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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Holm Paul Martin (2019) The Zircon-Scale Insights into Early Cretaceous Volcanism in Central Sulu Orogenic Belt, Eatern China: Implications on Magma Processes
Zhou T, Zhou Y, Søager N, Holm PM & Zhang Z
(2019) Lower Crustal Melting during Mio-Pliocene Arc Volcanism and Thrusting in the Payenia Volcanic Province, Argentina
Søager N, Florea LM, Holm PM, Folguera A & Litvak V

Holm Paul Martin (2015) Volatile and Major Element Variations in Olivine Hosted Melt Inclusions along the Payenia Backarc Volcanic Province, Argentina
Brandt F, Holm PM & Hansteen T
(2015) Episodes of Intraplate Magmatism in the Andean SVZ Mantle Wedge
Holm PM, Søager N & Scherstén A
(2015) Asthespheric Versus Lithospheric Sources of the Payenia Basalts (Argentina): Constraints from Al-in-Olivine Thermometry and Melt Inclusions
Søager N, Portnyagin M, Hoernle K, Holm PM & Garbe-Schönberg D
(2014) Origin of Northern Backarc Magmas of the Southern Volcanic Zone, Andes
Holm PM, Alfastsen M, Bertotto GW & Søager N

Holm Peter (2023) Structural Transformations of As-Sorbed Fe(III) (Oxyhydr)oxides during Alkali Extraction of As
Wang K, Holm P & van Genuchten C
(2023) Solid-Phase As and Fe Speciation of Groundwater Treatment Sludge Collected from Around the World: Insights for Sludge Management
van Genuchten C, Wang K & Holm P

Holm R. (2014) Remnants of Ancient Australia in Vanuatu: Implications for Crustal Evolution in Island Arcs
Buys J, Spandler C, Holm R & Richards S

Holm S. (2017) Geochemical and Microbiological Gradients along Arctic Chronosequences
Wojcik R, Donhauser J, Holm S, Malard L, Holland A, Frey B, Wagner D, Pearce D, Anesio A, Hovelmann J & Benning LG

Holm-Denoma Chris (2017) Reliable LA-ICPMS U-Pb Dating of Cassiterite Without an Independent Age Standard
Neymark L, Holm-Denoma C, Larin A, Rizvanova N & Moscati R
(2015) High Spatial Resolution SHRIMP and LA-ICPMS U-Pb Geochronology of Pea Ridge Fe-Ree-Au Deposit, USA
Neymark L, Aleinikoff J, Holm-Denoma C, Pietruszka A, Pillers R & Moscati R

Holm-Denoma Christopher (2018) Cassiterite as a Reliable in situ LA-ICPMS U-Pb Geochronometer of Ore Deposits: Examples Spanning the Archean to Tertiary
Neymark L, Holm-Denoma C & Moscati R

Holman A. (2019) Refined Paleo-Fire Interpretations from the Distribution Patterns and δ13C of Fire-Derived Molecules
Karp A, Holman A, Hopper P, Grice K & Freeman K
(2017) Potential of Weathering-Derived Efflorescences in Meteorites for Preserving Biofilms, Fossils and Organics
Tait A, Wilson S, Gagen E, Holman A, Tomkins A, Grice K & Southam G
(2014) Combined Sulfur, Carbon and Redox Budget Constraints on Genetic Models for Clastic-Dominated Base-Metal Sulfide Deposits: Examples from the Here’s Your Chance Pb-Zn Deposit, Australia
Dick J, Evans K, Holman A, Leach D & Grice K
(2014) Organic Geochemistry of the Paleoproterozoic ‘Here’s Your Chance’ Pb/Zn/Ag Deposit
Holman A, Grice K, Jaraula C, Evans K, Greenwood P, Schimmelmann A, Brocks J, Böttcher M, Walshe J & Yeats C
(2012) Organic Geochemical Insights into the Formation of the Here's Your Chance Lead-Zinc-Silver Deposit
Holman A, Grice K, Jaraula C, Dick J, Schimmelmann A & Evans K
(2012) Thermodynamic Properties of Aqueous Phenanthrene and Isomers of Methylphenanthrene at High Temperature
Dick J, Evans K, Holman A, Jaraula C & Grice K

Holman H-Y. (2017) Biological, Mineral and Elemental Diversity of Extant Microbialites
Valdespino P, Hu P, Cerqueda D, Merino-Ibarra M, López LM, Pi-Puig T, González de Zayas R, Falcón L & Holman H-Y

