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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Nakahata H. (2016) Greater South China: Detrital Zircon Chronology of Paleozoic Sandstones in Japan and Primorye, Russia
Isozaki Y, Nakahata H, Sakata S, Zakharov Y & Hirata T

Nakai I. (2016) Overview of the Radioactive Particles in the Fukushima Accident
Satou Y, Sueki K, Sasa K, Nakai I, Abe Y, Iizawa Y, Ono T, Adachi K & Igarashi Y
(2016) Re-suspension Processes of Radioactive Cs Emitted by the FNDPP Accident in Summer and Autumn – Possibility of Biosphere-Atmosphere Circulation of Radioactive Cs
Kita K, Kinase T, Demizu H, Igarashi Y, Adachi K, Kajino M, Yamada K, Toyoda S, Yoshida N, Ninomiya K, Shinohara A, Okochi H, Ishizuka M, Maki T, Abe Y, Nakai I, Furukawa J & Onda Y

Nakai R. (2019) Origin of Methane in Hakuba Happo Serpentinite-Hosted Hot Spring: 14C and Noble Gas Study
Suda K, Aze T, Miyairi Y, Yokoyama Y, Matsui Y, Ueda H, Saito T, Sato T, Sawaki Y, Nakai R, Tamaki H, Takahashi H & Morikawa N

