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Wallace Luke (2008) Formation of Acidic Micro-Environments during Pyrite Framboid Oxidation in pH-Neutral Sediments
Wallace L, Durr M, Wakelin S, Webb D, McPhail B & Welch S

Wallace Malcolm (2017) Ocean Oxygenation during the Late Devonian Mass Extinction
Hood A, Wallace M & Shuster A
(2017) Marine Carbonates as Paleoceanographic Indicators: A Test of the Hypothesis
Shuster A, Wallace M & vS Hood A
(2017) Neoproterozoic Glaciomarine Ironstones as Geochemical Proxies for Cryogenian Oceans
Lechte M, Wallace M & Hood A
(2016) Integrated Geochemical-Sedimentological Tests for the Preservation of Seawater Paleo-Redox Signals in Carbonates
Hood A, Planavsky N, Wallace M, Wang X, Gueguen B, Cole D & Bellefroid E
(2007) A δ13C Depth Gradient from a Mid-Cryogenian Platform Margin: Evidence for Neoproterozoic Ocean Stratification
Giddings J & Wallace M

Wallace Malcolm W. (2020) Marine Redox Variability in the Nonglacial Cryogenian
O'Connell B, Wallace MW & Hood AV
(2018) Long-Term Terrestrial Temperature Changes Across the Cenozoic: Applications of Organic Geochemical Proxies to Lignite Deposits
Lauretano V, Naafs D, Wallace MW, Korasidis VA, Holdgate GR & Pancost RD
(2018) Glacial Oxygen Delivery in the Neoproterozoic: Fe Isotope Evidence
Lechte M, Wallace M, Hood A, Planavsky N, Li W, Jiang G, McColl S & Asael D
(2018) Sustained High-Mg Precambrian Ocean Conditions: A Two Billion Year Hangover?
Hood A, Zhang S, Planavsky N & Wallace M

Wallace Morgan B. (2021) Development of a Tritium Ingrowth and Dissolved Noble Gas Analysis Facility
Haase KB, Wallace MB, Casile GC & Coplen TB

