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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Vezzoni S. (2014) Multiple Melt Sources and Shallow Processes in a Cambrian Magmatic Arc (Morozumi Range, Antarctica)
Rocchi S, Bracciali L, Di Vincenzo G, Dini A & Vezzoni S
(2013) Sulfosalt Melts from Low-Grade Metamorphic Terrains: The Case of the Monte Arsiccio Mine (Tuscany, Italy)
Vezzoni S, D'Orazio M, Biagioni C, Dini A & Orlandi P
(2013) Magma Emplacement and Sulfide Deposition after Skarn Formation at Campiglia Marittima, Tuscany
Vezzoni S, Dini A & Rocchi S

Vho A. (2019) Trace Element Mapping of Garnet by LA-Icp-Tofms
Rubatto D, Burger M, Schwarz G, Keresztes Schmidt P, Neff C, Lanari P, Hermann J, Vho A & Günther D
(2018) Internally Consistent Database for Oxygen Isotope Fractionation in Minerals: Theory and Application to HP Metamorphic Rocks
Vho A, Lanari P & Rubatto D

Vhuiyan M.R. (2019) Insight into Contributions of Different Iron Sources to the Ocean from a Model of the Stable Isotopes of Iron
Ye Y, Vhuiyan MR & Völker C

Vi Mai L. (2018) Interdisciplinary Approach to Understand As Mobilization in the Groundwater of Hanoi, Vietnam
Glodowska M, Stopelli E, Lightfoot A, Schneider M, Patzner M, Kipfer R, Winkel L, Berg M, Cirpka O, Eiche E, Kontny A, Neumann T, Rathi B, Prommer H, Pham Hung V, Vu D, Vi Mai L, Pham T, Kleindienst S & Kappler A

Viacava K. (2021) Identification of Active Arsenic-Methylating Organisms in Anaerobic Soil Enrichment Cultures Using Meta-Omics
Viacava K, Qiao J, Janowczyk A, Poudel S, Shrestha H, Lederballe Meibom K, Reid M, Jacquemin N, Hettich RL & Bernier-Latmani R
(2019) Active Microbial Arsenic Methylation
Viacava K, Dyer S, Lederballe-Meibom K, Ortega D, Minton NP, Mestrot A & Bernier-Latmani R
(2019) Microbially-Mediated Arsenic Release from Mekong Delta Sediments
Asta MP, Wang Y, Frutschi M, Viacava K, Loreggian L, Le Pape P, Vo PL, Fernandez AM, Morin G & Bernier-Latmani R
(2018) Arsenic Methylation Across Microbial Phyla
Viacava K, Dyer S, Lederballe Meibom K, Mestrot A & Bernier-Latmani R
(2017) Natural Organic Matter in Mekong Delta Sediments: Implications for As Release and Mobility
Asta M, Wang Y, Calleja M, Le Pape P, Frutschi M, Viacava K, Le Vo P, Fernandez A, Sanchez-Ledesma D, Morin G & Bernier-Latmani R

Viaggi P. (2022) A 40 Ma-Long Record of Paleoenvironmental Conditions in the Central Atlantic Ocean during the Mid-Cretaceous: Geochemical Perspectives
Bonazzi M, Sanfilippo A, Bonacina G, Scotti P, Viaggi P, Piva A & Previde Massara E
(2020) The Cretaceous Oceanic Anoxic Events: New Geochemical Data from the Central Atlantic Ocean
Bonacina G, Previde Massara E, Scotti P, Viaggi P, Piva A, Diamond C, Newby S, Hung C, Sanfilippo A, Lyons TW & Owens JD
(2019) The Cretaceous Oceanic Anoxic Event 2: Geochemical Constraints from a Long in situ Sedimentary Section of the Atlantic Margin
Bonacina G, Sanfilippo A, Previde Massara E, Scotti P, Viaggi P & Piva A

Viana M. (2013) Levels and Geochemistry of Urban and Rural Atmospheric Particulate Matter in Spain
Querol X, Alastuey A, Moreno T & Viana M

Viana-Júnior E.R.R. (2022) Hybrid Mantle Invoked to correlateVitória-Trindade Ridge Origin toReaction-Pyroxenite from Subductedancient Oceanic Eclogite Slab
Costa dos Santos A, Viana-Júnior ERR, de Almeida JCH & Quaresma GO
(2021) Hybrid Mantle Invoked to Correlate Vitória-Trindade Ridge Origin to Reaction-Pyroxenite from Subducted Ancient Oceanic Eclogite Slab
Costa dos Santos A, Viana-Júnior ERR, Hackspacher P & Geraldes MC

Vianello F. (2019) Assessment of Chromite Ore Processing Residue Environmental Impact and Remediation Strategy
Molinari S, Salviulo G, Carbone C, Vianello F, Magro M & Canepa M

Viani A. (2013) The Concept of End of Waste in View of Developing Sustainable Secondary Geo-Materials
Gualtieri A, Viani A & Pollastri S

Vicario S. (2023) Land Use Change Impacts on Soils and Vegetation: Examples from Italian Alps
Baneschi I, Adamo MP, Gavrichkova O, Maerker M, Mattioni M, Richiardi C, Salvadori M, Scartazza A, Sella L, Rossi V, Vicario S & Pennisi M

