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Holben Brent (2011) Temporal Trend in Anthropogenic Sulfur Aerosol Transport from Central and Eastern Europe to Israel
Karnieli A, Derimian Y, Indoitu R, Panov N, Levy R, Remer L, Maenhout W & Holben B

Holben Brent N (2021) Observation and Modeling of a Historic African Dust Intrusion into the Caribbean Basin and the Southern U.S. in June 2020
Yu H, Tan Q, Zhou L, Zhou Y, Bian H, Chin M, Ryder CL, Levy RC, Pradhan Y, Shi Y, Song Q, Zhang Z, Colarco P, Kim D, Remer LA, Yuan T, Mayol-Bracero O & Holben BN

Holbig E. (2011) Failure of Density Functional Theory for Ground State Calculations on TiO2
Steinle-Neumann G, Vlcek V, Holbig E & Wu X

Holbourn A. (2023) Calibrating Timescales and Measuring pCO2 to Test the Role of LIP Volcanism in the Miocene Climate Optimum
Kasbohm J, Jurikova H, Schoene B, Holbourn A, Planavsky NJ, Rae JWB & Hull PM
(2018) Precession-Band Variance Missing from East Asian Monsoon Runoff
Clemens S, Holbourn A, Kubota Y, Lee K-E, Liu Z, Chen G, Nelson A & Fox-Kemper B
(2016) Dissolution Events vs. Recrystallisation: Insights from Laser Ablation Derived element/Ca Ratios in Planktonic Foraminifera
Voigt J, Hathorne EC, Fietzke J, Holbourn A, Kochhann KGD & Pälike H
(2016) Variations in the East Asian Summer Monsoon during the Last 400 kyr Reconstructed Using Oxygen Isotope and Mg/Ca-Derived Sea Surface Temperatures at IODP Site U1429
Kubota Y, Wakisaka E, Clemens S, Holbourn A, Lee KE, Ziegler M, Kimoto K & Horikawa K
(2013) A New Benthic Mg/Ca Temperature Calibration to Reconstruct Thermocline Temperature Variability in the Indonesian Archipelago
Lo Giudice Cappelli E, Holbourn A, Kuhnt W & Regenberg M
(2009) Pacific Intermediate and Deep Water Reorganisation during the Middle Miocene Onset of the “Icehouse”: Radiogenic Isotope Evidence
Frank M, Holbourn A, Haley BA & Kuhnt W
(2008) Changes in MOC Revealed by Chronostratigraphic Correlation of Ocean Sediment Cores via 14C Plateau Tuning
Grootes PM, Sarnthein M, Kennett JP, Holbourn A, Nadeau M-J & Kühn H

Holbrook R.D. (2010) Titanium Distribution in a Swimming Pool – The Case for Dissolution
Holbrook RD, Motabar D, Quinones O, Stanford B & Snyder S

Holbrook W.S. (2015) Generation of Continental Crust in Oceanic Arcs
Gazel E, Hayes J, Hoernle K, Holbrook WS & Vance E

Holburg J. (2023) Mineral Quantification in Mixtures of Synthetic Goethite, Hematite and Ferrihydrite by Table-Top NEXAFS at the O K-Edge
Wild P, Holburg J, Müller M, Totsche KU, Mann K, Thieme J & Eusterhues K
(2021) Laboratory-Scale NEXAFS Spectroscopy: The Challenge of Sample Preparation and First Spectra of Fe Oxides and Natural Organic Matter
Wild P, Holburg J, Müller M, Totsche KU, Mann K, Thieme J & Eusterhues K

Holcomb Michael (2013) Geochemical Windows on Coral Calcification: Cellular Mechanisms and Impacts of Climate Change
Cohen A, DeCarlo T, Gaetani G & Holcomb M
(2013) Bio-Calcification and its Response to Ocean Acidification: New Insights from Boron Isotopes
McCulloch M, Trotter J, Holcomb M & Montagna P

Holcomb Michael (2012) Clumped and Magnesium Isotopes in Corals: A Comparison with Traditional Paleothermometers
Saenger C, Thiagarajan N, Felis T, Lough J, Holcomb M, Gaetani G, Cohen A, Affek H & Wang Z
(2006) The impact of crystal growth rate on element ratios in aragonite: an experimental approach to understanding vital effects
Gabitov RI, Cohen AL, Gaetani GA, Holcomb M & Watson EB

Holcomb Michael (2015) PH Up-Regulation in Scleractinian Corals: A Global Survey
McCulloch M, Falter J, Holcomb M, Montagna P, D'Olivo J & Trotter J

