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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Pucéat E. (2023) Clay Mineralogy and Hf-Nd Isotopic Compositions on Clay Fractions: Source-To-Sink Analysis of Signal Propagation in the Cape Basin during the Late Cretaceous
Gaitan CE, Pucéat E, Pellenard P, Adatte T, Robin C, Guillocheau F & Bayon G
(2023) Hf-Nd Isotope Evidence for Enhanced Chemical Weathering on the West African Craton during the Late Cretaceous
Corentin P, Pucéat E, Pellenard P, Guiraud M, Blondet J, Adatte T & Bayon G
(2023) Stable Isotopes of Crocodilian Teeth Reveal the Diversity of Freshwater Environments and Climate over the Past Million Years in the Turkana Depression (Eastern Africa)
Gardin A, Pucéat E, Garcia G, Boisserie J-R, Schuster M, Nutz A & Otero O
(2021) Climate, Tectonic and Weathering: New Insights from Combined Hf and Nd Isotopic Composition of Clays
Pucéat E, Freslon N, Corentin P, Marlot L, Pellenard P, Brayard A, Guiraud M, Adatte T & Bayon G
(2021) Response of Weathering and Erosion to the Intense Tectonic Uplift of the South African Plateau during the Late Cretaceous: Preliminary Insights
Gaitan E, Pucéat E, Pellenard P, Guillocheau F, Robin C & Bayon G
(2021) New Isotopic Evidence for Changes of the Erosion and Weathering on the Northeast South American Margin
Corentin P, Pucéat E, Pellenard P, Guiraud M, Bayon G, Adatte T & Blondet J
(2016) Evolution of Weathering and Erosion in the South Atlantic during the Late Cretaceous
Marlot L, Freslon N, Pucéat E, Pellenard P, Guiraud M, Chenot E & Bougeault C
(2016) Determination of the Stable Oxygen Isotope Composition of Bioapatites: An Interlaboratory Comparison Study
Pucéat E, Skrzypek G, Joachimski M, Kohn M, Dennis K, Lécuyer C & Evans S
(2015) Comparison between Seawater and Archive Nd Isotope Compositions Using Multi-Scatter Plots: A New Global Data Compilation
Tachikawa K, Arsouze T, Bayon G, Bory A, Colin C, Dutay J-C, Frank N, Gourlan A, Jeandel C, Lacan F, Meynadier L, Montagna P, Puceat E, Roy-Barman M & Waelbroeck C
(2014) Late Cretaceous Changes in Continental Configuration: Toward a Better Ventilated Ocean?
Donnadieu Y, Puceat E, Moiroud M, Guillocheau F & Deconink J-F
(2013) Evolution of Neodymium Isotopic Signature of Seawater during the Late Cretaceous: New Insights on Oceanic Circulation Changes
Moiroud M, Pucéat E, Donnadieu Y, Bayon G & Deconinck J-F
(2013) A New Database for Nd Isotopes in Marine Environments
Lacan F, Tachikawa K, Arsouze T, Bayon G, Bory A, Colin C, Dutay J-C, Frank N, Gherardi J, Gourlan A, Grousset F, Hillaire-Marcel C, Jeandel C, Meynadier L, Montagna P, Puceat E, Matthieu M & Waelbroeck C
(2009) Revised δ18O Phosphate-Water Fractionation Equation from Fish Raised in Controlled Environment
Pucéat E, Joachimski M, Bonin A, Motreuil S, Monna F, Bouilloux A, Quesne D, Morinière P & Mourin J
(2002) Mesozoic Sea Surface Temperatures of the Western Tethys Inferred from δ18O of Fish Teeth
Lecuyer C, Picard S, Puceat E & Sheppard S

Pucetaite M. (2023) Importance of Bacteria-Mineral Associations for Biofilm Development and Gene Transfer Efficiency
Hendiani S, Pucetaite M, Op de Beeck M, Hansen MF, Verma T, Mandić Mulec I, Burmølle M & Sand KK

Puchol N. (2013) Paleo-Denudation Rates at the Plio-Pleistocene Transition from in situ Produced Cosmogenic 10Be: Method and New Results from the Tianshan and the Himalayas
Charreau J, Puchol N, Blard P-H, Pik R, Braucher R, Leanni L, Bourles D, Lave J & Bourles O
(2011) Himalayan Erosion Rates and 10Be Systematics in the Ganga Basin
Lavé J, Lupker M, Blard P-H, France-Lanord C, Bourlès D, Charreau J, Leanni L, Pik R & Puchol N

