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Henderson Scott (2007) Schwertmannite Transformation to Hematite by Heating: Implications for Pedogenesis, Water Quality and CO2/SO2 Export in Acid Sulfate Soil Landscapes
Henderson S, Sullivan L, Bush R & Burton E

Henderson Simon (2015) Supergene Gold Transformations Under Varying Redox Conditions, New Zealand
Kerr G, Craw D, MacKenzie D & Henderson S

Hendiani S. (2023) Importance of Bacteria-Mineral Associations for Biofilm Development and Gene Transfer Efficiency
Hendiani S, Pucetaite M, Op de Beeck M, Hansen MF, Verma T, Mandić Mulec I, Burmølle M & Sand KK
(2023) A Geochemical Perspective on DNA Preservation in Sediments: Implications for Ecological Inference and Bacterial Evolution
Sand KK, Verma T, Jelavic S, Hendiani S, Prohaska A, Burmølle M & Freeman C
(2023) Sedimentary DNA can Influence Evolution: Establishing Mineral Facilitated Horizontal Gene Transfer as a Route to Increased Bacterial Fitness
Verma T, Hendiani S, Andersen SB, Burmølle M & Sand KK

Hendricks J. (2014) Simulating the Future Impacts of Transport Emissions on Atmospheric Aerosol and Climate
Righi M, Hendricks J & Sausen R
(2009) Global Model Studies on the Composition and Distribution of Atmospheric Ice Nuclei
Aquila V, Hendricks J, Lauer A, Riemer N & Vogel H

Hendrickson C. (2011) Petroleomics: Past, Present and Future
Rodgers R, McKenna A, Hendrickson C & Marshall A
(2010) Petroleomics: Molecular Characterization of Petroleum Crude Oil
Marshall A, Blakney G, Hendrickson C, McKenna A & Rodgers R

Hendrickson S. (2013) Active Carbon Cycling in Deep Subsurface Fracture Environments: Insights from RNA, Lipid and Isotopic Analyses
Lau M, Lindsay M, Kieft T, Pullin M, Hendrickson S, Simkus D, Slater G, Sherwood Lollar B, Li L, Lacrampe-Couloume G, van Heerden E, Erasmus M, Borgonie G, Linage B, Kuloyo K, Mailloux B, Heuer V, Hinrichs K-U, Maphanga S & Onstott T

Hendrickx J. (2019) LIBS-Rs-Xrfs Multisensor Data Fusion for Soil Analysis
Throckmorton C, Harmon R, Hark R, Harmon K, Plumer J, Clausen J, Morgan M, Hendrickx J & Harrison B

Hendriks B W H (2006) Relative U and Th Concentrations from LA-ICP-MS for Apatite Fission-Track Grain-Age Dating
Donelick RA, O'Sullivan PB, Ketcham RA, Hendriks BWH & Redfield TF

Hendriks Bart (2007) Evidence for Natural, Non-Thermal Annealing of Fission Tracks in Apatite
Hendriks B, Donelick R, O'Sullivan P & Redfield T
(2005) Evidence for Underestimation of Long-Term FT Annealing in Apatite from Natural FT and (U-Th)/He Data
Hendriks B & Redfield T

Hendriks E. (2009) Constraining the Potential Source Strength of Various Soil Dust Sources Contributing to Atmospheric PM10 Concentrations in Europe
Schaap M, Hendriks E & Denier van der Gon H

Hendriks L. (2023) Development of a High-Throughput Method for Elemental and Isotopic Characterization of Nanoparticles via Single Particle-Icp-TOF-MS
Quarles Jr CD, Manard BT, Bradley VC, Hendriks L, Andrews HB, Sullivan P & Hexel CR
(2016) Exploring the Limit of ICPMS in Space and Time and Mass
Hattendorf B, Burger M, Wu C-C, Shen C-C, Hendriks L, Gundlach-Graham A, Schwarz G & Günther D

Hendriksson N. (2017) Li Isotopes in Fluid Inclusions as Tracers for Crustal Fluids
Richard A, Banks DA, Hendriksson N & Lahaye Y
(2015) Assessing Solute Sources and Contaminant Transport in Two Finnish Mine Site
Turunen K, Kittilä A, Backnäs S, Pasanen A, Hendriksson N & Mänttäri I