Vicars W. (2013) Nitrate and its N and O Isotopes in a Tropical Marine Boundary Layer
Savarino J, Morin S, Erbland J, Patey MD, Vicars W, Alexander B & Achterberg EP

Vicca S. (2021) Do Earthworms Stimulate Enhanced Weathering? Results from a Mesocosm Experiment
Vienne A, Poblador Ibanez S & Vicca S
(2021) Carbon Sequestration Through Enhanced Weathering Processes on Trictum Aestivum Production in an Acidic and an Alkaline Soil: Yield and N2O Emissions Co-benefits
Poblador S, Vienne A, Verbruggen E & Vicca S

Viccaro M. (2022) Etna 2011-2021: Focus on a Decade of Paroxysmal Eruptions at the Volcano
Viccaro M, Calcagno R, Cardone M, Giuffrida M, Torre C & Zuccarello F
(2020) Eruption Run-Up at Mt. Etna Volcano Fixed with Volatile Diffusion in Olivine-Hosted Melt Tubes
Zuccarello F, Schiavi F & Viccaro M
(2019) Rates of Magma Ascent at Mt. Etna Volcano Revealed by Diffusion of Volatiles in Glasses and Crystals
Zuccarello F, Giuffrida M & Viccaro M
(2013) Changes of Magma Geochemistry at Mt. Etna during the Last 45ka due to Sampling of a Variegated Mantle
Nicotra E, Viccaro M, Cristofolini R & Conticelli S
(2013) Influence of Tectonics on Magma Residence Times at Mt. Etna Volcano
Viccaro M, Barca D, Bohrson W, Giuffrida M, Nicotra E & Pitcher B
(2013) Ageing of the Thetyan Crust Documented by Xenoliths from Hyblaean Diatremes (Sicily): Implication for Crustal Assimilation during Magma Emplacement
Scribano V & Viccaro M
(2013) Evidence for Crustal Contribution to Recent Compositional Changes at Mt. Etna Volcano
Pitcher B, Bohrson W & Viccaro M
(2013) High-Temperature Rheology of a Megacryst-Bearing Mugearitic Magma from Etna (Italy)
Vona A, Di Piazza A, Nicotra E, Romano C & Viccaro M
(2010) Hf Isotope Signature of Mt. Etna Magmas (Sicily, Southern Italy)
Viccaro M, Millar IL, Nicotra E & Cristofolini R
(2009) Compositional and Textural Evidence for Magma Mixing Documented in Plagioclase Phenocrysts at Mt. Bidkhan, Iran
Khalili Mobarhan S, Ahmadipour H, Cristofolini R & Viccaro M
(2008) Hydrocarbon-Bearing Spilitized Gabbro Xenoliths from Sicily: Evidence for a Fossil Abyssal-Type Hydrothermal System
Ciliberto E, Crisafulli C, Manuella FC, Samperi F, Scirè S, Scribano V, Viccaro M & Viscuso E
(2008) Xenolith Evidence for Anatexis of Hydrothermally Modified Mafic Crust (Hyblean Area, Italy): Implications for Primary Origin of Some Trachytoid Magmas
Viccaro M, Scribano V, Cristofolini R & Ottolini L
(2008) Mixing Dynamics at Mt. Etna (Italy) from Textural and Compositional Features of Phenocrysts
Cristofolini R & Viccaro M
(2008) Differentiation of High-K Calcalkaline Magmas at Mount Bidkhan Volcano (Central Iranian Volcanic Belt)
Khalili Mobarhan S, Viccaro M, Cristofolini R & Ahmadipour H
(2008) A New Perspective on the Geochemical Signature of Mt. Etna Alkaline Magmas
Viccaro M, Giacomoni PP, Ferlito C & Cristofolini R
(2007) Geochemical and Isotopic Variation of Mt. Etna Volcanic Rocks: The Role of a Heterogeneously Metasomatized Source Region of Magmas
Cristofolini R & Viccaro M
(2007) Trace Element Partitioning between Mg-Hastingsite and Alkali Basaltic Melt in Volcanic Environment
Viccaro M, Ferlito C & Cristofolini R

Vicente A.G. (2021) Geochemical Analysis of the Special Clay Deposit of Tamame de Sayago (Zamora)
Vicente AG, Macías EM, Hernández AL, Migallón JMS, Romero EG & Barrios MS
(2021) Geochemistry of Trace Elements in High Purity Bentonites
Hernández AL, Vicente AG, Migallón JMS, Romero EG & Barrios MS

Vicente Eduardo (2009) Anaerobic Microbial Iron Oxidation in an Iron-Meromictic Lake
Walter XA, Picazo-mozo A, Miracle R-M, Vicente E, Camacho A, Aragno M & Zopfi J

Vicente Eduardo (2015) Iron and Phosphorus Cycling in the Ferruginous Lake La Cruz
Thompson J, Guilbaud R, Posth N, Cox RP, Miracle M-R, Vicente E, Krom MD & Poulton SW

