Kajii Y.
HO2 Uptake onto Deliquesced Inorganic Aerosols and Doping Impacts of Transition Metal Ions
Li J, Sakamoto Y, Sato K & Kajii Y
Experimental Determination of Uptake Coefficient of Isoprene-Derived Peroxy Radical onto Deliquesced NaCl Particles
Sakamoto Y, Rikudai M, Li J, Kohno N, Sato K & Kajii Y
Chemical Association of Iron in Individual Atmospheric Particles during Asian Outflow Season
Furutani H, Jung J, Miura K, Takami A, Kato S, Kajii Y & Uematsu M
Kajino M.
Atmospheric Dispersion and Ground Deposition Induced by the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant Accident
Mathieu A, Quérel A, Saunier O, Kajino M, Sekiyama T, Korsakissok I, Perillat R, Quélo D, Adachi K, Maki T, Igarachi Y & Didier D
A New Perspective on the Fukushima Releases Brought by Newly Available Air Concentration Observations and Reliable Meteorological Fields
Saunier O, Mathieu A, Sekiyama T, Kajino M, Adachi K, Bocquet M, Higarashi Y, Maki T & Didier D
Fukushima: Lessons Learned on Wet Deposition from a Combined Analysis of Radiation Dose Rate and Volume Activity Measurements of 137Cesium
Quérel A, Quélo D, Roustan Y, Mathieu A, Kajino M, Sekiyama T, Adachi K, Didier D, Igarashi Y & Maki T
Re-suspension Processes of Radioactive Cs Emitted by the FNDPP Accident in Summer and Autumn – Possibility of Biosphere-Atmosphere Circulation of Radioactive Cs
Kita K, Kinase T, Demizu H, Igarashi Y, Adachi K, Kajino M, Yamada K, Toyoda S, Yoshida N, Ninomiya K, Shinohara A, Okochi H, Ishizuka M, Maki T, Abe Y, Nakai I, Furukawa J & Onda Y
Long-Term Assessment of Airborne Radio-Cesium after the Fukushima Nuclear Accident: Re-suspension from Soil and Vegetation
Kajino M, Ishizuka M, Igarashi Y, Kita K, Yoshikawa C & Inatsu M
Atmospheric Plume Dispersion Induced by the Fukushima Nuclear Accident: Probabilistic Information and Multiple Case Scenarios
Sekiyama T, Kajino M & Kunii M
Ensemble Simulation of the Atmospheric Radionuclides Discharged by the Fukushima Nuclear Accident
Sekiyama TT, Kajino M & Kunii M
Kajita H.
Zinc Stable Isotopes as Tracers for Zn Pollution in Sediment Cores from Historically Polluted Lake Biwa and Osaka Bay
Nitzsche KN, Yoshimura T, Ishikawa NF, Kajita H, Suzuki K, Ogawa NO & Ohkouchi N
Genomic and Geochemical Identification of the Long-Chain Alkenone Producers in Lake Takahoko Estuarine in Japan: Implications for Temperature Reconstructions
Kajita H, Nakamura H, Ohkouchi N, Harada N, Sato M, Tokioka S & Kawahata H
The Climate Shift Around 4.2ka: Evidence from the Inner Shelf Mud Belt, China
Kajita H, Kawahata H, Wang K, Zheng H & Yang S
Kajitani I.
Speciation and Quantification of Sulfur Distributed in the Ediacaran Limestones: Implications for Diagenetic Mobilization of Sulfur Species
Matsu'ura F, Nakada R, Sawaki Y, Ueno Y, Saitoh M, Kajitani I & Usui T
Iron Limitation Enhance Organic Matter Sulfurization within the Limestones of the Ediacaran Dengying Formation
MATSU’URA F, Nakada R, Ueno Y, Sawaki Y, Saitoh M, Kajitani I & Usui T
In situ Detection of Nitrogen-Bearing Organics in Noachian Martian Carbonates: Implication for Nitrogen-Cycle on Early Mars
Koike M, Nakada R, Kajitani I, Usui T, Tamenori Y, Sugahara H & Kobayashi A
Kajiwara M.
