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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Holubik O. (2020) Thallium Stable Isotope Fractionation in a Model Plant
Vanek A, Holubik O, Mihaljevic M, Ettler V, Trubac J & Voegelin A

Holve M. (2001) Tracing the Atmospheric Source of Desert Nitrates Using ?17O
Michalski GM, Holve M, Feldmeier J, Bao H, Bockheim JG, Reheis M & Thiemens MH

Holwell D. (2022) Sulfide Saturation and Dissolution in Mid-Crustal Magma Chambers: Insights from the Colorado Mineral Belt
Berry J, Holwell D, Smith DJ & Miles AJ
(2019) An SCLM Control on the Metallogenic DNA of the Continental Lithosphere
Holwell D, Fiorentini M, McDonald I, Lu Y, Giuliani A, Smith D, Keith M & Locmelis M

Holycross M. (2023) The Partitioning of Iron Species between Garnet and Melt in Subduction Zones
Holycross M & Cottrell E
(2022) Vanadium Partitioning during Eclogite Melting and Arc Cumulate Fractionation in Subduction Zones
Holycross M & Cottrell E
(2020) Are Slab Contributions to the Wedge Oxidized?
Cottrell E, Holycross M & Langmuir C
(2019) A Vanadium-Based Redox Proxy for Eclogites
Holycross M & Cottrell E
(2018) A New Oxybarometer for Rutile
Holycross M & Cottrell E
(2014) Trace Element Diffusion in Hydrous Rhyolitic Melt
Holycross M & Watson EB

Holyoke C.W. (2015) Investigating NAM H2O Content in Nine-Amphibole Bearing Mantle Xenoliths
Hunt LE, Lamb WM & Holyoke CW

Holz P. (2017) Identification of Hydrological Extreme Events from High-Resolution Trace Element Distributions in Speleothems
Holz P, Hartmann A, Eiche E, Neumann T, Kluge T, Meyer G & Schuh M

Holzapfel C. (2000) Kinetics of Metal-Silicate Reactions during Formation of the Earth's Core
Rubie DC, Fortenfant S, Holzapfel C, Frost DJ & Gessmann CK

Holzer I.O. (2022) Water and Plant Regulation of Enhanced Olivine Weathering in Red Clover Mesocosms
Holzer IO, Nocco MA & Houlton BZ

Holzer Margaret (2018) Soils and Science Education: A Perfect Match
Holzer M

Holzer Mark (2023) Global Distribution of Nickel Sources and Sinks as Seen from a Diagnostic Model
John SG, Liang H, Pasquier B, Holzer M & Silva S
(2022) The Biogeochemical Balance that Controls Oceanic Nickel Cycling in the Modern and Past Oceans
John SG, Kelly R, Bian X, Yang S-C, Fu F, Smith MI, Lanning N, Liang H, Pasquier B, Seelen E, Holzer M, Conway TM, Fitzsimmons JN & Hutchins D
(2022) Respiration Signals from the Dark Ocean
Sulpis O, Trossman DS, Holzer M, Jeansson E, Lauvset SK & Middelburg J
(2021) Poleward Shift in the Southern Hemisphere Westerly Winds Synchronous with the Deglacial Rise in CO2
Gray WR, deLavergne C, Wills RC, Menviel L, Spence P, Holzer M, Kageyama M & Michel E

Holzheid A. (2023) Knudsen Effusion Study of Equilibrium Isotope Fractionation during Evaporation in the Early Solar System
Neuman M, Cornelison DM, Holzheid A, Lodders K, Fegley B & Wang K
(2011) T and fO2 Guided, Gas Phase Mediated Na and K Exchange between Silicate Melt Drops
Gellissen M, Holzheid A, Kegler P & Palme H
(2011) Geochemistry of Tonalites Formed by Partial Melting of Eclogites: Experimental Modelling
Larikova T, Holzheid A & Kegler P
(2009) Terrestrial Core Formation: Constraints from Copper Partitioning
Kegler P, Holzheid A, McCammon C, Rubie D & Palme H
(2002) The Formation of Meteoritic Basalts: Constraints from Metal-Silicate Partition Coefficients
Holzheid A, Holzheid A & Palme H
(2002) The Formation of Meteoritic Basalts: Constraints from Metal-Silicate Partition Coefficients
Holzheid A, Holzheid A & Palme H
(2000) Solubility of Germanium in Silicate Melts and its Significance for Core Formation in the Earth
Holzheid A & Palme H