Nakai Shun'ichi (2016) Radioactive Disequilibrium and ESR Dating of Barite in Sea-Floor Hydrothermal Deposits of the Okinawa Trough
Fujiwara T, Toyoda S, Uchida A, Ishibashi J-I, Totsuka S, Shimada K & Nakai S
(2016) The Influence of U, Th Mobility in Hydrothermal Fluids on U-Th Radioactive Disequilibrium Dating of Sulphide Minerals
Nakai S, Takamasa A, Yoshizumi R, Urabe T, Fujiwara T, Toyoda S & Ishibashi J
(2015) Lu-Hf Isotope Systematics of 3.47 Ga Barberton Basalts: Constraints on the Early Crust-Mantle Evolution
Yamaguchi T, Iizuka T, Nakai S, Hokanishi N, de Wit M & Furnes H
(2014) ESR, 226Ra-210Pb and 228Ra-228Th Dating of Barite in Sea-Floor Hydrothermal Sulfide Deposits in the Okinawa Trough
Fujiwara T, Toyoda S, Uchida A, Ishibashi J-I, Nakai S & Takamasa A
(2014) Dating Hydrothermal Minerals in Active Hydrothermal Fields in the Southern Mariana Trough
Ishibashi J-I, Shimada K, Sato F, Toyoda S, Takamasa A, Nakai S & Kumagai H
(2013) Large Geochemical Variations in Submarine HIMU Basalts
Hanyu T, Dosso L, Ishizuka O, Tani K, Hanan B, Adam C, Nakai S, Senda R, Chang Q & Tatsumi Y
(2012) Lithium Isotopic Signature Oman Ophiolite during Hydrothermal Alteration of the Ancient Oceanic Crust
Kim T, Nakai S, Kawahata H, Yamaoka K & Nishio Y
(2011) Dating of Submarine Hydrothermal Deposits by ESR and U-Series Methods
Toyoda S, Sato F, Nakai S, Takamasa A & Ishibashi J
(2011) A Possible Mantle Plume Source in the Lower Mantle; Evidence from Polynesian HIMU
Hanyu T, Tatsumi Y, Senda R, Miyazaki T, Chang Q, Hirahara Y, Takahashi T, Kawabata H, Suzuki K, Kimura J-I & Nakai S
(2011) Tin Isotope Analysis for an Archaeological Application
Yamazaki E, Nakai S & Saito T
(2011) Halogen Compositions in Kimberlites and their Constituent Minerals
Toyama C, Muramatsu Y, Yamamoto J, Sumino H, Nakai S & Kaneoka I
(2009) Geochemical Studies of Kimberlites and their Constituent Minerals from China and South Africa
Toyama C, Muramatsu Y, Kojitani H, Yamamoto J, Nakai S & Kaneoka I
(2009) Precipitation Variation for the Last 140 Years Recorded in Stable Isotope Ratios from Indonesian Stalagmite
Watanabe Y, Matsuoka H, Sakai S, Yamada M, Ohsawa S, Kiguchi M, Satomura T, Nakai S, Brahamantyo B, Maryunani K, Tagami T, Takemura K & Yoden S
(2008) W Isotope Study of Natrocarbonatites from Oldoinyo Lengai, Tanzania
Ali A, Nakai S, Bell K & Sahoo Y
(2008) Stable Isotopic Variations of a Stalagmite from Indonesia and their Comparison of Meteorological Data
Watanabe Y, Matsuoka H, Sakai S, Yamada M, Ohsawa S, Kiguchi M, Satomura T, Nakai S, Brahmantyo B & Maryunani KA
(2008) Tungsten Isotopic Investigation of Eoarchean Terrestrial Rocks with Implications for Mantle Evolution
Iizuka T, Nakai S, Sahoo YV, Hirata T, Takamasa A & Maruyama S
(2008) W Isotopic Composition and Concentration of Oceanic Island Basalts
Takamasa A, Sahoo YV, Nakai S, Hanyu T, Kawabata H & Tatsumi Y
(2008) Magmatic Evolution of the Quaternary Volcanics from Hudson and Lautaro Volcanoes, Austral Andean Cordillera
Orihashi Y, Nakai S, Shinjoe H, Naranjo J & Motoki A
(2007) Tungsten Isotopic Compositions of South Polynesia Islands and Ontong Java Plateau
Takamasa A, Nakai S, Sahoo Y, Hanyu T & Tejada MLG
(2006) Trace elements in grain-boundary component in mantle xenoliths from Far Eastern Russia
Yamamoto J, Nakai S, Kaneoka I, Kagi H, Sato K, Prikhod'ko V & Arai S
(2006) Lithium isotopic signature of the Indian Ocean DUPAL source
Nishio Y, Nakai S, Ishii T & Sano Y
(2006) Contiribution of slab melting and slab dehydration to magmatism in the Japanese arc
Hanyu T, Tatsumi Y, Nakai S, Chang Q, Miyazaki T, Sato K, Tani K, Shibata T & Yoshida T
(2006) Os and Hf isotopes in rare K-rich basalts from the southern Kermadec Arc volcanic front.
Handler M, Suzuki K, Gamble J, Wright I, Wysoczanski R, Hanyu T & Nakai S
(2004) Li-Sr-Nd Isotopic Compositions of Polynesian OIBs: Implications for the Origin of HIMU Source
Nishio Y, Nakai S, Kogiso T & Barsczus H
(2004) Subduction Processes Associated with Back-Arc Opening; Hf Isotope Study of Tertiary NE Japan Arc
Hanyu T, Tatsumi Y, Nakai S, Shibata T, Yoshikawa M, Chang Q, Sato K & Yoshida T
(2003) Common Origin of Plagioclase in Last Three Eruptions of Unzen Volcano, Japan
Nakai S, Maeda Y & Nakada S
(2003) Li-Sr-Nd Isotopic Systematics of the Mantle-Derived Xenoliths
Nishio Y, Nakai S, Yamamoto J, Sumino H, Matsumoto T & Prikhod’ko V
(2003) Noble Gas and Carbon Isotopes of Fumarolic Gas from Iwojima Volcano, Izu- Ogasawara Arc, Japan
Sumino H, Notsu K, Nakai S, Nagao K, Hosoe M & Wakita H
(2002) Li Isotopic Systematics of Volcanic Rocks in Marginal Basins
Nishio Y, Nakai S, Hirose K, Ishii T & Sano Y
(2002) Extremely Low 3He/4He Ratios Observed in Siberian Mantle Xenoliths
Yamamoto J, Kaneoka I, Nakai S, Kagi H, Prikhod'ko V & Arai S
(2002) Rare Gas and Sr-Nd-Pb-Hf Isotope Systematics of Deccan Flood Basalts
Hanyu T, Dunai TJ, Davies GR, Nakai S, Kaneoka I & Fujii T
(2002) Mass Fractionation of Tin in Ancient Bronze
Nakai S & Saito T

Nakai Shunichiro (2007) Lower Crustal Material in the Source of the Ontong Java Plateau?
Tejada ML, Suzuki K, Hanyu T, Mahoney J, Tatsumi Y & Nakai S

Nakai T. (2016) Understory CO2, Sensible Heat, and Latent Heat Fluxes in a Black Spruce Forest in Interior Alaska
Ikawa H, Nakai T, Busey R, Kim Y, Kobayashi H, Nagai S, Ueyama M, Saito K, Nagano H, Suzuki R & Hinzman L

Nakai W. (2016) Radiocesium Deposition and Migration in Fukushima Forests: Data Review and Modeling
Gonze M-A, Calmon P, Hurtevent P, Coppin F, Mourlon C, Nicoulaud V, Thiry Y, Kato H, Okada N & Nakai W