Puchtel Igor (2020) The Mantle Record of Crustal Evolution
Hofmann A, Puchtel I & Chauvel C
(2020) A Coupled μ182W-d57Fe Record of Early Terrestrial Mantle Differentiation?
Williams H, Rizo H & Puchtel I
(2020) Early Mantle Isotopic and Elemental Heterogeneity: Evidence from the ~3.2 Ga Ruth Well – Regal Komatiites, Western Australia
Puchtel I, Horan M, Walker R, Nisbet E & Locmelis M
(2020) Exploring Correlations between Anomalous 187, 186Os and 182W in Mantle-Derived Rocks
Walker R & Puchtel I
(2018) The Vanadium Isotopic Composition of the BSE: Constraints from Peridotites and Komatiites
Qi Y, Wu F, Ionov D, Puchtel I, Nicklas R, Yu H, Kang J, Li C & Huang F
(2018) Siderophile Element Heterogeneity of the Mantle: Evidence from Komatiites
Puchtel I, Touboul M, Mundl A, Blichert-Toft J, Hanski E & Walker R
(2018) Using Stable Chromium Isotope Measurements of Komatiites to Unlock Chromium’s Geochemical Behaviour in the Mantle
Jerram M, Bonnand P, Kerr A, Puchtel I & Halliday A
(2018) Redox Evolution of the Mantle from 3.5 Ga to the Present
Nicklas R & Puchtel I

Puchtel Igor S (2023) Search for a Meteoritic Component in Impact Breccias of the Jeokjung-Chogye Structure, South Korea
Choi SH, Lee J-H, Kim S-S, Yu J & Puchtel IS
(2023) Cadmium Isotope Composition of the Earth’s Mantle Derived from Mid-Oceanic Ridge Basalts and Komatiites
Devos G, Moynier F, Creech J, Liu D, Luu T-H, Rigoussen D, Puchtel IS & Bizzarro M
(2022) Elevated and Heterogeneous Oxygen Fugacity in Global Hotspot Lavas
Willhite LN, Arevalo R, Piccoli PM, Rand DS, Locmelis M, Nicklas RW, Jackson MG, Day JMD, Lassiter JC, Ireland T, Puchtel IS & Finlayson V
(2022) Non-Traditional Stable Isotopes in Global Basalts Through Time and the Evolution of Mantle Mineralogical Heterogeneity
Williams HM, Soderman CR, Matthews S, Landon-Browne A, Puchtel IS & Shorttle O
(2022) Sr Isotopes and Trace Elements in Melt Inclusions from ~260 Ma Song Da Komatiites, Northern Vietnam, Reveal Evidence of Component Mixing and Water Excess in their Parental Melt
Kazzy C, Sobolev AV, Vezinet A, Gurenko A, Asafov EV, Hanski E, Puchtel IS, Izokh AE, Batanova VG & Danyushevsky L
(2021) Global Chemical and Isotope Heterogeneity in the Early Earth's Mantle Revealed by Pilbara Komatiites and Basalts
Puchtel IS, Horan MF, Walker RJ, Nisbet E & Locmelis M
(2021) The Iron Isotope Compositions of Komatiites: Insights into the Early Earth Differentiation Processes
Landon-Browne A, Soderman CR, Puchtel IS, Freymuth H, Matthews S & Williams HM
(2021) Melt Inclusions from Permian-Triassic Komatiites, Northern Vietnam, Reveal Evidence for a Deep Hydrous Mantle Reservoir
Kazzy C, Sobolev AV, Gurenko AA, Asafov EV, Hanski E, Puchtel IS, Izokh AE & Batanova VG
(2021) Non-Traditional Stable Isotope Constraints on Mantle Mineralogical Heterogeneity: Past, Present and Future
Williams HM, Soderman CR, Matthews S, Landon-Browne A, Rizo H, Puchtel IS & Shorttle O
(2021) The Zirconium Isotope Composition of the Mantle and Upper Continental Crust Through Time
Tian S, Moynier F, Inglis E, Rudnick RL, Huang F, Chauvel C, Gaschnig RM, Creech J & Puchtel IS
(2018) Early Earth Signatures Recorded in the Source of Large Igneous Provinces
Rizo H, Poirier A, Puchtel IS, Vlastelic I, Moine B, Forte A, Neal C & Simonetti A
(2017) The Origin and Survival of Mantle Heterogeneities in Early Earth Unveiled by Komatiites
Blichert-Toft J & Puchtel I
(2017) W Isotopic Compositions of Barberton and Pilbara Komatiites and Basalts
Archer GJ, Kleine T, Stracke A, Puchtel IS & Walker RJ
(2017) Nb/U in Komatiites: Perspective on Archean Crustal Volume
Hofmann A & Puchtel I
(2017) Mixing Times of the Archean Mantle: Evidence from 2.7 Ga Komatiites
Puchtel I, Touboul M, Blichert-Toft J & Walker R
(2017) The Iron Isotope Compositions of Barberton Komatiites: Insights into Early Earth Differentiation Processes
Williams H, Puchtel I, Rizo H & Boyet M
(2017) Oxidation State of the Mantle Inferred from 89 Ma Komatiites
Nicklas R & Puchtel I
(2017) The Iron Isotope Composition of the Earth’s Lower Mantle
Williams H, Rizo H & Puchtel I
(2017) Fragments of Paleoproterozoic LIPs in the Eastern Fennoscandia: Implications for the Life Span of the Lapland-Kola Ocean
Stepanova A, Samsonov A, Salnikova E, Arzamastsev A, Puchtel I, Kepezhinskas P, Egorova S, Larionova Y & Erofeeva K