Hendry J. (2012) Anaerobic Reduction of Adsorbed x-Ferrihydrite (X = 0, AsO4 and MoO4) at pH 8 and 10
Gomez MA & Hendry J
(2012) Bulk and Micro Mineralogical Characterization of As in Uranium Mine Tailings
Essilfie - Dughan J, Hendry J, Warner J & Kotzer T
(2008) Controls and Rates of Acid Production in Elemental Sulphur Blocks
Birkham T, Hendry J & Barbour L
(2007) Anomalously Low δ18O Values of Oxygen Dissolved in Groundwaters at a Uranium Mine
Lis G, Hendry J & Wassenaar L
(2005) Quantifing Uranium Complexation in Groundwater DOC Using Coupled Detection Methods
Reszat T, Hendry J & Ranville J

Hendry K.r. (2020) Transformation of Organic Matter in Arctic Ocean Sediments Across the Redox Interface
Stevenson M, Faust J, Luiza A, Freitas F, Neil G, Tait K, Henley S, Peter L, Papadaki S, März C, Abbott G, Hilton RG & Hendry KR

Hendry Kate Hendry (2017) Subglacial Weathering Controls Silicon Isotope Composition of Greenland Ice Sheet Meltwaters
Hatton J, Hawkings J, Hendry K, Wadham J, Kohler T, Stibal M, Beaton A, Bagshaw E & Lamarche-Gagnon G
(2017) Macronutrient Cycling on the Antarctic Peninsula Shelf
Henley S, Cassarino L, Hendry K, Dittrich R & Meredith M
(2017) Silicon Isotopes of Deep-Sea Sponges and These New Insights into the Micro and Macro Scale of the Silica Cycle
Cassarino LC, Coath CC & Hendry KH
(2017) New Adventures in Marine Silicon Isotope Studies
Hendry K, Cassarino L, Hatton J, Ward J, Hawkings J, Ng HC, Wadham J, Coath C & Robinson L
(2017) Barium Isotope Ratios in Planktic Foraminifera and Seawater
Bates S, Hendry K, Pryer H, Robinson L & Horner T
(2017) Silicon Isotopes Measurement by MC-ICP-MS, a New Approach for Low Concentrations
Coath CC, Cassarino LC & Hendry KH
(2017) Pushing the Analytical Limits of Si Isotope Analysis Using a Novel Double Spike Approach
Klaver M, Coath C, Hendry K & Elliott T

