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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Kato Yasuhiro (2017) Application of Independent Component Analysis to Geochemical Records of the Eocene Hyperthermals in the Indian Ocean
Yasukawa K, Nakamura K, Fujinaga K, Ikehara M & Kato Y
(2017) The Origin of Deep-Sea Sediments in the Western North Pacific Ocean Based on Neodymium and Strontium Isotopic Ratios
Tanaka E, Yasukawa K, Nakamura K, Miyazaki T, Vaglarov B, Ohta J, Fujinaga K, Iwamori H & Kato Y
(2017) A Chemostratigraphic Correlation of Pelagic Clay in the North Pacific Ocean
Mimura K, Yamamoto K, Nakamura K, Yasukawa K, Ohta J, Fujinaga K, Machida S & Kato Y

Kato Yasuhiro (2018) Chemostratigraphy and Depositional Ages of Pelagic Clay in the North Pacific Ocean: Implications for the Origin of REY-Rich Mud
Mimura K, Yamamoto K, Nakamura K, Yasukawa K, Ohta J, Fujinaga K, Machida S & Kato Y
(2018) Elucidation of the Growth History of Fe-Mn Nodules in the Western North Pacific Ocean Using X-Ray CT and Elemental Mapping
Shimomura R, Nakamura K, Machida S, Yasukawa K, Fujinaga K & Kato Y
(2018) Downhole Variation of REY-Rich Mud in the Western North Pacific Ocean Based on Bulk Chemical Composition and Nd-Sr Isotopic Ratios
Tanaka E, Yasukawa K, Nakamura K, Miyazaki T, Vaglarov B, Ohta J, Fujinaga K, Iwamori H & Kato Y
(2018) A Quantitative Constraint on the Distribution of Extremely REY-Rich Mud Based on Mass Balance Calculations of Nd in the Ocean
Yasukawa K, Kawarabata C, Tanaka E, Mimura K, Nakamura K, Fujinaga K & Kato Y

Kato Yasuhiro (2019) Geochemical Characterization of REY-Rich Mud in the Western North Pacific Ocean by an Integrated Multivariate Analysis
Yasukawa K, Nakamura K, Fujinaga K, Iwamori H & Kato Y
(2019) Micro X-Ray Fluorescence Mapping to Charactarize Layers of Fe–Mn Nodules in the Western North Pacific
Machida S, Shimomura R, Horinouchi K, Kogiso T, Nakamura K & Kato Y
(2019) Detailed Geochemical Characteristics of the Nuclei of Ferromanganese Nodules in the Minamitorishima EEZ
Terauchi D, Nakamura K, Shimomura R, Horinouchi K, Yasukawa K, Machida S & Kato Y
(2019) Geochemical Features of “Invisible Gold” in Pyrites from the Akeshi and Kasuga Deposits, Kagoshima, Japan
Ishida M, Romero R, Leisen M, Torimoto J, Nozaki T, Yasukawa K, Fujinaga K, Nakamura K, Reich M & Kato Y
(2019) Fluctuation of Osmium Isotope Composition Recorded in Cenozoic Pelagic Brown Clay from the Western North Pacific Ocean
Ohta J, Nozaki T, Takaya Y, Yasukawa K, Fujinaga K, Nakamura K, Kimura J-I, Chang Q & Kato Y
(2019) High-Resolution Chemostratigraphy of Fe–Mn Crusts by LA-ICP-MS
Azami K, Chang Q, Kimura J-I, Yasukawa K, Nakamura K & Kato Y
(2019) Geochemistry of REY Carriers within REY-Rich Muds in the Pacific Ocean
Kashiwabara T, Toda R, Nakamura K, Yasukawa K, Fujinaga K, Kubo S, Nozaki T, Takahashi Y, Suzuki K & Kato Y
(2019) Chemostratigraphic Correlation of REY-Rich Mud Cores in the Western North Pacific Ocean
Tanaka E, Nakamura K, Yasukawa K, Fujinaga K, Machida S, Nozaki T & Kato Y
(2019) Origin of REY-Rich Mud in the North Pacific Ocean Constrained from Bulk Geochemistry and Depositional Age
Mimura K, Yamamoto K, Nakamura K, Yasukawa K, Ohta J, Fujinaga K, Machida S, Usui Y & Kato Y
(2019) Effect of Coexisting Elements on the Formation of Dawsonite Under Weakly Alkaline Condition
Takaya Y & Kato Y
(2019) REY-Rich Mud: An Overview from Scientific and Engineering Perspectives
Kato Y, Yasukawa K, Nakamura K, Fujinaga K, Takaya Y, Ohta J, Tanaka E, Mimura K, Iijima K, Machida S & Nozaki T