Adsorption and Oxidation of Cr(III) on the Surface of MnO2
Miyazaki A, Ishii N, Kajiwara M & Kawamoto D
Kakazu Y.
Light Element Isotopic Composition in Ultra-Carbonaceous Antarctic Micrometeorites
Duprat J, Engrand C, Bardin N, Dartois E, Baklouti D, Benzerara K, Delauche L, Dobrica E, Marie G, Guerquin-Kern J-L, Kakazu Y, Leroux H, Quirico E, Remusat L, Slodzian G & Wu T-D
Kakegawa Takashi
Micro to Nanoscale Observations of Carbonaceous Matters in 3.2 Ga Banded Iron Formations, Sheba Gold Mine, Moodies Group, Barberton Greenstone Belt and >3.7 Ga Schist, Isua Supracrustal Belt
Ohtomo Y, Nakajima R, Otake T & Kakegawa T
Origin and Significance of Neogene Manganese Ores in the Hokuroku District, Japan
Tsukamoto Y & Kakegawa T
Significance of Cr-Rich Sedimentary Rocks in 3.2 Ga Fig Tree Group, Barberton Greenstone Belt, S. Africa
Kakegawa T, Sakai T & Akihiro N
Microbial Community Associated with 2.7 Ga Submarine Hydrothermal Activities: Geochemical and STEM Studies on Kerogen from Canadian Greenstone Belts
Kunitake Y, Kakegawa T & Watanabe Y
Geological and Geochemical Study of lower-Fig Tree Group in Josefsdal, South Africa
Akihiro N & Kakegawa T
Bimodal Carbon Isotope Compositions of Organic Matter at ca. 2.7Ga Wawa Greenstone Belt, Schreiber, Canada
Kunitake Y & Kakegawa T
Biosignatures Recorded in Geochemical Correlations between Organic Matter and Fe-Bearing Minerals in 3.2Ga Banded Iron Formations, Barberton Green Stone Belt, South Africa
Nakajima R, Ohtomo Y, Otake T, Kakegawa T & Sato T
Geochemical Records of Microbial Activities in 2.7 Ga Volcanogenic Massive Sulfides at Potter Mine, Abitibi Greenstone Belt, Canada
Odaka T & Kakegawa T
Geological and Geochemical Study of Banded Iron Formation in the Fig Tree Group at Eureka Syncline Area, Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa
Sakai T & Kakegawa T
Possible Fe(II) Fueled Microbial Ecosystem at the Carbonate Rich Hot Spring Okuoku-Hachikuro Onsen, a Possible Early Ocean Analog Site
Idei A, Kakegawa T & McGlynn S
Effect of pH on Aspatric Acid Peptides Formations Under High Temperature and Pressure
Okada Y, Furukawa Y & Kakegawa T
Effects of Serpentine on the Organic Synthesis in Impacts of Meteorites on the Early Ocean
Takeuchi Y, Furukawa Y, Kobayashi T, Nakazawa H, Sekine T & Kakegawa T
The Millennium Scale Monsoon Cycles Recorded in a Sediment Core from Alpine Tibetan Lake
Watanabe T, Nara FW, Matsunaka T, Minoura K, Kakegawa T, Yamasaki S, Tsuchiya N, Nakamura T, Wang J & Zhu L
Rb/Sr Ratio in Lake Baikal Sediment Core:the New Geochemical Proxy for East Asian Winter Monsoon Strength during Cool Climate Period
Nara F, Yamasaki S-I, Watanabe T, Tsuchiya N, Miyahara H, Kato T, Minoura K & Kakegawa T
Formation of Life’s Building Blocks by Mteorite Impacts
Furukawa Y, Nakazawa H, Sekine T, Kobayashi T & Kakegawa T
Proto-Arc Model for Chemical Evolution: Constraints from Geological Information of Isua Supracrustal Belt
Kakegawa T
Spatial Distribution of Chromium Enrichment in the 3.2 Ga Moodies BIF, Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa
Ishikawa K, Otake T, Sato T & Kakegawa T
Carbonate Vein Formation in Banded Iron Formations and Metabasalts Associated with CO2 Metasomatism, Isua Supracrustal Belt, West Greenland
Ohtomo Y & Kakegawa T
Bromine, Iodine and Uranium as the Proxies of Past Biological Activity in the Lacustrine Sediment Core
Nara F, Watanabe T, Kakegawa T, Yamasaki S-I, Tsuchiya N, Nakamura T & Kawai T
Discovery of Boron-Rich Metasediments in Isua Supracrustal Belt: Window to RNA Genesis?
