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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Wobbe F. (2015) Arc-Scale Temporal Histories of the Cordilleran Orogen
Kirsch M, Paterson SR, Wobbe F, Martínez Ardila AM, Clausen BL & Alasino PH

Wobrock W. (2011) Interaction of Particulate Pollution and Precipitation
Flossmann A & Wobrock W

Wobus C. (2005) Detrital Mineral Thermochronology in Active Fluvial Systems and the Evolution of Modern Orogenic Landscapes
Hodges K, Ruhl K, Wobus C & Boyce J

Woche S.K. (2020) Modification of Soil Wetting Properties Always Involves the Interface Chemical Composition
Woche SK, Goebel M-O, Guggenberger G & Bachmann J
(2017) XPS Reveals Differences in Surface Elemental Composition of Soil Microaggregates along a Clay Content Gradient
Woche SK, Dultz S, Mikutta R & Guggenberger G
(2017) Geometric Preconditions for Heteroaggregation of Soil Minerals: Light Scattering Experiments and Modelling Approaches
Dultz S, Rupp A, Mikutta R, Woche SK & Guggenberger G

Wochnik A.S. (2015) New Insight into Emiliania huxleyi Coccosphere Formation
Hoffmann R, Yin X, Kirchlechner C, Alexa P, Ziegler A, Kelm K, Wochnik AS, Langer G, Scheu C, Griesshaber E & Schmahl WW

Woda J. (2018) Distinguishing Recent Methane Migration into Groundwater from Natural Methane Sources in the Marcellus Gas Play
Woda J, Wen T & Brantley S

Wodicka N. (2013) Filling in the Juvenile Magmatic Gap: Evidence for Continued Paleoproterozoic Plate Tectonics during the Great Oxidation Event
Partin C, Bekker A, Sylvester P, Wodicka N, Stern R, Chacko T & Heaman L
(2008) Cumberland Batholith Petrogenesis: Implications for Paleoproterozoic Crustal and Orogenic Processes
Whalen J, Wodicka N & Taylor BE
(2008) Polyphase Tectonometamorphic History in the Upper Plate of Trans-Hudson Orogen (Southern Baffin Is.)
Rayner N, St-Onge M, Berman R, Sanborn-Barrie M & Wodicka N
(2008) Characteristics of Two Opposing Continental Margin Successions in Northeast Laurentia
Wodicka N, St-Onge MR & Whalen JB

Woebken D. (2010) NanoSIP: Combining Stable Isotope Probing and High Resolution Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry to Identify Diazotrophs in Stratified Marine Microbial Communities
Singer S, Woebken D, Burow L, Prufert-Bebout L, Bebout B, Hoehler T, Pett-Ridge J, Spormann A & Weber P

Woehler C. (2015) Red Wood Ants as Geochemical and Tectonic Indicators
Berberich G, Grumpe A, Berberich M, Klimetzek D & Woehler C

Woelders L. (2017) Comparing Records of End-Cretaceous and End-Permian Volcanism
Percival L, Jenkyns H, Mather T, Robinson S, Batenburg S, Woelders L & Hesselbo S
(2016) Sedimentary Mercury Signals from Large Igneous Province Volcanism: Insights from the End-Triassic and End-Cretaceous
Percival L, Mather T, Hesselbo S, Jenkyns H, Ruhl M, Whiteside J & Woelders L

Woelki D. (2023) Ancient Residual Lithosphere at the Marion Rise: Evidence from Hf-Nd Isotope Systematics in Basalts and Peridotites
Woelki D, Beier C, Dick HJB, Stracke A & Salters V
(2020) Enrichment of Water and Fluid-Soluble Trace Elements in the Troodos Ophiolite: Evidence for a Near-Trench Origin
Woelki D, Michael P, Regelous M & Haase K
(2019) Melting Processes and Fluid Enrichment in Mantle Rocks of the Troodos Ophiolite, Cyprus
Hoyer PA, Woelki D, Regelous M & Haase KM
(2019) Geochemical Mapping of a Paleo-Subduction Zone beneath the Troodos Ophiolite
Woelki D, Regelous M, Haase K & Beier C
(2017) The Origin of Evolved Volcanic Rocks in Methana, Greece
Schoenhofen MV, Woelki D, Haase KM & Beier C