Vicente J. (2023) Architecture of the Lesser Antilles Arc Illustrated by Melt Inclusions
Balcone-Boissard H, Boudon G, Erdmann S, Deloule E & Vicente J

Vicentini C.M. (2021) Origin of High-Ti Dacites from Paraná-Etendeka: Unravelling the Role of Underplating via Experiments with Natural Materials
Vicentini CM, De Campos C, Ertel-Ingrisch W, Marques LS, Perugini D & Dingwell D

Vicentini N. (2019) V-Pb-Ce Minerals in Fluor Ca-Carbonatites of Italy
Stoppa F, Rosatelli G, Schiazza M, Ambrosio FA & Vicentini N
(2019) Zircon Rich Heavy Mineral Sands from Veneto Area – Italy
Stoppa F, Vicentini N, Zaccaria D, Ambrosio FA, Rosatelli G & Schiazza M

Vicenzi Edward (2022) Microbe-Mineral Dynamics within a ‘grass-To-Glass’ Soil Profile at a Late Iron Age Archaeological Site with Implications for Long-Term Storage of Nuclear Waste Glasses
Wells J, Plymale A, Pearce C, Graham E, Bagwell C, Brislawn C, Cheeke T, Danna V, Fansler S, Arey B, Bowden M, Varga T, Saunders D, Allen J, Marcial J, Tyrrell K, Weaver J, Sjöblom R, Vicenzi E, McCloy JS, Hjärthner-Holdar E, Englund M, Ogenhall E, Peeler D & Kruger A
(2018) The Geomicrobiology of Ancient Glass Alteration with Implications for Nuclear Waste Disposal
Pearce C, Plymale A, Weaver J, Sjöblom R, Arey B, Soltis J, Vicenzi E, McCloy J, Johnson K, Saunders D, Brislawn C, Wells J, Fansler S, Peeler D & Kruger A

Vicenzi Edward P. (2014) Black Crusts on Urban Sandstone: Natural or Anthropogenic?
Livingston R, Grissom C, Giaccai J, Little N, Vicenzi E, Freedman W & Aloiz E
(2014) Volatile Element Zoning in Apatite from the Moon and Implications for the Water Inventory on the Moon (and Mars)
Greenwood J, Itoh S, Sakamoto N, Yanai K, Vicenzi E & Yurimoto H
(2007) Sodic Pyroxene and Sodic Amphibole as Potential Micro-Analytical Reference Material for Li Isotopes
Marks MAW, Rudnick RL, Ludwig T, Marschall H, Zack T, Halama R, McDonough WF, Rost D, Wenzel T & Vicenzi EP
(2007) In situ Geochemical Data from Metamorphic Rocks in the Active Mariana Subduction Zone
Pabst S, Zack T, Savov I, Rost D & Vicenzi E
(2005) Hyperspectral Data Analysis of Martian Meteorite Alteration: A Tool for Constraining Surface Processes on Mars?
Vicenzi E & Rost D
(2005) Carbonate-Silicate Assemblages in the Lafayette Martian Meteorite
Rost D & Vicenzi E
(2005) From Luminoscope to SEM-Based Hyperspectral Imaging: An Evolution of CL Technology
Vicenzi E, Sorensen S & Rose T
(2004) The Origin of Porosity in Carbonado Diamond
Heaney P, Vicenzi E & Breval E
(2003) High Resolution X-Ray Microtomography of Polycrystalline Diamond
Vicenzi E, Heaney P, Ketcham R & Rivers M
(2002) Microanalytical Characterisation of Hydrothermal Fluid Interaction with Feldspar Phenocrysts, Alta Andesite, Comstock Lode Region, Nevada
Handler M, Sorensen S & Vicenzi E
(2001) Direct Sampling TOF-MS for in situ Analysis of Planets and Small Bodies
Brinckerhoff WB, Cornish TJ, Cheng AF, McCoy TJ & Vicenzi EP
(2001) The Carbon and Nitrogen Isotopic Composition of Carbonado Diamond: An in situ Study
Vicenzi EP & Heaney PJ

Vichik A. (2017) Diversity of Airborne Fungi in the Air Masses over the Mediterranean Sea
Mescioglu E, Rahav E, Eizenga JM, Herut B, Vichik A & Paytan A

Vick-Majors Trista (2023) Millennial Scale Marine Incursion into an Isolated Environment Fuels a Contemporary Subglacial Microbial Community beneath the West Antarctic Ice Sheet
Rosenheim BE, Venturelli RA, Davis C, Michaud AB, Boehman B, Christner B, Galy V, Harwood D, Leventer A, Li W, Liu Z, Vick-Majors T, Siegfried M & Priscu J
(2021) A Ferrous Wheel beneath the Antarctic Ice Sheet
Hawkings J, Skidmore M, Priscu J, Shoenfelt Troein E, Davis C, Christner B, Kim O-S, Sieber M, Conway T, Gardner C, Vick-Majors T, Michaud A, Tranter M, Benning LG & Spencer R

Vick-Majors Tristy (2017) Biogeochemistry and Energetics of Subglacial Lake Whillans
Mitchell A, Vick-Majors T & Michaud A

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