Holzinger R. (2019) Isotopes and Novel Tracers in Atmospheric Research
Masalaite A, Remeikis V, Holzinger R, Rockmann T & Dusek U
(2009) UV Light Induces Methane Emission from Plant Biomass: Mechanism and Isotope Studies
Vigano I, Holzinger R, Röckmann T, van Dijk A, Keppler F, Greule M, Brand W, van Weelden H & van Dongen J

Holzkamper S. (2011) Variation in Contribution of Bay of Bengal Moisture Source Derived from Stable Isotopic Composition of Cave Carbonates in Meghalaya, India
Rangarajan R, Routh J, Ghosh P, Mangini A, Fohlmeister J, Baskar S, Baskar R & Holzkamper S

Holzman B.K. (2002) Shearing Melt out of the Mantle
Kohlstedt DL & Holzman BK

Holzner C.P. (2011) Noble Gases as Tracers to Determine the Effective Diffusivity in the Sediment Porewater of Lake Hallwil
Trösch M, Tomonaga Y, Holzner CP & Kipfer R
(2007) Bubble Gas-Exchange in an Artificially Aerated Lake Traced Using Noble Gases
Holzner CP, Graser N & Kipfer R
(2006) Noble gases as tracers for gas-exchange processes at bubble-streams in lakes and oceans
Holzner CP, Graser N, Brennwald MS & Kipfer R
(2006) New applications of noble gases as environmental proxies in unusual aquatic environments
Brennwald MS, Scheidegger Y, Tomonaga Y, Holzner CP, Wieler R & Kipfer R
(2004) Assessment of Methane Emission from Bubble Plumes in the Black Sea by Noble Gases
Holzner C, Amaral H, Brennwald M, Klump S & Kipfer R

Homaidi H. (2022) Mantle Xenoliths in Young Intraplate Volcanism: The Mantle beneath the Arabian Plate
Zivadinovic I, van der Zwan FM, Al Malallah MY, Jägerup BS, Follmann J, Garcia Paredes ER & Homaidi H

Homam M. (2018) Komatiite !?
Karimi H, Homam M, Topuz G & Taghadosih H

Homann M. (2023) Preservation of Biosignature Fabrics in an Extinct, Variably Recrystallized Sinter Mound, El Tatio, Chile
van Zuilen MA, Wilmeth D, Nabhan S, Liesegang M, Slagter S, Sans-Jofre P, Homann M, Konhauser KO & Munoz-Saez C
(2021) High-Precision Elemental and Stable Isotope Mapping of a Mesoarchean Stromatolite: Implications for Primitive Phototrophic Metabolism and Paleoecology
Nicol L, Sans-Jofre P, Fralick PW, Afroz M, Patry L, Homann M, Gobert T & Lalonde SV
(2021) Mesoarchean Redox Cycling from Shallow to Deep Through Coupled Fe-S Stable Isotope Measurements
Patry L, Fralick PW, Afroz M, Sans-Jofre P, Thomazo C, Homann M & Lalonde SV
(2021) Possible Hafnium Isotope Evidence for Continental Emergence Prior to 3.22 Ga
Foster I, Hagge P, Bricker H, Agranier A, Köhler I, Homann M, Heubeck C, Nonnotte P, Konhauser K, Tripati A & Lalonde SV
(2020) New Insights on the Biogenicity of South Africa’s Oldest Stromatolites
Homann M, Lalonde S, Van Zuilen M, Gong J, Patry L, Hayles J, Walsh M, Lowe D & Byerly G
(2020) New Insights into Mesoarchean Photosynthesis from >2.8 Ga Carbonate Platforms of the Superior Craton
Lalonde S, Sansjofre P, Ramsay B, Patry L, Afroz M, Homann M & Fralick P
(2020) Fe Isotope and REE Signatures Through a Mesoarchean Carbonate Platform: New Data from the 2.94 Ga Red Lake Greenstone Belt (Canada)
Patry L, Fralick P, Sansjofre P, Homann M, Thomazo C, Afroz M & Lalonde S
(2019) Carbon and Nitrogen Isotopes Biosignatures of Early Earth Continental Biosphere Modern Analogs
Thomazo C, Couradeau E, Marin-Carbonne J, Homann M, Sansjofre P, Lalonde S & Garcia-Pichel F
(2019) Paired Carbon Isotope Data for Carbonate and Organic Matter from Earth’s Oldest Carbonate Platform (2.94 ga Red Lake Greenstone Belt, Ontario, Canada)
Sansjofre P, Fralick P, Homann M, Afroz M, Earthbloom T & Lalonde S
(2017) Preliminary Geochemical Data from Earth’s Oldest Carbonate Platform (2.94 Ga Red Lake Greenstone Belt, Canada)
Lalonde S, Sansjofre P, Homann M, Thoby M, Rigoussen D & Fralick P
(2017) A Shallow-To-Deepwater Geochemical Transect of a Neoproterozoic Marinoan Cap Dolostone (Noonday Formation, Death Valley Region)
Sansjofre P, Roué L, Rigoussen D, Shapiro R, Homann M, Killingsworth B, Tanvet C & Lalonde S
(2017) Terrestrial Microbial Mats at 3, 220 Myr ago (Moodies Group, SA)
Homann M, Heubeck C, Airo A, Van Kranendonk M, Van Zuilen M, Gong J, Sansjofre P & Lalonde S
(2017) Ultra-Radiogenic Hafnium in Archean BIF: Intense Sedimentary Lu/Hf Fractionation at 3.2 Ga
Foster I, Agranier A, Heubeck C, Köhler I, Homann M, Tripati A, Nonnotte P, Ponzevera E & Lalonde S
(2013) Microbially-Induced Carbonate Precipitation, Moodies Group (3.2 Ga, BGB, South Africa)
Homann M, Heubeck C, Airo A, Tice M & Nabhan S
(2013) Evaporitic Sulfate Concretions, Moodies Group (~3.2 Ga, Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa)
Nabhan S, Heubeck C & Homann M

