Carboniferous Boundary Arrow Canyon, NV
Woodard S, Thomas D, Grossman E, Olszewski T, Yancey T, Raymond A & Miller B
(2001) A 70-Million-Year Record of ?18O Variation in the Permo-Carboniferous: Implications for Seawater ?18O
Grossman EL, Mazzullo SJ, Yancey TE & Mii H-S

Yanchilina A. (2023) Provenance and Diagenesis of Martian Sedimentary Rocks in the Jezero Crater Delta Front from Microscale Observations by the Mars 2020 PIXL Instrument
Hurowitz J, Tice MM, Allwood A, Cable M, Bosak T, Broz A, Caravaca G, Clark BC, Dehouck E, Fairen AG, Gomez F, Grotzinger JP, Gupta S, Johnson JR, Kah LC, Kalucha H, Labrie J, Li AY, Mandon L, Núñez J, Pedersen DAK, Poulet F, Randazzo N, Scheller EL, Schmidt M, Shuster DL, Siebach K, Siljeström S, Simon JI, Tosca NJ, Treiman A, VanBommel SJ, Wade LA, Williford KH & Yanchilina A
(2023) Characterization of Silicate Minerals in Alfalfa, Maaz Unit of Jezero Crater Floor, Mars
Yanchilina A, Morris RV, Schmidt M, Corpolongo A, Jakubek R, Van Hoesen D, Murphy A, Sharma S, Smith RJ, Steele A, Hollis J, Uckert K, Bleefeld B, Wu MK, Burton A, Lee CH, Lopez-Reyes G, Pedersen DAK, Bhartia R, Minitti ME & Sobron P
(2020) Reconstructing Cenozoic Sea Surface Temperatures from Biogenic opal-A δ18O
Yanchilina A, Yam R & Shemesh A
(2019) Maturation Pathways of Amorphous Opal in Clay and Carbonate Rich Environments in Deep Sea Sediments Indicated by Silica δ18O
Yanchilina A, Yam R, Kolodny Y & Shemesh A
(2018) Tracing the Evolution of Biogenic Opal to Porcellanite and Chert with δ18O in Deep Sea Sediments
Yanchilina A, Yam R & Shemesh A
(2010) The Role of Abyssal Ocean Circulation in Abrupt Climate Changes in the Past
McManus J, Yan B, Yanchilina A, Major C, Toledo F & Eglinton T
(2009) Geochemical Evidence for the Climatic Impact of Ocean Circulation
McManus J, Yanchilina A, Major C & Eglinton T

Yanes C. (2000) Geochemical Characteristics of River Fluxes in the Cuyuni Tropical Basin (Southern Venezuela): Importance of the Organo-Colloidal Control on Elements Behavior
Tosiani T, Loubet M, Dupre B, Marrero S, Berger G, Yanes C & Ramirez A

Yáñez C. (2007) Biogeochemistry of Metalliferous Peat Cores: Distribution of Zn, S, Mn, Fe and dsrAB Genes and Sulfur and Zinc Speciation
Martinez CE, Yoon S-J, Yáñez C, Martínez-Villegaz N & Bruns MA

Yáñez Dávila D.

Yáñez-Dávila D. (2023) A Reactive Lateral Flow Model in Deep Limestone of the Acoculco Geothermal System, México
Santos-Raga G, Guerrero FJ, Santoyo PDE & Yáñez-Dávila D
(2022) Spatial and Temporal Soil Gas Flux Measurements at Acoculco Geothermal Area, Mexico: Period 2015-2018
Perez-Zarate D, Santoyo PDE, Guevara M, Yáñez-Dávila D & Santos-Raga G

Yanful E. (2013) Soil Mineralogy, Geochemistry and Trace Element Mobility in the Bitumen Environment of Ondo State, Southwestern Nigeria
Tomori W, Yanful E, Flemming R, Amoo I, Aiyesanmi F & Adekoya JA

Yang Aidong (2021) Global Carbon Dioxide Removal Potential of Waste Materials from Metal and Diamond Mining
Bullock L, James RH, Matter J, Renforth P, Yang A, Darton R & Teagle D

