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Hattendorf B. (2017) Investigation of the 87Rb±87Sr+ Separation in fs-La-Etv-ICPMS by Online Electrothermal Vaporization
Yilmaz HC, Soltermann F & Hattendorf B
(2016) Exploring the Limit of ICPMS in Space and Time and Mass
Hattendorf B, Burger M, Wu C-C, Shen C-C, Hendriks L, Gundlach-Graham A, Schwarz G & Günther D
(2016) High-Resolution Quantitative LA-Icp-Tofms Imaging
Gundlach-Graham A, Burger M, Schwarz G, Hattendorf B, Garofalo P & Günther D
(2015) Accessing 14C Profiles in Carbonate Records Using Laser Ablation
Welte C, Hattendorf B, Wacker L, Christl M, Koch J, Fohlmeister J, Breitenbach SFM, Robinson L, Andrews AH, Synal H-A & Günther D
(2015) Doubly Charged Argide Ion Interferences in the ICPMS
Hattendorf B, Gusmini B, Dorta L, Houk S, Reiher M & Günther D
(2013) Laser Ablation for Spatially Resolved Radiocarbon Measurements with Gas Source-Accelerator Mass Spectrometry
Hattendorf B, Münsterer C, Dietiker R, Koch J, Wacker L, Christl M, Synal A & Günther D
(2013) Vaporization Studies on Laser-Generated Aerosols as Used in LA-ICPMS
Günther D, Flamigni L, Koch J, Borovinskays O, Hattendorf B & Tanner M
(2012) Capabilities of LA-Etv-Mc-ICPMS for the Measurement of Sr Isotope Ratios in Rb-Rich Samples
Brogioli R, Dorta L, Hattendorf B & Gunther D
(2011) Sr Isotope Ratios Determination by LA-MC-ICPMS in Rb Rich Samples: Online Separation of Rb by Electrothermal Aerosol Heating
Brogioli R, Dorta L, Hattendorf B & Günther D
(2011) In situ Analysis of U-Th Disequilibria in Titanite by fs-LA-MC-ICPMS
Koornneef J, Bourdon B, Fontaine G, Dorta L, Hattendorf B, Guenther D, Ulmer P & Stracke A
(2009) Elemental Analysis of USGS GSE-1 G and BCR-2 G by LA-ICPMS. Quantification Using Different Laser Systems and ICPMS Instrtuments
Günther D & Hattendorf B
(2009) Ion Kinetic Energies’ Influence on Mass Bias in (MC)ICPMS
Hattendorf B, Fontaine GH, Oberli F, Bourdon B & Günther D
(2007) Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry – The Role of the Ion Source for Quantitative Analysis
Hattendorf B, Wang Z & Günther D
(2006) Changes in ocean chemistry across the K/T boundary: A laser-ablation study of a marine Fe/Mn crust
Frank M, Hattendorf B, Guenther D & Hein JR
(2004) Tracing the History of Submarine Hydrothermal Inputs Using Pb Isotopes from Ferromanganese Crusts
Van de Flierdt T, Frank M, Halliday A, Hattendorf B, Günther D, Kubik P & Hein J
(2004) Arctic Ocean Water Mass Distribution and Mixing from Dissolved 10Be and 9Be
Frank M, Porcelli D, Andersson P, Halliday A, Kubik P, Hattendorf B & Guenther D
(2003) Analysis of Forty-Two Major and Trace Elements in USGS and NISTSRM Glasses by LA-ICPMS
Gao S, Liu X, Yuan H, Hattendorf B, Günther D & Chen L
(2002) Interference Reduction by Ion-Molecule Reactions in ICP-MS. Chemical Resolution for the Earth Sciences
Hattendorf B, Schönbächler M & Günther D
(2002) The Behaviour of 10Be and 9Be in the Arctic Ocean: Relationship to Water Mass Distribution and Particle Flux
Frank M, Porcelli D, Andersson P, Halliday AN, Kubik PW & Hattendorf B
(2002) 92Nb-92Zr Chronometry and Early Lunar Evolution
Schönbächler M, Lee D-C, Halliday AN, Rehkämper M, Hattendorf B & Günther D