Holmberg J.P. (2016) A Kinetic Environmental Fate Model for the Risk Assessment of Engineered Nanomaterials
Domingos RF, Holmberg JP, Matzke M, Dumont E, Vanhauten R, Svendsen C, Lofts S, Keller V & Cornelis G

Holmberg K. (2022) The Little Frog that Couldn’t (and Other Stories of Control/Loss-Of-Control over Earth Processes)
Holmberg K
(2021) Unexpectedly Anthropogenic and ‘natural’ Ecosystems in Urban Contexts: New York City Oysters and Abu Dhabi Mangroves
Holmberg K, Killilea M, Schneider Paolantonio K, Rademacher A, Roble C, Kister T, Hayes JS, Krupitsky M & Palanco H

Holmberg M. (2018) Refining Principal Component and Compositional Data Analysis for Understanding Water Quality and Groundwater-Surface Water Interactions
Bern C, Holmberg M & Kisfalusi Z

Holmberg R. (2018) Ocean Acidification Alters Morphology of all Otolith Types, Delays Settlement in Clark’s Anemonefish (Amphiprion Clarkii)
Holmberg R, Freeburg E, Rhyne A, Tlusty M, Stebbins A, Nye S, Honig A, Johnston A, San Antonio C, Bourque B & Hannigan R
(2015) Impacts of Ocean Acidification on Otolith Development in Larval Haemulon Chrysargyreum
Holmberg R, Wilcox-Freeburg E, Tlusty M, Rhyne A, Bourque B & Hannigan R

Holmboe Michael (2015) Anion Exclusion in Hydrated Smecites Studied by Molecular Dynamics Simulations
Holmboe M, Bourg IC & Tournassat C

Holmboe Michael (2018) Modelling Water Adsorption Isotherms Obtained from Smectite Interlayer Nanopores
Lindholm J, Boily J-F & Holmboe M
(2018) Structure and Dynamics of Lactose/Montmorillonite Nanocomposites
Holmboe M, Hellrup J & Mahlin D

Holmboe Michael (2012) Molecular Dynamics Simulations of the Three-Layer Hydrate in Smectites: A Sensitivity Analysis
Holmboe M & Bourg IC

Holmboe Micheal (2017) Alternative Method for Interlayer Water Determination via Cross-Validated Computational Model
Lindholm J, Holmboe M & Boily JF
(2017) Multi-Step Adsorption Behavior of CTAB on Na-Montmorillonite
Kim J, Holmboe M & Lindholm J
(2017) Atomistic Simulations of Smectite Hydration Processes
Holmboe M