Wallace Paul (2023) Olivine and Pyroxene-Hosted Fluid Inclusions Record High Arc Nitrogen Fluxes and Multiple Slab Sources
Hudak MR, Barry PH, Bekaert DV, Turner SJ, Walowski K, Nielsen SG, Curtice J, Tyne RL, Cahoon E, Wallace P & Muth MJ
(2022) The Effect of Slab-Derived Sulfate on the Sulfur Content and Oxygen Fugacity of Basaltic Magmas in the Southern Cascade Arc
Muth M & Wallace P
(2022) Sulfur_X: A Model of Sulfur Degassing during Magma Ascent
Ding S, Plank TA & Wallace P
(2022) Examining Volatiles and Pre-Eruptive Storage Histories of Nyiragongo’s most Primitive Magmas
Connors L, Sublett M, Wallace P, Sims KW & Bodnar R
(2019) Water Retention in Quartz-Hosted Melt Inclusions
Gaetani G, Pamucku A, Wallace P & Myers M
Rasmussen D, Plank T, Wallace P & Newcombe M
(2018) Depths of Crystallization and Magma Storage beneath Kilauea and Mauna Loa Based on CO2 in Melt Inclusions
Wallace P
(2018) The Effect of Slab-Derived Sulfur on the Sulfur Content, Metal Content, and Oxidation State of Primitive Magmas in the Southern Cascades
Muth M, Wallace P & Walowski K
(2018) Sulfur Degassing and Magma Oxidation State at Mount St. Helens (WA) and Augustine (AK) Volcanoes
Lerner A, Wallace P, Thornber C, Kelly P, Coombs M & Mandeville C
(2018) Presolar Graphite: Insight into Redox Conditions in CO Nova Ejecta
Haenecour P, Howe JY, Zega TJ, Wallace P, Amari S, Floss C, Lodders K, Kaji K, Sunaoshi T & Muto A
(2017) Determining Magma Ascent Rates from Diffusive D/H Fractionation in Olivine-Hosted Melt Inclusions
Gaetani G, Bucholz C, Le Roux V, Klein F, Wallace P, Sims K & Ghiorso M
(2015) Sr-Nd-Pb-Hf Isotopes Reveal the Nature and Evolution of Mantle Upwelling at Ross Island, Antarctica
Phillips E, Sims K, Blichert-Toft J, Kyle P, Gaetani G, Wallace P & Rasmussen D
(2014) Sulfur and Oxygen Fugacity in Basaltic Arc Magmas
Wallace P
(2014) Magmatic Plumbing of Ross Island, Antarctica Uncovered by Melt Inclusions from CO2-rich Alkalic Magmas
Rasmussen D, Kyle P, Wallace P, Sims K, Phillips E & Gaetani G
(2014) Differentiation and Storage of the Huckleberry Ridge Tuff Rhyolite
Myers M, Wallace P & Wilson C
(2014) Slab Dehydration beneath the Southern Cascade Arc Inferred from B and H Isotopes
Walowski K, Wallace P, Hauri E, Clynne M & Wada I
(2013) Magma Formation in Hot-Slab Subduction Zones: Insights from Volatile Contents of Melt Inclusions from the Southern Cascade Arc
Walowski K, Wallace P, Clynne M, Wada I & Rasmussen D
(2013) Volatile Content in Melt Inclusions of Vulcanello’s Explosive Activity: Implications for the Last 1000 Years of Activity at Vulcano Island (Aeolian Archipelago, Italy)
Fusillo R, Di Traglia F, Gioncada A, Pistolesi M, Rosi M & Wallace P
(2013) Examination of Magma Degassing Paths Based on Melt Inclusions
Bodnar R, Gazel E, Esposito R, Moore L, Steele-MacInnis M & Wallace P
(2012) Magmatic Processes in the Bishop Tuff Magma Based on Trace Elements in Melt Inclusions and Pumice Matrix Glass
Roberge J, Wallace PJ & Kent AJR
(2012) Global Variations in H2O/Ce: Relationships to Arc Magma Geochemistry & Slab Surface Temperatures
Wallace P, Ruscitto D, Cooper L, Plank T, Syracuse E & Manning C
(2011) Why do Mafic Arc Magmas Contain 4 wt% Water on Average?
Plank T, Kelley K, Zimmer M, Hauri E & Wallace P
(2010) Geochemical Evidence for Crustal Assimilation at Mid-Ocean Ridges
Wanless D, Perfit M, Ridley WI, Klein E, Wallace P, Valley J & Grimes C
(2009) Volatiles & Melt Inclusions in High-Mg Andesite from Mt. Shasta, CA
Ruscitto D & Wallace P
(2008) Assessing Parent Magma Compositions and H2O Contents in the Central Oregon Cascades
Ruscitto D, Wallace P, Kent A & Bindeman I
(2008) Post-Entrapment Li Isotope Fractionation in Melt Inclusions from Volcán Jorullo, Mexico
Feineman M, Johnson E, Wallace P, Kobayashi K, Moriguti T & Nakamura E
(2007) Slab Dehydration beneath Central Mexico Inferred from Melt Inclusions and Geodynamic Modeling
Johnson E, Manea V, Wallace P, Donegan C & Delgado Granados H
(2007) Ascent, Degassing, Crystallization and Eruption of H2O-Rich Mafic Arc Magma: A Melt Inclusion Perspective
Wallace P, Johnson E, Vigouroux N & Delgado Granados H
(2003) Source Variability and Flux Melting in the Cascadia Subduction Zone
Rowe M, Kent A, Nielsen R & Wallace P
(2002) H2O, S and Cl in Subduction Zone Magmas: Insights from Melt Inclusions in High-Mg Basalts from Central Mexico
Cervantes P & Wallace P
(2002) Vapor Saturation in Felsic Magmas & Vapor-Melt Partitioning of Sulfur
Wallace P