Hattenrath T. (2017) Anthropo-Proxy Data In Bivalves from Middens To Modern Embayments and Tropical To Temperate Systems
Carmichael R, Darrow E, Knight A, Kovacs C, Hattenrath T, Kinsella J & Dalrymple D

Hatter S. (2015) Discovery of a 2.4 Ma, VEI 5 Plinian Eruption on Guadeloupe
Hatter S, Palmer M & Gernon T

Hattermann T. (2019) Pacific Water Pathways Through the Arctic Ocean
Dodd PA, Hattermann T, Karcher M, Kauker F, Summates H & Stedmon C

Hattingh R. (2019) Origin and Provenance of Emeralds
Alonso-Perez R, Day J & Hattingh R

Hatton C. (2007) Platinum-Group Elements in Mantle Xenoliths from the Kaapvaal Craton
Maier W, McDonald I, Peltonen P, Barnes S-J, Gurney J & Hatton C
(2006) Heat flow variations and layered mantle convection
Apter DB & Hatton C
(2000) Evidence for the Existence of the Low 176Hf/177Hf Component in Majorite Garnets Included in Diamonds from the Monastery Kimberlite
Hatton C

Hatton J. (2023) Silicon Isotopes Reveal How Fjords Modulate Reactive Silicate Transport from Glaciers to Coastal Regions
Wang T, Ng HC, Hatton J, Hammond SJ, Woodward EMS, Meire L & Hendry KR
(2022) Dynamic Benthic Silicon Cycling in Southwest Greenland Fjords Revealed by Stable Isotopes
Wang T, Hendry KR, Ng HC, Hatton J, Hammond SJ & Woodward EMS
(2022) Silicon Isotopes Highlight the Complex Role of Glaciated Fjords in High-Latitude Marine Nutrient Cycling
Hendry KR, Hatton J, Ng HC, Wang T, Woodward EMS, Leng M, Stuart-Lee A & Meire L
(2021) Dynamic Silicon Cycling at the Land-Ocean Interface
Hendry KR, Ng HC, Hatton J, Cassarino L, Ward J, Pickering RA, Krause J & Woodward EMS
(2021) Benthic Si Flux in a Greenland Fjord and the Isotopic Response to the Early Diagenesis
Wang T, Hendry KR, Ng HC & Hatton J
(2019) Radium Isotopes to Distinguish Sedimentary and Glacial Sources of (Micro)nutrients
Annett A, Hendry K, Williams J, Sherrell R, Hatton J, Ward R, Woodward M, Roccanova V & Bu K
(2019) Glacial Cover Affects Nutrient Fluxes from Rivers in Chilean Patagonia
Pryer H, Wadham J, Hawkings J, Robinson L, Hendry K, Marshall M, Yates C & Hatton J
(2018) An Interrogation into Subglacial Processes to Investigate the Variation of Silicon Isotope Composition of Glacial Meltwaters
Hatton J, Hendry K, Hawkings J, Wadham J, Kohler T & Stibal M
(2018) Silicon Isotopes in Patagonian Rivers: Investigating How Variable Glacial Cover Affects the Biogeochemical Cycling of Silicon
Pryer H, Wadham J, Hendry K, Robinson L, Hawkings J, Ward J & Hatton J
(2017) Subglacial Weathering Controls Silicon Isotope Composition of Greenland Ice Sheet Meltwaters
Hatton J, Hawkings J, Hendry K, Wadham J, Kohler T, Stibal M, Beaton A, Bagshaw E & Lamarche-Gagnon G
(2017) New Adventures in Marine Silicon Isotope Studies
Hendry K, Cassarino L, Hatton J, Ward J, Hawkings J, Ng HC, Wadham J, Coath C & Robinson L

Hatton M. (2023) Speciation of Pharmaceutical Products and Trace Metals within the Aqueous/Sediment/Colloidal Fractions in a Suburban Watershed with Both Lab-Experimental and Field Approaches (Egoutier, France)
Humbrecht A, Simonneau A, Bernier-Turpin G, Thiebault T, Ratié G, Freslon N, Le Milbeau C, Boscardin R, Hatton M & Le Forestier L