Holcomb Michael (2016) 11B and B/Ca Systematics in Scleractinian Corals Show Strong Seasonal Controls on Calcifying Fluid pH and DIC: Implications for the 11B Seawater pH Proxy
McCulloch M, D'Olivo Cordero JP, Falter J, Holcomb M & Trotter J

Holcomb Michael (2017) Coral Calcification in a Changing World and the Interactive Dynamics of pH and DIC Up-Regulation
McCulloch M, Cordero JP, Falter J, Holcomb M, Montagna P & Trotter J
(2017) Coral Calcifying Fluid Aragonite Saturation States Derived from Raman Spectroscopy
DeCarlo TM, D'Olivo JP, Comeau S, Foster T, Cornwall CE, Holcomb M & McCulloch MT

Holcombe G. (2017) Characterisation Measurements of 13C/12C Isotope Amount Ratios in Glycine Candidate Reference Materials by MC-ICPMS and EA-IRMS
Malinovskiy D, Dunn P, Holcombe G & Goenaga-Infante H

Holcova K (2000) Li Isotopic Composition of Foraminiferal Tests: A Possible Proxy for Li Isotopic Composition of the Sea Water
Kosler J, Kucera M, Holcova K, Symonova R & Sylvester P

Holcová Katarína (2021) Maximizing Precision and Accuracy of TIMS Nd Isotope Measurements for Small Sample Sizes
Ackerman L, Rejšek J, Roberts J, Bracciali L, Vollstaedt H, Scheiner F & Holcová K

Holdaway B. (2016) Spatiotemporal Variations in the Degree and Frequency of Baltic Sea Holocene Anoxia
Hardisty D, Riedinger N, Holdaway B, Planavsky N, Bates S, Asael D & Lyons T

Holden A. (2012) Migration and Evolution of Oil Sands Tailings Pond Seepage Through Glacial Till Sediments: Combined Field and Laboratory Investigations
Holden A, Kone M, Mayer KU & Ulrich A
(2011) Geochemical Impact of Seepage from a Canadian Oil Sands Tailings Pond: A Radial Diffusion Cell Study
Holden A, Mayer U & Ulrich A
(2010) Biogeochemical Impacts of Oil Sands Process Water on Aquifer and Aquitard Materials
Haque S, Holden A, Tompkins T, Mayer KU, Ulrich A & Barker J

Holden James (2015) Fractionation of 13CH3D during Microbial Methanogenesis
Gruen D, Wang D, Koenneke M, Hinrichs K-U, Stewart L, Topcuoglu B, Holden J, Pape T, Bohrmann G, Hristov A & Ono S
(2014) Clumped Isotope Systematics of Biogenic Methane
Gruen D, Wang D, Stewart L, Holden J & Ono S
(2011) Venting History and Accumulation Rates of Hydrothermal Sulfide from the Endeavour Segment, Juan de Fuca Ridge
Jamieson J, Hannington M, Kelley D, Clague D & Holden J

Holden James F. (2018) Biogenic Mineral Transformations of Fe(III) (Oxyhydr)oxides at High Temperatures
Kashyap S, Sklute EC, Wang P, Tague Jr. TJ, Dyar MD & Holden JF
(2018) Growth Kinetics and Gene Expression in a Hyperthermophilic Methanogen during H2-limited and Syntrophic Growth
Topcuoglu B, Meydan C & Holden J
(2018) Influence of Energy Availability on the Carbon Isotopes of Methane and Biomarkers during Hydrogenotrophic Methanogenesis
Nguyen T, Topçuoğlu B, Holden J & Lang S

Holden Joseph (2022) The Role of Soil Organic Carbon Chemistry in Soil Aggregate Formation and Carbon Preservation
Otero-Fariña A, Brown H, Xiao K-Q, Chapman P, Holden J, Banwart S & Peacock CL

Holden N.E. (2013) Decay Constants for Dating
Holden N
(2013) Half Lives of Nuclides for Geological Use: 2012 Evaluation for 87Rb
Villa IM, Bonardi ML, DeBièvre P, Holden NE & Renne PR
(2008) What is the Standard Atomic Weight of an Element?
Coplen T, Holden N & Wieser M

