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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Mühr-Ebert E. (2018) Speciation of Uranium: Validation of a Thermodynamic Database by Modelling Techniques and Comparative Experiments
Mühr-Ebert E, Schulte V, Wagner F & Walther C

Muhs D.R. (2017) Radiogenic Isotope Finger-Print of Potential Source Regions of Windblown Material on the North American Continent
Jardine GE, Crocker AJ, Bailey I, Muhs DR & Wilson PA

Muiños S. (2015) Precessional Variation in Seawater-Derived Late Miocene Pb Isotopes
Modestou S, Gutjahr M, Fietzke J, Rodés Á, van der Schee M, Frank M, Muiños S, Ellam R & Flecker R

Muir B. (2020) The Influence of Zeolites’ Surface Modification on Sorption, Structural and Textural Features
Muir B & Bajda T
(2016) Molybdates and Tungstates Removal by Organo-Smectites – A Function of Time, Initial Concentration and pH
Muir B & Bajda T

Muir Derek (2010) Mercury and Its Isotope Composition in Lichens and Sediments from Particular Pollution Source
Ma J, Hintelmann H, Kirk J & Muir D
(2008) Mass-Dependent and -Independent Fractionation of Hg Isotopes in Lakes: Effects of Smelter Emissions and pH
Jackson TA, Telmer KH & Muir DCG
(2008) PAH Concentration and δ13C Trends in Sediments Receiving Long-Range Atmospheric Deposition
Benson A, Yang F, Marvin C, Muir D & Slater G
(2006) Mass-independent fractionation of Hg isotopes by biological processes
Jackson TA, Whittle DM, Evans MS & Muir DCG

Muir Derek C.g. (2020) Dietary Uptake Pattern Affects Bioaccumulation and Biomagnification of Hydrophobic Organic Compounds in Fish
Xia X, Wang H & Muir DCG

Muir Duncan (2023) Diagenesis in Foraminifera and its Effect on Geochemical Proxies
Yang Z, Lear C, John EH, Slater SM, Nederbragt A, Muir D, Buse B & Edgar KM
(2021) Empirical and Experimental Constraints on Fe-Ti Oxide-Melt Titanium Isotope Fractionation Factors
Hoare L, Klaver M, Muir D, Klemme S, Barling J, Parkinson I, Lissenberg J & Millet M-A
(2016) Magmatic Evolution of 4.3 Ma Explosive Volcanism in the Izu Rear Arc
Barker A, Muir D, Harris C & Troll V

Muir Jack B (2021) Bayesian Joint Inversion Implies a Complex Multiscale Lowermost Mantle Overlaying Simple Core-Mantle Boundary Topography
Muir JB, Tanaka S & Tkalčić H

Muir Josh (2019) Transition-Zone Hydrous Melts
Drewitt J, Walter M, Brodholt J & Muir J
(2019) Wet Grain Boundaries of the Earth’s Lower Mantle
van Driel J, Brodholt J, Dobson D & Muir J

Muir Joshua (2022) Hydrous Silicate Melts and the Deep Mantle H2O Cycle
Lord OT, Drewitt J, Walter MJ, Brodholt J & Muir J
(2021) Hydrogen Mobility in Forsterite Re-evaluated in the Framework of Diffusion Coupled to Inter-Site Reaction
Jollands MC, Muir J, Padrón-Navarta JA & Demouchy S

Muir R. (2019) Recalibrated Breakup History of SW Gondwana from the Southern Cape of South Africa: New Constraints from U-Pb Zircon Geochronology
Muir R, Bordy E, Frei D & Mundil R

Muirhead D. (2019) Graphitisation in the Shallow Mantle Wedge of a Fossil Subduction Zone
Menzies C, Muirhead D, Craw D, Boyce A, Roberts S & Kelemen P
(2019) Preserving and Identifying Biosignatures in Hot-Spring Deposits
Brasier A, Capezzuoli E, Vonhof H, Rogerson M, Muirhead D & Healy D
(2017) A Comparative Study of Blended and Online Learning Using the Virtual Microscope for Earth Sciences
Herodotou C, Muirhead D, Aristeidou M, Hole M, Kelley S, Scanlon E & Duffy M

Muirhead J. (2019) Focussed Degassing of Stored Carbon
Fischer TP, Muirhead J, Foley SF, Sano Y, Lee H, Takahata N, Laizer A, Kazimoto E, Oliva S, Ebinger C, Van Wijk J, Werner C, Aiuppa A, Allard P, Lopez T, Dufek J & Marty B

Mujahid A. (2016) Zinc Complexing Ligands along the Malacca Straits and from Rivers in Tropical South East Asia: Understanding the Connection to Regional and Global Distributions of Ligands and Bioavailable Zinc
Carrasco G, Mujahid A, Muller M, Tanzil J, Lee J, Lauro F & Boyle E

Mujhtaba S.