Hatton P-J. (2014) Tracking Fresh Microbial Products in Forest Soils with the Sharp Probe of the NanoSIMS
Remusat L, Hatton P-J, Brewer E & Derrien D
(2011) Combining NanoSIMS with STXM/TEM Imaging to Shed New Light on Organic Matter Contained in Micron-Sized Particles
Remusat L, Derrien D, Hatton P-J, Nico P & Rouzaud J-N
(2010) The Speciation of Organic Matter in Soil Mineral Organic Associations – Inference from STXM and N, C and Fe NEXAFS
Nico P, Keiluweit M, Kleber M, Hatton P-J, Zeller B & Derrien D

Hattori H. (2003) Atmospheric Transport of Natural and Anthropogenic Substances from East Asia over the NW Pacific
Uematsu M, Hattori H & Minakawa M

Hattori Keiko (2020) Consistent Magma Conditions at Mt Pinatubo, Philippines, over 2.5 m.y
Midea W & Hattori K
(2017) Halogens and Other Volatiles in the UHP Tso Morari Unit, NW Himalaya
Pagé L, Hattori K & Guillot S
(2017) Redox Transfer by Iron- and Sulfur-Bearing Serpentinite Dehydration in Subduction Zones
Merkulova M, Munoz M, Brunet F, Vidal O, Hattori K, Vantelon D, Trcera N & Huthwelker T
(2016) Multivariate Statistical Analysis to Identify Pathfinders in Sandstones for Deeply Seated Uranium Deposits in Wheeler River Property, Athabasca Basin, Canada
Chen S & Hattori K
(2015) Halogens, B & Li in Lawsonite Blueschists
Pagé L, Hattori K, De Hoog JCM & Okay A
(2014) Serpentinites, a Transient Reservoir of Fluid-Mobile Elements in the Mantle: Clue to Creation of Metal-Fertile Belts
Hattori K
(2014) Metamorphic Olivine: A Vehicle to Transfer Volatiles to the Deep Mantle
Hattori K & De Hoog J
(2013) Fluid Evolution Recorded by Alteration Minerals along the P2 Reverse Fault and Associated with the McArthur River U-Deposit
Adlakha E, Hattori K & Potter E
(2013) Heavy Boron Isotopes in Secondary Olivine from the HP Voltri Massif: Implications for the Boron Cycle in Subduction Zones
De Hoog J & Hattori K
(2013) Ancient Fragments in the Subcontinental Lithospheric Mantle beneath the Carpathian-Pannonian Region
Aradi LE, Szabó C, Gonzalez-Jimenez JM, Griffin W, O'Reilly SY & Hattori K
(2013) Fluorine, Cl, Br & I in Serpentinites
Page L & Hattori K
(2013) Anomalous Abundances of He and Mobile Metals in Surface Media over the Deeply Buried Millennium U Deposit, Athabasca Basin, Canada
Power M, Hattori K, Pinti D & Potter E
(2012) PGE Abundances in Upper Mantle Xenoliths from the Carpathian-Pannonian Region
Szabo C, Hattori K, Griffin W, O'Reilly S & Aradi LE
(2012) Using Garnet to Record Mineralization in a BIF Hosted Orogenic Au Deposit
Duff J, Hattori K, Schneider D, Cossette E, Jackson S & Biczok J
(2010) Higashi-Akaishi Peridotite Body from a Hanging Wall of an Oceanic Subduction Zone at the East Eurasian Margin – An Introduction
Mizukami T, Wallis S, Hattori K & Enami M
(2003) Fore-Arc Mantle Serpentinites as a Reservoir of Fluid-Soluble Elements Released from Subducting Slabs
Hattori K, Guillot S & Ishii T
(2003) Transfer of S from the Oxidized Sub-Arc Mantle to the Atmosphere: Evidence from Mount Pinatubo, Philippines
DeHoog J & Hattori K
(2003) Sorption of Rare Earth Elements by Bacillus subtilis
Tanaka T, Takahashi Y, Chatellier X, Hattori K & Fortin D
(2002) Unusually Depleted Hf Isotopic Signatures in Late Archean Carbonatite: A Result of Carbonate Metasomatism
Lassen B, Hattori K, Percival J & Waight T

