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Index of Authors

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Helz Rosalind T. (2020) Redox Controlled Stable Chromium Isotope Fractionation during Planetary Differentiation
Shen J, Qin L, Xia J, Carlson RW, Huang S, Helz RT & Mock TD

Helz Rosalind Tuthill (2014) Lack of Calcium Isotope Fractionation during Magma Differentiation
Zhang H, Huang S, Teng F-Z, Helz RT & Jacobsen SB
(2014) Redox History of the 1959 Kilauea Eruption Determined by XANES Analysis of Glassy Scoria
Helz R, Cottrell E, Kelley K & Brounce MJ
(2012) LA-MC-ICPMS Iron Isotopic Measurements of Zoned Olivine
Sio CKI, Dauphas N, Teng F-Z, Chaussidon M, Helz R, Roskosz M, Xiao Y & Ireland T
(2011) In situ Fe-Mg Isotopic Analysis of Zoned Olivines
Sio CK, Dauphas N, Teng F-Z, Helz R & Chaussidon M
(2010) Diffusion-Driven Kinetic Magnesium and Iron Isotope Fractionation in Hawaiian Basalts and Olivines
Teng F-Z, Dauphas N, Huang S & Helz R
(2007) The Absence of Magnesium Isotope Fractionation during Basalt Differentiation
Teng F-Z, Wadhwa M, Helz R & Richter F
(2006) Behavior of PGEs and Re in Kilauea Iki lava lake, Hawaii
Helz R, Pitcher L & Walker R

Hem C. (2011) The Ash that Closed Europe’s Airspace: Part I, Grains Size Distribution of the Eyjafjallajökull Ash and Soluble Salt Coatings
Gislason S, Eiriksdottir E, Alfredsson H, Oskarsson N, Sigfússon B, Larssen G, Hassenkam T, Nedel S, Bouvet N, Hem C, Balogh Z, Dideriksen K & Stipp S
(2011) The Ash that Closed Europe’s Airspace: Part II, the Physical Aspects of the Eyjafjallajökull Ash (Geochemistry Fellow Presentation)
Stipp S, Hassenkam T, Nedel S, Bovet N, Hem C, Balogh Z, Dideriksen K, Eiriksdottir E, Alfredsson H, Oskarsson N, Sigfusson B, Larssen G & Gislason S
(2011) Desorption of Quinoline from Clay: An Investigation of the LoSal™ Mechanism
Pedersen C, Hem C & Stipp S
(2009) Clay Interaction with Organic Ligands and Siderophores in a CO2 Atmosphere
Hem C, Mitchell A, Bovet N, Stipp S & Makovicky E

Hem S. (2004) The Present State of the Fe-Co-ni-as-s System
Hem S & Makovicky E

Hema K.A-A. (2019) Geochemistry of Micas and Accessory Minerals in P-Rich NYF Pegmatites at Mangodara (West Africa, Burkina Faso)
Bonzi WM-E, Van Lichtervelde M, Salvi S, Vanderhaeghe O, Hema KA-A & Wenmenga U

Hemant H.K.P. (2015) Fluoride Contamination of Groundwater and It’s Hydrogeological Evolution in District Sonbhadra (U.P.) India
Hemant HKP
(2014) Metallogenesis in Malanjkhand Region of Kotri Rift Zone, Central India-A Geochemical Appraisal
Hemant HKP & Kishan KLR

Hemati M. (2013) Geobotany and Biogeochemistry of Sungun Copper Deposit, Northern Iran: An Implication to Mineral Exploration
Taghipour B & Hemati M

Hembury Debbie (2013) Trace Metal Inputs from River-Fed and River-Starved Margin Sediments of the South Atlantic Ocean
Homoky WB, Mills RA, Hsieh Y-T, Hembury DJ, Woodward EMS & Henderson GM
(2013) Rare Earth Element Distributions as Tracers of Micronutrient Input and Nd Cycling in the South Atlantic
Hembury D, Cheng X, Holdship P, Scott P, Pointing M & Henderson G
(2011) Rates and Mechanisms of Oxygen Consumption by Fresh Volcanic Material in the Marine Environment
Hembury D, Palmer M & Fones G
(2009) Oxygen Uptake during Marine Diagenesis of Fresh Volcanic Material
Hembury D, Palmer M, Fones G & Jones M

