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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Holst J. (2014) Precise Measurement of Chromium Isotopes by MC-ICPMS
Schiller M, Van Kooten E, Holst J, Olsen M & Bizzarro M
(2013) The Hf-W Chronology of FUN CAIs
Holst J, Olsen M, Paton C, Nagashima K, Schiller M, Wielandt D, Larsen K, Connelly J, Jørgensen J, Krot A, Nordlund Å & Bizzarro M
(2013) An Inert Desolvating Nebulizer System and Rapid Washout Accessory for Tungsten Isotope Measurements with Multicollector ICP-MS
Smith F, Holst J, Paton C & Bizarro M

Holst Laursen K. (2021) Stable Isotope Ratio Analysis of Traditional and Nontraditional Elements in Plant Science – Current Status and Future Trends
Holst Laursen K & Rieckmann MM

Holsteen Bruyere R. (2018) Lava Creek Tuff Love
Befus K, Holsteen Bruyere R & Manga M

Holstege C. (2019) Phosphorus Release during Anoxic Alteration of Oceanic Crust
Holstege C & Syverson D

Holt Adam (2020) Thermal Controls on Oceanic Lithosphere Dehydration and Fluid Flux to the Mantle during Subduction
Condit C, Holt A, Guevara V, Delph J & French M

Holt Adam F (2023) Metamorphic Fluid Production, Fluid Pressures, and Resultant Slip Behaviors at Deep Slow Slip Conditions during Prograde Subduction
Condit CB, French ME, Hoover WF, Lindquist PC, Guevara VE, Holt AF & Cooperdock EHG
(2023) Extensive Forearc Mantle Serpentinization Catalyzed by Early Subduction Zone Thermal Evolution
Epstein GS, Condit CB, Guevara VE, Holt AF & Stoner R

Holt Amy (2019) Biogeochemical Weathering and Riverine Nutrient Export during Glacier Retreat
Wadham JL, Hawkings J, Pryer H, Robinson LF, Hendry K, Daneri G, Lamarche-Gagnon G, Holt A, Ward R, Stibal M & Kohler T

Holt Katherine (2013) Nano Iron Sulfides for Carbon Dioxide Reduction
Goodall J, Hollingsworth N, Roffey A, Hogarth G, Holt K & Darr J
(2012) Novel Synthesis of Iron Sulfide for Carbon Dioxide Reduction
Goodall J, Islam H-U, Hollingsworth N, Roffey A, Holt K, Hogarth G, Sankar G & Darr J

Holt Kathryn E (2020) Genome-Resolved Investigation of Potential New Mercury-Methylating Marine Bacterial Phyla
Lin H, Ascher DB, Myung Y, Lamborg CH, Hallam SJ, Gionfriddo CM, Wick RR, Holt KE & Moreau JW

Holt R. (2014) Geochemical Studies of Surface Water/Groundwater Interactions in Central Washington, USA
Gazis C, Holt R, Patterson J, Taylor S & Weis Z

Holt T. (2019) Hydrobiogeochemical Processes in Permeable Sands at the Land-Sea Transition Zone
Seibert SL, Böttcher ME, Schubert F, Pollmann T, Giani L, Tsukamoto S, Frechen M, Freund H, Waska H, Simon H, Holt T, Greskowiak J & Massmann G

Holtappels M. (2023) Tidal-Driven Variations of Nitrate Concentrations in Estuary Sediments
Lichtschlag A, Schaap A & Holtappels M
(2022) The Iron “Redox Battery” in Coastal Sandy Sediments and its Effect on the Cycling and Turnover of Phosphorus and Organic Matter
Zhou Z, Henkel S, Kasten S & Holtappels M
(2020) Carbon Mineralization Pathways in Antarctic Shelf Sediments, East Antarctic Peninsula
Baloza M, Henkel S, Kasten S & Holtappels M
(2015) Extensive Nitrogen Loss from Permeable Sediments off NW Africa
Sokoll S, Lavik G, Sommer S, Goldhammer T, Kuypers M & Holtappels M