Yang Alexandra Yang (2023) Variable Dehydration Behaviors of Slab Serpentinite beneath the Mariana Subduction Zone
Zhao S-Y, Yang AY, Zhou Z, Tamura Y, Ma J, Xu Y, Zhang S & Zhao T-P
(2022) A Subduction Influence on Ocean Ridge Basalts Outside the Pacific Subduction Shield
Yang AY, Langmuir C, Cai Y, Michael PJ, Goldstein SL & Chen Z
(2022) Oxidized Primary Arc Magmas: Constraints from Cu/Zr Systematics in Global Arc Volcanics
Zhao S-Y, Yang AY, Langmuir C & Zhao T-P
(2020) The Subduction Influence on Ocean Ridge Basalts and its Significance
Yang AY, Cai Y, Langmuir C, Goldstein S & Michael P
(2015) Reaction between MORB Magma and Lower Oceanic Crust: An Experimental Study
Yang AY, Lissenberg CJ & Liang Y
(2015) Re-Os-PGE Systematics of the Izu-Bonin-Mariana Arc-Basin System
Savov I, Dale C, Yang A, Hickey-Vargas R & Exp.351 SP

Yang Baojv

Yang Bin (2022) The Shredding of Environmental Signals by Australia’s River Systems Studied Using 26Al/10Be/14C Ratios in Sediment
Fulop R-H, Codilean AT, Wilcken KM, Smith A, Yang B & Fink D
(2020) Geological and Geochemical Characteristics of Albite within the Manganghe Formation, Dahongshan Deposit, Yunnan Province, China: Implication for the Ore Genesis
Hou L, Guo Y, Yang B, Wang S, Wang Z & Peng H
(2019) Refinement of the Cosmogenic in situ C-14 Extraction Procedure
Fülöp R-H, Fink D, Tanner D, Codilean AT, White L, Yang B, Smith A, Levchenko V, White D & Dunai TJ
(2016) Simulation of Water-Rock Reaction Theory of Gold Ore In GanSu DaShui
Yang B, Peng X, Shi Z, Ni S & Zheng H
(2016) Water Reservior in Earth’s Lower Mantle
Chen J, Pamato M, Inoue T, Kakizawa S, Yang B, Lin Y, Katsura T, Kawazoe T & Liu B
(2014) The Discovery and Significance of the 1.84 Ga Alkaline Syenite in the Southern Margin of the NCC
Cai JH, Yan GH, Liu XY, Ren KX, Liu CX, Yang B & Li FT

Yang Bin Wu (2023) Bastnäsite U(Th)-Pb Geochronology Constrains on the Duration of Alkaline-Carbonatite REE Deposit
Weng Q, Yang BW & Niu CH

Yang Bing (2023) Isotopic Evolution and Distribution of the Neutron-Rich Nuclides in the Solar Nebula Inferred from Chromium Isotopes in Iron Meteorites
Yang B & Qin L
(2020) Minimal Ni Isotope Fractionation during Core Formation as Revealed by Super-Liquidus Experiments
Yang B, Zhang Y, Ni H & Qin L

Yang Bo (2019) The Ocean’s Biological Pump Determined from in situ O2 Measurements on Profiling Floats
Emerson S & Yang B
(2017) Tracing an Intraoceanic Paleozoic Subduction Zone in Western Junggar of China by Geophysical Imaging
Xu Y, Liu Y, Wu S, Yang B, Zhang S, Huang R, Yang Y, Wang Q & Zhu L
(2017) Measuring the Ocean’s Biological Carbon Pump Using Oxygen Data from Profiling Floats
Emerson S, Yang B & Riser S

Yang C (2006) Pb isotope fractionation during evaporation
Zhu X, Wu X, Cui J, Yang C & Yang Y
(2004) Isotope Biogeochemistry: Carbon-Isotope Composition of Leaf Tissue and Pigments in a C3-plant
Yeh H, Yang C & Chen F
(2004) Determination of Pb Isotope Ratios Using Multiple Collector ICP-MS and Tl Normalization
He X, Zhu X, Yang C, Tang S & Chai J
(2003) Determination of True Fractional Calcium Absorption by Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometry
He X, Zhu X, Liu D, Yang C, Chen W & Lee W
(2003) Genetic Effect on Carbon Isotope Composition of a C3-plant
Yeh H, Yang C & Chen F

Yang Chao (2018) Influence of OM Properties on the Development of Organic-Associated Pore System in Organic-Rich Shales
Yang C, Xiong Y, Zhang J & Liu Y