Wallace Paul J. (2020) Tracking Slab-Derived Sulfur and its Effect on Magma Oxidation State in the Southern Cascades
Muth M & Wallace P
(2020) Correcting Fe- and S-XANES Beam Damage and Recognizing Rapid Redox Equilibration of Olivine-Hosted Melt Inclusions
Lerner A, Muth M, Wallace P, Lanzirotti A, Newville M, Gaetani G, Chowdhury P & Dasgupta R
(2020) Popocatepetl’s Plinian Versus Vulcanian Behavior: Melt Inclusions Hold Clues to Fundamental Differences in Eruption Dynamics
Angeles De La Torre CA, Roberge J, Mercer CN & Wallace PJ

Wallace S R Bronwen (2008) The Genesis of the Gayna River Carbonate-Hosted Zn-Pb Deposit, Northwest Territories
Wallace SRB, Gleeson SA & Sharp RJ

Wallace Sarah (2012) Leak Fluid Chemistry Control on Sr-90 Sorption Mechanism in Sediments
Wallace S, Shaw S, Morris K, Small J & Burke I
(2011) Incorporation of 90Sr into Alkaline Altered Sediments
Wallace S, Shaw S, Morris K, Small J & Burke I

Wallace Shawn (2010) Thermobarometery of Hawaiian Spinel Peridotite Xenoliths
Wallace S, Bizimis M & Tibbetts N

Wallace T. (2020) Impact of Erosion on the Nutrient and Chemical Profiles of Agricultural Soil in the Upper Rio Grande Valley, Jamaica
Wallace T, Spence A, Campbell D & Barker D

Wallander Håkan (2012) Biotite Weathering in Watersheds of the Slavkov Forest, Czech Republic
Balogh-Brunstad Z, Saccone L, Smits MM, Berner C, Wallander H, McMaster T & Stipp SLS
(2011) The Scale Factor in the Ectomycorrhizal Fungal Weathering Debate
Smits M, Balogh-Brunstad Z, Saccone L, Wallander H & Colpaert J
(2011) Surface Characterization of Biotite from a Mesh Bag Field Study
Balogh-Brunstad Z, Saccone L, Smits MM, Berner C, Wallander H, McMaster TJ & Stipp SLS
(2010) Ectomycorrhizal Weathering, Evidence from the Field?
Smits M, Wallander H & Johansson L
(2009) Mycorrhizal Weathering of Minerals – The Importance of the Nutrient Status of the Tree
Wallander H

Wallander HÅKAN (2015) Mineral Surface Alterations in the Rhizosphere of Conifers
Smart K, Balogh-Brunstad Z, Wallander H & Stipp S
(2015) Improving Mineral Weathering Models by Accounting for Belowground Carbon Allocation
Rosenstock N, Wallander H, Bahr A & Belyazid S

