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Wilson Cian (2019) ENKI: A Framework for Building, Maintaining and Using Chemical Thermodynamic and Fluid Dynamical Models
Ghiorso M, Wolf A, Spiegelman M, Adams J, Evans O, Tweed L & Wilson C
(2017) The Concurrent Emergence and Causes of Double Volcanic Hotspot Tracks on the Pacific Plate
Jones T, Davies R, Campbell I, Iaffaldano G, Yaxley G, Kramer S & Wilson C
(2016) Do Mantle Plumes Preserve the Heterogeneous Structure of their Deep-Mantle Source?
Jones T, Davies R, Campbell I, Wilson C & Kramer S
(2016) Water Recycling in Subduction Zones and the Role of Rehydration in the Generation of Intermediate-Depth Seismicity and the Nature of the Cold Fore-Arc Mantle
van Keken P, Abers G, Hacker B, Nakajima J, Kita S, Spiegelman M & Wilson C

Wilson Clare (2017) Towards a Mineralogical View of Iron Colloids and Nanoparticles in Aquatic Environments
Wood D, Crocket K, Stutter M, Wilson C & Schröder C

Wilson Colin (2019) Initial 87Sr/86Sr Chronology of Allende Fine-Grained CAIs from Step Leaching Experiments
Charlier B, Tissot F, Dauphas N, Vollstaedt H & Wilson C
(2019) Speleothem Archives of Volcanism: In Search of the Taupō Eruption
Gampell N, Barker S, Frisia S, Borsato A, Williams P, Hellstrom J, Drysdale R, Wilson C, Hartland A & Baker J

Wilson Colin J N (2023) Elemental and Isotopic Variability in Pristine vs. Terrestrially Contaminated CM Chondrites Revealed Using Stepwise Acid Leaching: A Comparative Study of Aguas Zarcas and NWA 11346
McGovern LST, Charlier BLA & Wilson CJN
(2023) Gabbroic Insights into Mafic Magmatism in the Taupō Volcanic Zone (TVZ), New Zealand
Seelig LK, Wilson CJN, Chambefort I, Rosenberg MD & Charlier BLA
(2022) Rare Plutonic Xenoliths from a Monogenetic Basalt Highlight Magmatic Crustal Roots in the Taupō Volcanic Zone, New Zealand
Seelig LK, Chambefort I, Rosenberg MD & Wilson CJN
(2021) Geochemical Evolution and Radiogenic Sr, Pb and Nd Isotopic Ratios of Discrete Rhyolitic Melt Bodies at Ōkataina Volcanic Centre, New Zealand: Implications for Plutonic Evolution at a Young, Active Caldera Volcano
Elms HC, Charlier BLA & Wilson CJN
(2016) Differentiating Zircon Xenocrysts and Antecrysts in Mesozoic Igneous Rocks: Issues and Implications for Understanding the Evolution of Large Magmatic Systems
Tang DLK, Wilson CJN, Sewell RJ & Seward D
(2015) Nucleosynthetic 84Sr Heterogeneity in the Early Solar System
Charlier B, Parkinson I, Burton K, Grady M & Wilson C
(2014) Fine-Scale Temporal Reconstruction and Evolution of the Post-Supereruption Magma System at Taupo Volcano, New Zealand
Barker S, Wilson C & Schipper I
(2014) Differentiation and Storage of the Huckleberry Ridge Tuff Rhyolite
Myers M, Wallace P & Wilson C
(2013) Combined Diffusion Studies in Sanidine, Quartz and Orthopyroxene: Timescales of Magma Mixing in the Bishop Tuff
Chamberlain KJ, Morgan DJ & Wilson CJN
(2013) New Tricks with Old Tracers: Sr Stable Isotope Variations in an Evolved Volcanic System Investigated Using an 84Sr-87Sr Double Spike
Charlier B, Parkinson I & Wilson C
(2013) Os Isotope Constraints on Crustal Contamination in Auckland Volcanic Field Basalts, New Zealand
Hopkins J, Poirier A, Millet M-A, Timm C, Leonard G & Wilson C
(2012) Degassing a Rhyolite: Are the Old Ar-Ar Ages Real, Inherited or Excess?
Wilkinson C, Kelley S, Sherlock S, Wilson C & Charlier B
(2011) Systematic Tapping of Independent Magma Chambers during the 1 Ma Kidnappers Supereruption
Cooper G, Wilson C & Baker J
(2011) Magmatic Variety Through Tectonic Modulation of the 27 ka Oruanui Eruption, Taupo, New Zealand
Allan A, Wilson C, Millet M-A & Wysoczanski R
(2008) Compositional Variations in Very Small Basaltic Systems Reveal Near Source Processes
Smith IEM, Blake S & Wilson CJN
(2007) Diverse Sources for Oruanui Rhyolite (NZ): Evidence from Feldspar and Zircon
Charlier B & Wilson C
(2007) Simulating Physical Weathering of Basalt on Earth and Mars
Viles H, Ehlmann B, Cebula T, Wilson C, Mol L & Bourke M
(2002) Chemical Versus Physical Origins of Rhyolite in a Magma Factory beneath Taupo Volcano, New Zealand
Wilson CJN, Charlier BLA & Blake S
(2002) Differentiation Processes in a High-Silica Rhyolite as Recorded in Plagioclase Crystals from Taupo Volcano, New Zealand
Charlier BLA, Davidson JP, Wilson CJN & Simon JI
(2002) The Origin of Rhyolite Magmas and their 'Phenocrysts'
Blake S, Sutton A, Wilson C & Charlier B