Kato Yasuhiro (2020) Hydrothermal Activity in Petit-Spot: Last Hydrothermal Alteration of Lithosphere Before Subduction
Azami K, Machida S, Hirano N & Kato Y
(2020) Geochemical Features of Organic-Rich Sediments in the Modern Ocean
Yano M, Yasukawa K, Nakamura K, Ikehara M & Kato Y
(2020) Chemical Leaching Characteristics of Umber Ore Samples Showing their Forming Processes
Takaya Y, Fujinaga K, Nozaki T & Kato Y
(2020) Fish Debris and Rare-Earth Deposition Event in the Latest Eocene Revealed by Osmium Isotope Stratigraphy
Ohta J, Yasukawa K, Nozaki T, Takaya Y, Mimura K, Fujinaga K, Nakamura K, Usui Y, Kimura J-I, Chang Q & Kato Y
(2020) Marine Os Isotope Record during the Eocene Hyperthermals in the Indian Ocean: Implication for Continental Silicate Weathering Feedback
Tanaka E, Yasukawa K, Ohta J, Nakamura K, Ravizza G & Kato Y

Kato Yasuhiro (2021) Fluctuation of Marine Osmium Isotope Ratio during the Quaternary Climate Cycles
Kuwahara Y, Yasukawa K, Fujinaga K, Nozaki T, Ohta J, Sato H, Kimura J-I, Nakamura K, Yokoyama Y & Kato Y
(2021) Depth Profile of Re-Os Concentrations and Isotope Ratios in the Hydrothermally Altered Clay Obtained from Brothers Volcano Hydrothermal Field during the IODP Expedition 376
Nozaki T, Ishida M, Takaya Y, Chang Q, Kimura J-I & Kato Y
(2021) Stratigraphic Variations in Geochemistry and Morphology of Fe–Mn Micronodules: Implications for the Formation Process of Extremely REY-Rich Mud in the Western North Pacific Ocean
Yasukawa K, Kino S, Ohta J, Azami K, Tanaka E, Mimura K, Fujinaga K, Nakamura K & Kato Y

Kato Yasuhiro (2023) The Elusive Sedimentary Sinks of Seawater Potassium
Dunlea A, Santiago Ramos D, Yasukawa K, Tanaka E & Kato Y
(2023) Os Isotopic Composition of Early Cretaceous Seawater Reconstructed from Umber Deposit in the Japanese Accretionary Complex
Yano M, Yasukawa K, Fujinaga K, Ohta J, Kuwahara Y, Nakayama K, Nakamura K & Kato Y
(2023) Long-Term Variation of Barium Stable Isotope Ratio as a Proxy for Paleo-Productivity during the Paleogene “Hothouse” World
Kuwahara Y, Ikegami K, Yasukawa K, Miyazaki T, Tanaka E, Nakamura K & Kato Y

Kato Yoshikazu (2019) Combining Isoscapes and Segmental Isotope Analysis of Vertebrae to Study the Movement of Fishes
Tayasu I, Kato Y, Kamauchi H, Yoshimizu C, Matsubayashi J, Osada Y, Saitoh Y, Shin K, Nakano T, Togashi H & Kurita Y
(2016) Natural Isotope Tracers for Studying Stream Ecology
Tayasu I, Ishikawa NF, Kato Y, Yoshimizu C, Ohte N & Tokuchi N

Katoh D. (2009) Radiogenic and Stable Isotope Systematics of Strontium within a Single Granitic Pluton
Kimura Y, Tsuboi M, Wakaki S, Katoh D, Asahara Y & Tanaka T

Katoh Marina (2016) Removal and Recovery of Gold(III) by Biosorption and Biomineralization Using Microorganism
Tsuruta T, Odajima Y, Katoh M, Maeda I, Miura N, Kudoh R & Kikuchi T

Katoh Masahiro (2016) NINS Astrobiology Center Project: The Origin of Terrestrial Bioorganic Homochirality Relevance to Asymmetry of the Universe – Approaches with Synergy Effects of Observations, Experiments and Computations
Takahashi J-I, Katoh M, Tamura M, Kobayashi K, Umemura M, Kusakabe N, Kwon J, Takashima Y, Hosaka M, Zen H, Matsuo K, Tadokoro D, Kamei Y, Ehara M, Fukuda R, Shiraishi K & Shinojima H

Katoh T. (2016) Integrating the Topic of Radioactivity on Nagoya University Campus into the First Year Seminar
Mukumoto H, Tomiyama S, Katoh T, Sakata K & Tanaka T

Katona R. (2020) In situ Raman Characterization of Stainless Steel in MgCl2 Rich Brine
Schaller R, Katona R, Bryan C & Knight A

