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Pili E. (2022) Condensation of the Precursory Elements of Xenon Isotopes Produced by Underground Nuclear Explosions
Bourdon B & Pili E
(2017) Mo Isotopes as a Tracer of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle
Bourdon B, Pili E, Fitoussi C & Migeon V
(2017) Oxygen Isotope Fractionation Among Uranium Oxides: A Tracer of Origins and Transformations of Nuclear Material
Dierick M, Pili E, Szenknect S & Agrinier P
(2017) Influence of Biogeochemical Reactions on Inert Gas Fluxes in Soil
Alibert C, Pili E, Barre P & Corvisier J
(2016) Oxygen Isotopes in Uranium Oxides from the Front End of the Nuclear Fuel Cycle
Dierick M, Pili E, Agrinier P & Szenknect S
(2015) Molybdenum Isotopic Determination in Uranium-Rich Materials: Constraints on the Nuclear Fuel Cycle
Migeon V, Bourdon B, Pili E & Fitoussi C
(2015) Biogeochemical Reactions and Transient Pressure Gradients in the Unsaturated Zone
Pili E, Guillon S & Charlet L
(2014) Characterisation of Iodine Redox in Borosilicate Glasses by Raman Spectrometry
Grousset L, Neuville D, Pili E & Bompard N
(2012) Origin, Mobility, and Temporal Evolution of Arsenic from a Low-Contaminated Catchment in Alpine Crystalline Rocks
Pili E, Tisserand D, Casiot C & Bureau S
(2012) Understanding Gas Dynamics in Unsaturated Fractured Granite Using SF6, CO2, Rn and Other Noble Gases
Guillon S, Pili E, Sabroux J-C & Agrinier P
(2012) Fingerprinting Uranium-Bearing Material: Development and Validation of Methods
Salaun A, Hubert A, Aupiais J, Pili E, Pointurier F, Diallo S, Faure A-L & Richon P
(2011) A Close Look at the Carbon Cycle from the Roselend Natural Laboratory Using Laser-Based Isotope Ratio Spectrometry
Pili E, Guillon S, Agrinier P & Dellinger M
(2009) Transient Geochemical and Hydrogeological Coupling during Weathering and the Carbon Cycle in the Critical Zone
Pili E, Dellinger M, Charlet L, Agrinier P, Chabaux F & Richon P
(2009) Diffusive Parameters of Tritiated Water (HTO) and U in Chalk
Descostes M, Gandois O, Frasca B, Radwan J, Juery A & Pili E
(2008) U-Isotope Fractionation during Chemical Weathering
Bourdon B, Andersen M, Erel Y & Pili E
(2007) Weathering Rates from Top to Bottom in a Carbonate Environment
Bourdon B, Bureau S, Andersen M & Pili E
(2004) The Hydrogeochemical Dynamics of Fractured Porous Media in the Unsaturated Zone
Pili E, Bureau S, Perrier F & Richon P
(2004) Relating Airborne Gamma-Ray Spectrometry to Chemical Weathering History in a Small Watershed
Carrier F, Bourdon B, Pili E, Truffert C & Wyns R
(2004) Application of Uranium Series Disequilibria as a Tracer for Radionuclide Migration in an Aquifer
Hubert A, Bourdon B, Pili E & Richon P

Piliouras A. (2021) Field Methods and Geochemical Analyses for Interpreting High Resolution Hydrogeochemical Changes in a Macrotidal Marsh
Telfeyan K, Piliouras A, Newman BD, Myers-Pigg AN, Ward ND & Rowland JC

Pilitsyn A. (2020) Gold-Silver Kyplatap Ore Knot within the Okhotsk-Chukotka Volcanogenic Belt, Eastern Russia
Pavlova T & Pilitsyn A

Pilitsyna A. (2015) Mantle-Derived Garnet Peridotites within Anrakhai Metamorphic Complex (Southern Kazakhstan)
Pilitsyna A, Tretyakov A & Kovalchuk E