Wilson Crystal (2012) Biological Controls on Mn Oxide Ore Formation in East Tennessee, USA
Carmichael S, Wilson C, Rash M & Feierstein J

Wilson David (2015) Exploring Pb Isotopes in Deep-Sea Corals: Measurement by TIMS and Application to the Deglacial Southern Ocean
Wilson D, van de Flierdt T, Bridgestock L, Paul M, Rehkamper M, Robinson L & Adkins J
(2013) Deep Ocean Circulation and its Link to Carbon Storage Through Glacial Cycles
Wilson D, Piotrowski A, Galy A & Banakar V

Wilson David (2014) Weathering Evolution of Nickel and Sulfur in Pyrrhotite within a Low-Sulfide, Granitic, Mine-Waste Rock in the Canadian Arctic
Langman J, Holland S, Sinclair S, Wilson D, Smith L, Sego D & Blowes D

Wilson David (2016) Neodymium in the Oceans: Assessment of a Modern Tracer and Implications for Paleoceanography
van de Flierdt T, Griffith AM, Lambelet M, Little SH, Stichel T & Wilson DJ
(2016) Exploring the Controls on Authigenic Nd and Pb Isotope Tracers in the Indian and Southern Oceans
Wilson D, van de Flierdt T, Struve T, Piotrowski A, Galy A & Adkins J
(2016) Zinc Isotopes in Deep Sea Corals
Little S, van de Flierdt T, Wilson D, Spooner P, Adkins J & Robinson L

Wilson David (2017) Deglacial Water Mass Mixing in the Drake Passage on Millennial to Centennial Timescales
Wilson D, Struve T, van de Flierdt T, Chen T, Burke A & Robinson L
(2017) Diavik Waste Rock Project: Scale-Up of a Reactive Transport Conceptual Model for Temperature and Sulfide Dependent Geochemical Evolution
Wilson D, Amos R, Blowes D, Langman J, Smith L & Sego D
(2017) Deep Sea Corals as Archives of Seawater Zn Isotopes
Little S, van De Flierdt T, Rehkämper M, Wilson D, Adkins J & Robinson L

Wilson David (2018) Diavik Waste Rock Project: Analysis of Measured and Simulated Acid Neutralization Processes within a Large-Scale Field Experiment
Wilson D, Sinclair S, Blowes D, Amos R, Smith L & Sego D