Mujin M. (2016) Clastogenic Origin of Lava Cap Inferred from Groundmass Differentiation by Nanolite Crystallization
Mujin M & Nakamura M

Mukai H (2003) Long-Term Variation of Methanesulfonic Acid Concentration in the Atmosphere at the Oki Islands in the Sea of Japan
Mukai H
(2003) Measurements of Atmospheric O2/N2 Ratio from Two Monitoring Stations in Japan and Shipboard Sampling in the Western and Northern Pacific Region
Tohjima Y, Mukai H, Machida T & Nojiri Y

Mukai Hiroki (2019) Microscopic Analyses of Weathered Granite Soil in Ion Adsorption Rare Earth Ore of China
Mukai H, Kon Y, Sanematsu K, Takahashi Y & Ito M
(2016) Cs Adsorption/Desorption Behavior of Weathered Biotite at Actual Concentration Level in Fukushima
Mukai H, Motai S, Tamura K, Yaita T & Kogure T
(2016) Cesium Sorption into Single-Crystalline Mixed Layer Biotite/Vermiculite and Diffusion in the Interlayer Space
Kikuchi R, Mukai H & Kogure T
(2013) An EBSD Study of Textural Evolution Across a Shear Zone in the Bergen Arcs, Western Norway
Mukai H, Austrheim H & Putnis A

Mukasa Samuel (2017) High Water in Meimechites of the Siberian Traps LIP
Ivanov A, Mukasa S, Kamenetsky V, Ackerson M, Demonterova E, Pokrovsky B & Vladykin N

Mukasa Samuel B. (2018) Mercury Cycling Across a Nitrogen Gradient in Manipulated Forests
Fahnestock MF, Bryce JG, Driscoll CT, Montesdeoca M, Mukasa SB & Frey SD
(2016) Probing the Igneous Zircon Record of the Western Dharwar Craton, Using U-Pb and Lu-Hf Isotope Systematics, to Understand its Early Growth
Guitreau M, Mukasa SB, Loudin L & Krishnan S
(2014) Insights into Pikes Peak Batholith Construction Using U-Pb Ages and Hf Isotopes in Zircons from Lake George Ring Complex (Colorado, USA)
Guitreau M, Mukasa SB & Blichert-Toft J
(2014) Determination of Water Concentration in Volcanic Glasses Using Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS)
Guitreau M, Gonzalez J, Mukasa SB & Colucci M
(2013) Melt-Inclusion Evidence for a CO2-Rich Mantle beneath the Western Branch of the East African Rift
Hudgins T, Mukasa S & Simon A
(2013) Melt Generation in the West Antarctic Rift System: The Volatile Legacy of Gondwana Subduction?
Aviado KB, Rilling S, Mukasa SB, Bryce JG & Cabato J
(2013) Petrological Study of Cenozoic Basic Lavas and Melt Inclusions from Northern Victoria Land (Antarctica)
Giacomoni PP, Coltorti M, Mukasa S, Bonadiman C, Ferlito C & Pelorosso B
(2013) Relationship between Volatiles and Noble Gases in Icelandic Lavas: Evidence for Crustal Recycling
Mukasa SB, Loudin LC, Peterson M & Dixon ET
(2011) Lu-Hf and Sm-Nd Isotope Systematics of Korean Spinel Peridotites: A Case for Nd-Hf Decoupling
Choi SH & Mukasa S
(2011) Petrogenetic Implications from PGE in the Layered Mafic Dufek Intrusion and Related Sills of the Ferrar Large Igneous Province, Antarctica
Hanemann R, Viereck-Goette L & Mukasa S
(2010) Submarine Volcanism in the Ross Sea, Antarctica: Bearing on the Nature of Mantle Sources
Mukasa S, Rilling S, Wilson T & Lawver L
(2009) Submarine Basalts from the Alpha / Mendeleev Ridge and Chukchi Borderland: Geochemistry of the First Intraplate Lavas Recovered from the Arctic Ocean
Mukasa S, Andronikov A, Mayer L & Brumley K
(2008) Supra-Subduction and Abyssal Mantle Peridotites of the Coast Range Ophiolite, California: Initiation of Franciscan Subduction along a Large-Offset Fracture Zone
Choi SH, Shervais JW & Mukasa SB
(2008) Geochemical Flux in the Mantle Wedge: Insights from Suprasubduction Zone Ophiolites
Shervais JW, Jean M, Choi SH & Mukasa S
(2008) Record of Upper Mantle Evolution beneath Western Alaska as Preserved by Peridotite Xenoliths in the Bering Sea Volcanic Province
Mukasa S & Andronikov A
(2008) Distribution of PGE in the Layered Mafic Dufek Intrusion, Antarctica
Hanemann R, Viereck-Goette L & Mukasa SB
(2006) PGE Abundance Patterns for the Basement Sill and Dufek Intrusion, Ferrar Large Igneous Province, Antarctica
Mukasa S, Ravizza G, Bédard J, Fleming T, Boudreau A, Marsh B & Choi S-H
(2005) Lu-Hf Systematics of the Earliest Crust in Antarctica: The Napier Complex of Enderby Land
Mukasa S, Choi SH, Andronikov A, Osanai Y & Harley S
(2005) Geochemistry of the Tinaquillo Peridotite Massif, Venezuela
Choi SH, Mukasa SB, Andronikov AV & Marcano MC
(2004) Nd, Sr and Pb Isotopic and Trace Element Data Support a Subduction Origin for the Dufek Layered Mafic Intrusion, Antarctica
Mukasa S & Andronikov A
(2002) Timescale of Melt Differentiation from 231Pa-226Ra Data
Asmerom Y, Mukasa S, Cheng H, Polyak V & Edwards L
(2000) Pa-Th-U Constraints on Melting and Material Recycling in Subduction Zones: A Case Study of the Philippine Arcs
Asmerom Y, Mukasa S, Cheng H & Edwards RL
(2000) Arc Mantle Xenoliths and their Quaternary Andesite Host Rocks Near El Peñon, Central Trans Mexican Volcanic Belt: A Trace Element and Radiogenic Isotope Study
Mukasa S, Blatter D & Andronikov A
(2000) Sr and Nd Isotope Decoupling in the Mantle by Melt Percolation Metasomatism: Evidence from Peridotite Xenoliths from Spitsbergen
Ionov D, Mukasa S & Bodinier J