Woermann E. (2007) Thermodynamic Price Tags for a Wet Mantle
Ulmer G & Woermann E
(2007) Oxygen Fugacity in the Laboratory and in Terrestrial Systems
Woermann E, Ulmer GC, Eriksson G & Saxena SK

Woerner G. (2004) U-Th Isotopes of Explosive Eruptions of the Campanian Volcanic Field
Scheibner B, Heumann A, Arienzo I, Civetta L & Woerner G
(2004) Geochemistry, Radiogenic and U-Series Isotopes in Andean Magmas: Crustal Assimilation and Adakite-Like Magmatism in the Central and Southern Andes
Woerner G, Mamani M, Mercier R & Kilian R

Woerner W. (2009) Relating Martian Igneous Lithologies
Nekvasil H, McCubbin F, Harrington A & Woerner W
(2009) Experimental Constraints on Igneous Crustal Stratigraphy in Martian Volcanic Provinces
Woerner W, Coraor E, McCubbin F, Nekvasil H & Lindsley D

Woessner W. (2012) Analysis of Emerging Contaminants in Environmental Systems
Ptacek C, Blowes D, Brown S, Groza L, Moncur M, Robertson W, Scheytt T & Woessner W

Wofsy S.C. (2021) A Top-Down Emissions Estimation in the Boston Urban Region Suggests an Underestimation of Small Point and/Or Non-Point Mercury Emissions
Angot H, Rutkowski E, Sargent M, Wofsy SC, Hutyra LR, Howard DA, Obrist D & Selin NE

Wogan N. (2021) Molecules for the Origin of Life from Impact-Generated Atmospheres on Early Earth
Wogan N, Catling DC & Zahnle K

Wogelius Roy (2017) Synchrotron-Based XRF Mapping of Neoarchean Stromatolites: Trace Element Distribution in Microbialites
Warke M, Edwards N, Schröder S, Wogelius R, Manning P, Bergmann U, Kimball-Linares K, Garwood R & Beukes N

Wogelius Roy A. (2014) In situ U ReflEXAFS from Single Crystal Mineral Surfaces
Mosselmans F, Wogelius R, van Veelen A, Ryan M, Morris K & Qi J
(2013) Spectroscopic Studies of Radionuclide Adsorption and Diffusion
Wogelius R, van Veelen A, Zou B, Bargar J, Brown, Jr. G, Grime G & Law G
(2013) Geochemical Analysis of the Pigments and Affinity of the Jurassic Calcareous Algae Solenopora jurassica
Barden H, Withers P, Behnsen J, Bergmann U, Manning P, Wogelius R & van Dongen B
(2013) Synchrotron X-Ray Fluorescence Reveals the Colourful Chemistry of Fossils
Edwards N, Manning P, Barden H, Sellers W, Bergmann U & Wogelius R
(2013) Cs and Sr Mass Transfer Constrained via Ion Beam Analysis
Zou B, Wogelius R, Ohe T & Grime G
(2013) Uranyl on Mg-Rich Minerals: Polarisation Dependent EXAFS
van Veelen A, Copping R, Law GTW, Smith AJ, Bargar JR, Shuh DK & Wogelius RA
(2011) Synchrotron Rapid Scanning X-Ray Fluorescence of Soft-Tissue Fossils
Edwards N, Barden H, Manning P, Sellers W, van Dongen B, Bergmann U & Wogelius R
(2011) Uranyl Coordination Chemistry on Magnesite and Brucite Surfaces: Polarisation Dependent EXAFS
van Veelen A, Law GTW, Smith AJ, Bargar JR, Rogers J & Wogelius RA
(2009) Molecular Interactions of Planar PAHs with Mineral Surfaces
Bryant Y, Wogelius R & Gize A
(2007) Surface Analytical Studies of Feldspar Surface Reaction with U(VI)
Chardon E, Bosbach D, Livens F, Lyon I, Marquardt C, Romer J, Schild D, Wincott P, Wogelius R & Vaughan D
(2007) Adsorption of As(III) and As(V) onto Viviantite – Evaluation as a Sink for Arsenic in Bengali Aquifers
Islam F, Lawson M, Lythgoe P, Wogelius R, Thinnappan V, Lloyd J, Charnock J & Polya D
(2004) Kinetic and Thermodynamic Controls on the Precipitation and Morphology of Barite (BaSO4)
Stark A, Wogelius R, Collins I & Vaughan D
(2004) Organic Ligand Complexation at Mineral Surfaces Studied via Multiple Internal Reflection Spectroscopy
Morris P & Wogelius R
(2004) Mineral Surface Chemistry and Conditioning Films: How do Biofilms Begin?
Wogelius R & Morris P
(2001) Sulfide Mineral Surfaces: A Key Role in Environmental Geochemistry
Vaughan DJ, Farquhar M, Moyes L, Livens FR, Pattrick RAD & Wogelius RA
(2000) Pyrite Surfaces – What a Difference a Day Makes
Farquhar ML, Wogelius RA & Vaughan DJ
(2000) Pressure Solution Studied in situ via X-Ray Reflectivity
Wogelius RA, Dysthe DK, Tang CC & Nield AA