Wälle M. (2015) Determination of Low Concentrations of Calcium and Iron in Fluid Inclusions by Laser Ablation Dynamic Reaction Cell or Medium Resolution ICP-MS
Wälle M & Heinrich C
(2015) Comparative Study on the Trace Element Contents of Sulfides from the Neogene and Laramian Porphyry Copper Deposits from Romania
Cioacă ME, Munteanu M, Wälle M, Marincea Ș & Dumitraș DG
(2014) Geochemical Characteristics of Tin-Tungsten Mineralizing Fluids at Panasqueira, Portugal
Lecumberri-Sanchez P, Heinrich CA, Wälle M, Vieira R & Pinto F
(2014) From Magma to Mudpool: Linking Arc Volatiles and Active Geothermal Systems
Chambefort I, Bégué F, Heinrich C, Walle M & Dilles JH
(2013) The Potential of Using a Sector Field ICP-MS for Analysis of Fluid Inclusions by Laser Ablation ICP-MS
Wälle M & Heinrich CA
(2013) Deep Ingression of Meteoric Water in Late-Metamorphic Veins: A LA-ICPMS Fluid Inclusion Study from the Rhenish Massif, Germany
Marsala A, Wagner T & Wälle M
(2011) Arsenic Distribution in an Unconformity Related Hydrothermal Vein System
Fußwinkel T, Wenzel T, Wagner T, Wälle M & Lorenz J
(2011) The Solubility of Au and Cu in Andesite Melts
Zajacz Z, Candela PA, Piccoli PM, Wälle M & Sanchez-Valle C
(2011) Albitite Related to Iron Oxide Mineralization: Melt Inclusion Evidence for a Magmatic Origin
Tomé CM, Tornos F & Wälle M
(2009) Major Element Analysis of Various Glass Reference Materials by IR- and UV-Fs Laser Ablation-Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry
Birbaum K, Wälle M, Koch J, Hametner K & Günther D
(2009) Pt Solubility in Silicate Melts: Centrifuging Nanonuggets to Decipher Core Formation Processes
Médard E, Schmidt MW, Wälle M & Günther D

Wallenbrock L.H. (2023) Sr Isotope Behavior in Apatite during Metamorphism
Wallenbrock LH & Hammerli J

Wallenius Anna J (2023) Gene-Based Modeling of Methane Oxidation in Coastal Sediments: Constraints on the Efficiency of the Microbial Methane Filter
Lenstra WK, van Helmond NAGM, Dalcin Martins P, Wallenius AJ, Jetten M & Slomp CP

Wallenius Anna J. (2021) Methane Dynamics in a Seasonally Hypoxic Coastal Marine Basin
Zygadlowska OM, Lenstra WK, van Helmond NAGM, Röckmann T, Venetz J, Wallenius AJ, Dalcin Martins P, Veraart AJ, Jetten MSM & Slomp CP

Wallenstein M. (2014) Climate Effects on Plant and Microbial Metabolism in Grassland Soil Porewater
Boot C, Wallenstein M & Pendall E

Wallenstein N. (2005) The Evolution of Chemically Zoned Trachyte Deposits: Fogo Volcano, São Miguel, Azores
Watanabe S, Widom E, Wallenstein N & Snyder D

Wallentin A. (2023) Natural Hydrogen Generation in Granitic Geothermal Reservoirs
Murray J, Wallentin A, Fritz B, Lemarchand D, Lucas Y & Schmittbuhl J

Waller C. (2011) Experimental Compressibility of Molten Hedenbergite at High Pressure
Agee C, Barnett G, Waller C, Asimow P, Guo X & Lange R

Waller L. (2011) Estimating Ground Level PM2.5 Concentrations in Atlanta Metro Area Using Spatial Statistical Models
Liu Y, Hu X, Waller L, Al-Hamdan M, Crosson W, Estes M, Estes S & Quattrochi D

Waller R. (2017) Crystallographic Investigation of Coral Skeletons Under Shifting Ocean Conditions
Farfan G, Webb S, Waller R, Cordes E & Hansel C

Wallet E. (2019) Oxygen Isotope Composition in Extant Shark and ray Bioapatite
Oliveira C, Whitehouse M, Wallet E, Ahlberg PE, Sansom I & Zigaite Z

Wallhead P. (2017) Analysing Effects of Aquaculture on Water Column and Sediment Biogeochemistry with a 2-Dimensional Benthic-Pelagic Model
Yakushev E, Protsenko E & Wallhead P

Wallin B. (2013) Development of in situ Measurements of REE in Deep Groundwater Using Diffusive Gradient in Thin Film
Alakangas L, Åström M, Mathurin F, Faarinen M & Wallin B
(2009) Sulfur Isotopes in the Groundwater at Äspö Laboratory
Wallin B & Morales Aguilera TA

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