Pilleri P. (2023) Geochemistry and Mineralogy of Ancient Sedimentary Rocks Analyzed by the SuperCam Instrument in the Jezero Delta, Mars
Dehouck E, Forni O, Quantin-Nataf C, Beck P, Mangold N, Royer C, Clavé E, Beyssac O, Johnson JR, Mandon L, Poulet F, Le Mouélic S, Caravaca G, Kalucha H, Gibbons E, Dromart G, Gasda P, Meslin P-Y, Schroeder S, Udry A, Anderson R, Clegg S, Cousin A, Gabriel T, Lasue J, Fouchet T, Pilleri P, Pilorget C, Hurowitz J, Núñez J, Williams A, Russell P, Simon JI, Maurice S & Wiens RC
(2023) Investigation of the Petrogenetic Relationship between the Two Igneous Formations in Jezero Crater by Using Trace Element Concentrations Acquired by the Perseverance SuperCam Instrument
Debaille V, Forni O, Anderson R, Beck P, Beyssac O, Clavé E, Clegg S, Cousin A, Dehouck E, Fouchet T, Gabriel T, Johnson JR, Le Mouélic S, Mandon L, Maurice S, Meslin P-Y, Pilleri P, Poulet F, Quantin-Nataf C, Royer C, Udry A & Wiens RC
(2021) Elemental Calibration of SuperCam’s LIBS
Cousin A, Forni O, Anderson R, Clegg S, Frydenvang J, Pilleri P, Ledgett C, Gasnault O, Maurice S & Wiens R

Pillers Renee (2015) High Spatial Resolution SHRIMP and LA-ICPMS U-Pb Geochronology of Pea Ridge Fe-Ree-Au Deposit, USA
Neymark L, Aleinikoff J, Holm-Denoma C, Pietruszka A, Pillers R & Moscati R

Pillers Renee M (2022) Fingerprinting Placer Gold Alloy from the Yukon-Tanana Uplands of Eastern Alaska: Integrating Trace Element and Pb Isotopic Chemistry of Gold
Thompson J, Marsh EE, Pillers RM & Chapman R

Pillinger C.T. (2002) Oxygen-17 Anomalies Generated by Thermal Decomposition of Carbonates
Miller MF, Thiemens MH, Jackson TL, Franchi IA & Pillinger CT
(2002) The Oxygen Isotopic Composition of Water Extracted from CV Carbonaceous Chondrites
Baker L, Franchi I, Wright I & Pillinger C
(2001) The Oxygen Isotopic Composition of Water Extracted from Carbonaceous Chondrites
Baker L, Franchi IA, Wright IP & Pillinger CT
(2000) Ion Implantation into Presolar Diamonds: Experimental Simulation
Verchovsky A, Wright I, Fisenko A, Semjonova L & Pillinger C
(2000) A New Source of Mass Independent Fractionation of Oxygen Isotopes: Evidence and Geochemical Implications
Miller MF, Franchi IA & Pillinger CT

Pillutla S.P.K. (2019) Influence of Monsoon and Provenance on Sr and Nd Isotope Systematics (IODP-353, U1445)
Peketi A, Mazumdar A, Pillutla SPK, Sawanth B, George C & Chandra AK

Pilný J. (2015) Limits for Raman Spectroscopic Discrimination of Pigments of Microorganisms
Jehlička J, Culka A, Kovács M, Nedbalová L, Pilný J, Mareš J & Oren A

Pilorgé H. (2017) Water-Serpentine Interactions and Deformation in Subduction Zones
Pilorge H, Ganzhorn A-C & Reynard B
(2015) Serpentinite-Fluid Interaction in Subduction Zones
Pilorgé H, Reynard B, Montagnac G, Cardon H & Le Floch S