Mukhamadiyarova R. (2013) The Results of Metal Mercury Solubility in Water Study
Mukhamadiyarova R & Alekhin Y
(2011) Behavior of Mercury in Thermal Sources of Kamchatka
Alekhin Y, Lapitsky S & Mukhamadiyarova R
(2011) Experimental Research of Metal Mercury Solubility in Water
Alekhin Y, Zagrtdenov N & Mukhamadiyarova R

Mukhamediarova A. (2021) Possible Ways to Origin Thucholites. Are Thucholites the First Example of the Geological Convergence?
Syczewski MD, Panajew P, Czechowski F, Borkowski A, Rohovec J, Matoušková Š, Sekudewicz I, Liszewska M, Jankiewicz B, Mukhamediarova A & Słowakiewicz M

Mukherjee Abhijit (2023) Dynamics of Submarine Groundwater Discharge Aided Arsenic Cycling in an Estuary Adjoining the Bay of Bengal
Coomar P, Das K, Verma S, Das P, Biswas A & Mukherjee A
(2022) Arsenic Geochemistry in High Altitude Himalayan Aquifers of Ladakh, India: Source, Processes and Controls
Coomar P, Lone SA, Jeelani G, Gupta S & Mukherjee A
(2021) Potential and Challenges of Biominerals for Applications in Construction and Mining Industry
Tiwari S, Ramachandran AL, Mukherjee A & Dhami NK
(2019) Toolkit Approach for the Selection of Sustainable Arsenic Remediation Approaches for Rural Communities
Richards LA, Kumari N, Ghosh A, Joshi H, Mukherjee A, Clayton GE, Reynolds DM & Polya DA
(2018) Characterisation of Beach Rocks in Natural and in Vitro Biomineralization Conditions
Dhami N, Mukherjee A, Polat P & Ramachandran AL
(2018) Isotope Variations in Groundwater-Seawater Interactions in Ganges River Delta Front Aquifers
Das K & Mukherjee A
(2017) Mobility of Pesticides in Groundwater of Western Bengal Basin Aquifers
Dutta Gupta S, Mukherjee A, Bhattacharya J & Bhattacharya A
(2015) Chemical Evolution and Arsenic Occurrences in Groundwater of Different Tectono-Morphic Provinces of the Himalayan Orogenic Belt in the Brahmaputra River Basin, India
Verma S & Mukherjee A
(2015) Stable Isotopes and Major Ion Chemistry of Discharging Groundwater to the Bay of Bengal: Implications to Strontium Flux
Debnath P, Mukherjee A, Rokade P, Joshi G, Rao MS & Krishan G
(2015) Young High-Arsenic Groundwater Confirmed to 250 M Depth Across the India-Bangladesh Border
van Geen A, Khan MR, Nath B, Huhmann B, Choudhury I, Chakraborty M, Harvey C, Michael H, Bostick B, Mailloux B, Schlosser P, Mukherjee A & Ahmed KM

Mukherjee Alok (2009) Study on District Level Emission of Carbonaceous Aerosol from Biofuels Used in Rural Sector as Energy over Indo Gangetic Plain
Mandal T, Saud T, Saxena M, Bhatnagar R, Singh D, Gadi R, Gautam R, Sharma S, Mukherjee A & Datta A

Mukherjee B. (2023) Discovery of Chemosynthetic Micro-Fossils in the Indus Ophiolite-Hosted Hydrothermal Ophicarbonate Veins
Das S, Basu A, Mukherjee B, Yang J, Sen K, Marcantonio F & Bhattacharya S

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