Kakegawa T
Applications of Neutron Beam Analysis to Study the Origins of Carboneceous Matter in Terrestrial and Planetary Rocks: A New Approach
Watanabe Y, Furukawa Y, Kakegawa T & Ohmoto H
Effects of Glycine on Oligomerization of Methionine Under High Temperature and High Pressure
Huang R, Furukawa Y & Kakegawa T
Formation of Glycine from Carboxylic Acid and Ammonia by Shock Conditions: Implication to Chemical Evolution in Primitive Oceans
Suzuki C, Furukawa Y, Kobayashi T, Sekine T & Kakegawa T
Effects of Oxide Ions on the Stabilization of Pentoses
Furukawa Y, Horiuchi M, Nitta S & Kakegawa T
Millennial-Scale Wet and Dry Climate Changes during the Last Glacial Maximum in the South Siberia
Nara F, Watanabe T, Kakegawa T, Minoura K, Yamasaki S, Tsuchiya N, Nakamura T & Kawai T
Chromium Enrichment in Sedimentary Rocks Deposited in Shallow Water in the 3.2 Ga Moodies Group, South Africa
Otake T, Sakamoto Y, Itoh S, Yurimoto H & Kakegawa T
Origins of Chromite found in Chemical and Clastic Sedimentary Rocks of the 3.2 Ga Moodies Group, South Afirica
Otake T, Sakamoto Y & Kakegawa T
Enhanced Biological Nitrogen and Sulfur Cycles in the Stratified 1.9 Ga Gunflint Ocean
Ishida A, Hashizume K, Oba M & Kakegawa T
Stability of Amino Acids and Peptides during Diagenesis on the Early Earth
Otake T, Taniguchi T, Furukawa Y, Nakazawa H & Kakegawa T
Weak Photic-Zone Euxinia at the End of the Permian in Central Pelagic Panthalassa as Recorded in Marine Organic Carbon Isotopes
Takahashi S, Kaiho K, Oba M & Kakegawa T
Geochemistry of 1.9 Ga Gunflint Formation in Canada: Unique Oceanic Environments and Microbial Activities
Ishida A, Oba M & Kakegawa T
Synthesis of Organic Molecules by Ocean Impacts on the Early Earth
Furukawa Y, Sekine T, Oba M, Kakegawa T & Nakazawa H
Contrast Ecosystem between Aerobic and Anaerobic Bacteria Recorded in 3.0 Ga Sedimentary Rocks of the Atikokan-Lumby Lake Area in Canada
Kakegawa T & Saito M
Prebiotic Polymerization of Amino Acids on the Early Earth: Chemical Evolution in the Hadean Oceanic Crusts
Kakegawa T, Ohara S, Ishiguro T, Abiko H & Nakazawa H
Impact Synthesis of Organic Compounds: Implication for their Mass Production on the Early Earth
Furukawa Y, Sekine T, Oba M, Kakegawa T & Nakazawa H
Contrast Occurrence of Banded Iron Formations in Western Part of Isua Spracrustal Belt, West Greenland
Ohtomo Y & Kakegawa T
Contrast Compositions of Minerals, Kerogens and Lipid-Biomarkers in 1.9 Ga Shallow- and Deep-Water Sedimentary Rocks of the Gunflint Formation, Canada
Ishida A, Kakegawa T & Oba M
Aerobic and Anaerobic Microbial Ecosystem Recorded in the Steep Rock Group, Ontario, Canada
Kakegawa T & Haikawa M
Geochemistry and TEM Observation of Graphite in 3.8 Ga Metasedimentary Rocks in Isua Supracrustal Belt
Ohtomo Y & Kakegawa T
Impact-Generated Ultrafine Particles of Olivine and Serpentine Suggesting a Source of Aerogels in the Air of the Early Earth
Furukawa Y, Kakegawa T, Sekine T & Nakazawa H
Catalytic Potential of Sillicate, Oxide and Sulfide Minerals for the Abiotic Polymerization of Glycine Under High Pressure and Temperature Conditions
Ohara S, Kakegawa T & Nakazawa H
Heavy Metal Enrichment in Archean Carbon-Rich Samples: Hint to Early Carbon-Metal Compounds for Enzime Formation?