Puchtel Igor S. (2019) Os Isotope Systematics of Ru-Os Sulfides and Ru-Os-Ir Alloys from the Verkh-Neivinsk and Kunar Ophiolite-Type Complexes (Russia)
Badanina I, Malitch K, Belousova E, Puchtel I & Murzin V
(2019) Siderophile Element Heterogeneity of the Early Mantle: The Western Australia Komatiite Connection
Puchtel IS, Nicklas RW, Slagle J, Locmelis M, Nisbet EG & Walker RJ
(2019) Insights into Planetary Evolution from Pt Stable Isotopes
Creech J, Baker J, Bizzarro M, Moynier F, Puchtel I, Schaefer B & Turner S
(2019) Atmospheric Redox Evolution and Life
Catling D, Kadoya S, Nicklas RW & Puchtel I
(2019) An Oceanic Subduction Origin for Archean Granitoids as Evidenced by Silicon Isotopes
Deng Z, Chaussidon M, Guitreau M, Puchtel IS, Dauphas N & Moynier F
(2015) The Oxidation State of Archaen Komatiites Revisited
Nicklas R, Puchtel I & Ash R
(2015) Mantle Heterogeneities in Early Earth
Blichert-Toft J & Puchtel I
(2015) A Hadean Enriched Mantle Source Revealed by W Isotopes
Touboul M, Puchtel I & Walker R
(2015) Abundances of Chalcophile Volatile Elements in 2.7 Ga Komatiites from Belingwe, Zimbabwe
Li C, Becker H, Puchtel IS, Wang Z & Hoffmann EJ
(2014) Heterogeneity of Calcium Isotopes in Earth’s Mantle
Chen H, Savage P, Valdes M, Puchtel I, Day J, Jackson M, Moreira M & Moynier F
(2014) Investigating Terrestrial Mantle Evolution Using Ru Isotopes
Bermingham KR, Puchtel IS, O'Driscoll B & Walker RJ
(2014) Multiple Early Earth Differentiation Events Revealed by 142Nd, 182W, and HSE Abundances in Isua Samples
Rizo H, Walker RJ, Carlson RW, Horan M, Touboul M, Puchtel IS, Boyet M & Rosing M
(2013) New Constraints on the Magnitude and Timing of Late Accretion
Walker R, Touboul M, Puchtel I & Liu J
(2013) Isotopic and Elemental Evidence of Magma Ocean Processes Recorded in Early Archean Komatiites
Puchtel I, Walker R, Touboul M & Blichert-Toft J
(2013) Tungsten Isotope Heterogeneities in Archean Komatiites
Touboul M, Puchtel I & Walker R
(2013) Early Mantle Composition and Evolution Inferred from 142Nd and 182W Variations in Isua Samples
Rizo H, Touboul M, Carlson RW, Boyet M, Puchtel IS & Walker RJ
(2012) Combined 182W, 186, 187Os and 142,143Nd Constraints on Terrestrial Differentiation and Mantle Mixing
Walker R, Touboul M & Puchtel I
(2012) Early Earth: An Insight from the Combined Os-Nd-Hf Isotope Systematics of Barberton Komatiites
Puchtel I, Touboul M, Blichert-Toft J & Walker R
(2012) Primordial Mantle Heterogeneities Revealed by Coupled 182W and 186, 187Os Investigations
Touboul M, Liu J, O'Neil J, Puchtel I & Walker R
(2011) Iron Isotopes and Komatiites: Implications for Mantle Oxygen Fugacity
Hibbert K, Williams H, Kerr A & Puchtel I
(2011) Evolution of Deep Mantle Sources as Inferred from Os-Nd Isotope Systematics of Archean Komatiites
Puchtel I & Walker R
(2011) Tungsten Isotopic Anomalies in Archean Komatiites
Touboul M, Puchtel IS & Walker RJ
(2010) The HSE Budget in Early Mars and Genesis of Shergottites
Brandon A, Puchtel I, Day J & Walker R
(2010) Highly Siderophile Elements in the Early Earth: A Story Told by Barberton Komatiites
Puchtel I, Walker R, Robin C, Arndt N, Nisbet E, Anhaeusser C & Byerly G
(2010) Clues to the Formation of the Terrestrial Planets from Highly Siderophile Elements
Walker R, Puchtel I, Day J, Galenas M & Brandon A
(2009) Re-Os Geochemistry of Fe-Rich Peridotites and Pyroxenites from Horní Bory, Czech Republic
Ackerman L, Walker R & Puchtel I
(2009) Highly Siderophile Elements in the Earth’s Mantle: Message from the Archean Komatiite Zoo
Puchtel IS & Walker RJ
(2009) Highly Siderophile Elements in the Mantles of the Terrestrial Planets
Walker R, Puchtel I & Day J
(2008) Re-Os Isotope and HSE Systematics of 3.5 Ga Barberton Komatiites
Puchtel I & Walker R
(2007) Recycling Deep Cratonic Lithosphere and Generation of Intraplate Magmatism
Gao S, Rudnick RL, Xu W-L, Yuan H-L, Liu Y-S, Puchtel I, Liu X-M, Huang H & Wang X-R
(2007) Re-Os Depth Profile of the Upper Mantle beneath Central Europe
Ackerman L, Puchtel IS, Walker RJ & Jelínek E
(2007) Pt-Re-Os Isotope and HSE Systematics of Belingwe Komatiites
Puchtel I, Brandon A, Walker R & Nisbet E
(2005) Platinum-Osmium Isotope Evolution of the Earth's Mantle
Brandon A, Walker R, Puchtel I & Humayun M
(2005) Pt-Re-Os Isotope and HSE Systematics of 2.8<!s><$>Ga Komatiites
Puchtel IS, Brandon AD, Humayun M & Walker RJ
(2002) PGEs in Icelandic Picrites
Humayun M, Puchtel IS & Brandon AD
(2002) PGEs in Abitibi Komatiites
Puchtel IS, Humayun M, Campbell AJ, Sproule RA & Lesher CM