Hembury Deborah (2014) Quantifying Non-Conservative Behavior of the Rare Earth Elements in the South Atlantic
Scott P, Zheng X, Plancherel Y, Hembury D, Pointing M, Woodward M & Henderson G

Hemery A. (2020) Physico-Chemical Speciation of Iron along the Land Sea Continuum of the Iroise Sea
Laes A, Dulaquais G, Hemery A, Davy R, Waeles M, Devesa J, Riso R & Lalonde S

Hemingway Jordon (2020) Enhancement of Carbonate, Silicate, and Sulfide Weathering via Fluvial Sediment Abrasion
Scheingross J, Bufe A, Hemingway J, Hovius N, Schleicher A & Goldberg T
(2020) Basin-Scale Climate Control on Terrestrial Biospheric Carbon Turnover
Galy V, Eglinton T, Hemingway J & Feng X
(2018) Microbial Oxidation of Lithospheric Organic Carbon in Rapidly Eroding Mountain Soils
Hemingway J, Hilton R, Hovius N, Eglinton T, Haghipour N, Wacker L, Chen M-C & Galy V
(2014) Typhoon-Mediated Organic Carbon Export in the Western Pacific: The Role of Steep Mountainous Rivers
Hemingway J, Galy V & Hovius N

Hemingway Jordon D (2021) A Distributed Activation Energy Model for Clumped Isotope Bond Reordering in Carbonates
Hemingway JD & Henkes G
(2021) The Influence of Reactive Oxygen Species on “Respiration” Isotope Effects
Sutherland KM, Hemingway JD & Johnston DT
(2021) Theoretical Estimates of Sulfoxyanion Triple-Oxygen Equilibrium Isotope Effects and their Implications
Hemingway JD, Sutherland KM, Goldberg M & Johnston DT
(2017) Rapid Microbial Oxidation of Rock-Derived Organic Carbon in Tropical Mountain Soils
Hemingway J, Hilton R, Hovius N, Eglinton T & Galy V
(2017) Relationship between Indian Summer Monsoon and Melting Himalayan Glaciers
Boral S, Sen IS, Ghosal D, Sinha R, Peucker-Ehrenbrink B & Hemingway JD
(2017) Complex Diversity of Bacteriohopanepolyol Isomers in Marine Sediments Identified by Ultra-High Resolution Liquid Chromatography/Triple-Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry
Kusch S, Hemingway J, Shah Walter S & Pearson A

Hemingway Jordon D. (2023) Reconstructing Paleoclimate in the Kasaï Basin Leading to the African Rainforest Crisis 3000 Years ago
Engelhardt M, Six J, Haghipour N & Hemingway JD
(2023) Advancing Interlaboratory Calibration of Low-Temperature Mineral Δ’17O Measurements: A Set of Sulfate, Oxide, and Silicate Reference Materials
Somlyay A, Galili N, Aquila G & Hemingway JD
(2023) Pyrite Oxidation and Sulfur (Re)cycling in Erosive Landscapes as Revealed by Sulfate Triple-Oxygen Isotopes
Hemingway JD, Bufe A, Hovius N & Johnston DT
(2023) Clay-Mineral Extraction and Purification for Reconstructing Silicate Weathering
Aquila G, Hemingway JD & Galili N
(2023) Microbial Communities in the Weathering Zone—implications for Oxidative Weathering
Georgiadis E, Roylands T, McClymont E, Christgen B, Gray N, Le Bouteiller C, Soulet G, Eglinton TI, Magnabosco C, Hemingway JD & Hilton R
(2023) The Geologic History of Seawater DOC from Marine Iron Oxides
Galili N, Bernasconi SM, Nissan A, Aquila G, Jaggi M, Kurek M, Lechte M, Haghipour N, Spencer R, Porter S, Blattmann T, Alcolombri U & Hemingway JD
(2022) Investigating the Complexity in the Marine Oxygen Cycle with Oxygen Isotopologues
Sutherland KM, Ward CP, Hemingway JD & Johnston D
(2022) Microbial Control on the Triple Oxygen Isotope Composition of Cenozoic Marine Sulfate
Waldeck A, Hemingway JD, Yao W, Paytan A & Johnston D
(2019) Controls on Temporal Variations in the Dissolved 87Sr/86Sr of Large Rivers: Evidence from the Ganga and Brahmaputra
Boral S, Peucker-Ehrenbrink B, Hemingway J, Sen I & Galy V
(2019) Nitrogen Loss and Carbon Cycle Feedbacks during Past Marine Anoxia
Elling FJ, Hemingway JD, Polik CA & Pearson A