Kakegawa T, Ohtomo Y, Nakazawa H & Rosing M
Establishment of the Phosphorous Cycle in Early Archean Oceans
Kakegawa T
Archaeal Community in the Hydrothermal System at Suiyo Seamount on the Izu- Ogasawara Arc
Kasai H, Hara K, Kakegawa T, Maruyama A, Ishibashi J & Marumo K
High Pressure and Temperature Polymerization of Amino Acids Suggesting a Role of Depth in the Crust for Chemical Evolution
Ohara S, Kakegawa T & Nakazawa H
Kakegawa Takeshi
Boron Assists Abiotic Polypeptide Synthesis in Evaporative Environments
Furukawa Y, Sumie Y, Sato K & Kakegawa T
One-Pot Formation of non-CAnonical Ribonucleosides and their Components from Aldehydes and Ammonia Under Prebiotic Earth Conditions
Hirakawa Y, Okamura H, Nagatsugi F, Kakegawa T & Furukawa Y
Significance of Thermochemical Sulfate Reduction for the Genesis of Volcanogenic Massive Sulfide Deposits: Case Studies on 2.7 Ga Potter Mine and 15 Ma Kuroko Deposits
Koya T, Araoka D, Takayanagi H, Ishida A, Watanabe Y & Kakegawa T
Production of Thermogenic CH4 by 2.7 Ga Submarine Hydrothermal Activities and its Importance to Late Archean Carbon Cycle
Kakegawa T, Ishida A, Kobayashi K & Hamada Y
Transparent Carbon Films Containing Graphene in 3.2 Ga Sedimentary Rocks in the Moodies Group, Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa
Ohtomo Y, Otake T, Kakegawa T & Sato T
Microbial Nitrogen Cycle Recorded in the 3.2 Ga Banded Iron Formation of the Fig Tree Group, Barberton, S. Africa
Saito H, Ishida A, Hashizume K & Kakegawa T
Biological Response of Lake Baikal to Changing Hydrological Regimes on the Last Glacial-Post Glacial Transition
Nara FW, Miyahara H, Yamasaki S-I, Lougheed BC, Obrochta S, Kakegawa T, Tsuchiya N & Watanabe T
Origin of B- and P-Rich Thermal Waters in Northeastern Japan: Modern Analogue of Nucleotide-Forming Environments on the Early Earth
Kakegawa T, Christensen S, Ishida A, Araoka D & Shinjo R
Fe and Mg Isotope Fractionations in Ferruginous Sedimentary Rocks from the ~3.2 Ga Moodies Group, Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa
Otake T, Sugiura R, Shin K-C, Ohtomo Y, Kakegawa T & Sato T
A New Approach for Detecting Trace Elements in Microfossils: Implications for the Paleoproterozoic Biosphere
Ishida A, Sasaki K, Kakegawa T, Takahata N & Sano Y
Archean Phosphorous Cycle Operated by Submarine Hydrothermal and Biological Processes
Kakegawa T
Unique Occurrence of Organic Matter in the Banded Iron Formation of the Fig Tree Group, Barberton, S. Africa: Implication to the Middle Archean Primary Producer
Saito H, Ishida A & Kakegawa T
New Evidence of Oxygenic Photosynthesizing Bacteria in 2.7 Ga Oceans and their Connection to Hydrothermal Vent Communities
Kakegawa T
Fe Isotope Signatures for Oxidative Precipitation of Ferrous Iron in ~3.2 Ga Shallow Ocean from the Moodies Group, Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa
Sugiura R, Otake T, Ohtomo Y, Sato T & Kakegawa T
Two Distinct Nitrogen Sources for Microbial Activities in the 2.0 Ga Zaonega Formation
Ishida A, Sasaki K, Hashizume K, Kakegawa T & Lepland A
New Morphotypes, Cell-Wall Structures, and Elemental Distribution of the Gunflint Microfossils
