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Hogg Alan (2013) Testing Accuracy of Combined Zircon (238U/230Th) and (U-Th)/He Dating Against Radiocarbon Dating
Danisik M, Shane P, Schmitt A, Hogg A, Santos G, Evans N, Storm S, Fifield K, Lindsay J & Alloway B
(2012) Testing Efficacy of Zircon (238U/230Th) + (U-Th)/He and Radiocarbon Dating Methods on the New Zealand Late Quaternary Tephras
Danisik M, Shane P, Schmitt A, Hogg A, Santos G, Evans N, Storm S, Fifield K & Lindsay J

Hogg Andy

Hogg I. (2019) Surface Geochemistry of the Shackleton Glacier Region, Antarctica and Implications for Soil Habitability
Diaz M, Adams B, Hogg I, Fierer N, Wall D, Gardner C, Shaver-Adams M & Lyons WB

Hogg Olivia (2021) Outgassing of Metals from Active Volcanoes
Edmonds M, Mason E & Hogg O

Hogg Olivia R (2022) Water-Rich Versus Water-Poor: Maximising the Outgassing Metal Flux from Arc Volcanoes
Hogg OR, Edmonds M & Blundy JD

Hogg Olivia R. (2023) Water-Rich Magmas Optimise Volcanic Chalcophile Element Outgassing Fluxes
Hogg OR, Edmonds M & Blundy JD

Hoggard M. (2023) Links between Supercontinent Cycles, Volcanism and Mineral Systems
Hoggard M & Leong E
(2017) Cenozoic Magmatism and Dynamic Topography of Libya and Tibesti
Ball P, White N, Oppenheimer C, Stuart F, Maclennan J & Hoggard M

Hogland W. (2019) Fluorescence Spectroscopy – Applied Tool for Organic Matter Analysis
Burlakovs J, Ferrans L, Krumins J, Jani Y, Hogland W & Klavins M

Hogle S. (2017) Chemical Characterization and Microbial Sources of Phosphonates in the Ocean
Acker M, Hogle S, Berube P, Chisholm S & Repeta D
(2014) Mechanisms of Trace Metal Assimilation in Marine Roseobacters
Hogle S, Brahamsha B & Barbeau K

Hoglund L. (2013) Smart Air Quality Policies for a Better Climate: A Regional Analysis
Van Dingenen R, Dentener F, Janssens-Maenhout G, Muntean M, Klimont Z & Hoglund L

Hogmalm J. (2021) Veins and Fracture Coatings Linked to Tectonic Events by in situ Rb-Sr LA-ICP-MS/MS Dating
Tillberg M, Drake H, Zack T & Hogmalm J
(2018) Development of Superheavy δ34S Values in Paleozoic Pyrite Detected by SIMS Microanalysis and Ion Imaging
Drake H, Whitehouse M, Heim C, Reiners P, Tillberg M & Hogmalm J
(2017) In situ Rb-Sr Dating
Zack T, Hogmalm J & Nebel O
(2017) In situ Rb-Sr Dating of Fault and Fracture Zone Minerals Resolving Multi-Stage Deformation History
Tillberg M, Drake H, Zack T, Hogmalm J & Åström M
(2015) In situ Lu-Hf Dating of Xenotime by Reaction Cell Isotope Separation
Zack T & Hogmalm J

Hogue K. (2009) Combining Hydrometric, Chemical and Isotopic Approaches to Assess Nitrate Loading of Rivers in Southern Alberta, Canada
Mayer B, Rock L, Chao J, Hogue K & Katvala S

Hohenberg C.M. (2006) Noble Gas Mass Spectrometry in the 21st Century
Hohenberg C
(2004) I-Xe and Pb-Pb Ages of Individual Elenovka (L5) Chondrules
Pravdivtseva O, Amelin Y, Meshik A & Hohenberg C
(2004) Fissiogenic Xenon in Ground Zero of Trinity Nuclear Test
Meshik A, Pravdivtseva O & Hohenberg C
(2002) I-Xe Ages and Trapped Xe Compositions
Hohenberg CM, Pravdivtseva OV & Meshik APM
(2002) I-Xe and Pb-Pb Ages of Richardton Chondrules
Pravdivtseva O, Amelin Y, Hohenberg CM & Meshik AP