Hendry Katharine (2019) Species-Specific Diatom Silicon Isotopes from the Benguela Upwelling System over the Late Quaternary
Hendry K & Romero O
(2019) Disentangling Marine Sedimentary Signals in Reactive Silicon Pools Using Stable Isotopes
Pickering RA, Cassarino L, Hendry KR & Krause JW
(2019) Biogeochemical Weathering and Riverine Nutrient Export during Glacier Retreat
Wadham JL, Hawkings J, Pryer H, Robinson LF, Hendry K, Daneri G, Lamarche-Gagnon G, Holt A, Ward R, Stibal M & Kohler T
(2019) Tracing Lithogenic Fluxes at the South-West Greenland Margin Using Dissolved 232Th and 230Th
Rowland GH, Robinson LF, Hendry KR, Annet AL, Li T & Ng HC
(2019) Quantifying Benthic-Pelagic Coupling in the Changing Arctic Barents Sea
Sales de Freitas F, Ward J, Stevenson M, Abbott G, Henley S, Faust J, Tessin A, Solan M, März C, Hendry K & Arndt S
(2019) Radium Isotopes to Distinguish Sedimentary and Glacial Sources of (Micro)nutrients
Annett A, Hendry K, Williams J, Sherrell R, Hatton J, Ward R, Woodward M, Roccanova V & Bu K
(2019) Sedimentary Nutrient Supply in Productive Hotspots off the West Antarctic Peninsula Revealed by Silicon Isotopes
Cassarino L, Hendry K, Henley S, MacDonald E, Arndt S, Sales de Freitas F, Pike J & Firing Y
(2019) The Influence of Glacier Cover on Trace Metal Input and Cycling in Patagonian Fjords
Hawkings J, Sherrell R, Conway T, Wadham J, Hendry K, Pryer H, Daneri G, Torres R, Bertrand S, Kellerman A, Marshall M, Beaton A, Ng HC, Roccanova V, Bu R, Summers B, Benning L & Spencer R
(2019) Benthic Silica Dynamics in the Northern High Latitudes: A Pore Water and Reaction-Transport Model Study
Ward J, Freitas F, Ng HC, Cassarino L, Hendry K, Arndt S & Maerz C
(2019) Glacial Cover Affects Nutrient Fluxes from Rivers in Chilean Patagonia
Pryer H, Wadham J, Hawkings J, Robinson L, Hendry K, Marshall M, Yates C & Hatton J
(2019) Nutrient Exchange at the Changing Arctic Ocean Seafloor and Implications for the Water Column
Henley S, Faust J, Stevenson M, Tessin A, Hendry K & Maerz C
(2018) An Interrogation into Subglacial Processes to Investigate the Variation of Silicon Isotope Composition of Glacial Meltwaters
Hatton J, Hendry K, Hawkings J, Wadham J, Kohler T & Stibal M
(2018) Silicon Isotopes in Patagonian Rivers: Investigating How Variable Glacial Cover Affects the Biogeochemical Cycling of Silicon
Pryer H, Wadham J, Hendry K, Robinson L, Hawkings J, Ward J & Hatton J
(2016) Oceanic Distribution of Dissolved Silica Through the Paleogene
Fontorbe G, Frings PJ, De La Rocha CL, Hendry KR & Conley DJ
(2016) Barium Isotopes Reveal Role of Ocean Mixing on Ba Cycling in the Atlantic
Hendry K, Bates S, Pryer H, Robinson L & Horner T
(2016) Isotopes in Spicules: Delving into Deep-Sea Archives of Marine Silicon Cycling
Hendry K
(2015) Glaciers as a Missing Source of Silicon to the World's Oceans
Hawkings J, Wadham J, Tranter M, Benning LG, Tedstone A, Nienow P & Hendry K
(2015) Diatoms, Sea Ice, and Sediment Fluxes: Relative Controls on Barium Cycling in the Southern Ocean
Pyle K, Hendry K, Hall I, Sherrell R & Meredith M
(2015) Silicon Isotopes in Biogenic Opal as a Window into Modern and Ancient Oceans
Hendry K
(2015) Ba/Ca Ratios in Benthic Foraminifera: Species Offsets, Down-Core Preservation and the Effect of Cleaning
Bates S, Hendry K & Lear C

Hendry Katharine R (2013) The Zinc Isotopic Composition of Siliceous Marine Sponges: Investigating Nature’s Sediment Traps
Hendry K & Andersen M
(2012) From Tectonic Gateways to Diatoms: The Build-Up to Antarctic Glaciation
Egan K, Rickaby R, Hendry K & Halliday A
(2012) Silicon Isotopes in Glassy Sponges as a Tracer of Silicic Acid in Seawater
Hendry K & Robinson L
(2011) Zinc and Silicon Isotope Fractionation by Deep-Sea Sponges
Hendry K, Andersen M & Robinson L
(2011) Transfer of Nutrients and Carbon from the Southern Ocean to the Atlantic during the Last 30, 000 Years
Robinson LF, Burke A & Hendry KR
(2010) Sponge Silicon Isotopes as a Tracer of Southern Ocean Water in the Atlantic
Hendry K & Robinson L
(2009) Sponge Spicules as Recorders of Deep-Water Silicic Acid
Hendry KR, Georg RB, Rickaby REM, Robinson LF & Halliday AN
(2008) Perturbing Phytoplankton: A Polar View on Anthropogenic Change
Rickaby R, Hendry K, Young J & Halloran P
(2008) (Zn/Si) Opal as a Paleoproxy: Insight into Southern Ocean Processes
Hendry K & Rickaby REM