Wilson David (2019) The Geochemistry and Hydrogeology of Mill Tailings and Waste Rock: Implications for Mine-Waste Management and Remediation
Blowes D, Ptacek C, Bain J, Wilson D, Amos R & Langman J
(2019) Assessment of the Influence of Heterogeneity in S, C, and Hydraulic Conductivity on the Geochemical Evolution of Large-Scale Experimental Waste-Rock Piles Using Reactive Transport Simulations
Wilson D, Su D, Amos R, Mayer KU, Smith L, Sego D & Blowes D
(2019) Management of Mine Wastes in an Environmentally Sustainable Manner: Lessons Learned
Ptacek C, Blowes D, Bain J, Wilson D, Amos R & Moncur M

Wilson David (2019) Exploring Seasonal and Lithological Controls on Lithium Isotopes during Weathering
Wilson D, Pogge von Strandmann P, Tarbuck G, White J, Atkinson T & Hopley P

Wilson David (2020) A Mechanistic Scale-Up Approach to the Prediction of the Geochemical Evolution of Sulfidic Waste Rock
Wilson D, Amos RT, Langman JB, Smith L, Sego DC & Blowes DW

Wilson David (2011) A Spatial Perspective on Nd Isotope Records from the Western Indian Ocean: Evidence for a 'Boundary Exchange' Control?
Wilson D, Piotrowski A & Galy A
(2009) Linking North and South Atlantic Deep Water Circulation Using Nd Isotopes
Piotrowski A, Galy A, Yu J, Scrivner A, Nicholl J, Roberts N, Wilson D & Noble T
(2009) Deglacial Changes in Neodymium Isotopes in the Western Indian Ocean
Wilson D, Piotrowski A & Galy A
(2004) Kinetics and Thermodynamics of Sr and Mg Interactions with Calcite during Growth: Deciphering Mineralization Processes
Dove P, Wasylenki L, Wilson D & de Yoreo J

Wilson David J (2023) Influence of Particulate Weathering on Elemental Cycles: Evidence from Lithium Isotopes
Liu C, Pogge von Strandmann P, Wilson DJ, Hathorne E & Burton KW
(2023) Lithium Isotope Evidence for Enhanced Weathering during MDICE
Jeong J, Huh Y & Wilson DJ
(2023) Decline of Anthropogenic Lead in South Atlantic Ocean Surface Waters from 1990 to 2011: New Constraints from Concentration and Isotope Data
Olivelli A, Murphy K, Bridgestock L, Wilson DJ, Rijkenberg M, Middag R, Weiss D, van de Flierdt T & Rehkämper M
(2023) Changing Weathering Regimes and Lithium Isotopes: Observations from the Present, Experiments, Modelling and Studies of the Geological Record
Pogge von Strandmann P, Krause AJ, Liu C, Liu X, He X & Wilson DJ
(2023) Using Experiments to Interpret Lithium Isotope Records of Weathering and Erosion Across Past Climate Events
Wilson DJ, Gou L-F, Tarbuck G & Pogge von Strandmann P
(2022) Rapid Devonian Terrestrialisation by Land Plants Changed the Continental Weathering Regime
Liu X, Pogge von Strandmann PAE, Wilson DJ, Alycia S, Joachimski MM, Chen B, Qie W & Brand U
(2021) Cold-Water Corals as Archives of Seawater Zn Isotopes
Little SH, Wilson DJ, Rehkämper M, Adkins J, Robinson LF & van de Flierdt T
(2021) Changing Patterns of Weathering and Erosion Across Rapid Climate Change Events – Evidence from Lithium Isotopes
Pogge von Strandmann PAE, Wilson DJ, Krause AJ, Liu C & Liu X
(2021) Rapid Response of Chemical Weathering to Deglacial and Meghalayan Climate Change from Li Isotopes in Brazilian Speleothems
Wilson DJ, Pogge von Strandmann PAE, Strikis NM, Utida G & Cruz FW

