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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Sun Zhangxu (2012) Acidophilic Population Succession in Pilot Uranium Bioleaching Process
Liu Y, Li J, Xu W, Johnson DB, Hallberg K, Wang X, Sun Z, Liu J, Xu L & Liu J
(2011) A Study of the Column Bioleaching of Xianshan Uranium Ore
Chen G, Liu J & Sun Z

Sun Zhanxue (2002) Isotopic Geochemistry of Hotsprings in South Jiangxi Province, China
Sun Z & Zhou W

Sun ZhanXue (2019) Characteristics of Isotope Hydrogeochemistry for Natural Water in Yumen Area, Gansu Province, P.R. China
Liu J, Sun Z, Li J, Zhou Z, Xia F, Gao B & Wang X

Sun Zhanxue (2014) Uranium Recovery from Uranium Ore with Additional Pyrite by Column Bioleaching
Sun Z, Liu Y, Chen G, Li J, Xu L & Xu W
(2013) Chemical and Bacteria Leaching of a Low-Grade and High-Fluorine Uranium Ore in Column Reactors
Sun Z

Sun Zhanxue

Sun Zhenli (2016) Multifunctional Fe3O4@SiO2-Au Nanostructure as SERS Substrate
Jing C & Sun Z

Sun Zhihong (2009) Foliar Isoprene Emission during Autumn Senescence in Aspen (Populus tremula)
Sun Z, Niinemets U & Copolovici L

Sun Ziyin (2017) Cr3+ Behavior at the Content < 100 > 0 Ppmw within α-Al2O3: Case Study of Ilmen Blue Sapphires by RS PL and LA-ICP-MS Mappings
Sorokina E, Sun Z, Loudin L, Nishanbaev T & Nikandrov S

Sun Ziyun (2022) Intra-Crystal Luminescence and Trace Element Concentrations of Topaz from Igneous to Hydrothermal Systems
Bassoo R, Sun Z, Williams A, Johnson C & Johnson JA

Sunaga N. (2023) Novel Analytical Method of Airborne Microplastics Captured by Forest Canopy
Sunaga N, Niida Y, Okochi H & Miyazaki A

Sunahara G. (2012) Comparing the Soil Solution Chemistry of Soils Amended with Nano-Sized Copper Oxide, Micron-Sized Copper Oxide, and with a Copper Salt
McShane H, Whalen J, Sunahara G & Hendershot W

Sunamura M. (2022) Contribution of Iron in Clay Minerals to Redox Cycle in Paddy Soils; Enhancement of Nitrogen-Fixing Iron-Reducing Bacteria in Paddy Soils
Shimizu Y, Takahashi Y, Masuda Y, Sato S, Sunamura M, Kogure T & Senoo K
(2016) Co-occurrence and Metabolic Consequences of Candidate Bacterial Phyla and Anaerobic Methane Oxidizing Archaea in the Deep Crustal Biosphere
Ino K, Hernsdorf A, Konno U, Kouduka M, Sunamura M, Hirota A, Togo Y, Ito K, Fukuda A, Iwatsuki T, Mizuno T, Komatsu D, Tsunogai U, Yanagawa K, Ishimura T, Amano Y, Thomas B, Banfield J & Suzuki Y
(2009) Distribution of Metabolically Active Microbial Communities in CO2-rich Marine Sediments
Yanagawa K, Sunamura M, Morono Y, Futagami T, DeBeer D, Urabe T, Boetius A & Inagaki F
(2008) Characteristics of Dissolved Organic Matter in the Hydrothermal Fluids and the Associated Water Samples Obtained from Arc-Backarc Systems
Akashi H, Yamanaka T, Ishibashi J-I, Sunamura M, Kimura H, Toki T, Nakagawa S & Takai K

Sunaoshi T. (2018) Presolar Graphite: Insight into Redox Conditions in CO Nova Ejecta
Haenecour P, Howe JY, Zega TJ, Wallace P, Amari S, Floss C, Lodders K, Kaji K, Sunaoshi T & Muto A

Sunda W.G. (2008) Free Ion Controls on Zn and Cd Uptake by Coastal Plankton: A Field Test of the Free Ion Hypothesis
Sunda WG, Donat JR & Huntman SA

Sundal A. (2020) Experiences from the ICO2P Project Applied to Migration Monitoring of Injected CO2
Weber UW, Sundal A, Hellevang H & Kipfer R
(2018) CO2 Capture Processes Monitored with Noble Gas Measurements
Weber UW, Sundal A, Brennwald M, Ringrose P, Aagaard P & Kipfer R
(2017) Apparent Heating of Groundwater in the Gardermoen Aquifer, Norway
Sundal A, Kipfer R & Brennwald M
(2013) Flow Dynamics and 3H/3He Ages of Deep Groundwater at Gardermoen (Oslo Airport, Norway)
Sundal A, Aagaard P, Wejden B & Brennwald MS
(2011) Potential for Mineral Trapping during CO2 Storage in Sedimentary Basins
Aagaard P, Hellevang H, Alemu BL, Pham VTH & Sundal A