Hemje A. (2018) Elemental Fluxes Associated with Agricultural and Restored Prairie Land Uses
Miller A, Dere A & Hemje A

Hemleben Christoph (2008) Salinity Influence on Planktonic Foraminiferal Mg/Ca: A Case Study from the Red Sea
Groeneveld J, Raitzsch M, Siccha M, Trommer G, Hemleben C & Kucera M

Hemleben Christoph (2002) Strontium Isotopes in the Red Sea-Gulf of Aden during the Past 530 Kyr: The Role of Hydrothermal and "Erosional" Components during Glacial Interglacial Cycles
Starinsky A, Stein M, Almogi-Labin A, Goldstein SL & Hemleben C

Hemley R. (2015) Advanced Instrumentation for Probing Carbon in Earth
Schiffries C, Hazen R, Hemley R & Mangum A
(2011) Pressure-Induced Phase Transitions and Electron Spin State Changes of Iron Bearing Spinels
Yamanaka T, Kyono A, Kharlamova S, Struzhkin V, Mao H-K & Hemley R
(2010) Unanswered Questions in Deep Carbon Science
Hemley R, Bertka C & Hazen R
(2010) Methanogenesis via Carbonate Reduction in Mantle Minerals
Chellappa R, Sharma A, Somayazulu M, Goncharov A & Hemley R
(2006) Elasticity of iron-rich silicate in Earth’s D” layer
Mao W, Mao H-K, Shu J, Fei Y, Hemley R, Meng Y, Prakapenka V, Campbell A, Sturhahn W, Zhao J, Shen G & Heinz DL
(2002) High Pressure Investigation of Xe-Compounds Relevant for the Earth
Sanloup C, Hemley RJ, Mao H-K & Jambon A
(2001) High-Pressure Phase of Silica from the Martian Meteorite Shergotty
Prewitt CT, Dera P, Boctor NZ & Hemley RJ
(2001) Experimental Determination of Phase Equilibria in the System H2O-CO2 at High Pressure and Temperature with Implications on the Presence of Organic Phases
Sharma A, McAdam A, Hemley RJ, Cody GD, Hazen RM & Chou I-M
(2000) Evidence for Ice VI as an Inclusion in Cuboid Diamonds from High P-T Near Infrared Spectroscopy
Kagi H, Lu R, Davidson P, Goncharov AF, Mao H & Hemley RJ

Hemmati H. (2006) Application of multivariate statistical techniques to soil geochemistry of southern Australia
Hemmati H & Chivas A

Hemming G (2006) 87Sr/86Sr Chemostratigraphy Across the Carboniferous-Permian Boundary
Rasbury T, Hemming G, Dickson T, Barrick J & Saller A

Hemming Gary (2019) Weathering vs Hydrothermal Activity: A Multi-Proxy Approach to Examining Late Paleozoic Glacial-Interglacial Seawater Chemistry
Legett S, Rasbury T, Wright C, Grossman E, Hemming G & Penman D
(2018) The Isotope Record of Seawater Chemistry Change Across the Late Paleozoic Climate Shift
Legett S, Rasbury T, Grossman E, Hemming G & Wright C
(2018) Boron Isotope Budget in the Mono Basin, Eastern California USA
Han M, Rasbury T, Hemming G, Hemming S & Tomascak P
(2016) The Boron Identity: Using δ11B to Examine Late Paleozoic Seawater
Legett S, Rasbury T, Grossman E & Hemming G
(2014) Boron Isotope Record of End-Ordovician Climate Change
Thompson C, Rasbury T & Hemming G

