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Hayman Patrick (2021) Origin of Mafic Volcaniclastics in the Central Part of the Toumodi-Fetekro Greenstone Belt (Côte D’ivoire)
Tegan NES, Yao KA, Kouamelan AN, Coulibaly I, Hayman P, Gbele O & Aka WG

Hayne P. (2017) The Fuzzy Snow Line: Ice Stability on Airless Bodies Enhanced by Regolith and Roughness
Hayne P, Schorghofer N, Aharonson O, Paige D & Rubananko L

Haynes A. (2021) Linking Innovative Field Measurements to Models: Characterizingreactive Groundwater Exchange along Large Rivers
Briggs MA, Helton AM, Gooseff MN, Barclay JR, Terry N, Moore EM, Haynes A, Jackson K, Bisson A, DiGiorno M, Arntzen E & Chen X

Haynes D. (2020) Insights of Modern- and Palaeo-Hydrology of the Coorong Based on Strontium Isotope Tracers: 87Sr/86Sr and δ88/86Sr
Shao Y, Farkaš J, Tibby J, Haynes D, Wong H & Tyler J
(2017) Calibration of Marine Ca and Sr Isotope Proxies Against ‘salinity’ in Fresh-To-Hypersaline Coastal Lagoon-Estuarine Settings of South Australia
Shao Y, Farkas J, Holmden C, Mosley L, Kell-Duivestain I, Izzo C, Reis-Santos P, Tyler J, Haynes D, Tibby J & Gillanders B

Haynes Haydn (2017) Response of Bentonite Microbial Communities to Stresses Relevant to Radioactive Waste Disposal
Haynes H, Pearce C, Pattrick R, Boothman C & Lloyd J

Haynes Heather (2012) Understanding Biogeochemical Mechanisms for Heavy Metal Removal in SuDS
Norris M, Haynes H, Dorea C, Pulford I & Phoenix V
(2011) Enhancing Heavy Metal Immobilization in SuDS
Norris M, Phoenix V, Pulford I, Haynes H & Dorea C

Haynes J. (2017) Tectonic Events of the Taconic Orogeny Elucidated Through LA-ICPMS Studies of Volcanic Zircons, Southern Appalachians, USA
Herrmann A, Haynes J & Leslie S

Haynes K. (2017) Biogeochemical Responses to the Installation of Artificial Reefs on the Shallow Northeastern Gulf of Mexico Shelf: Primary Production, Respiration and Nutrient Fluxes
Cesbron F, Brooks K, Hernandez P, Haynes K, Barfield C, Patterson W & Caffrey J

Haynes Laura (2018) Ocean Acidification and Carbon Cycle Perturbations Across Eocene Hyperthermals
Hoenisch B, Harper D, Haynes L, Zachos J & Zeebe R
(2018) The Deep Ocean Carbon System Across the Mid-Pleistocene
Haynes L, Hönisch B, Farmer J, Clementi V, Ford H, Raymo M, Goldstein S, Pena L, Yehudai M, Bickert T & Lea D
(2018) Calcium Concentration Controls on Shell Na/Ca in Cultured Planktonik Foraminifera (Globigerina Siphonifera)
Le Houedec S, Erez J, Rosenthal Y, Haynes L, Hönisch B & Zhou X
(2015) Probing the Internal Calcification Chemistry of O. Universa Using B/Ca
Holland K, Eggins S, Hönisch B, Haynes L, Russell A & Fehrenbacher J

Haynes Laura L. (2017) How Confident can We be in Foraminifer Shell Mg/Ca Thermometry?
Holland K, Eggins S, Spero HJ, Hönisch B, Allen KA, Haynes LL & Russell AD

Haynes R. (2017) Effect of Amendments on Modifying Physical, Chemical and Microbial Properties of Seawater Neutralized Bauxite Processing Residue for Revegetation
Li Y & Haynes R

Haynes S. (2023) Role of Cryptogamic Covers in Metal-Nitrogen Biogeochemical Coupling at the Edge of the Critical Zone
Darnajoux R, Koonin S, Dani S, Haynes S, Magain N, Uchida Y, Lutzoni F & Zhang X