Holmden C. (2023) Measurement of Chromium Concentration and Stable Isotopic Ratios in Marine Particles
Baconnais I, Francois R, Holmden C, Soon M & Jaccard SL
(2023) Fe Isotopes Response during OAE 2 in the Western Interior Seaway
Nana Yobo L, Holmden C, Williams HM & Brandon A
(2023) Mg/Ca/Sr Isotope Systematics in a Weakly Acidified Headwater Catchment Near the Czech–Austrian Border Underlain by Base-Poor Paragneiss
Erban Kochergina Y, Novak M, Andronikov A, Holmden C, Stepanova M, Paces T, Kachlík V, Veselovský F, Hruska J & Curik J
(2021) Ca and Sr Isotope Constraints on the Origin of the Late Cambrian SPICE Excursion: Insights from the Sedimentary Record of the Amadeus Basin, Central Australia
Farkas J, Holmden C, Al-Busaidi Q, Schmid S, Edgoose C & Collins A
(2020) The Calcium Isotope Composition of the Lower Mantle and Bulk Earth
Amini M, Holmden C & Jochum KP
(2020) Changing Inputs of Continental and Submarine Weathering Sources of Sr to the Oceans during OAE 2
Nana Yobo L, Brandon A, Lau K, Holmden C & Eldrett J
(2019) Cr Isotope Response to OAE 2 Recorded in the Eagle Ford Formation, Western Interior Seaway
Nana Yobo L, Holmden C, Brandon A & Eldrett J
(2019) Calibration of Stable Strontium Isotopes (δ88/86Sr) with Respect to Salinity and Carbonate Saturation in Lagoon-Estuarine Environments
Shao Y, Farkaš J, Mosley L, Wong H, Samanta M, Tyler J, Holmden C, Gillanders B, Kolevica A & Eisenhauer A
(2019) Cr Isotopes and the Attenuation of Cr(VI)-rich Runoff
Davidson A, Holmden C, Nomosatryo S, Henny C, Francois R & Crowe S
(2018) Deciphering the Unexpected Response of the Cr Isotope Proxy to OAE 2
Holmden C, Jacobson A, Sageman B, Hurtgen M & Dickson A
(2018) Mg Isotope Tracing of Paleofluid Migration during Dolomite Formation in the Williston Basin
Nadeau M, Holmden C & Kimmig S
(2018) Origins of a Global Marine Late Silurian C Isotope Excursion: Insights from Stable Metal Isotopes (Ca, Sr, Cr) from Gotland and Prague Basin
Farkas J, Fryda J, Holmden C, Frydova B, Mergl M, Kolevica A, Boehm F & Eisenhauer A
(2018) Separation of Dissolved Cr(III) Organic Complexes from River Water for Cr Isotope Analysis
Mohanta J & Holmden C
(2018) Investigation of Chromium Isotope Variability in the Canadian Arctic Archipelagos
Baconnais I, Holmden C & Francois R
(2017) A Cr Isotope Fingerprint of Submarine LIP Volcanism
Holmden C, Jacobson A, Sageman B & Hurtgen M
(2017) Chromium Isotope Speciation in Seawater
Davidson A, Holmden C, Francois R & Crowe S
(2017) Testing the Late Silurian Seawater ‘carbonate Hypersaturation’ with Stable Ca, Sr and Cr Isotopes
Farkas J, Fryda J, Holmden C, Kolevica A, Boehm F, Liebetrau V & Eisenhauer A
(2017) Calibration of Marine Ca and Sr Isotope Proxies Against ‘salinity’ in Fresh-To-Hypersaline Coastal Lagoon-Estuarine Settings of South Australia
Shao Y, Farkas J, Holmden C, Mosley L, Kell-Duivestain I, Izzo C, Reis-Santos P, Tyler J, Haynes D, Tibby J & Gillanders B
(2016) Chromium Isotope Variability in Modern Ocean
Baconnais I, Holmden C & François R
(2016) Chromium Isotope Fractionation between Seawater and Carbonate Sediment in the Caribbean Sea
Mohanta J, Holmden C & Blanchon P
(2015) No Evidence for Stable Cr Isotope Fractionation during Planetary Differentiation
Schoenberg R, Merdian A, Haßler K, Koch H, Holmden C, Kleinhanns IC & Wille M
(2015) Cr Isotope Variability in the Oceans: Implications for the Cr Isotope Proxy
Holmden C, Scheiderich K, Amini M & Francois R
(2015) Ca and Mg Isotope Systematics in Acidified Forests from the Contrasting Monolithologic Czech Catchments
Farkas J, Novak M, Holmden C, Kram P, Simecek M, Francova M, Curik J & Veselovsky F
(2014) Ca Isotopic Composition Reflects Evapotranspiration and Dust Inputs in Shallow Desert Soil
Hausrath E, Downs B & Holmden C
(2014) Response of the Cr Isotope Proxy to Ocean Anoxic Event 2
Holmden C, Jacobson AD, Sageman BB & Hurtgen M
(2013) Tracing the Rise of Atmospheric Oxygen Using Cr Isotopes in Carbonates as a Paleoredox Proxy
Holmden C & Bekker A
(2013) Detection of Non-Stoichiometric Silicate Mineral Dissolution in Rivers Draining Alpine Glaciers Using δ44/40Ca
Moore J, Jacobson AD, Holmden C & Craw D
(2012) Magnesium Isotope Cycling within Acer Saccharum (Sugar Maple)
Worsham S, Holmden C & Belanger N
(2012) Non-Traditional Isotope Variations at Cedar Butte Volcano; Insight into Magmatic Differentiation
Zambardi T, Li X-X, Lundstrom CC, Holmden C & McCurry M
(2012) Ca-Isotope Tracing of Submarine Groundwater discharge-Florida Bay
Holmden C, Papanastassiou D, Blanchon P & Evans S
(2012) A Multiproxy Approach (87Sr/86Sr, S44Ca, S13CDIC) for Tracking Seasonal Changes in Permafrost Dynamics
Lehn GO, Jacobson AD, Douglas TA, McClelland JW, Barker AJ, Khosh MS & Holmden C
(2011) Magnesium Isotope Fractionation in a Hardwood Forest of Southern Québec, Canada
Worsham S, Holmden C & Bélanger N
(2011) δ44/40Ca Variability in Modern Shallow Water Carbonates
Holmden C, Papanastassiou D, Blanchon P & Evans S
(2011) Unconstrained Fluxes to the Ocean: Calcium Isotopes in Dust-Producing Regions
Fantle M, Tollerud H, Eisenhauer A & Holmden C
(2011) Chromium Isotopes in Saanich Inlet Sediments and Waters
Scheiderich K, Holmden C & Francois R
(2010) Isotopic Signatures in Cedar Butte Lavas: An Indication of Thermal Diffusion?
Li X, Lundstrom C, Zhang Z, McCurry M & Holmden C
(2009) High-Frequency Late Glacial to Mid-Holocene Climate Variability: Evidence from Oxygen and Carbon Isotope Values of Marl Lakes in Canada, Ireland and the United States
Patterson W, Eglington B, Holmden C, Brasseur J, Mc Kenzie S & Manchester C
(2009) The Ca Isotope Composition of Bulk Earth: Revisited
Amini M, Holmden C & Jochum KP
(2009) δ44Ca Traces Chemical Weathering of Hydrothermal Calcite in the Southern Alps of New Zealand
Moore J, Jacobson A, Holmden C & Craw D
(2008) Uranium Isotope Fractionation in Saanich Inlet
Holmden C, Amini M & Francois R
(2008) δ44/40Ca Variability in Igneous Rocks
Amini M, Eisenhauer A, Holmden C, Boehm F, Hauff F & Jochum KP
(2007) Fractionation between Inorganic and Organic Carbon during the Lomagundi Carbon Isotope Excursion
Bekker A, Beukes N, Kenig F, Holmden C, Patterson W & Eglington B
(2007) <delta>44Ca Evolution during Water-Rock Interaction in a Carbonate Aquifer
Jacobson A & Holmden C
(2006) Calcium Isotope Fractionation in a Boreal Forest Ecosystem
Holmden C & Bélanger N
(2005) High Mass Resolution Plasma Mass Spectrometry of Cr Isotopes
Holmden C, Eglington B & Papanastassiou D
(2001) Stable Isotopic Compositions of Formation-Waters in the Williston Basin: Applications in Petroleum Exploration/Production and Fluid Flow Studies
Rostron BJ & Holmden C
(2001) Considerations Towards the Development of an Epeiric Sea Carbon Box Model
Panchuk KM & Holmden CE
(2000) Strontium Isotope Investigation of Paleosalinity in the Great Estuarine Group, Jurassic, Scotland
Holmden C & Hudson JD