Hemming N.G. (2019) Variability in the Uranium Isotopic Compositions of Surface Water in the Mono Basin, California, USA
Lin K, Wang X, Ali G, Lin I-T, Hemming SR, Stine SW & Hemming NG
(2019) Secular Variation in Boron Isotopes in the Paleozoic Ocean
Rasbury ET & Hemming NG
(2015) Water Uranium Isotope Systematics in the Mono Basin
Lin K, Wang X, Stine S, Hemming SR, Hemming NG, Ali GAH & Zimmerman SRH
(2009) Secular Trends in δ11B and Prospects for Determining the Direction of Paleo-pCO2 Change
Rasbury T & Hemming G
(2008) In-Run Corrections for Instrumental Fractionation of Boron Isotopes by NTIMS: Filament Material and Loading Matrix Controls
Hemming NG, Hönisch B & Bouman C
(2008) Li Isotopes in HP-Lt Rocks: Insights into the Role of Sediment-Derived Fluids
Simons KK, Harlow GE, Brueckner HK, Goldstein SL, Sorensen SS, Hemming NG & Langmuir CH
(2006) Quantitative P CO2 reconstructions across the mid-Pleistocene transition based on boron isotopes in planktic foraminifers
Hoenisch B & Hemming NG
(2005) A Critical Review and Recent Advances in the Boron Isotope paleo-Ph Proxy
Hemming G & Hönisch B
(2002) Late Pleistocene Variations of Lake Level and Glacial Activity at Mono Lake, CA, USA
Zimmerman S, Hemming S, Hemming NG & Tomascak P
(2001) Lithium, Boron, and Strontium Isotope Constraints on Solute Sources for the Great Salt Lake, Utah
Tomascak PB, Hemming NG & Pedone VA
(2000) Neogene Pb- and Nd-Isotope Composition of a Mn Nodule from the South Pacific Ocean
Frank N, Hemming G & Goldstein S

Hemming Sidney (2021) The Interglacial-Glacial Sequence of Events at the Agulhas Plateau: Antarctic Icebergs Lead Ocean Circulation into Ice Ages and Across the Mid-Pleistocene Transition
Starr A, Hall IR, Barker S, Hemming S, Rackow T, Zhang X, van der Lubbe HJL, Knorr G, Berke M, Bigg GR, Cartagena-Sierra A, Jimenez-Espejo F, Gong X, Gruetzner J, Lathka N, LeVay L & Ziegler M
(2020) Camp Century Basal Sediment Revisited: A Multi-Parameter Geochemical Analysis, Northwest Greenland
Christ A, Perdrial N, Bierman P, Hughes J, Knutz P, Thomsen T, Hemming S, Fosdick J, Dahl-Jensen D & Steffensen J
(2017) Evolution of Deep-Water Circulation in the Indian-Atlantic Ocean Gateway Since Late Miocene from Authigenic Neodymium Isotope Records
Lathika N, Waliur R, Hemming SR, Meloth T, Hall IR & Levay LJ
(2017) CAMP Ashes and the ETE
Olsen P, Kinney S, Hemming S, Jarett S, Rasbury T & Philpotts A