Nakajima J. (2016) Seismic Constraints on Fluid-Related Embrittemenet in Subducting Plates
Nakajima J
(2016) Fluids in the Subducting Crust: Inferred from Estimation of the Seismic Velocity Structure
Shiina T, Nakajima J, Matsuzawa T, Toyokuni G & Kita S
(2016) Tectonically Controlled Across-Arc Variation in Phenocryst Assemblages
Yoshida T, Kimura J-I, Okada T & Nakajima J
(2016) Water Recycling in Subduction Zones and the Role of Rehydration in the Generation of Intermediate-Depth Seismicity and the Nature of the Cold Fore-Arc Mantle
van Keken P, Abers G, Hacker B, Nakajima J, Kita S, Spiegelman M & Wilson C
(2013) Magma Feeding System of Fuji Volcano, Japan
Takahashi E, Asano K & Nakajima J
(2008) High 3He Emanation Observed in a Forearc Region and Seismic Tomography in SW Japan
Sano Y, Kameda A, Takahata N, Yamamoto J & Nakajima J
(2008) Helium Isotope Ratios in Northeastern Japan and their Comparison with the Seismological Data
Horiguchi K, Takahata N, Sano Y, Ueki S, Okada T, Nakajima J & Hasegawa A
(2007) Geographical Distribution of Helium Isotope Ratios and Seismic Tomography in Japan
Sano Y & Nakajima J

Nakajima Kai (2022) Geospatial Delineation of Organic Carbon Deposition and Degradation Hotspots on Continental Margins
Paradis S, Nakajima K, Haghipour N & Eglinton TI

Nakajima Keiichi (2015) Extremely Isotopically Enriched Ammonium Shows High Nitrogen Turnover in the Pile Top Zone of Dairy Manure Compost
Maeda K, Toyoda S, Yano M, Hattori S, Fukasawa M, Nakajima K & Yoshida N

Nakajima M. (2021) Crystallization Sequence of a Basal Magma Ocean in Light of Geophysical and Geochemical Constraints
Ballmer MD, Spaargaren R, Vilella K, Mallik A, Bolrão D, Morison A & Nakajima M
(2020) The Initial Condition for Long-Term Mantle Evolution of Rocky Planets
Ballmer MD, Spaargaren R, Mallik A, Bolrao D, Morison A & Nakajima M
(2018) Origin of the Martian Moons and their Volatile Abundances
Nakajima M & Canup R
(2007) Effects of Hydrogen on Limits of Radiative Emission from a Planet with a Saturated-Water-Vapor Atmosphere
Nakajima M, Ikoma M, Genda H & Ida S

Nakajima Ryo (2018) Micro to Nanostructures of Carbonaceous Materials in 3.2 Ga Banded Iron Formations, Moodies Group, Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa
Ohtomo Y, Nakajima R, Otake T, Kakegawa T & Sato T
(2017) Micro to Nanoscale Observations of Carbonaceous Matters in 3.2 Ga Banded Iron Formations, Sheba Gold Mine, Moodies Group, Barberton Greenstone Belt and >3.7 Ga Schist, Isua Supracrustal Belt
Ohtomo Y, Nakajima R, Otake T & Kakegawa T
(2016) Biosignatures Recorded in Geochemical Correlations between Organic Matter and Fe-Bearing Minerals in 3.2Ga Banded Iron Formations, Barberton Green Stone Belt, South Africa
Nakajima R, Ohtomo Y, Otake T, Kakegawa T & Sato T

Nakajima Ryota (2023) Nanoplastics Stability and Aggregation Behaviour in Natural Aqueous Matrices
Singh N & Nakajima R

Nakajima T (2003) Nature of Juvenile Granite Generated in the Lower Arc Crust: Dasu Tonalite in the Kohistan Block, Northern Pakistan
Nakajima T, Kamioka H, Kono Y & Khan S
(2003) Distribution of U Series Nuclides and its Implication for U Migration in Sedimentary Rocks in Kanamaru, Japan
Kanai Y, Kamioka H, Nakajima T & Tsukamoto H

Nakajima Teruyuki (2017) 129I/137Cs Ratios for Atmospheric Particular Matters Collected Just after TEPCO FDNPP Accident
Oura Y, Ebihara M, Shirai N, Tsuruta H, Nakajima T, Moriguchi Y, Ohara T, Nagakawa Y, Sakurai N, Haba H & Matsuzaki H
(2016) Comprehensive Retrieval of Spatio-Temporal Distribution of Atmospheric Radionuclides Just after the Fukushima Accident by Analyzing Filter-Tapes of Operational Air Pollution Monitoring Stations
Tsuruta H, Oura Y, Ebihara M, Ohara T, Moriguchi Y & Nakajima T

Nakajima Toshimi (2019) Groundwater Inflows and Associated Material Fluxes in the Estuarine Ecosystem Modified by the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake
Nakajima T, Sugimoto R, Yokoyama K & Taniguchi M