Hendry Katharine R. (2023) Silicon Isotopes Reveal How Fjords Modulate Reactive Silicate Transport from Glaciers to Coastal Regions
Wang T, Ng HC, Hatton J, Hammond SJ, Woodward EMS, Meire L & Hendry KR
(2023) Spatial Analysis of the Benthic Flux of Silicon Across Fjords along the West Antarctic Peninsula
Friberg L, Grisby C, Annett A, Hendry KR & Sales de Freitas F
(2023) Si and Mg Fractionation during Reverse Weathering: An in Vitro Experimental Approach
Dong Z, Hendry KR, Byrne JM & Bryce C
(2023) Ba/Ca of the Last Millennium North Atlantic Deep-Sea Corals as Water Mass Evolution and Ocean Circulation Variability Archive
Shen Y, Robinson LF, Stewart JA, Sun Y-J, de Carvalho Ferreira ML, Wang M, Prokopenko M, Hendry KR, Ng HC & Kershaw J
(2023) Effects of the K-Pg Boundary Event on the Ocean Silicon Cycle: What Sponge Spicule and Radiolarian Silicon Isotopes can Show us
Stoerling T, Friberg L, Cassarino L, Pickering RA, Doering K, Stamm FM, Hendry KR, Richoz S & Conley DJ
(2022) Dynamic Benthic Silicon Cycling in Southwest Greenland Fjords Revealed by Stable Isotopes
Wang T, Hendry KR, Ng HC, Hatton J, Hammond SJ & Woodward EMS
(2022) Silicon Isotopes Highlight the Complex Role of Glaciated Fjords in High-Latitude Marine Nutrient Cycling
Hendry KR, Hatton J, Ng HC, Wang T, Woodward EMS, Leng M, Stuart-Lee A & Meire L
(2022) A First Investigation of the Stable Silicon Isotopic Composition of Groundwaters in the UK
Dong Z, Farr G, Ng HC & Hendry KR
(2021) Dynamic Silicon Cycling at the Land-Ocean Interface
Hendry KR, Ng HC, Hatton J, Cassarino L, Ward J, Pickering RA, Krause J & Woodward EMS
(2021) Benthic Si Flux in a Greenland Fjord and the Isotopic Response to the Early Diagenesis
Wang T, Hendry KR, Ng HC & Hatton J
(2021) The Role of Glaciogenic Sediments in the Supply of Nutrient Silicon to High-Latitude Fjords and Ocean
Ng HC, Hawkings J & Hendry KR
(2021) Benthic Organic Matter Dynamics Drives Carbonate Chemistry in Arctic Ocean Sediments
Sales de Freitas F, Arndt S, Hendry KR, Faust JC, Tessin AC & März C
(2021) Early Diagenesis of Silica in Barents Sea Sediments: A Holistic Laboratory and Reaction-Transport Model Assessment
Ward J, Hendry KR, Arndt S, Pickering RA, März C, Faust JC, Henley S, Krause J & Ng HC
(2021) Exploring Seafloor Nutrient Pools of Dissolved Silicon on the West Antarctic Peninsula
Friberg LM, Hendry KR, Cassarino L, Coath CD & Annett A
(2021) Tectonic and Climatic Controls on Riverine Uranium Isotope
Li L, Robinson LF, Pryer HV, Wadham JL, Hendry KR, Ward J & Li G
(2020) Spatial Patterns of Terrigenous Fluxes in the Tropical Atlantic Since the Last Glacial Maximum
Rowland GH, Robinson LF, Hendry KR, Ng HC, McGee D & McManus JF

Hendry M.J. (2012) Secondary Mineral Phases in a Uranium Mill Pilot Study
Koshinsky J, Essilfie-Dughan J & Hendry MJ
(2012) Controls on the Formation and Crystallization of Mg2+-Fe3+-SO42- Type Layered Double Hydroxides
Paikaray S & Hendry MJ
(2012) Phase Transformation of Two-Line Ferrihydrite: Effects of pH, Temperature, and Adsorbed Arsenate and Molybdate
Das S, Hendry MJ & Essilfie-Dughan J
(2010) Solute Transport in a Thick, Two-Layered Aquitard System
Hendry MJ, Barbour SL & Wassenaar LI
(2008) Stable Isotope Composition of Gaseous and Dissolved Oxygen in the Subsurface
Hendry M, Wassenaar L & Lis G
(2005) Geochemical and Mineralogical Controls on Arsenic Release from Uranium Mine Tailings
Moldovan B, Hendry MJ, Jiang D & Harrington G