Holtappelts M. (2019) Estimating Tide-Induced Seawater Infiltration Rates at a Meso-Tidal Beach by Modelling Reactive Transport of Si and 222Rn
Greskowiak J, Ahrens J, Ahmerkamp S, Grünenbaum N, Kossack M, Schnedger B, Ehlert C, Holtappelts M, Beck M, Pahnke K, Brumsack H-J & Massmann G

Holtgrewe N. (2015) Siderite Spin Transition Probed by Optical Spectroscopy in a Laser-Heated Diamond Anvil Cell
Lobanov S, Holtgrewe N & Goncharov A

Holthausen J. (2019) Eu3+ Incorporation into Xenotime LnPO4: The Effect of Local Distortion on Long Term Stability
Schmidt M, Lösch H, Hirsch A, Holthausen J, Peters L, Xiao B, Neumeier S & Huittinen N
(2014) Site-Selective TRLFS of Eu(III) Doped Rare Earth Phosphates for Conditioning of Radioactive Wastes
Huittinen N, Arinicheva Y, Holthausen J, Holliday K, Neumeier S & Stumpf T

Hölttä P. (2023) U-Pb Dating of Garnet, Monazite and Apatite Applied to Understanding the Polymetamorphic Evolution of the Peräpohja and Kuusamo Belts, Northern Finland
Cutts K, Hölttä P, Lahtinen R, Kurhila M & Michallik R
(2007) Trace Element Partitioning in the Granulite Facies
Nehring F, Foley S & Hölttä P

Holtvoeth J (2006) High-resolution multi-molecular records from North Atlantic drift sediments (ODP Sites 980, 984) reflecting Late Quaternary/Holocene climate and ocean dynamics
Holtvoeth J, Wagner T, Johnson C, Meggers H, Mollenhauer G, Montluçon D, McManus J, Oppo D & Eglinton T