Sundblad K. (2021) Crustal Evolution of the Southwestern Margin of the Svecofennian Domain in the Baltic Sea Region
Salin E, Sundblad K & Claesson S
(2021) The Usage of Biotite as an Exploration Vector in Igneous Systems, as Exemplified for the 1.54 Ga Salmi Batholith, Russian Karelia
Bäckström A, Zack T & Sundblad K
(2020) Pb Isotope Systematics of K-Feldspar from the Precambrian Crust in the Baltic Sea Region
Salin E, Sundblad K, Woodard J & Lahaye Y
(2019) Hg Anomalies in Air and Related Bedrock in the Acoculco Geothermal Field, Mexico
Canet C, Jiménez-Franco A, Sundblad K, Morton O, Martínez-Coronado A & García-Alonso D

Sundby B. (2015) Soluble manganese(III) is Ubiquitous in Natural Waters and Sedimentary Pore Waters
Luther G, Oldham V, Tebo B, Jones M, Mucci A & Sundby B
(2014) Anaerobic Methane Oxidation Promotes Deep Diagenesis and Blurs Manganese Based Geochronology in Arctic Ocean Sediments
Sundby B, Lecroart P, Anschutz P, Katsev S & Mucci A
(2013) Soluble Manganese(III) and a Revised Sedimentary Redox Cycle
Madison A, Mucci A, Sundby B, Tebo B & Luther G
(2012) Early Diagenesis of Redox-Sensitive Elements in the Estuary and Gulf of St. Lawrence
Chen Q, Mucci A, Sundby B & Minarik W
(2012) Understanding Sediment Interfaces with Voltammetric Microelectrodes: Two Decades of Science and fun with Bjorn Sundby
Luther G, Madison A, Mucci A, Tebo B & Sundby B
(2012) An Integrated Study with Benthocosms on the Impact of Different Functional Groups of Macrofauna on Benthic N-Processes in Coastal Sediments of the St. Lawrence Estuary
Mouret A, Chaillou G, Archambault P, Maranger R, Sundby B & Mucci A
(2012) Oxygen and Di-Nitrogen (N2) Dynamics in the Hypoxic Zone of the St-Lawrence Estuary
Maranger R, Altabet M, Gilbert D, Mucci A, Bristowe L & Sundby B
(2011) Sediment Response to Persistently Low Oxygen Levels in Bottom Waters: The Lower St. Lawrence Estuary
Mucci A, Lefort S & Sundby B
(2011) Soluble Mn(III), Mn(II) and Total Mn in Sediment Porewaters: Soluble Mn(III) is Ubiquitous
Madison A, Mucci A, Sundby B, Tebo B & Luther G
(2010) Biogeochemistry and Microbial Ecology of a Modern, Ferruginous Chemocline
Crowe S, Canfield D, Fowle D, Jones C, Sturm A, Katsev S, Mucci A, Sundby B, Nomosatryo S & Haffner D
(2010) Biogeochemistry of Mn Oxidation in Lake Matano, Indonesia
Jones C, Crowe S, Canfield D, Sturm A, Fowle D, Katsev S, Mucci A, Sundby B & Nomosatryo S
(2009) Impact of Hypoxia on the Remobilization of Arsenic and Selenium in the Lower St. Lawrence Estuary (Québec, Canada)
Lefort S, Mucci A, Sundby B, Chaillou G & Molnar N
(2009) Aerobic Respiration and Hypoxia in the Lower St. Lawrence Estuary: Constraints on Oxygen Sink Partitioning from Stable Isotope Ratios of Dissolved Oxygen
Lehmann MF, Barnett B, Bender ML, Gelinas Y, Gilbert D, Maranger R, Mucci A, Sundby B & Thibodeau B
(2009) The Sedimentary Environment – A Biogeochemical Mosaic
Sundby B
(2008) Geochemistry of Mo in a Modern Archean Ocean Analogue
Crowe SA, Fowle D, Katsev S, Sundby B, Mucci A & Haffner D
(2008) Modeling Biogeochemisty in an Early Ocean Analogue
Katsev S, Crowe SA, Haffner D, Mucci A, Sundby B & Fowle D
(2006) Electrochemical investigation of bacterial Fe(III) reduction.
Crowe S, Magen C, Mucci A, Sundby B & Fowle D

Sunde T. (2000) Galena S Isotopes in and Around the Natural Fission Reactors at Oklo and Bangombé, Gabon
Zetterström L & Sunde T

Sundell Kurt (2019) Sparrow: A Cyberinfrastructure Component Supporting Data Management and Sharing in Geochronology Laboratories
Quinn DP, Schaen AJ, Sundell K, Gehrels G, Peters SE, Ross JI, Schmitz M & Singer BS

Sundell Kurt E. (2020) Sediment Source Characterization by Non-Negative Matrix Factorization of Detrital Zircon U-Pb Data and Application to Upper Cretaceous Strata of the Book Cliffs, Utah
Saylor JE, Sundell KE & Sharman GR