Wogsland B. (2023) Controls on Modern Microbialite Calcium and Magnesium Stable Isotopic Compositions from Storr’s Lake, San Salvador Island, The Bahamas with Implications for the Rock Record
Griffith EM, Wogsland B, Li Z, Wronkiewicz DJ, Fantle MS & Fan M
(2021) Exploration of Modern Microbialites with Calcium and Magnesium Stable Isotopes, Mineralogy, and Elemental Composition: Storr’s Lake, San Salvador Island, The Bahamas
Wogsland B, Li Z, Wronkiewicz DJ, Fantle MS, Fan M & Griffith EM
(2018) Stable Calcium, Magnesium and Carbon Isotopic Compositions of Two Modern Bahamian Lake Stromatolites
Griffith E, Wogsland B, Li Z, Wronkiewicz D, Paul V, Fan M & Fantle M

Wohlers Anke (2012) Experimental Study on the Pseudobinary H2O+NaAlSi3O8 at 600-800℃ and to 2.5 GPa
Schmidt C, Watenphul A, Wohlers A & Marquardt K
(2009) Solubility of Albite or Jadeite + Quartz + Paragonite in H2O at 600˚C and 10-22 kbar
Wohlers A, Manning C & Thompson A
(2008) Near-Solidus Solubility of Alkali Feldspar-Mica-Quartz in H2O at 1 GPa: Implications for Crustal Fluids
Manning C, Wohlers A & Antignano A
(2007) Model Crustal Fluids at High P and T: Implications for Aluminum Transport
Wohlers A & Manning C
(2002) Experimental Investigations of Initial Melt Migration in Pelites
Wohlers A, Baumgartner L & Hauzenberger C

Wohlers Anke (2015) A Mercury-Like Component of Early Earth: U in the Core and High Mantle 142Nd
Wohlers A & Wood B

Wohlers Anke (2016) U, Th and REE Partitioning into Sulfide Liquids: Implications for Reduced Planetary Bodies
Wohlers A & Wood B

Wohlfarth B. (2019) A 18, 000-Year High-Resolution Record of Atmospheric Convection and Temperature from the Indo-Pacific Warm Pool
Smittenberg R, Yamoah A, Schenk F, Chabangborn A, Chawchai S, Väliranta M & Wohlfarth B
(2018) A 18, 000-Year Lacustrine High-Resolution Record of Past Temperature and Hydroclimate Dynamics from the Indo-Pacific Warm Pool
Smittenberg R, Yamoah K, Schenk F, Chabangborn A, Chawchai S & Wohlfarth B
(2017) Ancient Archaeal Community Successions in Lateglacial Lake Sediments
Ahmed E, Agren R, Unneberg P, Schenk F, Rattray J, Han L, Yamoah K, Muschitiello F, Pedersen M, Smittenberg R, Parducci L, Slotte T & Wohlfarth B
(2017) Intricacies of Organic Hydrogen and Carbon Isotope Proxies for Past Hydroclimate
Smittenberg R, Yamoah K, Norström E, Muschitiello F, Chabangborn A, Chawchai S, Björck S & Wohlfarth B

Wohlgemuth L. (2021) Impact of Physiology and Climate on Foliar Mercury Uptake by European Forests
Wohlgemuth L, Hoch G, Alewell C & Jiskra M

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