Holtvoeth Jens

Holtz François (2015) Effect of Temperature Cycling on Crystal Size Distribution in Rhyolite
Muniz da silva M, Holtz F & Namu O
(2015) The Roles of Decompression Rate and Volatiles (H2O+Cl±CO2±S) on Crystallization in Basaltic Magma
Fiege A, Vetere F, Iezzi G, Simon A & Holtz F
(2015) UV-fs-LA-ICP-MS Analyses of Fluid Inclusions: Insights into the Formation of Tin Ore Deposits
Albrecht M, Derrey IT, Horn I, Müller A, Holtz F & Weyer S
(2015) Cotectic Compositions: A New Geobarometer for Dry Rhyolites
Wilke S, Bolte T, Almeev R, Christiansen EH & Holtz F
(2015) Recovering Initial CO2 Content of Island-Arc Magmas from Experimental Homogenization of Melt Inclusions in Olivine at High H2O Pressure
Mironov N, Portnyagin M, Botcharnikov R, Gurenko A, Hoernle K & Holtz F
(2014) Synthesis of Fluid Inclusions: Experimental Tests on Achieving Equilibrium
Derrey IT, Botcharnikov R, Albrecht M, Dupliy E & Holtz F
(2014) Metal Mobility in Granite-Related Hydrothermal Ore Deposits: a Synthetic Fluid Inclusion Study
Derrey IT, Albrecht M, Botcharnikov R, Horn I, Weyer S & Holtz F
(2014) The Role of H2O on Multiple Saturation, the Case of Shatsky Rise Ocean Plateau Basalts
Almeev R, Husen A & Holtz F
(2014) The Effect of Melt Composition on Bubble Nucleation
Fiege A, Holtz F, Cichy S & Simon A
(2013) Metal Mobility in Hydrothermal Fluids: Experimental Investigations
Derrey IT, Botcharnikov RE, Albrecht M, Horn I, Weyer S & Holtz F
(2013) Glass Forming Ability of Sub-Alkaline Silicate Melts
Misiti V, Vetere F, Iezzi G, Behrens H, Holtz F, Ventura G, Cavallo A, Dietrich M & Mollo S
(2013) The Role of Alkalis in the Solubility of H2O and CO2 in Silicate Melts
Vetere FP, Behrens H, Botcharnikov R, Holtz F & Fanara S
(2011) Hydration Crystallization Process in Mafic-Felsic Mixing Magmatic System: A Case Study from the Dabie Orogen (East-Central China)
Zhang C, Holtz F & Ma C
(2011) Tracing Magma Chambers in the Lab: A Case Study on Lascar Volcano
Stechern A, Banaszak M, Botcharnikov RE, Holtz F & Wörner G
(2011) Preliminary Estimates on Magma Storage Conditions of the Heise Volcanic Field, Snake River Plain
Bolte T, Erdmann M, Nash B, Cathey H, Almeev R & Holtz F
(2011) Magma Storage Conditions of Mutnovsky Volcano, Kamchatka
Shishkina T, Almeev R, Botcharnikov R, Holtz F & Portnyagin M
(2011) Geothermobarometry of Basaltic Glasses from Tamu Massif, Shatsky Rise Oceanic Plateau
Husen A, Almeev R, Shimizu K, Sano T, Natland JH, Koepke J & Holtz F
(2011) The Effect of Cl on the Solubilty of Au and Pd in Andesitic Melts
Botcharnikov R, Linnen R, Guillong M, Holtz F & Kamenetsky V
(2011) Crystal-Rich Basaltic Andesites of the Current Arenal Eruption in Light of Experiments with Crystal-Poor Basalt
Parat F, Streck M, Holtz F & Almeev R
(2011) The Influence of F, P and B Content on Pegmatitic Melt Viscosity