Sasaki K, Ishida A, Tkahata N, Sano Y & Kakegawa T
Discovery of New Morphotypes in ca. 1.9 Ga Gunflint Microfossils and their Complex Structure and Heterogeneous Chemistry
Sasaki K, Ishida A, Takahata N, Sano Y & Kakegawa T
Geochemical Evidence of Fermentative Methanogenesis Around 2.7 Ga Submarine Hydrothermal Vents
Kakegawa T, Osato T & Kunitake Y
Discovery of Primary Hematite-Silica Clusters in Kukatash Banded Iron Formation at 2.7 Ga Abitibi Greenstone Belt
Ishida A, Nemoto T & Kakegawa T
Phosphate Flux from Oceanic Crust to the Archean Oceans: Evidence from the 3.46 Ga Apex Basalt, Australia
Tsukamoto Y, Kakegawa T, Graham U, Liu Z-K, Ito A & Ohmoto H
Discovery of Ni-Fe Phosphides in the 3.46 Ga-Old Apex Basalt: Implications on the Phosphate Budget of the Archean Oceans
Tsukamoto Y, Kakegawa T, Graham U, Liu Z-K, Ito A & Ohmoto H
Micro to Nanostructures of Carbonaceous Materials in 3.2 Ga Banded Iron Formations, Moodies Group, Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa
Ohtomo Y, Nakajima R, Otake T, Kakegawa T & Sato T
New Evidence for Microbial Sulfur Metabolizm in 2.7 Ga Marine Environments
Kakegawa T & Kunitake Y
Kakitani S.
Seasonal Variation of Radioactive Cesium Concentrations in the Atmosphere after the FDNPP Accident
Ninomiya K, Zhang Z, Fujita N, Kakitani S, Yamaguchi Y, Kita K, Watanabe A, Tsuruta H & Shinohara A
Kakizaki Y.
Processes Involved in Massive Gas Hydrate Formation in the Sea of Japan as Inferred from U-Th Ages of MDAC and from H2S Concentrations of Hydrates
Matsumoto R, Snyder G, Hiruta A, Kakizaki Y, Tanahashi M, Kakuwa Y, Chang Y-W, Huang C-Y & Shen C-C
Kakizawa S.
Increase of Hydrogen-Induced Volume Expansion of hcp-Fe by Si Dissolution – Constraint to Hydrogen Content in the Core
Mori Y, Kagi H, Aoki K, Kakizawa S, Sano-Furukawa A & Funakoshi K-I
Nitrogen Solubility in Bridgmanite Under Lower-Mantle Conditions
Fukuyama K, Kagi H, Inoue T, Kakizawa S, Shinmei T, Sano Y, Deligny C & Füri E
Nitrogen Solubility in Stishovite Under High P-T: Formation of “Hidden” Nitrogen Reservoir in the Deep Mantle via Subducting Slabs
Fukuyama K, Kagi H, Inoue T, Kakizawa S, Shinmei T, Hishita S, Takahata N & Sano Y
Incorporation of Nitrogen into the Lower-Mantle Minerals Under High Pressure and High Temperature
Fukuyama K, Kagi H, Inoue T, Shinmei T, Kakizawa S, Takahata N & Sano Y
Behavior of Al-Bearing Hydrous Bridgmanite at High Pressure
Kakizawa S, Inoue T, Nishi M, Arimoto T, Tange Y & Higo Y
Water Reservior in Earth’s Lower Mantle
Chen J, Pamato M, Inoue T, Kakizawa S, Yang B, Lin Y, Katsura T, Kawazoe T & Liu B
Hydrous Bridgmanite: Possible Water Reservior in the Lower Mantle
Inoue T, Kakizawa S, Fujino K, Kuribayashi T, Nagase T, Greaux S, Higo Y, Sakamoto N, Yurimoto H, Hattori T & Sano A
The Stability and Water Solubility of Possible Al-Bearing High Pressure Hydrous and Nominally Anhydrous Minerals in the Mantle
Inoue T, Kakizawa S, Cai N, Fujino K, Kuribayashi T, Nagase T, Gréaux S, Higo Y, Sakamoto N & Yurimoto H
Water Solubility of Al-Bearing Bridgmanite at the Lower Mantle Condition
Kakizawa S, Inoue T & Yurimoto H
Kaknics J.