Hendryx M. (2012) Atmospheric Particulate Matter in Proximity to Mountaintop Coal Mines
Kolker A, Engle M, Orem W, Tatu C, Hendryx M, McCawley M, Esch L, Geboy N, Crosby L & Varonka M

Hendy A. (2018) Isotope Schlerochronology and Tropical Seasonality during the Mid Miocene Climatic Optimum
Scholz SR, Petersen SV, Escobar J, Jaramillo C, Hendy A, Allmon WD, Moreno F, Curtis JH, Anderson BM, Hoyos N, Restrepo JC & Perez N

Hendy C. (2009) The Palaeoclimatic Significance of Coherrent Carbon and Oxygen Isotopic Signals in a Number of New Zealand Stalagmites
Whittaker T, Hendy C, Hellstrom J & Miedema N

Hendy E. (2023) Environmental Controls and Growth Effects on Trace Element Composition of Coral Aragonite: Application of Paleothermometry Proxies in Fijian Massive Porites spp.
Samperiz A, Sosdian S, John EH, Hendy E, Johnson KG & Jupiter S
(2023) Coral Li/Mg Records of Tropical Atlantic Intermediate Water Warming at the End of the Little Ice Age
Liu Q, Robinson LF, Hendy E, Chen S-YS, Stewart JA, Knowles T, Li T & Samperiz A
(2021) Tracing Anthropogenic Radiocarbon Transfer Through the Tropical North Atlantic Using Deep Sea Bamboo Corals
Liu Q, Robinson LF, Hendy E, Stewart J, Knowles T, Li T & Samperiz A
(2011) Boron Isotopes (δ11B) in Coral: Energy Budgets and pH Control at the Site of Calcification
Hendy E, Mass T, Brickner I & Genin A
(2007) Trace Element Distributions and Coral Skeleton Micromorphology Following a Bleaching Event
Hendy E, Lanzirotti A, Rasbury T & Lough J
(2006) Synchrotron µ-XRF mapping of elemental distributions across coral skeleton micro-architecture
Hendy E, Lanzirotti A, Rasbury T & Lough J

Hendy I. (2019) Intermediate Water Ventilation Shifts in the NE Pacific Drove Extreme Low-Oxygen Conditions in the Early- to Mid-Holocene
Wang Y & Hendy I
(2014) New Carbon Isotope Records of the Late Cretaceous Oceanic Anoxic Event 3 from the Western Interior Seaway
Tessin A, Sheldon N & Hendy I
(2010) Quantifying Ag Uptake and Storage in Marine Diatoms
Wagner M & Hendy I
(2010) Ultra High-Resolution Elemental XRF Scanning Analysis of Santa Barbara Basin
Dunn L & Hendy I
(2009) Subantarctic Pacific Stable Isotope Evidence for a CO2 Sink in the Abyssal Southern Ocean during the Late Pliocene
Waddell L, Hendy I, Moore T & Lyle M
(2008) Using Local and Global Effects on a High Resolution 14C Record to Constrain Climate Change Forcing and Ice Sheet Response from Vancouver Island, Western Canada
Hendy I, Cosma T & Chang A
(2006) Seasonal Influences on Multiple Benthic Species in an Oxygen Minimum Zone during the last 30 ka.
Hendy I

Henehan Michael (2017) Enhanced Basalt Weathering Response to Elevated Global Temperatures in the Middle Eocene
Pearce C, Edgar K, Henehan M, Li G & Foster G
(2017) New Perspectives on the Cenozoic ∂7Li Record
Henehan M, Abell R, Tsong R, Kalderon-Asael B, Planavsky N, Burke J, Elder L, Foster G, Davis C, Maas A, Elliott T, Schmidt D & Hull P
(2016) Do Boron Isotopes in Shallow Marine Carbonate Record Marine pH?
Zhang S, Henehan M, Planavsky N & Hardisty D
(2015) Between a Rock and a Hard Place: The History of Palaeocene Ocean pH
Henehan M, Hull P, Planavsky N, Thomas E & Özen V
(2015) Srching for Silicate Weathering Feedback in the Geological Record
Pearce C, Foster G, Sexton P, Henehan M, Edgar K & Parkinson I

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