Hemming Sidney R (2023) Seven Million Year Record of Multiple Geochemical Proxies of Planktonic Foraminifera Shells Collected from Marine Sediment Core (IODP Exp.361 Site U1476) after Removal of Clay and Boron-Specific Contamination Influences
Kubota K, Ishikawa T, Yoshimura T, Kimoto K, Chang Q, Ikehara M, Yokoyama Y, Jimenez-Espejo FJ, Hemming SR, Barker S & Hall IR
(2023) The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation and Erosional Events Across the Mid-Pleistocene Transition
Kim J, Bowe C, Pena LD, Jaume-Seguí M, Yehudai M, Knudson KP, Franzese AM, Cai Y, Bolge L, Hemming SR, Koffman BG & Goldstein SL
(2023) Resetting Parameters from Ar Diffusion Experiments for Earthquake Illite Thermochronology
Cox SE, Coffey GL, Everard JL, Hemming SR, Savage HM, Polissar PJ, Winckler G & Krogh JE
(2023) Argon Isotopic Composition of Marine Biogenic Carbonates and Implications for Tracking the Secular Variation of the Atmosphere Through the Phanerozoic
Cermak AM, Cox S, Hemming SR, Chen H & Gothmann AM
(2022) Record of Fluid-Rock Interaction in a Long-Lived Subduction Channel
Flores KE, Gazel E, Bonnet G, Martin C, Cai Y, Hemming SR, Hannes BK & Harlow G
(2022) Antiphased Dust Deposition and Productivity in the Antarctic Zone over 1.5 Million Years
Weber ME, Bailey I, Hemming SR, Martos YM, Reilly BT, Ronge TA, Brachfeld S, Williams T, Belt S, Smik L, Vogel H, Peck V, Gutjahr M & Seki O
(2019) Terrigenous Marine Sediment Tracers of Ice Sheet History
Hemming S
(2019) 14C Ages of ‘Hand-Picked’ Foraminifera and More from the AMS Facility at ETH Zurich
Hajdas I, Clark E, Klas M, Trumbore S, Ivy Ochs S, Peteet D, Hemming S, McManus J, Liu T, Severignhaus J, Putnam A & Bonani G
(2019) Changes in Glacial Overturning Circulation Structure Based on Neodymium Isotope Measurements from the Cape Basin
Hines S, Hemming S, Charles C, Hall I & Goldstein S
(2019) Variability in the Uranium Isotopic Compositions of Surface Water in the Mono Basin, California, USA
Lin K, Wang X, Ali G, Lin I-T, Hemming SR, Stine SW & Hemming NG
(2019) Rock Varnish Evidence for the Early to Mid Holocene African Monsoon Influence in the Dead Sea Basin and the Negev Desert
Liu T, Broecker W, Hemming S & Stein M
(2019) Thermochronology of Antarctic-Derived Pebbles for Ice Sheet and Geologic History
Cox S, Hemming S, Williams T, Thomson S, Reiners P & van de Flierdt T
(2014) East Antarctic Ice Sheet Dynamics during the Mid-Miocene Climate Transition
Pierce EL, van de Flierdt T, Hemming SR, Williams T, Cook CP & Passchier S