Bartels A, Knipping J, Behrens H, Holtz F & Schmidt B
(2010) Gold Fertility of Sulfur-Bearing Magmas
Botcharnikov R, Linnen R, Wilke M, Holtz F, Jugo P & Berndt J
(2009) Solubility of Au in Cl- and S-Bearing Hydrous Silicate Melts
Botcharnikov R, Linnen R & Holtz F
(2009) In situ Iron Isotope Analysis in Fe-Ti Oxides from IODP Hole 1256D (East Pacific Rise)
Dziony W, Koepke J, Horn I, Steinhöfel G & Holtz F
(2009) Experimental Constraints on Rhyolite Magma Genesis, Yellowstone Hotspot
Almeev R, Holtz F, Kuschel L, Nash B & Cathey H
(2009) Experimental Phase Relation in Lamprophyric Magmas from Agardag Dike Complex, Russia
Kalugin V, Almeev R, Botcharnikov R, Holtz F & Dziony W
(2009) Solubility of H2O and CO2 in Low-K High-Al Island-Arc Basalt from Mutnovsky Volcano, Kamchatka
Shishkina T, Botcharnikov R, Almeev R, Holtz F & Portnyagin M
(2009) Preeruptive Conditions and Dynamic Processes in Magmatic Systems: The Example of Unzen 1991-1995 Eruption
Cichy SB, Holtz F, Botcharnikov RE, Behrens H, Vetere F & Sato H
(2008) The Effect of Chlorine on the Solubility of Pt in a Haplobaslatic Melt at 0.2 GPa and 1523K
Blaine F, Linnen R, Holtz F & Brugmann G
(2007) Low-Ca Pyroxene Relics in Drilled Basalts from EPR Crust (IODP Site 1256D)
Dziony W, Koepke J & Holtz F
(2007) The Late-Stage Evolution of Oceanic Gabbros – Combined Experimental and in situ Isotope Study on Gabbros from Southwest Indian Ridge
Botcharnikov R, Koepke J, Horn I & Holtz F
(2007) Sulfur Saturation of Etna Basalt at 200 Mpa: Experimental Setup and First Results
Beermann O, Nowak M, Botcharnikow R & Holtz F
(2007) The Effect of Minor H2O Content on Crystallization in MORB: Experiments, Model, Applications
Almeev R, Holtz F, Koepke J & Ariskin A
(2007) Sulphur Solubility in Andesitic to Basatic Melts: An Example of Hekla Volcano
Moune S, Holtz F & Botcharnikov R
(2007) Origin and Evolution of Ultrapotassic Plutonic Rocks (Durbachite Series, Trebíc Massif, Czech Republic): Petrological and Experimental Approach
Parat F, Holtz F, Rene M & Almeev R
(2005) Partitioning and Vapour Transport of Pt at Magmatic Conditions
Blaine F, Linnen R, Holtz F, Gagnon J & Bruegmann G
(2004) Differentiation vs. Magma Mixing in A-Type Granites (Wangrah Suite, Australia): An Experimental Study
Klimm K & Holtz F
(2003) Solubility of CO2 in Hydrous Rhyoltic to Basaltic Melts
Behrens H, Holtz F, Ohlhorst S, Tamic N, Freise M & Botcharnikov R
(2003) Zoisite – An Effective Trace Element Vehicle at HP Metamorphic Processes
Wittenberg A, Röhnert D, Gesing T & Holtz F
(2003) Water Speciation in Sodium Silicate Melts: Constraints from High Temperature IR Spectroscopy
Yamashita S, Behrens H & Holtz F
(2003) Enhanced Sulfur Solubility in Chlorine-Bearing Rhyodacitic Melt – A Key to the Excess Sulfur Problem?
Botcharnikov R, Holtz F, Behrens H, Koepke J & Sato H

