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van Pinxteren Dominik (2015) Highlight Results from the HCCT-2010 Hill Cap Cloud Experiment
van Pinxteren D, Poulain L, Tilgner A, Henning S, Stratmann F, Mertes S, Schneider J, Harris E, Sinha B, Whalley L, Heard D, D'Anna B, George C & Herrmann H

van Praagh M. (2015) Transport and Transformation of Emerging Organic Pollutants: From the Technosphere to the Environment
Haglund P, Holmgren T, Olofsson U, Arnoldsson K, Westerdahl J, Tivander J, Molander S, van Praagh M, Törneman N & Humston-Fulmer L

Van Rampelbergh M. (2011) Indian Ocean Monsoon Dynamics Recorded in a Speleothem from Socotra, Yemen
De Vleeschouwer D, Van Rampelbergh M, Claeys P, Cheng H, Verheyden S & Keppens E

Van Ravestyn L. (2015) Stability and Mobility of Dissolved Organic Species in Boom Clay
Durce D, Maes N, Bruggeman C & Van Ravestyn L

van Reenen D. (2019) Carbonate-Bearing Source of Fluids in Leucocratic Granitoids Associated with Granulites of the Southern Marginal Zone, Limpopo Complex, South Africa: A Case of Study of Carbonate-Silicate Inclusions in Garnet
Mityaev A, Safonov O, Yapaskurt V, Varlamov D, Shcherbakov V, van Reenen D, Belyanin G & Elburg M
(2016) Formation of Continental Crust during Ultra-Hot Precambrian Orogeny: Insight from Geodynamic Modeling
Perchuk A, Safonov O, Smit A, van Reenen D, Zakharov V & Gerya T

van Riel K.P.G.L. (2013) Release of Solid-Bound Phosphate during the Sulfidization of Lepidocrocite
van Riel KPGL, Behrends T, Bush RT & Burton ED

van Riemsdijk W.H. (2011) SoilTrEC: An International Consortium to Assess Soil Processes and Functions Using a Global Network of Critical Zone Observatories
Menon M, Chabaux F, Lundin L, Novak M, Brandao M, Nikolaidis N, Panagos P, van Gaans P, Kram P, Blum W, deRuiter P, Bernasconi S, Rousseva S, White T, Ragnarsdóttir KV, van Riemdijk W, Banwart S, Reynolds B & Lair G
(2010) Nanoparticles in Natural Systems: Oxides and Organic Matter Interaction
Hiemstra T & van Riemsdijk W
(2010) Primary Charge of Ferrihydrite Nanoparticles: Experiment and Theory
Hofmann A, Hiemstra T & Van Riemsdijk W
(2009) Scale Matters? Exploring Scale Effects of Oxalate-Mediated Weathering
Smits MM, Weng L & van Riemsdijk WH
(2009) Surface Speciation of Yttrium at the Rutile-Water Interface: Incorporation of Structural Information and Charge Distribution within the MUSIC Model
Ridley M, Hiemstra T, Machesky M, Wesolowski D & van Riemsdijk W
(2009) Surface Complexation and Surface Speciation
van Riemsdijk W & Hiemstra T
(2007) Acessing the Surface Area of Natural Nanoparticles
Hiemstra T, Antelo J, Rahnemaie R & Van Riemsdijk WH
(2007) Interactions between Inorganic Ions, Natural Organic Matter and Iron Oxides: Effects of Particle Size and Charge Distribution
Weng L, van Riemsdijk W & Hiemstra T
(2005) The Structure of the Double Layer Near Goethite in the Presence of Mono and Bivalent Electrolyte Ions
Hiemstra T, Rahnemaie R & van Riemsdijk W
(2005) Fundamental Aspects of Interaction between Metals and Humics in the Environment
van Riemsdijk W & Weng L
(2004) Interpretation of Surface Species from Spectroscopy and CD Modelling
Hiemstra T, Rahnemaie R & van Riemsdijk W
(2002) Surface Chemistry of Reactive Mineral Colloids
van Riemsdijk W & Hiemstra T
(2002) Modelling of Metal Ions Sorption to Various Oxy-Hydroxides Colloids
Benedetti MF, Ponthieu M, Hiemstra T & van Riemsdijk W

Van Riessen A. (2016) Nanoscale Analysis of Zircon Standards by Atom Probe Microscopy
Saxey D, Reddy S, Rickard W, Fougerouse D & Van Riessen A
(2016) Invisible Gold in Arsenopyrite Revealed by Correlated Atom Probe Microscopy, NanoSIMS and Maia Mapping
Fougerouse D, Reddy S, Saxey D, Rickard W, van Riessen A & Micklethwaite S

Van Roermund H (2006) EMP chemical age dating of monazites from a complex terrain: the Paleo-Proterozoic of Broken Hill, Australia
White S, Van Roermund H & Harings M

van Roermund Herman (2020) Metamorphic Evolution and Exhumation Processes of the Newly Discovered Xilang Eclogite in Tibet—constraints from Phase Equilibrium Modeling and Raman Microspectroscopy
Zhang C, Bader T, van Roermund H & Yang J
(2018) Exhumation of Crustal Slivers in a Subduction Mélange in the Eastern Betic Cordillera, SE Spain
van Schrojenstein Lantman H, Kriegsman L & van Roermund H

van Roermund Herman L.M. (2009) High-Precision Lu-Hf and Sm-Nd Dating of Eclogites from the SW Scandinavian Caledonides Reveals Protracted or Multi-Stage HP Metamorphism
Smit M, Scherer E, Bröcker M & van Roermund H
(2009) Deep Subduction Fluids and their Interaction with the Mantle Wedge
Scambelluri M, Pettke T & Van Roermund HLM
(2008) Petrogenesis of Archaean Sub-Lithospheric Mantle Preserved in the Otrøy Peridotite Massif, Norway
Spengler D, Davies G, Pearson G, Mason P, van Roermund H, Drury M, Vukmanović Z & Wiersma E

van Roij L. (2018) Dinoflagellate Cyst Based pCO2 Proxy: First Results and Outlook
Frieling J, Reichart G-J, van Roij L, van de Waal DB & Sluijs A