Sunder Raju P.V. (2011) First Finds of “Alloclasite” (Fe, Co, Ni) AsS in Ni Sulphides of Bangur Gabbro, Orissa, India
Sunder Raju PV
(2010) Högbomite Associated with V-Ti Magnetite Bands of Shimoga Schist Belt, Western Dharwar Craton, Karnataka, India
Sunder Raju PV & Babu EVSSK
(2008) PGE Mineralisation in Mafic-Ultramafics Around Bababudan-Nallur Lineament, Western Dharwar Craton, Karnataka, India
Sunder Raju PV & Merkle R
(2004) Platinum and Palladium Bearing Mafic and Ultramafic Rocks in Bababudan-Nallur Shear Zone, Western Dharwars, India
Sunder Raju P & Hussain S

Sunderland Elsie (2023) Dietary and gut Microbiome Effects on MeHg Uptake and Elimination Rates: A Case Study of Two Malagasy Populations
Routhier E, Golden C, Balcom P & Sunderland E
(2023) New Satellite Data for SO2 Suggest Higher Volcanic Mercury Emissions Concentrated in the Northern Hemisphere
Geyman BM, Thackray CP & Sunderland E
(2023) Mercury Emissions and Cycling Under Alternative Societal Development Pathways
Geyman BM, Streets D, Sunderland E, Thackray CP & Schaefer KM
(2022) Biogeochemical Conditions and Microbial Populations Linked to Biodegradation of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances in Soil and Sediment
Lorah MM, Akob DM, Harris C, He K, Blaney L, Schultes L, Sunderland E & Vecitis C
(2018) Effect of Oscillating Oxidative Environments on Microbial Degradation of Soil Organic Matter
Bao R, Mahmoudi N, Yao L, Balcom P, Sunderland E & Pearson A
(2017) Linking Global Mercury Releases to Local Human Health Outcomes
Sunderland E, Schartup A, Thackray C, Li M, Calder R, Horowitz H & Zhang Y
(2017) An Analysis of Variability in the Methylmercury Burden of Marine Mammals Using Stable Mercury Isotopes
Li M, Juang A, Ewald J, Mikkelsen B, Yin R, Krabbenhoft D, Dam M, Dassuncao C & Sunderland E
(2017) Quantifying Climate Induced Changes in Dissolved Organic Matter and Nutrients on Methylmercury Bioaccumulation
Schartup A, Thackray C & Sunderland E

Sunderland Elsie M (2015) Temporal Trends in Perfluorinated Alkylated Substances (PFASs) in North Atlantic Seawater and Pilot Whales
Sunderland E, Zhang X, Dassuncao C, Hu X, Mikkelsen B, Dam M & Bossi R
(2015) The Role of Air-Sea Exchange in the Global Selenium Cycle
Mason RP, Amos HM, DiMento B, Soerensen AL & Sunderland EM
(2015) Cycling of Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) in the Remote Marine Environment
Amos H, Zhang Y, Dutkiewicz S, Friedmand C, Forget G, Zhang X, Lohmann R, Sun C, Thackray C, Selin N & Sunderland E
(2014) Quantifying the Environmental Exposure Pathway for Methylmercury
Sunderland E, Amos H, Corbitt E, Horowitz H, Qureshi A, Schartup A, Soerensen A, Zhang Y & Jacob D
(2014) Gas Exchange of Mercury at the Air-Sea Interface: Insights from Measurement and Models
Mason RP, Balcom P, Swarr G, Lamborg C, Soerensen AL & Sunderland EM
(2010) Global Modeling of Mercury with Br as Atmospheric Oxidant
Jacob D, Holmes C, Soerensen A, Sturges E & Sunderland E

Sunderland Elsie M. (2019) Lifetime and Distribution of Perfluorooctanoic Sulfonate (PFOS) in the Global Oceans
Wagner CC, Thackray CP, Pickard H, Zhang X & Sunderland EM
(2019) Assessing Sources and Fate of Heavy Metals in the Northeast Pacific Ocean
Li M, Weis D, Smith K, Smith W, Hunt B, Pakhomov E & Sunderland E
(2019) A Quantitative Assessment of the Importance of Mining for the Global Hg Cycle
Sunderland E, Thackray C & Horowitz H
(2019) Processes Controlling the Vertical Distribution of Methylmercury in the Arctic Ocean
Schartup A, Heimbürger-Boavida L-E, Soerensen A, Sonke J & Sunderland E

Sundman Anneli (2016) Iron and Sulfur Speciation in the Arvadi Spring, a Model Habitat for the Proterozoic Ocean
Koeksoy E, Sundman A & Kappler A
(2016) The Effects of Iron Solubility and Speciation on the Survival and Growth of Cyanobacteria in Fe2+ – Organic Rich Archean Oxygen Transition Environments
Mloszewska A, Sundman A, Owttrim G, Lalonde S, Kappler A & Konhauser K
(2016) Redox Reactions between Humic Substances and Magnetite
Sundman A, Byrne JM & Kappler A
(2016) Comparing Biogenic and Abiotic Magnetite for Potential Biotechnological Applications
Byrne J, Sundman A & Kappler A

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