Composition, Glass Structure, Activation System – There is not Only One Reactivity of GGBS
Blotevogel S, Kaknics J, Poirier M, Doussang L, Steger L, Danezan A, Canizares A, Simon P, Chesneau E, Montouillout V, Patapy C & Cyr M
The Effect of Ti and Other Minor Elements on the Reactivity of Granulated Ground Blast Furnace Slag (GGBS) in Blended Cements
Blotevogel S, Steger L, Bornhöft H, Deubner J, Doussang L, Fayon F, Hart D, Kaknics J, Montouillout V, Patapy C, Saldi G, Schott J & Cyr M
Kakonyi G.
Simulating Macromolecule Behaviour on Calcite Surfaces
Freeman C, Sparks D, Kakonyi G, Romero-Gonzalez M, Banwart S & Harding J
Laboratory Mesocosm Experiments to Quantify Effects of Elevated CO2, Plant Evolution, and Mycorrhizal Status on Carbon Flux and Weathering
Andrews M, Leake J, Kakonyi G, Romero-Gonzalez M, Banwart S & Beerling D
Imaging the Removal of Radionuclides from Solution by NZVI Using HRTEM
Romero-Gonzalez M, Kakonyi G & Ross I
Ptychography: A Powerful X-Ray Imaging Tool
Maiden A, Morrison G, Kauliich B, Gianoncelli A, Kakonyi G & Rodenburg J
The Fate and Effect of Trace Metals during the Oxidative Transformation of Sulphate Green Rust
Kakonyi G, Shaw S & Benning L
An in situ SAXS/WAXS Study of Sulfate- and Carbonate-Green Rust Formation
Ahmed I, Kakonyi G, Shaw S & Benning L
The Formation and Oxidation of Green Rust: Mechanisms, Kinetics and Trace Element Speciation
Kakonyi G, Shaw S, Ahmed I & Benning LG
Synchrotron-Based X-Ray Scattering Studies of Mineral Reactions in Complex Geochemical Systems
Shaw S, Ahmed IAM, Benning LG, Kakonyi G & Behrends T
Kakouros E.
Formation Fluids-CO2-Sediment Interactions: Minimizing Environmental Impacts of CO2 Storage
Kharaka Y, Cole D, Thordsen J, Kakouros E & Bullen T
Kaksonen A.
Bacterial Communities Inside Soil Iron Nodules
Thorne R, Kaksonen A & Anand R
Kakubuchi S.
Slab Dehydration and Melting of the Philippine Sea Plate by Progressive Subduction beneath the SW Japan Arc over the Past 15 Million Years
Kimura J-I, Kunikiyo T, Osaka I, Shimoshioiri Y, Katakuse M, Kakubuchi S, Nagao T, Furuyama K & Tsuchiya N
Kakuwa Y
Geochemical Evidence for Environmental Changes at Frasnian-Famennian Boundary Leading to the Mass Extinction
Mahmudy Gharaie M, Matsumoto R, Kakuwa Y, Milroy P, Toh Y & Oshima M
Kakuwa Yoshitaka
Processes Involved in Massive Gas Hydrate Formation in the Sea of Japan as Inferred from U-Th Ages of MDAC and from H2S Concentrations of Hydrates
Matsumoto R, Snyder G, Hiruta A, Kakizaki Y, Tanahashi M, Kakuwa Y, Chang Y-W, Huang C-Y & Shen C-C
An 80 Million Year Redox History from Panthalassa: Japanese Deep-Ocean Records
Wignall P, Bond D, Kuwahara K & Kakuwa Y
Kala S.