Yang Chao Yuan (2020) Stalagmite-Inferred Hydroclimate Records during 72-112 ka from Hokkaido, Japan
Yang CY, Hu HM, Wu CC, Watanabe T, Watanabe T, Mii HS, Lin HT & Shen CC

Yang Cheng-Fan (2021) Using Lithium Isotopes to Quantitatively Extract the Silicate Weathering Signal Registered in the Changjiang (Yangtze) Estuarine Sediments
Cao F, Yang S-Y, Yang C-F, Guo Y-L, Bi L & Li Y-Z

Yang Cheng-Yu

Yang Chengfan (2023) U-Series Comminution Age Constrains Large Catchment Erosion and its Response to Climate Change: A Case Study from the Changjiang
Chen J, Li C, Galy A, Yang C, Wang H & Yang S
(2023) Weathering Signal Propogation in East Asian Continental Margins
Yang S, Deng K, Yang C, Hu Z & Su N
(2023) Fire and Civilization:From Passive Adaptation to Anthropogenic Modification
Hao Q, Yang S, Yang C, Vasquez Vargas AC, Zhang C & Guo J
(2023) An Improved FT-Tra System and its Application to Element Analysis of Foraminifera
Xu J, Yang S & Yang C
(2023) Li Isotopic Compositions of Bulk and Clay-Sized Sediments in an Extremely Weathered Granodiorite Profile
Yang C, Zhao Y & Yang S
(2020) Non-Conservative Behavior of Strontium in the Changjiang Estuary
Lian E, Lai Z, Yang C, Su N, Liu P, Xu J & Yang S
(2020) Clay Li-Nd Isotope Variations in the Changjiang Basin over the Past 14, 000 Years
Yang C, Vigier N, Yang S, Revel M & Bi L
(2019) Enhanced Silicate Weathering Intensity in the Mid-Lower Changjiang (Yangtze River) Valley in Response to the Three Gorges Dam Construction
Yang C, Yang S, Song J & Vigier N
(2019) The Internal Dynamics of Sediment Transport System Controls on Short-Term Silicate Weathering in the Changjiang (Yangtze River) Basin
Bi L, Yang S, Li C, Guo Y, Zhao Y & Yang C
(2018) Rapid Response of Silicate Weathering to Climate Change: Evidence from Li Isotopes in the Changjiang Delta Sediment
Yang C, Yang S & Vigier N
(2016) Stable Hydrogen Isotope in Mineral Water and Implications for Chemical Weathering Intensity
Yang C, Yang S & Su N
(2013) Change of Water Cycle in the Changjiang (Yangtze River) Catchment Based on H/O Isotopes
Li C, Yang S, Deng K, Wei H, Yang C & Lian E

Yang Chengfang (2015) Distribution of Bacterial Communities and Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria Diversity in a Paddy Soil Irrigated with Acid Mine Drainage
Wang H, Yang C, Guo C & Dang Z
(2015) Species and Distribution of Sulfur in Paddy Soil Profile Affected by Acid Mine Drainage in Dabaoshan Sulfide Mining Area, South China
Yang C, Wang H, Guo C & Dang Z

Yang Chengfu (2020) Tectono-Geochemistry Weak Information Extraction and its Application
Li S, Liu J, Wang Z, Tan Q, Xu L, Yang C, Li J, Wang D, Tan L, Xie Z, Song W, Zheng L & Qin Y

Yang Chenghai (2010) Spatial Extent of Influence of Deeply Subducted Continental Crust to Adjacent Lithosphere: Constraints from Sr-Nd-Pb Isotopic Compositions of Mesozoic Gabbros and High-Mg Diorites in Western Shandong, China
Yang D, Xu W, Yang C & Pei F

Yang Chengyu (2023) The Potential of Helium in Shale Gas and Coalbed Methane (CBM): A Possible New Field for Helium Exploration
Ma Y, Zhong N, Chen J & Yang C

Yang Chong-Hui (2017) Geology and Zircon U-Pb Ages of the Jiamusi-Khanka and Adjacent Blocks in the Central Asian Orogenic Belt
Ren L-D, Wang Y-B, Yang C-H, Wang J-M, Li M, Li C & Yao Y-K

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