Nakajima Y. (2017) Effect of Fe3+ on the Subsolidus and Melting Phase Relations Under Lower Mantle Conditions
Sinmyo R, Nakajima Y, McCammon C, Miyajima N, Petitgirard S, Myhill R & Frost D
(2016) Sound Velocity of Liquid Fe-Si Alloy Under High Pressures
Nakajima Y, Imada S, Hirose K, Kuwayama Y, Sinmyo R, Tateno S, Tsutsui S, Ushiyama H & Baron A
(2010) Si and O in the Earth’s Core and their Effects on the Metal-Silicate Partitioning of Other Siderophile Elements
Frost D, Tsuno K, Rubie D & Nakajima Y
(2009) The Orthoenstatite/Clinoenstatite Phase Transition Under the Upper Mantle Conditions Determined by in situ X-Ray Diffraction: Implications for Nature of the x-Discontinuity
Akashi A, Nishihara Y, Takahashi E, Nakajima Y, Tange Y & Funakoshi K-I
(2009) Possible Role of Carbon and Hydrogen in the Earth’s Core
Nakajima Y & Takahashi E
(2003) Distribution of Chloropigments in a Meromictic Lake, Lake Kaiike, Japan
Nakajima Y, Okada H, Oguri K, Suga H, Kitazato H & Ohkouchi N
(2003) Formational Processes of Sedimentary Micro-Structure in Meromictic Lake Kaiike Sediments, Japan
Oguri K, Hirano S, Sakai S, Nakajima Y, Suga H & Sakamoto T

Nakakuki T. (2016) Lowermost Mantle Evolution Coupled with the Plate Subduction
Kaneko T & Nakakuki T
(2016) Spatial and Temporal Distribution of 236U in the Northwest Pacific Ocean
Sakaguchi A, Nomura T, Steier P, Watanabe T, Nakakuki T, Sasaki K, Takahashi Y, Yamakawa A & Yamano H
(2016) Role of Water in Subduction Zone Dynamics
Iwamori H, Horiuchi S-S, Nakao A & Nakakuki T
(2015) Is the Lower Mantle Dry or Hydrous? – Insight into Global-Scale Water Circulation Inferred from Numerical Modeling
Nakagawa T, Iwamori H & Nakakuki T

Nakakuni M. (2016) Lignin Phenol Biomarker Records in the late-Quaternary California Sediment
Nakakuni M, Dairiki C, Shimada M, Ishiwatari R & Yamamoto S
(2014) δ13C Records of Diploptene in the California Sediments over the Past 25 kyr
Nakakuni M, Seki O, Yamamoto S & Ishiwatari R

Nakama A. (2016) Mantle Helium Distribution in Kyushu District, Southwest Japan
Horiguchi K, Kazahaya K, Tsukamoto H, Morikawa N, Ohwada M & Nakama A
(2016) Accumulation of 4He in the Groundwaters from Multi-Layered Aquifers in the Western Part of the Osaka Basin, SW Japan
Morikawa N, Yasuhara M, Shintani T, Masuda H, Inamura A, Tosaki Y, Takahashi HA, Nakama A & Kazahaya K
(2013) Helium Isotope Map of Japan
Horiguchi K, Morikawa N, Ohwada M, Nakama A & Kazahaya K

Nakama S. (2019) Suppression of Anionic Pollutant Leaching from Coal Fly Ash by Adding Hydroxylated Calcined Dolomite
Tian Q, Guo B, Nakama S, Zhang L, Hu Z & Sasaki K

Nakamachi Ko (2013) Can Radioactive Cesium be Used as a Hydrological Tracer for Crater Lake Study?
Kikawada Y, Okawa A, Nakamachi K, Honda T, Oi T & Hirose K

Nakamachi Ko (2014) Chemical Forms of Radioactive Cs in Recent Airborne Particulate Matters in Japan
Hirose M, Nakamachi K, Kikawada Y, Oi T, Honda T & Hirose K

Nakamachi Ko (2016) Estimation of Water Seepage from an Active Crater Lake of the Kusatsu-Shirane Volcano, Japan Using Radiocesium as a Hydrological Tracer
Hirayama Y, Okawa A, Nakamachi K, Murakami K, Imagawa S, Okada Y, Oi T, Hirose K & Kikawada Y

Nakamatsu Yuki (2012) Characteristic of the Long-Term Accumulation of Lanthanides on Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Shiotsu H, Jiang M, Nakamatsu Y, Ohnuki T & Utsunomiya S
(2011) Physical and Chemical State of Fe-Phases in Chinese Aeolian Dust
Kaneko M, Nakamatsu Y, Xie Z & Utsunomiya S

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