Van Rooij D. (2017) Foraminiferal Multi-Species Stable Isotope Plots for Paleo-Water Mass Reconstruction: Examples from the Gulf of Cadiz and Alboran Sea
Rueggeberg A, Stalder C, Spangenberg JE, Van Rooij D, Foubert A & Spezzaferri S

Van Roosbroek N. (2015) First Findings of Impact Melt in the IIE Netschaëvo Meteorite
Van Roosbroek N, Pittarello L, Hamann C, Greshake A, Debaille V, Wirth R & Claeys P
(2013) Formation of the IIE Non Magmatic Iron Meteorites
Van Roosbroek N, Debaille V, Goderis S, Valley J, Spicuzza M & Claeys P

Van Rooyen D. (2012) 40Ar/39Ar Cooling Dates and Deformation History on the Southern Flank of the Thor-Odin Dome BC: Tectonic Implications of Overlapping Compressional and Extensional Regimes in the Paleocene-Eocene
van Rooyen D & Carr S
(2008) 40Ar/39Ar Dating in Thor-Odin Dome, British Columbia, Canada: Excess Ar in High-Grade Migmatitic Rocks
Van Rooyen D, Lee J & Carr S

van Rooyen J.D. (2021) Regional Groundwater Quality in South Africa in the Context of Electric Conductivity in a Changing Climate
van Rooyen JD, Watson AP & Miller JA

van Rossum B. (2013) Established and Advanced Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy for a Better Understanding of the Structure and Function of Natural Organic Matter in Soils, Water and Sediments
Knicker H, Lange S, van Rossum B & Oschkinat H

van Rossum P.H. (2010) Using Sediment Fuel Cells to Detect Contaminants in Aquatic and Shallow Subsurface Environments
de Jong LM, Bohncke NC, van Rossum PH & van der Weijden RD

Van Roy S. (2010) Impact of Fe Minerals on the Stability of Microbially Immobilized Zn
Satyawali Y, Dejonghe W, Van Roy S, Diels L & Vanbroekhoven K
(2009) In situ Remediation: A Noble Approach for Arsenic Contaminated Groundwater
Kumar N, VanRoy S, Bastiaens L, Diels L & Vanbroekhoven K
(2009) Fate of Heavy Metals after in situ Bioprecipitation Induced by Sulfidogenesis: A Study on Stability of Metal Precipitates
Satyawali Y, Van Roy S, Dejonghe W, Vangeel S, Gemoets J, Muguet S, Zeuwts L, Gommers K, Feyaerts K & Vanbroekhoven K
(2009) In situ Conditioning and Stabilisation of Dredging and Mineral Sludge
Van Roy S, Accoe F, Dejonghe W, Daems M, Ryngaert A, Diels L, Cichocka D, Springael D, Barbetti L, Van Impe P, Van Staeyen G, Meesschaert B, Duerinckx L, Vandekeybus J, Pieters A, Ide G, Seffelaar H, Pensaert S, Geeraert M, Ramdas R, Carpels B, Heylen A, Van Goylen E, Berteloot M & Dubois M

van Ruitenbeek F. (2021) Detection of Interlayered Illite/Smectite by Means of XRD and Hyperspectral Techniques: Advantages and Disadvantages
Deon F, van Ruitenbeek F, Marcatelli C & Lievens C

van Schaik J.W.J. (2009) Acid-Base and Copper Binding Properties of Three Organic Matter Fractions Isolated from a Soil Solution
Kleja DB, van Schaik J & Gustafsson JP
(2007) Mechanisms of iron(III) Binding to Organic Matter and its Competitive Effect on Trace Metals
Gustafsson JP, van Schaik JWJ, Berggren Kleja D & Persson I

van Schijndel V. (2011) 40Ar-39Ar Geochronology and PT Estimations on Garnet-Hornblende-Muscovite-Plagioclase Schists from the Kheis Belt, South Africa
van Schijndel V & Cornell D

Van Schmus W. (2018) Isotopic Evidence of ca 60 Ma Long Cryogenian to Ediacaran High-K Collisional Magmatism in the Pernambuco – Alagoas Domain, Borborema Province, NE Brazil
Da Silva Filho A, Guimarães I, Santos L, Armstrong R, Van Schmus W, Farias D, Datolli L, Cocentino L, Rodrigues I & Coutinho M

van Schrojenstein Lantman H. (2018) Exhumation of Crustal Slivers in a Subduction Mélange in the Eastern Betic Cordillera, SE Spain
van Schrojenstein Lantman H, Kriegsman L & van Roermund H

Van Sice K. (2018) Strontium, Barium, and Radium as Tracers of Oil and Gas Contaminant Accumulation in Biota and Sediment
Warner N, Geeza T, Van Sice K, McDevitt B & Gillikin D

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