Hayoz P. (2013) GEMAS Results at a Regional Scale: The Alps
Dinelli E, Lancianese V, Albanese S, Birke M, De Vivo B, Gosar M, Hasliger E, Hayoz P, Reitner H & Salpeteur I

Hayrault P. (2015) New Experimental Insights on Hydrogen/Hydrocarbon Generation and Simultaneous Carbonation of Olivine (Mg, Fe)2SiO4
Kularatne K, Sissmann O, Martinez I, Chardin M, Noirez S, Vermesse H, Bouboune I, Labaume J, Lopes De Azavedo J, Lutz F, Hayrault P, Kohler E, Cordier L, Carlut J & Guyot F

Hays L. (2009) Biogeochemically Cycling of C, S, H Across the P/Tr Boundary in Spitsbergen
Nabbefeld B, Grice K, Twitchett R, Summons R, Hays L & Boettcher M

Hays M. (2014) Physical and Chemical Properties of Anthropogenic Aerosols: An Overview
Hays M

Hayward C. (2021) Li Isotope Analytical Protocol and Standard Development Using Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS)
Talavera C, Craven J, Cayzer N, Hayward C & Febbrari I

Hayward N. (2021) In situ Pyrite Chemistry from the Mid-Proterozoic Barney Creek Formation and Teena Zn Deposit
Magnall J, Oelze M, Hayward N & Gleeson SA
(2018) Differentiating between Euxinic and Diagenetic Pyrite in the Barney Creek Formation – Implications for Ore Formation in the Teena Sub-Basin, Australia
Magnall J, Gleeson S, Rocholl A & Hayward N

Hayward S. (2004) Phase Transitions in Lawsonite and KDP-Type Ferroelectrics: Comparisons of Proton Ordering Mechanisms
Hayward S, Gallardo M & Carpenter M

Haywood A. (2019) New Views of Warm Worlds from Paleoclimate Data Assimilation
Tierney J, King J, Malevich SB, Bhattacharya T, Feng R, Zhu J, Li M, Poulsen C, Haywood A, Otto-Bliesner B, Ridgwell A, Hakim G, Tardif R & Kump L
(2016) Extreme Methane Signals in a Low Sulfate World
Hall J, Newton R, Witts J, Francis J, Harper L, Crame A & Haywood A
(2012) Global Warmth during the Pliocene: A CO2 Paradox?
Haywood A, Lunt D, Dolan A & Hill D

Haywood J. (2010) Evidence of Internal Mixing of African Dust and Biomass Burning Particles by Individual Particle Analysis Using Electron Beam Techniques
Vaughan D, Hand V, Capes G, Formenti P, Haywood J & Coe H
(2009) Modelling Sources of Dust Aerosol in the Sahara
Johnson B, Walters D, Brooks M, Osborne S & Haywood J

Hayworth B. (2021) Prebiotic Chemistry of the Hadean Earth Under the Young Active Sun
Airapetian VS, Jin M, Hu J, Li G, Hayworth B, Kobayashi K, Gronoff G & Kasting J

Hazarika G.

Hazarika P. (2023) U-Th Remobilisation in Granites, Pegmatites and Granite Gneisses
Gogoi R & Hazarika P
(2023) Ore Genetic Implications of Major Element and B-Isotopic Compositions of Tourmaline from Rajpura-Dariba SEDEX Deposit of Aravalli-Delhi Belt, India
Bhuyan N & Hazarika P
(2019) Trace Element Distribution between Sphalerite and Pyrite in Rajpura-Dariba SEDEX Deposit, India
Hazarika P
(2013) Contrasting Tourmaline Chemistry from late-Archaen Orogenic Gold Deposits at Hutti and Hira-Buddini, Eastern Dharwar Craton, India: Implications for Fluid Source
Hazarika P, Mishra B & Pruseth KL

Hazelton C. (2020) The Effect of Bacillus sp.ores on the Actinide Source Term at the WIPP Nuclear Waste Repository
Swanson J, Hazelton C, Navarrette A, Richmann M & Stanley F

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