Wilson E. (2022) Determining the Utility of Rhenium as a Novel Redox Tracer in Carbonate-Rich Sediments
Morford JL, Elrick M, Romaniello SJ, Gilleaudeau G, Algeo TJ, Goepfert T, Wilson E, Berry L, Meyers K, Driscoll E & Patzkowsky S

Wilson F. (2014) A Laboratory-Free Method to Measure Dissolved CH4 in Gassy Lakes
Issa I, Yoshida Y, Doris K, Takeshi O, Wilson F, Eleazar P, Alain F, Kusakabe M, Saigo O, Boris C, Daniel S, Nkamdjou S & Gregory T

Wilson Gary (2022) Study of the Origin of Soil 222Rn and 220Rn Activities in Taylor Valley, Antarctica
Ruggiero L, Sciarra A, Tuccimei P, Galli G, Mazzini A, Mazzoli C, Tartarello MC, Florindo F, Wilson G, Anderson J, Worthington R, Mattia M, Giagnoni F, Bigi S, Sassi R & Ciotoli G
(2018) New Zealand Fjord Records of Southern Hemisphere Westerly Wind Variability
Moy C, Hinojosa J, Gilmer G, Browne I, Wilson G, Riesselman C, Stirling C, Gorman A, Lembo C & Eglinton T
(2014) Holocene Changes in the Southern Hemisphere Westerly Winds Using Marine Sediment Cores from Southwest New Zealand
Hinojosa J, Moy C, Stirling C, Wilson G & Eglinton T

Wilson Gillian (2018) Sensing the Universe
De Leo-Winkler M, Wilson G & Simpson S

Wilson Gregory (2013) Age Calibration of Geomagnetic Polarity Reversals Around the Cretaceous-Paleogene Boundary
Sprain C, Renne P & Wilson G

Wilson H. (2016) Does Human Land Use Alter the Amount and Quality of Dissolved Organic Matter in Lotic Ecosystems?
Lu Y, Cohen S, Wilson H & Shang P

Wilson J (2005) The Effect of Iron on Bentonite Stability
Wilson J, Cressey G, Cressey B, Ragnarsdottir V, Savage D, Cuadros J & Shibata M
(2005) Nucleation and Growth of Nano-Apatite: Applications to Biomineralisation
Schofield P, Valsami-Jones E, Sneddon R, Wilson J, Kirk C, Terrill N, Martin C, Lammie D & Wess T
(2005) Understanding Biomineralisation of Bone Apatite for Applications to Toxic Metal Remediation: Preliminary Results
Valsami-Jones E, Wilson J, Cressey G, Collins M, Manning D, Wess T, Younger P & Woodgate S
(2000) The Effect of Iron on the Stability of Montmorillonite
Wilson J, Ragnarsdottir V, Savage D & Cressey G

Wilson Jamie (2013) Response of the Biological Pump to Elevated Ocean Temperatures during the Eocene
John E, Pearson P, Wade B, Coxall H, Foster G, Wilson J & Ridgwell A

Wilson Jamie D. (2022) Physical, Biological and Ecological Drivers of the Biological Carbon Pump in the Cenozoic
Wilson JD

Wilson Jean (2011) Ecosystem-Level Impact Signals of Groundwater Borne Continental Nitrate Transfer to the Ria Formosa Lagoon by Submarine Groundwater Discharge (SGD) Traced along the Mixing Gradient by a Multi-Indicator Approach
Rocha C, Cristina V-P, Wilson J, Monteiro JP & Scholten J
(2004) Compositional and Isotopic Constraints on the Formation of Coexisting Silica over- and Under-Saturated Syenites: The Kangerlussuaq Intrusion Revisited
Riishuus M, Peate D, Tegner C, Wilson J & Brooks C
(2004) Temporal Changes of Cape Verde Mantle Sources: The Evolution of Santo Antão
Holm P, Wilson J, Christensen B, Hansen L, Hansen S, Hein K & Mortensen A
(2004) Crustal Assimilation in Basalt and Jotunite: Constraints from Layered Intrusions
Tegner C, Wilson J & Robins B

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