Höhener P. (2023) Multiple-Element Compound-Specific Isotope Analysis (C, N, Cl) to Assess Photodegradation of Herbicides Atrazine and Metolachlor
Levesque-Vargas M, Höhener P, Sleno L, Gélinas Y & Ponsin V
(2023) When Does Back-Diffusion from Low-Permeability Porous Media into Aquifers Create Isotope Fractionation?
Höhener P, Gori D, Prieto-Espinoza M & Bouchard D
(2009) Fractionation of Stable Isotopes in Organic Contaminants by Volatilization and Sorption
Höhener P, Bouchard D & Hunkeler D
(2002) Fate of MTBE Relative to Ethanol and Benzene in the Unsaturated Zone
Höhener P, Dakhel N, Pasteris G & Werner D

Hohl D. (2010) Methane Under Pressure: Dissociation Reactions from ab Initio Simulation
Spanu L, Donadio D, Schwegler E, Hohl D & Galli G

Hohl M. (2022) Fluid Evolution in the Cu-Mo ±Re ±Au Porphyry System of Maronia, NE Greece: Insights from the Chemistry of Pyrite, Molybdenite and Quartz
Falkenberg JJ, Keith M, Haase KM, Voudouris PC, Hohl M & Klemd R

Hohl Simon (2016) What Controls the Fractionation of Cd Isotopes in Marine Carbonates? Case Studies from the Neoproterozoic Strata on Yangtze Platform, South China
Hohl S, Galer S, Jiang S-Y & Becker H

Hohl Simon V. (2023) Jaspillites from the 3.5 Ga Old Dresser Fm. – A Reliable Geochemical Archive for Ancient Water Chemistry?
Viehmann S, Kraemer D, Hohl SV, Koeberl C & Van Kranendonk MJ
(2023) A Tale of Two Archean Microbial Habitats – On the Cd Uptake and Isotope Fractionation by Earth’s Earliest Life
Hohl SV & Viehmann S
(2023) Anthropogenic Source Identification and the Naturally Heavy Cu Isotopic Signatures in the Changjiang (Yangtze River)
Vasquez Vargas AC, He Z, Guo J, Yang S, Hohl SV & Hao Q
(2023) Lithium Isotopic Constraints on Widespread Clay Authigenesis after the Marinoan Glaciation
Yin Y, Wei G, Pogge von Strandmann P, Lechte M, Hohl SV, Zhang F, Isson T & Ling H-F
(2022) Neoproterozoic Glaciations and their Tally on Seawater Evolution: Stable C, O and Cr Paired with Radiogenic Nd, Sr Isotope-Stratigraphy of the Witvlei Group (Namibia)
Hohl SV, Rodler A, Viehmann S, Gaucher C, Germs G, Goderis S, Frei R & Huang X
(2022) Stromatolites of the Western Pannonian Basin Reflect Trace Metal Availability in Microbial Habitats during the Middle Miocene Salinity Crisis
Viehmann S, Kujawa R, Hohl SV, Tepe N, Rodler A, Hofmann T & Draganits E
(2021) Stromatolites as Archives for Novel Isotope Proxies to Reconstruct Microbial Habitats Through Deep Time
Hohl SV & Viehmann S
(2020) Redox and Nutrient Fluctuations in Interglacial Neoproterozoic Witvlei Group Carbonates (Namibia) Argue for Ecosystem Instability Promoting Animal Evolution
Hohl SV, Rodler A, Gaucher C & Frei R
(2020) Insights into the Early Cambrian Relations between Marine Productivity and Redox Fluctuations Using Ba Isotopes
Lin Y-B, Wei H-Z, Li D, Hohl SV & Jiang S-Y
(2019) Vanadium Isotopes of the Yangtze River System, China
Schuth S, Brüske A, Hohl S, Jiang S-Y, Gregory D, Viehmann S & Weyer S
(2019) Use of Ba and Cd Isotope Systematics to Reconstruct Microbialite Paleo-Habitats and Bio-Productivity
Hohl SV, Viehmann S, Lin Y, Wei H-Z, Steiner M & Galer SJG
(2019) Barium Isotope Variations Across the Basal Doushantuo Formation: Implications for Productivity Recovery after the Marinoan Glaciation
Lin Y-B, Jiang S-Y, Wei H-Z & Hohl SV
(2019) Neoproterozoic Environmental Conditions: A Novel Metal Stable Isotope Perspective
Rodler A, Hohl S, Gaucher C, Germs G, Hegenberger W, Goderis S, Claeys P & Frei R
(2019) Suppressed Silicate Weathering Recorded by Seawater Lithium Isotopic Compositions in the Terminal Proterozoic: Insights from the Chigebrak Formation in Keping Area, NW Tarim Basin
Zhang Y, Yang T, Hohl S & Weynell M
(2017) Cd Isotope Fractionation between Phases in Cambrian Black Shales: a Case Study from the Niutitang Formation, Southwest China
Hohl SV, Galer SJG, Liu Q, We i H & Jiang S-Y
(2015) Cd Isotopic Variations in Ediacaran Carbonate Rocks from South China; Biogenic or Abiogenic Isotope Fractionation?
Hohl SV, Galer SJG & Becker H
(2013) Multi-Proxy Study of Shallow- and Deep-Water Doushantuo Carbonates, Yangtze Platform, South China
Hohl S, Becker H, Herzlieb S, Guo Q & Gamper A
(2012) Trace Element Abundances in Doushantuo Cap Dolostones from Platform and Slope Settings, Yangtze Platform, South China
Hohl S, Becker H, Hippler D & Baro W
(2011) Geochemical Evolution of Lavas of the Rabaul Caldera – Fractionation of Fe Isotopes and HFSE Ratios during Fractional Crystallisation
Hohl S, König S, Münker C, Schuth S & Kuduon J
(2010) The Bulk Silicate Earth’s W Budget Revised: Implications for the Timing of Core Formation
König S, Münker C, Hohl S, Paulick H & Köhler A