Holme C. (2013) First Results from the Northeast Greenland Ice Stream Drilling Site
Vallelonga P, Kjær H, Tibuleac C, Svensson A, Kristensen M, Popp T, Holme C, Weng Y, Vinther B, Dahl-Jensen D, Karlsson N, Kipfstuhl S, Peters L & Christianson K

Holme E. (2020) Clumped Isotope Geochemistry of Fe-Carbonates from the Gunflint Formation
Holme E, Henkes G, Rasbury T, Fralick P, Tosca N & Hurowitz J

Holmer M. (2002) Carbon Cycling in a Continental Margin Sediment: Contrasts between Organic Matter Characteristics and Remineralization Rates and Pathways
Arnosti C & Holmer M

Holmes Alex (2020) Effects of Farallon Slab Subduction on the Halogen Budget of the North American Lithosphere
Lassiter J, Barnes J, Holmes A, Segee-Wright G, Beaudoin G, Hoffmann E & John T
(2019) New Constraints from Halogen Abundances and Lithium Isotopes on the Behavior of Water in the Mantle
Lassiter J, Barnes J, Holmes A & Yang Y

Holmes Alexandra (2018) Fate of Nitrogen during Core-Mantle Separation
Grewal D, Dasgupta R, Costin G, Tsuno K, Li Y & Holmes A

Holmes C. (2010) Global Modeling of Mercury with Br as Atmospheric Oxidant
Jacob D, Holmes C, Soerensen A, Sturges E & Sunderland E
(2010) Constraining Mercury Oxidation Using Wet Deposition
Selin N & Holmes C
(2010) Global Atmospheric Budget of Mercury Including Oxidation of Hg(0) by Bromine Atoms
Holmes C, Jacob D, Soerensen A & Corbitt E
(2006) Putting the data to work - strategies for modelling multiple samples in multiple dimensions
Gallagher K, Stephenson J, Holmes C & Brown R
(2006) A new approach to mixture modelling for geochronology
Gallagher K, Jasra A, Stephens D & Holmes C

Holmes D. (2019) Evolutionary Mechanisms and Dynamics of Extreme Acidophiles
González C, Neira G, Vergara E, Cortez D, Valdés J & Holmes D

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