Pudack C. (2009) Gold-Rich Epithermal Liquid by Contraction of Magmatic Vapor
Heinrich CA, Pudack C & Pettke T

Puddephatt D. (2010) PH Dependent Proton Reactivity of Rough LPS on Live Cells
Puddephatt D & Glasauer SR

Puddick J. (2020) Climate and Environmental Change in the SW-Pacific of the Last ~14, 000 Years Using Lipid Biomarkers in Sediments of a New Zealand Lake
Naeher S, Bauersachs T, Stucker VK, Puddick J, Wood SA, Robert S, Schubert CJ & Vandergoes MJ

Pudlo Dieter (2010) Geochemical Variations in German Buntsandstein and Rotliegend Sandstones – The Main CO2 Reservoir Rocks in Germany
Hilse U, Pudlo D & Gaupp R

Pudlo Dieter (2015) Effects of Microbiological Processes on Corrosion in Geological H2 Storage – Results of Laboratory Long-Term Experiments
Kasina M, Halm H, Lerm S, Teitz S, Pudlo D & Würdemann H

Pudlo Dieter

Puente B. (2019) Simplified Technique for 87Sr/86Sr Measurement in Limestones by MC-ICP-MS
Puente B, Ballesteros D, Painchault A, Nehme C, Mouralis D & García-Alonso JI

Puente F. (2012) Exploring the Geomicrobiology of the Rio Tinto Subsurface Mars Analog by Using a Life Detector Biochip
Puente F, Moreno-Paz M, Cruz-Gil P, Rivas L, Postigo M, Gomez M, Garcia-Villadangos M & Parro V