Influence of Paleoredox Conditions on Pore Attributes of Permian Shales of Krishna Godavari Basin, India
Kala S, Devaraju J & Abdul Rasheed M
Facies, Mineralogical and Geochemical Analysis of Permian Shales in Krishna Godavari Basin, India
Kala S, Boruah A, Devraju J & Rasheed MA
Kalabová M.
Contaminant Capture in Anthropogenic and Experimentally Produced Tufas – Potential for Legacy Industrial Waste Treatment
Kalabová M, Renshaw J, Cumberland SA & MacDonald J
Water to Rock? Tufa Formation for Capture of Contaminants in Industrial Waste Leachate
Kalabová M, Cumberland SA, Renshaw J & MacDonald J
Kalacheva E.
Geochemistry, Time Evolution and Solute Fluxes of Hydrothermal Systems of Karymsky Volcanic Center, Kamchatka
Taran Y, Kalacheva E, Inguaggiato S & Cardellini C
Geochemistry and Solute Fluxes from Volcano-Hydrothermal Systems of Kunashir, Kuril Island Arc
Kalacheva E, Taran Y, Kotenko T & Inguaggiato S
Kalai C.
Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Catalytic Alumina Oxide/Water Interfaces
Cimas A, Gaigeot M-P, Potier L & Kalai C
Kalashnikov A.
Exploring for Natural Hydrogen in Peralkaline Nepheline-Syenite Plutons: The Kola Peninsula, NW Russia
Dusséaux C, Pukha V, Mokrushina O, Kalashnikov A, Dominique J, Monnier L, Salvi S, Donzé FV, Truche L, Nivin V & Mikhailova J
Kalashnikova O.
Novel Spectropolarimetric Imaging Instrumentation and Algorithm Concepts for Aerosol Remote Sensing
Diner D, Xu F, Kalashnikova O, Garay M, Davis A & Seidel F
Kalashnikova T.
The Evidence of Paleosubduction in the Northeastern Siberian Craton (the Features of Mantle Xenoliths from Kimberlite Pipes)
Kalashnikova T & Kostrovitsky S
Pyroxenite and Eclogite Xenoliths from Udachnaya Kimberlite Pipe: Metasomatism and Paleosubduction
Kalashnikova T, Kostrovitsky S, Sinitsyn K & Yudintseva E
The Stable Oxygen Isotope Composition of Siberian Eclogite Xenoliths: Paleosubdiction Significance
Kalashnikova T, Kostrovitsky S, Solovieva L, Sinitsyn K & Yudintseva E
The Geochemical Features and Oxygen Isotope Composition of Eclogite and Clinopyroxenite Xenoliths from Kimberlite Pipes of Siberian Craton
Kalashnikova T, Kostrovitsky S, Solovieva L, Sinitsyn K & Yudintseva E
Geochemical Features of Peridotite Xenolith from Obnazhennaya Kimberlite Pipe – Cumulates or Residues?
Kalashnikova T, Solovieva L, Kostrovitsky S & Sun J
The Origin of Low-Mgo Eclogite Xenoliths from Obnazhennaya Kimberlite, Siberian Craton
Sun J, Rudnick R, Kostrovitsky S, Kalashnikova T, Kitajima K, Li R & Shu Q
Metasomatic Features of Mantle Xenolithes from Obnajennaya Kimberlite Pipe
Kalashnikova T, Solov'eva L & Kostrovitsky S
Metasomatic Features in the Mantle Xenoliths from Obnajennaya Kimberlite Pipe – The Mineral Composition Evidence
Kalashnikova T, Kostrovitsky S & Solov'eva L