Katona Serneels I. (2021) Study of the Geochemical Variability of the Archaeological Hammerscale found in Switzerland According to their Morphology and Chronology, 450 BCE to 500 CE
Rodier J, Katona Serneels I & Serneels V

Katono K. (2009) Sugars in the Aerosols: Seasonality and Size Distribution
Matsumoto K, Tominaga S, Kaneyasu N, Shigihara A, Katono K & Igawa M

Katra I. (2021) Limiting Resuspension of Radioactively-Contaminated Soils by Different Stabilizers
Sharon A, Katra I & Raveh-Amit H

Katrin K. (2002) Molecular Evidence for Microorganisms in Recent and Ancient Methane-Related Settings
Michaelis W, Richard S, Katja N, Tina T, Martin B & Katrin K

Katsenis A. (2018) Heat Capacity and Thermodynamic Functions of Loaded and Unloaded Forms of Several Zinc Imidazole Metal Organic Frameworks
Calvin J, Asplund M, Rosen P, Akimbekov Z, Ayoub G, Katsenis A, Navrotsky A, Friscic T & Woodfield B

Katsenovich Y. (2018) Governing Factors of 99Tc Reductive Removal by Zero Valent Iron Materials of a Wide Particle Size Range
Boglaienko D, Emerson H, Katsenovich Y & Levitskaia T
(2018) Uranium Sequestration with pH Manipulation by Ammonia Gas
Katsenovich Y, Emerson H, Cardona C, Dipietro S & Szecsody J

Katsev S. (2023) Ferruginous Conditions in Different Lacustrine Basins in China
Liang X, Katsev S, Jin Z, Liu Q, Zhu R, Shen B & Gao J
(2023) Ferruginous vs. Euxinic Conditions Through Ocean History as Regulated by the Thermodynamics, Kinetics, and Competition of Microbial Pathways
Katsev S & Halevy I
(2021) Stability of Stratification and its Effect on the Accumulation of Ferrous Iron in Meromictic Lake Towuti
Pu T, Crowe S & Katsev S
(2021) Siderite Precipitation from a Carbonate Green-Rust Precursor in Ferruginous Canyon Lake
Wittkop C, Grengs A, Ledema G, Xiong Y, Poulton SW, Katsev S & Swanner E
(2020) Sulfide, Sulfite, and Sulfate Production from Organic Sulfur in Archean Oceans and Modern Lakes
Katsev S, Fakhraee M, Hyde E, Petersen M, Sheik C & Schreiner K
(2019) Could Negative Carbonate Carbon Isotope Excursions be a Primary Signal in Ferruginous Environments?
Wittkop C, Swanner E, Lambrecht N, Grengs A & Katsev S
(2019) Energetics-Based Modeling of Cryptic Sulfur Cycling in Sediments
Katsev S & Crowe S
(2018) Microbes and Minerals from Two Ferruginous Lakes on a Spectrum of Physical and Chemical Characteristics
Swanner E, Lambrecht N, Fakhraee M, Sheik C, Katsev S & Wittkop C
(2018) Manganese Carbonates Linked to Methane Oxidation in Ferruginous Environments
Wittkop C, Swanner E, Lambrecht N, Grengs A, Myrbo A & Katsev S
(2018) Low Sulfate Systems: Does Organic Sulfur Affect Isotopic Fractionations?
Fakhraee M, Crowe SA, Toner BM & Katsev S
(2018) Two Ferruginous Midwestern Lakes Exhibit Vastly Different Fluxes of Methane
Lambrecht N, Wittkop C, Katsev S, Fakraee M & Swanner E
(2018) Sub-Mm Levels of Sulfate and Inefficient AOM in Proterozoic Oceans
Fakhraee M, Hancisse O, Canfield DE, Crowe SA & Katsev S
(2018) Ferruginous Conditions and the Collapse of the Early Cretaceous Seawater Sulphate Reservoir
Bauer K, Bottini C, Katsev S, Jellinek M, Francois R, Erba E & Crowe S
(2016) Does Organic Sulfur Make a Significant and Overlooked Contribution to Sedimentary S Cycling in Low Sulfate Environments?
Katsev S, Fakhraee M, Li J, Schreiner K & Sheik C
(2015) N Cycling in Deeply Oxygenated Sediments: Rates, Sensitivities, and Lacustrine-Marine Connections
Katsev S & Li J
(2014) Anaerobic Methane Oxidation Promotes Deep Diagenesis and Blurs Manganese Based Geochronology in Arctic Ocean Sediments
Sundby B, Lecroart P, Anschutz P, Katsev S & Mucci A
(2013) Mineralization Rates of Organic Carbon in Freshwater vs Marine Environments and Implications for Carbon Burial Efficiencies
Katsev S, Crowe S, Kistner M & Li J
(2012) Redox Oscillations in a Freshwater Analogue of Marine Pelagic Sediments: Lake Superior
Katsev S, Li J, Crowe S, Miklesh D, Kistner M & Canfield D
(2011) Origin of Iron Layer in Sediment of Lake Superior: Abiotic vs. Biotic
Dittrich M, Gordon J, Raoof B, Chesnyuk A, Quazi S, Fulthorpe R, Bollmann J & Katsev S
(2011) Diagenetic Mobility of Mn and Fe Crusts in Organic-Poor Sediments of Lake Superior
Li J, Crowe S, Brown E, Dittrich M, Miklesh D & Katsev S
(2010) Biogeochemistry and Microbial Ecology of a Modern, Ferruginous Chemocline
Crowe S, Canfield D, Fowle D, Jones C, Sturm A, Katsev S, Mucci A, Sundby B, Nomosatryo S & Haffner D
(2010) Geochemistry of Major Elements in Lake Matano, Indonesia
Sturm A, Crowe S, Jones C, Fowle D, Canfield D, Katsev S, Mucci A & Nomosatryo S
(2010) Biogeochemistry of Mn Oxidation in Lake Matano, Indonesia
Jones C, Crowe S, Canfield D, Sturm A, Fowle D, Katsev S, Mucci A, Sundby B & Nomosatryo S
(2010) Migrations of Sediment Redox Boundaries as Indicators of Change in Oligotrophic Systems
Li J, Crowe S, Miklesh D, Canfield D & Katsev S
(2009) Diagenesis in Organic-Poor Systems: Sediment Geochemistry and Nutrient Fluxes in Lake Superior
Katsev S, Li J & Miklesh D
(2008) Geochemistry of Mo in a Modern Archean Ocean Analogue
Crowe SA, Fowle D, Katsev S, Sundby B, Mucci A & Haffner D
(2008) Modeling Biogeochemisty in an Early Ocean Analogue
Katsev S, Crowe SA, Haffner D, Mucci A, Sundby B & Fowle D
(2004) Model of Oscillatory Zoning in the (Ba, Sr)SO4 Solid Solution System
L'heureux I & Katsev S