Puente-Sánchez F. (2014) Studying the Response to Deglaciation Through the Prokaryotic Diversity and Metabolisms in the Sediments of Oligotrophic Andean Lakes
Parro V, Blanco Y, Rivas L, Puente-Sánchez F, Echeverría A, Demergasso C & Cabroll N
(2014) Exploring the Ecology of Continental Deep-Subsurface Communities Through a Multi-Technique Approach
Puente-Sánchez F, Alejandro A-R, Yolanda B, Miriam G-V, Mercedes M-P, Ignacio G-C, Nuria R, Ricardo A, Kenneth T & Víctor P
(2013) Carbonate Biomineralization Under Aerobic and Anaerobic Conditions by a Novel Deep Subsurface Bacterial Isolate
Puente-Sánchez F, Sánchez-Román M, Rodríguez N, Fernández-Remolar D, Parro V & Amils R
(2013) Geochemical and Microbial Signals Related to Carbonate Formation in the Subsurface of Rio Tinto
Sánchez-Román M, Fernandez-Romar D, Puente-Sánchez F, Parro Garcia V, Rodriguez N & Amils R

Puerini M. (2012) Mantle Source of Back-Arc Ecuador Volcanoes: Insights from B and Radiogenic Isotopes
Agostini S, Puerini M, Renzulli A & Ridolfi F

Puerto-León J.S. (2020) Cordilleran Granitoids and Restite Entrainment: A Thermodynamic Modelling
García-Arias M, Puerto-León JS & Ronderos-Almeida CD

Puetz S. (2017) Significance of Episodic Zircon Age Peaks during the Archean
Condie K, Puetz S & Davaille A

Pueyo J.J. (2014) Is Arsenic Available as Energy Source for Microbial Growth in Acidic and Hypersaline Lakes?
Demergasso C, Pueyo JJ, Escudero L, Chong G, Cortéz P & Bijman J
(2007) Palaeohydrology of the Mulhouse Basin: Are Fluid Inclusions in Halite Tracers of Past Seawater Composition?
Cendon D, Ayora C, Pueyo JJ, Taberner C & Blanc-Valleron M-M
(2007) A High-Resolution Study of Diatom Oxygen Isotopes in a Late Pleistocene to Early Holocene Laminated Record from Lake Chungará (Andean Altiplano, Northern Chile)
Hernández A, Bao R, Giralt S, Leng MJ, Barker PA, Pueyo JJ, Sáez A, Moreno A, Valero-Garcés B & Sloane HJ
(2006) Sulfate starved subbasins: Implications for Permian seawater composition
Cendon Sevilla DI, Pueyo JJ, Ayora C, Taberner C & Peryt T

Puffer J. (2013) Mantle Potential Temperature Trend for the Central Atlantic Magmatic Province
Benimoff A & Puffer J

Pugès M. (2009) Archaeometric Evidence of Trade of Leucite-Bearing Volcanic-Made Roman Mills of Pompeian Style in NE Hispania (Spain)
Gimeno-Torrente D, Aulinas M, Fernandez-Turiel J-L, Pugès M & Novembre D

Pugh C.C. (2013) Use of Sulfur Isotopes to Quantify Biological and Abiotic Processes Contributing to Sulfur Cycling in an AMD Treatment System
Walters ER, Pugh CW, Bender KS & Lefticariu L
(2012) Remediation of Coal-Mine Drainage by Sulfate-Reducing Bioreactor
Lefticariu L, Behum P, Pugh C & Bender K
(2010) Geochemical and Microbial Evaluation of the Tab Simco Treatment System
Segid YT, Behum PT, Bender KS, Pugh CC, Burns AS & Lefticariu L

Pugh J. (2013) Numerical Interpretation of Laboratory and Field Data Showing CO2-induced Groundwater Changes
Zheng L, Tinnacher R, Varadharajan C, Spycher N, Bianchi M, Nico P, Birkholzer J, Trautz R & Pugh J

Pugh R. (2010) Mercury Stable Isotopes Fractionation in Cryogenically Archived Specimens from The Arctic Marine Environment
Point D, Sonke J, Day R, Moors A, Pugh R & Becker P
(2008) Mercury Isotopes Fractionation in the Alaskan Marine Environment along an Arctic/subArctic Transect
Point D, Day R, Sonke J, Vanderpol S, Donard O, Simac K, Moors A, Pugh R & Becker P

Puglisi G. (2013) The Summit Activity at Mt. Etna from 1995 to 2001: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Investigate the Long-Term Processes of the Magmatic Plumbing System
Carbone D, Corsaro RA, Guglielmino F & Puglisi G
(2013) Reconciling Ground Deformation and Degassing Activity at Mt. Etna
Burton M, Allard P & Puglisi G

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