Homberg C. (2023) Fluid Sources and Pathways in Detachments along mcc Exhumation: Barite Isotopy and Fluid Salinity in Mykonos and Serifos – Cyclades, Greece
De Bue H, Faure A, Verlaguet A, Do Couto D, Jolivet L, Homberg C & Martin E

Hombourger C. (2014) Quantitative Analysis at Low Accelerating Voltage with a WDS Electron Probe Microanalyzer Equipped with a FE Column
Saliot P, Hombourger C & Outrequin M
(2013) Quantitative Analysis with the CAMECA SXFiveFE at High Lateral Resolution. Applications to Geochronology and Mineralogy
Saliot P, Hombourger C & Outrequin M

Homma K. (2023) Chromium Isotopic Variation by Dust Growth and Fragmentation in the Solar Nebula Embeded with Jupiter
Homma K, Okuzumi S, Arakawa S & Fukai R
(2022) The Isotopic Variations in Bulk-Scale Carbonaceous Chondrites and the Possible Targets in the Next Sample Return Mission
Fukai R, Yokoyama T, Arakawa S, Homma K, Okuzumi S & Shimaki Y

Homma Yoshitaka (2021) Experimental Constraints on the Origin of Analytical 183W Deficits
Enomoto H, Iizuka T, Homma Y, Kobayashi O, Suzuki K & Kashiwabara T
(2017) Hf-W Chronology of the Brenham Pallasite
Homma Y & Iizuka T

Homma Yosihtaka (2019) Hf-W Dating of Main-Group Pallasites
Homma Y, Iizuka T & Ishikawa A

Hommel J. (2017) Environmental Gold Cycling: The Need for a Kinetic Model
Reith F, Shuster J, Mohajer M & Hommel J
(2017) Development and Implementation of a Gold Mobility Model
Mohajer M, Hommel J, Shuster J & Reith F

Homoky William (2017) Radium Isotopes Resolved Across an Ocean-Sediment Interface
Homoky W & Annett A
(2017) Controls on the Cadmium-Isotope Composition of Modern Marine Sediments
Bryan A, Dickson A, Henderson G, Porcelli D, Slomp C, Homoky W, Dowdall F & Van Den Boorn S
(2016) Isotopic Constraints on the Biogeochemical Cycle of Ba in the South Atlantic
Bridgestock L, Hsieh Y-T, Henderson G, Porcelli D, Homoky W & Bryan A
(2015) The Iron Isotope Signature of Shallow Pore Waters Spanning the Depth of the South Atlantic Ocean
Homoky W, Conway T, John S, Hsieh Y-T, Woodward M, Henderson G & Mills R
(2015) Tracing Hydrothermal Iron Input to the Deep Ocean Using Iron Isotopes
Lough A, Klar J, Gibbs D, Milton J, Parkinson I, Homoky W, Racheal J, Connelly D & Rachel M

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