Pilorget C. (2023) Geochemistry and Mineralogy of Ancient Sedimentary Rocks Analyzed by the SuperCam Instrument in the Jezero Delta, Mars
Dehouck E, Forni O, Quantin-Nataf C, Beck P, Mangold N, Royer C, Clavé E, Beyssac O, Johnson JR, Mandon L, Poulet F, Le Mouélic S, Caravaca G, Kalucha H, Gibbons E, Dromart G, Gasda P, Meslin P-Y, Schroeder S, Udry A, Anderson R, Clegg S, Cousin A, Gabriel T, Lasue J, Fouchet T, Pilleri P, Pilorget C, Hurowitz J, Núñez J, Williams A, Russell P, Simon JI, Maurice S & Wiens RC
(2022) Detection of Hydration Spectral Signatures with IRS/SuperCam, Perseverance Rover: Instrument Performance
Royer C, Fouchet T, Montmessin F, Poulet F, Forni O, Johnson JR, Gasnault O, Mandon L, Quantin-Nataf C, Beck P, Ollila AM, Pilorget C, Bernardi P, Reess J-M, Newell RT, Maurice S & Wiens R
(2021) Providing Unbiased IR Spectra on Mars: The Ground Calibration of the Infrared Spectrometer Onboard Perseverance Rover
Royer C, Fouchet T, Forni O, Johnson JR, Gasnault O, Quantin-Nataf C, Beck P, Ollila AM, Mandon L, Poulet F, Pilorget C, Bernardi P, Reess J-M, Newell RT, Maurice S & Wiens R
(2021) Initial Results of the First Visible and Near-Infrared Spectrometer on the Martian Surface: SuperCam Unveils Jezero Crater’s Ground Mineralogy
Mandon L, Fouchet T, Forni O, Johnson JR, Gasnault O, Quantin-Nataf C, Beck P, Ollila AM, Royer C, Poulet F, Pilorget C, Bernardi P, Reess J-M, Newell RT, Maurice S & Wiens R
(2020) Planetary Terrestrial Analogues Library (PTAL) Project: NIR Characterization of Samples
Poulet F, Loizeau D, Lantz C, Pilorget C, Bibring J-P & Hamm V

Pilote Martin (2023) Seasonal Dynamics of Selenium and Vanadium in Subarctic Thermokarst Ponds
Laberge-Carignan A, Pilote M, Larivière D & Couture R-M
(2023) Assessing Mercury Methylation and Methylmercury Demethylation in Thermokarst Lakes in a Sporadic Permafrost Region, Canadian Subarctic
Malcata Martins B, Hintelmann H, Pilote M, Cesário R, Dias R, Costa J, Magalhães C, Laberge-Carignan A, Couture R-M & Canário J

Pilote Martin Pilote (2020) Mercury Methylation in Permafrost Thaw Ecosystems
Canário J, Jusek M, Hintelmann H, Pilote M, Hugelius G, Wagner J, Vieira G, Martin V, Ritcher A, Lodi R & Lantuit H
(2020) Mobilized Permafrost Carbon is Concentrated in Particulate Matter and Ebullition Methane in Northern Quebec Thaw Lakes
Gonzalez Moguel R, Douglas P, Bass A, Pilote MP & Garnett M

Piloyan H. (2018) Impact of Additives Molecular Structure on Combustion of Hydrogen
Piloyan H

Piltz R. (2018) Crystallographic Incorporation of Hydrogen in Ringwoodite
Thomson A, Dobson D, Brodholt J, Crichton W, Cerantola V & Piltz R

Pilz P. (2009) Evidence for a High 3He or Low 10Be Production Rate from Cosmogenic Nuclide Cross-Calibration
Niedermann S, Goethals M & Pilz P
(2007) Assessing the Relative Production Rates of Cosmogenic 3He and 21Ne in Olivine, Pyroxene and Quartz
Niedermann S, Pilz P & Goethals M
(2002) MORB-Like 3He/4He Ratios in Olivines from the Back-Arc of the South American Central Volcanic Zone
Pilz P, Hammerschmidt K & Niedermann S

Pimbert A. (2019) Impact of Oceanic Anoxic Events on the Nd-Hf Isotopic Composition of Detrital Sediments
Pimbert A, Chauvel C, Gourlan A & Jaillard E
(2015) Does Continental Weathering Trigger Oceanic Anoxic Events?
Pimbert A, Gourlan A & Chauvel C