Holden P. (2018) Quadruple Sulfur Isotopes in 2.7 Ga Sedimentary Pyrites from the Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia, Explained by Simultaneous Dissociation of SO2
Chen M, Campbell I, Ávila J, Huang Z, Sambridge M, Ireland T & Holden P
(2017) Measuring Oxygen Isotopes in Micrometeorites Using SHRIMP
Van Ginneken M, Avila J, Holden P, Mckibbin S, Goderis S, Soens B, Claeys P, Debaille V, Ireland T, Folco L & Rochette P
(2016) Trace Element and Sulfur Isotopic Evidence for Redox Changes during Formation of the Wallaby Gold Deposit, Western Australia
Ward J, Mavrogenes J, Murray A & Holden P
(2016) Tracing Fluids in Subducted Oceanic Crust Using in situ δ18O and δ11B by SHRIMP
Williams M, Rubatto D, Hermann J & Holden P
(2015) Stenian-Tonian Arc Magmatism in West-Central Madagascar
Archibald D, Collins A, Foden J, Payne J, Holden P & Razakamanana T
(2015) In situ Multiple Sulfur Isotope Analysis of Sedimentary Pyrites with SHRIMP-Si: Unravelling Complex Depositional and Post-Depositional Processes
Avila J, Ireland T, Holden P, Philippot P & Teles G
(2015) Oxygen Isotope Analysis of Zircon Reference Materials with SHRIMP SI
Ireland T, Ávila J, Holden P & Lanc P
(2011) Stacked SIMS Spectra: Unravelling Ion Production in Geological Materials
Ireland T, Holden P & Lanc P
(2011) Measurement of Four-Isotope Sulfur Ratios on SHRIMP–SI
Holden P, Armstrong R, Foster J, Lanc P, Schram N & Ireland T
(2010) Zircon Oxygen and Hf Isotopic Constraints on 150 M.y. of Subduction Magmatism, South Patagonian Batholith, South America
Fanning M, Hervé F, Pankhurst R, Calderón M, Yaxley G & Holden P
(2006) Automated mining of detrital zircons from Jack Hills, Western Australia: Flash geochronology with SHRIMP II.
Holden P, Ireland T, Bruce Z & Harrison M
(2006) The current status of zircon oxygen micro-isotopic analysis using SHRIMP II
Williams IS, Holden P, Hiess J & Ickert R
(2006) Ti zircon thermometry applied to metamorphic and igneous systems.
Hiess J, Nutman A, Bennett V & Holden P
(2006) Further Hf isotope evidence for Hadean continental crust
Harrison M, McCulloch M, Blichert-Toft J, Albarede F, Holden P & Mojzsis S
(2005) The Oxygen Isotope Composition of the Sun
Ireland T, Holden P & Norman M
(2005) Heterogeneous Hadean Hafnium: Evidence of Continental Crust by 4.5<!s><$>Ga?
Harrison TM, Blichert-Toft J, Müller W, McCulloch M, Albarède F, Mojzsis S & Holden P
(2003) U-Series Disequilibria in the Izu and Mariana Island Arcs
Gill J, Holden P & Sigmarsson O

Holder P. (2017) Natal Origins of a Pest: Using Sr Isotopes to Identify if an Exotic Pest Infact [or Unfortunately?] has Local Origins
Holder P, Murphy D, Wiemer D, Moromizato K, Kinaev I, Crisp P & Armstrong K

Holder Robert (2020) Igneous Geochemical Evidence for Continuous Plate Tectonics Since ~3.5 Ga
Garber J, Holder R, Smye A & Reimink J
(2018) Linking High- and Low-Temperature Processes in the Crust with U–Pb Dating of Carbonate Rocks and Minerals
Holder R, Hacker B & Ryb U
(2017) Directly Dating Deformation by U-Pb Carbonate LA-ICPMS
Holder R, Hacker B, Kylander-Clark A, Roberts N & Nuriel P

Holder Robert M (2023) Sub-Millennial Scale Reconstruction of Late Quaternary Critical Zones in Utah, USA Using Laminated Soil Carbonate Rinds
Cerling T, Huth T, Marchetti D, Passey BH, Ellwein A, Mahan S, Bard E, Rostek F, Tuna T, Blum T & Holder RM
(2023) High-Temperature Granulite Metamorphism in the Ivanpah and Southern McCullough Mountains
Street J & Holder RM
(2022) Cooling Time Scales of Lunar 74220 Orange Glass Beads from Na and Cu Profiles
Su X, Zhang Y, Liu Y & Holder RM
(2021) U-Pb Dating and Clumped Isotopes Constraints on Massive-Dolomite Formation Environments
Ben-Israel M, Ryb U, Holder RM & Kylander-Clark A
(2021) Low-Temperature, Fluid-Driven Resetting of Titanite Following Ultrahigh-Temperature Metamorphism in Madagascar
Holder RM & Hacker BR

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