Hattori Kentaro (2016) Isotope Ratio Measurements Using Double Daly Collectors Equipped on MC-ICPMS Instruments
Hirata T, Tanaka M, Hattori K & Sakata S
(2016) Geochemical Zr Behaviour in the Deep Crust Around Metasomatic Vein Composed of Cl-Rich Hbl and Grt
Higashino F, Kawakami T, Tsuchiya N, Madhusoodhan S-K, Ishikawa M, Grantham G, Sakata S, Hattori K & Hirata T
(2016) Hf-O Isotope Signature for Zircons in the Taitao Granite: Geochemical Constraints on Slab-Melting
Suzuki K, Iizuka T, Kitajima K, Valley JW, Sawaki Y, Hattori K, Hirata T & Anma R
(2015) Coupling of Elemental Imaging and High Resolution U-Pb Chronology
Hirata T, Sakata S, Hattori K & Suzuki T
(2015) Oxygen Isotope Ratio of Zircons from the Taitao Granite: Implications for Slab-Melting
Suzuki K, Kitajima K, Valley JW, Sawaki Y, Hattori K, Hirata T & Maruyama S
(2015) Duration of Low-P/T Type Metamorphism and Zircon/Garnet REE Partitioning in Migmatites from the Ryoke Metamorphic Belt, Japan
Kawakami T, Horie K, Hokada T, Hattori K & Hirata T
(2014) Imaging Cytometry for Geochemical Samples Using LA-ICP-MS
Hirata T, Hattori K, Ohara S, Okabayashi S & Sakata S

Hattori R. (2011) Measurement of Intramolecular Carbon Isotopic Distribution of Acetaldehyde Emitted from Plant Leaves
Li N, Yamada K, Hattori R, Shibata H, Gilbert A & Yoshida N

Hattori Shohei (2011) Biogeochemical Processes in Mud-Volcano Sediments from the Kumano Forearc Basin, Japan
Ijiri A, Toki T, Yamaguchi Y, Kawagucci S, Hattori S, Morono Y, Tsunogai U, Nakamura K, Takai K, Ashi J & Inagaki F
(2011) Ultraviolet Spectra of 32/33/34/36SO2; Implications for the Archaean Atmosphere
Ueno Y, Danielache S, Hattori S, Johnson M & Yoshida N

Hattori Shohei (2016) A New Fluorination Line for Multiple Sulfur Isotope Analysis
Geng L, Savarino J, Hattori S, Ishino S & Yoshida N
(2016) Seasonal Variations of Triple Oxygen Isotopes of Atmospheric Nitrate and Sulfate at Noto Peninsula, Japan
Hattori S, Kamezaki K, Ishino S, Nyu T, Savarino J, Sadanaga Y, Matsuki A & Yoshida N
(2016) Triple Oxygen Isotope Compositions of Atmospheric Nitrate and Sulfate in the Pacific Ocean Boundary Layer
Kamezaki K, Hattori S, Furutani H, Miki Y, Iwamoto Y, Ishino S, Uematsu M & Yoshida N
(2016) Investigation of Unique Oxidizing Capacity of the Antarctic Atmosphere Based on O-Mif Signatures in Atmospheric Sulfate and Nitrate
Ishino S, Hattori S, Savarino J, Jourdain B, Preunkert S, Legrand M & Yoshida N

Hattori Shohei (2017) Elucidation of Nitrate Dynamics in a Temperate Region Watershed with Heavy Snowfall Using Triple Oxygen Isotopes as Tracers
Nunez Palma Y, Hattori S, Itoh Y, Kawasaki M, Takase K & Yoshida N
(2017) A 60-Years Record of Nitrogen and Oxygen Isotopic Compositions of Nitrate in High-Accumulation Dome Ice Core Collected at South East Greenland
Hattori S, Tsuruta A, Iizuka Y, Uemura R, Matoba S & Yoshida N
(2017) Seasonal Variations of Multiple Isotopic Compositions of Atmospheric Sulfate and Nitrate at Coastal Antarctica
Ishino S, Hattori S, Savarino J, Legrand M, Preunkert S, Joudain B & Yoshida N