Katsikopoulos D. (2012) Interfacial Tension and Nucleation Behaviour of Minerals (Revisited)
Prieto M, Katsikopoulos D & FernAndez-Gonzalez A
(2011) Assessment of the Nanoscopic Dissolution Rate of Basic Lead Carbonate (Hydrocerussite)
Katsikopoulos D, Godelitsas A & Astilleros J-M
(2011) Interfacial Tension, Metastability, and Solubility of Solid Solutions
Prieto M, Katsikopoulos D & Fernandez-Gonzalez A
(2009) Precipitation and Mixing Properties of the "Disordered" (Mn, Ca)CO3 Solid Solution
Katsikopoulos D, Fernandez-Gonzalez A & Prieto M
(2009) Themodynamics of the (Ba, Pb)SO4-H2O System at Ambient Conditions
Fernández-González Á, Carneiro J, Katsikopoulos D & Prieto M
(2007) Nucleation and Growth of the (Mn, Ca)CO3 Solid Solution in Double Diffusion Systems
Katsikopoulos D, Fernandez-Gonzalez A & Prieto M

Katsman R. (2015) Modeling Methane Bubble Growth in Muddy Aquatic Sediments: Numerical and Analytical Modeling
Katsman R
(2009) Effect of Original Clay Distribution in Limestone on Stylolite Formation
Laronne Ben-Itzhak L, Katsman R & Aharonov E
(2005) Modelling Localized Volume Changes: Application to Pressure Solution and Stylolites
Katsman R & Aharonov E

Katsnelson M. (2011) Importance of Correlation Effects in First-Principles Simulations of Iron at High-Pressure
Pourovskii L, Glazyrin K, Dubrovinsky LS, Tasnadi F, Ekholm M, Katsnelson M, Ruban AV & Abrikosov I

Katsuki K. (2003) Late Quaternary Paleoceanographic Change in the Okhotsk Sea: Based on Analyses of Opal, CaCO3, TOC, and Microfossils in MD01-2412 Core
Okazaki Y, Takahashi K, Ono A, Hori J, Katsuki K & Asahi H

Katsumata H. (2015) Microbial DNA Tells Route of Groundwater
Kato K, Furuta T, Sugiyama A, Katsumata H & Nagaosa K

Katsura K. (2007) Phanerozoic Crustal Growth Constrained by Zircon U-Pb Age and Sr-Nd-Hf Isotopic Evidence from the Granitoid Rocks in Mongolia
Amar-Amgalan S, Ryoji T, Katsura K & Eizo N

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