Pimblott S. (2015) Examining Radiation Damage Effects in Phyllosilicates with Applications to Radioactive Waste Geodisposal
Bower W, Pearce C, Mosselmans F, Haigh S, Pimblott S & Pattrick R
(2012) Impact of Radiation on the Microbial Reduction of Iron Oxides
Brown A, Wincott P, Vaughan D, Pimblott S, Goodacre R & Lloyd J
(2011) Radiation Damage in Biotite: Defined by Micro XAS and XRD
Pattrick R, Geraki T, Charnock J, Pearce C, Mosselmans F, Pimblott S & Droop G

Pimenta A.C.S. (2012) The Itaju do Colonia Sodalite Litchfieldite Stock, NE Brazil
Pimenta ACS, Conceicao H, Rosa MLS, Martin RF & Rios DC

Pimenta Silva M. (2023) Tracking Crustal Contamination in Arc Batholiths: The Adamello Case Study
Pimenta Silva M, Giuliani A, Schaltegger U, Schoene B, Ulmer P & Müntener O
(2022) A Mushy Earliest Silicic Crust
Laurent O, Björnsen J, Wotzlaw J-F, Moyen J-F, Bretscher S, Pimenta Silva M & Bachmann O
(2019) Linking Volcanic and Plutonic Records in the Early Earth: TTGs are Silicic Crystal Mushes
Laurent O, Björnsen J, Bretscher S, Wotzlaw J-F, Pimenta Silva M, Moyen J-F, Ulmer P & Bachmann O

Pimentel A. (2013) Magmatic Processes beneath Furnas Volcano, São Miguel, Azores
Jeffery A, Gertisser R, O'Driscoll B, Pimentel A, Pacheco J & Self S

Pimentel C. (2023) From Real Sample to Digital 3D Model: Photogrammetry to Disseminate Collections and Experiments
Heredia CR, Papaslioti EM & Pimentel C
(2023) New 3D Crystal Models for Teaching Crystallography
Pimentel C & Pina CM
(2023) Vaterite Formation from Aqueous Carbonation of Gypsum for CO2 Capture and Utilisation
Pimentel C, Montes-Hernandez G & Van Driessche AES
(2019) Geochemical Modelling of Inorganic Foliar Fertilizers
Pimentel C, Pina CM & Fernandez V
(2019) Cation Ordering and Crystallinity of Dolomites in the Geological Record
Pina CM, Pimentel C & Crespo Á
(2019) Minerals in Science Fiction
Pina CM & Pimentel C
(2015) Synthesis of Dolomite Analogues at Ambient Conditions
Pimentel C & Pina CM
(2015) Formation of Metal-Bearing Overgrowths on Dolomite Surfaces
Pina CM, Pimentel C & Gnecco E
(2013) Study of Surfaces of Al2SiO5 Minerals by Lateral Force Microscopy
Pimentel C, Pina CM & Gnecco E
(2013) Nanotribology of Mineral Surfaces in Aqueous Environments
Pina CM, Pimentel C & Gnecco E
(2012) Epitaxy of Calcite on Dolomite and Kutnahorite (104) Surfaces
Pina CM, Pimentel C & Gnecco E

Pimentel F. (2008) Multi-Variate Analysis of Elemental Data from the Azores Archipelago and Great Meteor Seamounts
Costa R, Mirão J, Madureira P, Ribeiro L, Pimentel F, Lourenço N & Abreu M
(2008) Azores and MAR Basalts Similarity: A Multidimensional Analysis
Ribeiro LP, Pimentel F, Abreu MP & Team Emepc 
(2000) Glauconite Nucleation in Silica Tubular Microstructures from Low-Temperature Solution Experiments
Gago-Duport L, Fernandez-Bastero S, Pimentel F, Villar P, Santos A, Serra C & Vilas F

Pimentel Marcio (2018) Construction of an Orogenic Composite Batholith: The Santana do Mundaú Batholith, Northeastern Brazil
Ferreira V, Tchouankoue JP, Sial A, Lima M, Silva T & Pimentel M

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