Holtz Francois (2023) Unravelling the Behaviour of Chalcophile Trace Elements in Magmatic Systems of the Oceanic Crust
Schäfer W, Keith M, Regelous M, Klemd R, Kutzschbach M & Holtz F
(2023) Nb & Sc in 4.4 to 2.7 Ga Zircons: Contrasting Hadean Sources for Jack Hills vs. Barberton
Valley JW, Blum T, Shimizu K, Kitajima K, Spicuzza MJ, Kita NT, Almeev R, Holtz F, Sobolev AV & Cavosie AJ
(2023) Evidence of Bubble-Assisted Magma Mixing in the Early Stage of the Cumbre Vieja 2021 Eruption, La Palma, Canary Islands
González-García D, Boulesteix T, Klügel A & Holtz F
(2023) U-Nb-Sc-Ce-Yb-Ti in Zircons and H2O in Zircon Melt Inclusions: Insights into the Tectono-Magmatic Origin of 2, 736 Ma Volcanics from the Superior Province
Shimizu K, Almeev R, Blum T, Bonamici C, Davis D, Fournelle JH, Holtz F, Kitajima K, Kita NT, Nachlas WO, Sobolev AV, Spicuzza MJ & Valley JW
(2023) A General Approach to Quantify Phase Equilibria and Silicate Mineral Stability Fields in Calc-Alkaline Basaltic Systems
Marxer F, Almeev R & Holtz F
(2023) Constraining Magma Storage and Dynamics from Complexly Zoned Crystal Cargoes: Snake River Plain Volcanic Province, USA
Waelkens CM, Holtz F, Almeev R & Shervais JW
(2022) Crystallization Kinetics in Anhydrous and Hydrous Trachytic to Latitic Melts Subjected to Variable Degrees of Undercooling
Appiah E, Krasheninnikov SP, Holtz F, Stabile P, Arzilli F & Carroll MR
(2022) Trace Elements in Magmatic Sulphide Droplets from Island Arcs, Back-Arc Basins and Mid-Ocean Ridges
Schäfer W, Keith M, Regelous M, Holtz F & Klemd R
(2021) Mixing between Chemically Variable Primitive Basalts Creates and Modifies Crystal Cargoes
Neave DA, Beckmann P, Namur O, Shorttle O, Behrens H & Holtz F
(2021) First in situ Analyses of Nitrogen in Primitive Subduction-Related Melts
Füri E, Portnyagin MV, Mironov N, Deligny C, Gurenko A, Botcharnikov R & Holtz F
(2019) Viscosity of Pyroxenite Melt and its Evolutionduring Cooling
Vetere F, Murri M, Alvaro M, Domeneghetti C, Rossi S, Pisello A, Perugini D & Holtz F
(2019) Shatsky Rise: Magma Transport and Storage Conditions
van Gerve T, Namur O, Neave D & Holtz F
(2019) Mixing Modifies the Crystal Record of Magmatic Evolution
Neave D, Beckmann P, Behrens H & Holtz F
(2019) Low-SiO2 Melt Inclusions in Olivine Originate by Dehydration of Initially H2O-Rich Island-Arc Melts
Mironov N, Portnyagin M, Botcharnikov R, Gurenko A, Almeev R, Luft C & Holtz F
(2019) Fe-Cu Stable Isotope and Trace Element Variations during Mantle Metasomatism – A Study on Sulfide Blebs from Peridotite Xenoliths from Nógrád-Gömör Volcanic Field (Northern Pannonian Basin)
Szabó C, Patkó L, Ciążela J, Aradi LE, Liptai N, Pieterek B, Lazarov M, Holtz F & Kovács IJ
(2019) Experiments on OH-F-Cl Exchange Partitioning between Biotite and Silicate Melt and Calibration of Compositional Effects
Zhang C, Li X, Behrens H & Holtz F
(2019) Electron Probe Microanalysis of Fe2+/ΣFe Ratios in Calcic and Sodic-Calcic Amphibole and Biotite Using the Flank Method
Li X, Zhang C, Almeev RR, Zhang X-C, Zhao X-F, Wang L-X, Koepke J & Holtz F
(2019) Synthetic Fluid Inclusions in Olivine: An Experimental Technique for Fluid-Melt Trace Element Partitioning in Basaltic Systems
Zemlitskaya A, Botcharnikov R, Derrey I, Portnyagin M, Mertz-Kraus R, Buhre S, Weyer S & Holtz F
(2018) Insights on Decompression-Induced Crystallization and Degassing Processes Revealed by 3D Rock Textures
Cichy SB, Botcharnikov RE, Friese K-I, Cluzel N, Holtz F & Marone F
(2017) Formation of Kiruna-Type Deposits – Testing a Novel Model
Knipping JL, Simon AC, Reich M, Fiege A, Deditius AP, Webster JD, Bilenker L, Barra F, Holtz F & Oeser-Rabe M
(2017) Experimental Investigation of Copper Transport in Fluids: Cu Solubility and Isotopic Fractionation
Qi D, Behrens H, Lazarov M, Botcharnikov R & Holtz F
(2017) The Tantalite-Tapiolite Gap as an Indicator of Disequilibrium in Granitic Pegmatites: Constraints from Crystallization Experiments
Van Lichtervelde M, Holtz F & Melcher F
(2016) Experimental Studies on Degassing of Sulfur-Bearing Andesite and Basalt
Fiege A, Behrens H & Holtz F

Holtzen S. (2018) Characterization of Icelandic Mars Analog Environment Using 16S rRNA Sequencing
Tan G, Holtzen S, Parris D, Stewart F, Stockton A & Feldspar T

Holtzman B. (2017) Experimental Insights on Reactive Melt Migration in the Upper Mantle
Pec M, Holtzman B, Zimmerman M & Kohlstedt D
(2014) Influence of Stress on Melt Topology in Viscously Deforming, Partially Molten Rocks
Kohlstedt D, Pec M & Holtzman B

Holtzman R. (2005) The Relationships between Groundwater Discharge and the Lower Jordan River
Farber E, Vengosh A, Gavrieli I, Marei A, Bullen T, Mayer B, Holtzman R, Segal M & Shavit U

Holub František (2015) Mid to Late Cretaceous Plutons Recording Strain Variations in the Sierra Nevada, California
Tomek F, Žák J, Verner K, Holub F, Sláma J, Memeti V & Paterson S

Holub Frantisek V. (2009) On the Origin of Li Isotope Signatures in Magmatic Rocks from the Central Bohemian Plutonic Complex
Janoušek V, Magna T, Holub FV, Oberli F & Wiechert U

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