Hemming Sidney R. (2018) Cooling History of the Antarctic Peninsula Magmatic Arc
Barbeau D, Hemming S & Guenthner W
(2018) Radiogenic Isotope Tracers of Marine Sediment Provenance in the Limpopo Catchment
Haws A, Hemming S, Baxter E, Caley T, Cai Y, Babin D & Tappa M
(2018) Age for the Oldest Crown-Group Salamanders
Chang S-C & Hemming S
(2018) Intercalibration of 40Ar/39Ar of Alder Creek Sanidine Monitor with Fish Canyon and Bishop Tuff Sanidine
Hemming S & Cox S
(2018) Cs+ Cation Exchange Wash for Marine Clay Clarifies Provenance Signal & Assesses Cation Exchange Capacity
Babin DP, Simon MH, Hemming SR, Cai MY, Liu T, Goldstein SL, Han X, Haws AA, Johns MA & Lear C
(2018) Causal Implications of New Geochronological Constraints on Mesozoic Post-Rift Magmatism in New England
Kinney ST, Setera JB, Olsen PE, MacLennan SA, VanTongeren JA, Schoene B, Town CF, Strauss JV, Hemming SR & Bradley DC
(2018) Boron Isotope Budget in the Mono Basin, Eastern California USA
Han M, Rasbury T, Hemming G, Hemming S & Tomascak P
(2018) Evaluation of the Performance of Prototype ATONA Amplifiers for Argon Isotope Measurements
Cox SE, Hemming SR & Tootell D
(2016) K/Ar Provenance Ages from Natal Valley Sediments
Hemming S, Simon M, Hall I, Barker S, Franzese A & Goldstein S
(2016) Fingerprinting the Provenance of Marine Sediments off West Antarctica
Simões Pereira P, van de Flierdt T, Hillenbrand C-D, Hemming SR & Kuhn G
(2015) Water Uranium Isotope Systematics in the Mono Basin
Lin K, Wang X, Stine S, Hemming SR, Hemming NG, Ali GAH & Zimmerman SRH
(2013) The K/Ar System for Tracing Fine-Grained Terrigenous Sediments: A Survey of Atlantic Clay Fractions
Hemming SR, Biscaye PE, Sahajpal R, Cole JM & Broecker WS
(2013) Isotopic Fingerprint of Ice-Rafted Debris from the Antarctic Margin: A Spatial Record of Initial Ice Growth
van de Flierdt T, Kim S-E, Cook C, Hemming S, Williams T, Pierce E, Bohaty S, Passchier S, Roehl U & Houben S
(2012) Meridional Ocean Circulation Intensity Through MIS 11 from Nd Isotopes in South Atlantic Cores
Hartman A, Goldstein S & Hemming S
(2012) The Geochemical Signal of the Provenance of Ice-Rafted Deposits and Ice Sheet Dynamics
Hemming S
(2012) Evolution of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet Across the Mid-Miocene Climate Transition Based on Ice-Rafted Detritus Provenance Studies
Pierce EL, van de Flierdt T, Hemming SR, Williams T & Cook C
(2012) Pliocene East Antarctic Ice Sheet Instability
Cook C, van de Flierdt T, Williams T, Hemming S & Pierce E
(2012) Provenance, Weathering and Comminution Ages of Late Quaternary Weddell Sea Sediments
Torfstein A, McManus J & Hemming S
(2012) Inter-Laboratory Evaluation of 40Ar/39Ar Data for Sanidines from the Fire Clay Tonstein
Hemming S, Heizler MT, Jicha B, Machlus M, Rasbury ET, Renne PR, Singer BS, Swisher CC & Turrin BD
(2011) Dynamics of the Pliocene East Antarctic Ice Sheet Revealed by Radiogenic Isotopes in Marine Sediments
Cook C, van de Flierdt T, Williams T, Hemming S & Pierce E
(2011) High-Precision Age for the Haifanggou Formation and its Implications for the Coevolution of Plants and Atmospheric CO2
Chang S-C, Zhang H, Hemming S, Mesko G & Fang Y
(2011) Intercalibration of Ar-Ar Standards and Samples at LDEO
Hemming S, Tsukui K, Mesko G, Ali G, Cai Y, Adler A, Campbell S, Crapster-Pregont E, Doherty C, Gombiner J, Russell J, Templeton J, Tremblay M & Vankeuren M
(2010) Meridional Advection of Southern Ocean Intermediate Waters during the Last Deglaciation from Nd Isotopes in Foraminifera
Pena LD, Jones KM, Goldstein SL, Hemming SR & Cacho I
(2010) Intermediate Water Source Variations in the Tropical Atlantic from the Last Glacial Maximum to Present
Pahnke K, Goldstein SL & Hemming SR
(2010) Tracing Antarctica’s Terrigenous Sediment Contributions to the Southern Ocean
Hemming S, Goldstein S, van de Flierdt T, Pierce E, Dale C, Williams T, Brachfeld S & Licht K
(2009) U-Pb Zircon and 40Ar/39Ar Hornblende Ages of Glaciogenic Detritus Around East Antarctica