Höhler K. (2013) Enhanced Ice Nucleation Activity of Soil Dust Particles
Steinke I, Funk R, Danielczok A, Höhler K, Hiranuma N, Hoffmann N, Hummel M, Kirchen S, Kiselev A, Leue M, Möhler O, Saathoff H, Schnaiter M, Schwartz T, Sierau B, Stetzer O, Toprak E, Ulrich A, Hoose C & Leisner T

Hohmann C. (2012) Redox Reactions Affecting Arsenic at Iron-(oxyhydr)oxide Mineral Surfaces
Morin G, Ona-Nguema G, Benzerara K, Juillot F, Wang Y, Hohmann C, Obst M, Kappler A & Brown Jr. GE
(2010) Mobilization of Sorbed and Co-precipitated Arsenic from Biogenic Fe(III) (Hydr)oxides by the Fe(III)-reducer Shewanella oneidensis MR-1
Muehe EM, Kappler A, Posth N & Hohmann C
(2010) Molecular Mechanisms of As-Binding to Biogenic Iron(III) (Hydr)oxides Precipitated by the Nitrate-Reducing Iron(II)-Oxidizer Acidovorax sp. Strain BoFeN1
Hohmann C, Morin G, Brown Jr. G, Obst M, Benzerara K & Kappler A
(2008) Immobilisation of Arsenic in Paddy Soil by Iron(II)-Oxidizing Bacteria
Kappler A, Hohmann C, Muehe M, Richter S & Winkler E

Hohmann S. (2017) Once Upon a Time, Scientific Fairy Tales Promoting the Discovery, Protection and Use of the Ocean
Reyes Macaya DA, Martínez Méndez G, Elyashiv H, Jackson R, Tamborrino L, Tangunan D, Ruiz-Soto S, Hollstein M, Boehnert S, Schmidt C, Neto Dos Santos C, Wang H, Müller Dum D, Hernandez I, Hohmann S, Creco M, Rossel P, Duran Toro V, Park E & Liu Y

Hohmann-Marriott M.F. (2018) It's not Easy Being Green: Investigating Fe Acquisition Strategies by Analyzing Fe Distribution in Synechococcus sp. PCC 7002 Under Different Fe Scenarios
Hunnestad AV, Vogel AIM, Hohmann-Marriott MF & Van Ardelan M

Höhn E. (2009) On the Emanation of Thoron (220Rn) from Preciptiates
Huxol S, Höhn E, Surbeck H & Kipfer R

Höhn M. (2023) H2O, CO2, and S Contents of Basaltic Andesite Magmas at Rabaul Caldera Complex, Papua New Guinea
Höhn M, McCormick Kilbride B & Hartley ME

Höhn R. (2004) Arsenic Reduction by Dissolved Sulfide
Höhn R & Isenbeck-Schröter M
(2004) Reduction of As(V) in the Aquifer – A Tracer Test at the Cape Cod Site
Isenbeck-Schroeter M, Höhn R, Davis J, Kent D, Scholz C, Maier M & Jakobsen R

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