Hattori Shohei (2015) Extremely Isotopically Enriched Ammonium Shows High Nitrogen Turnover in the Pile Top Zone of Dairy Manure Compost
Maeda K, Toyoda S, Yano M, Hattori S, Fukasawa M, Nakajima K & Yoshida N

Hattori Shohei (2013) SO2 Photoexcitation Links Polar Sulfate and Climate-Impacting Volcanism
Hattori S, Schmidt J, Johnson M, Danielache S, Yamada A, Ueno Y & Yoshida N
(2013) Concentration and Isotopic Analysis of Soil Gas N2O in a Japanese Tea Field
Zou Y, Hirono Y, Yanai Y, Hattori S, Toyoda S & Yoshida N
(2013) Pressure-Dependent Change of Ultraviolet Absorption Cross Section of SO2 Isotopologues and S-Mif
Endo Y, Danielache S, Ueno Y, Hattori S, Johnson M & Kjærgaard H

Hattori T (2006) Total elemental composition of soils from mining areas of Mongolia measured by PIXE technique
Bolormaa O, Kawasaki K, Watanabe M & Hattori T

Hattori Takanori (2022) Effects of Sulfur on the Hydrogenation of Iron in Early Earth’s Evolution
Iizuka-Oku R, Gotou H, Shito C, Fukuyama K, Mori Y, Hattori T, Sano-Furukawa A, Funakoshi K-I & Kagi H
(2017) Basaltic Glass Structure by Time-Of-Flight Neutron Diffraction
Sakamaki T, Hattori T & Sano-Furukawa A
(2016) Hydrous Bridgmanite: Possible Water Reservior in the Lower Mantle
Inoue T, Kakizawa S, Fujino K, Kuribayashi T, Nagase T, Greaux S, Higo Y, Sakamoto N, Yurimoto H, Hattori T & Sano A
(2015) In situ Observation of Pressure-Induced Symmetrization of Hydrogen Bond in δ-AlOOH and HD Isotope Effect
Sano-Furukawa A & Hattori T

Hattori Yuji (2002) Presence of Evolved Continental Crust in Archean Pilbara Craton, Western Australia: Evidence from Re-Os Isotopic Systematics of 3.4Gyr Cherts
Suzuki K, Shimizu H, Okamoto M, Hattori Y, Minami M & Shimoda G
(2002) Re-Os Isotopic Systematics of the Taklimakan Desert Sands, Moraines and River Sediments Around the Taklimakan Desert, and of Tibetan Soils
Hattori Y, Suzuki K, Honda M & Shimizu H

Hattori Yuki (2022) Development of a Portable Mass Spectrometer for on-Site Analysis of Helium Isotope Ratio of Volcanic Gas
Sumino H & Hattori Y
(2021) Helium Isotope Analyses of Volcanic Gases Using a Multi-Turn Time-Of-Flight Mass Spectrometer
Hattori Y & Sumino H
(2020) Measurement of Helium Isotope Ratio Using Multi-Turn Time-Of-Flight Mass Spectrometer
Hattori Y, Akiyama Y & Sumino H

Hatvani I.G. (2022) Radiological Assessment of Natural and Artificial Radionuclides in Attic Dust and Urban Soil Samples in a Former Heavy Industrial City (Salgótarján, Hungary)
Tserendorj D, Szabó KZ, Völgyesi P, Cong Nguyen T, Hatvani IG, Buczkó N, Abbaszade G, Salazar N & Szabó C

Hatzenpichler R. (2017) Taking the Pulse of the Subseafloor Biosphere, Strategies for Studying Microbial Activity and Slow Growth
Orphan V, Trembath-Reichert E, Chadwick G, McGlynn S, Kopf S, Hatzenpichler R, Skennerton C, Morono Y & Inagaki F

Hatzenpilcher R. (2015) Tracking the Genomic Signatures and Metabolic Interactions within Single Methane-Oxidizing Archaeal-Bacterial Consortia
Orphan V, Hatzenpilcher R, Chadwick G, Skennerton C, Yu H, Scheller S, McGlynn S, Goudeau D, Malstrom R & Woyke T

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