Pierce EL, Steponaitis E, Cox SE, Gehrels GE, Hemming SR, Goldstein SL, Brachfeld SA, Van de Flierdt T & Williams T
(2009) Southern Ocean Intermediate Waters in Tropical Pacific Thermocline
Pena LD, Jones KM, Goldstein SL, Hemming SR & Cacho I
(2009) Neodymium Isotope Ratios of Seawater along the South African Margin
Jones K, Goldstein S, Hemming S & Murthy P
(2008) Triple-Dating of Detrital Apatites and Zircons from Prydz Bay, East Antarctica
Cox SE, Reiners PW, Thomson SN, Gehrels GE, Nicolescu S, Hemming SR, van de Flierdt T, Goldstein SL & Brachfeld SA
(2008) Sedimentary Provenance Evidence for the Origin of the Gamburtsev Subglacial Mountains, Antarctica
van de Flierdt T, Hemming SR, Gehrels GE, Cox SE & Goldstein SL
(2008) Modeling the Marine Nd Isotope Variability with an Offline Ocean General Circulation Model
Jones KM, Khatiwala S, Goldstein S, Hemming S & van de Flierdt T
(2008) Ar-Ar Ages of Glacially Transported Hornblende, Wilkes Land, Antarctica
Pierce E, Williams T, van de Flierdt T, Hemming S, Goldstein S & Brachfeld S
(2008) Hornblende Ar-Ar and Zircon U-Pb Evidence for Provenance of Eastern Weddell Sea Glaciogenic Sediments, Antarctica
Steponaitis E, Gehrels G, Hemming S, Goldstein S, Van De Flierdt T & Brachfeld S
(2008) Strontium Isotopes in Detrital Sediments Constrain the Glacial Position of the Agulhas Retroflection
Franzese A, Hemming S & Goldstein S
(2008) A Core-Top Survey of Neodymium Isotope Ratios in the South Atlantic
Pahnke K, Goldstein SL & Hemming SR
(2008) Quantifying Late Quaternary Changes in MOC Intensity from Circum-Antarctic Nd Isotopes
Goldstein SL, Zylberberg D, Pahnke K, Hemming SR & van de Flierdt T
(2007) Global Neodymium – Hafnium Isotope Systematics – Revisited
van de Flierdt T, Goldstein SL, Hemming SR, Frank M & Halliday AN
(2006) The radiogenic isotope fingerprint of Wilkes Land - Adélie Coast Bottom Water in the Circum-Antarctic Ocean
Van De Flierdt T, Hemming S, Goldstein S & Abouchami W
(2006) Testing the Carboniferous Fire Clay Tonstein as a Sanidine 40Ar/39Ar Standard
Machlus M, Bowring S, Hemming S, Rasbury T, Swisher C & Turrin B
(2006) Terrigenous evidence from marine sediments for deglacial climate variability in Africa
Cole J, Demenocal P, Goldstein S & Hemming S
(2006) Low U/Pb, Th/Pb and U/Th Ratios in Archean Crust Implied by Paired Pb and Nd Isotopes in Modern Terrigenous Sediments
Hemming SR, Van De Flierdt T, McLennan SM & Taylor SR
(2005) Tracing Paleoceanographic Sources of Fe to the Central Equatorial Pacific Ocean
Ziegler C, Murray R, Plank T & Hemming S
(2003) Radiogenic Isotopes as Tracers of Sediment Provenance and Flux: Paleoceanography of the South Atlantic
Franzese A, Hemming S, Goldstein S, Anderson R & Broecker W
(2002) Agulhas Leakage Variability from Sr Isotopes in South Atlantic Detritus
Rutberg R, Goldstein S & Hemming S
(2002) Late Pleistocene Variations of Lake Level and Glacial Activity at Mono Lake, CA, USA
Zimmerman S, Hemming S, Hemming NG & Tomascak P
(2002) Evaluation of Ar-Ar Ages of Individual Mica Grains for Provenance Studies of Loess, Long Island, NY
Zhong J, Hemming S & Hanson G
(2002) The State of the Northern Hemisphere Winds during Heinrich Events
Hemming SR
(2001) Nd-Sr-Pb Isotopic and 40Ar/39Ar Hornblende Age Constraints on Varying Sources of Ice Rafted Detritus in the Last 22 Ky at Orphan Knoll, Southern Labrador Sea
Hemming SR
(2000) Radiogenic Ar Concentrations of De-Carbonated Sediments Around South Africa
Hemming SR, Goldstein SL, Bond A & Turrin BD
(2000) Neodymium Isotopic Evidence for Late Glacial and Holocene Millennial-Scale Variations in North Atlantic Deep Water Export to the South Atlantic
Piotrowski AM, Goldstein SL & Hemming SR
(2000) North Pacific Deep Water Formation during the Last Glacial Maximum?
Goldstein SL, Hemming SR, Piotrowski AM & Machlus M

Hemmings A. (2011) The Structure and Topology of Cytochromes Involved in Outer Membrane Electron Transport
Clarke T, Edwards M, Hemmings A, Hall A, White G, Gates A, Butt J, Shi L, Fredrickson J, Zachara J & Richardson D

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