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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Hibbert C. (2015) Controls on Seasonal Elemental Variation in Tropical Rivers in Goa, India
Hibbert C, Hudson-Edwards K & Widdowson M

Hibbert Kate (2015) Mass-Dependent Mo Isotope Variations in Oceanic Basalts – A New Tracer for Mantle Recycling Processes
Willbold M, Freymuth H, Hibbert K, Lai Y-J, Hin R & Elliott T

Hibbert Kate (2013) Searching for Evidence for Mo Isotope Fractionation in the Mantle
Hibbert K, Willbold M, Andersen M & Elliott T
(2011) Iron Isotopes and Komatiites: Implications for Mantle Oxygen Fugacity
Hibbert K, Williams H, Kerr A & Puchtel I

Hibbert Kate E.H. (2023) The Influence of Crustal Recycling on the Molybdenum Isotope Composition of the Earth’s Mantle
Hin RC, Hibbert KEH, Chen S, Willbold M, Andersen MB, Kiseeva K, Wood BJ, Niu Y, Sims KW & Elliott T

Hibbert Katrina (2012) Fractionation of Iron Stable Isotopes by Magmatic Processes: Progress and Potential
Williams H, Bizimis M, Moorbath S & Hibbert K

Hibiya Y. (2023) Nucleosynthetic Isotopic Anomalies of Ti and Cr in Fine-Grained CAIs from the Allende Meteorite
Masuda Y, Yokoyama T, Iizuka T & Hibiya Y
(2022) Cr and Ti Isotope Systematics of Ryugu Samples
Yokoyama T, Iizuka T, Gautam I, Hibiya Y, Haba MK, Masuda Y, Fukai R & Yurimoto H
(2021) Combined Cr-Ti Isotope Analyses of Planetary Materials
Hibiya Y
(2020) Cr Isotopic Search for a Core Component in Basalts from the Ontong Java Plateau and Samoan Ocean Islands
Hibiya Y, Iizuka T, Suzuki K & Yoneda S
(2017) High Precision Cr-Ti Stable Isotope Measurements for the Extra-Terrestrial Materials
Hibiya Y, Iizuka T, Yamashita K, Yoneda S & Yamakawa A
(2016) U–Pb Isotope Systematics of Eucrites: A Record of the Thermal History
Iizuka T, Yamaguchi A, Koefoed P, Hibiya Y & Amelin Y
(2016) Constraints on the Origin of Primitive Achondrites from NWA 6704
Hibiya Y, Iizuka T, Ozawa K & Yamaguchi A
(2015) Constraints on the Formation Process of the Ungrouped NWA 6704 Primitive Achondrite
Hibiya Y, Ozawa K, Iizuka T & Yamaguchi A

Hibti M. (2020) Post Hercynian Circulation of Brines in the Central Jebilet: The Bir N’has, Sarhlef and Bramram Pb-Zn Deposits, Morocco
Nshimiyimana F, Essarraj S, Hibti M, Boulvais P & Boyce AJ

Hichem C.

Hickam S. (2018) Experimental Thermochemistry of Neptunium Compounds
Zhang L, Dzik E, Perry S, Hickam S, Sigmon G, Szymanowski J, Navrotsky A & Burns P

Hickes H. (2005) Sr-Nd-Pb-O Isotope Geochemistry of a Quaternary, Caldera-Forming, Phonolitic Eruptive Sequence; The Diego Hernández Formation, Tenerife, Canary Islands (Spain)
Hickes H, Larson P, Wolff J & Vervoort J

Hickey B.J. (2011) A Depth Transect of Four 25 kyr 231Pa/230Th Records from the Argentine Basin: Assessing Southern Component Flow Rates
Hickey B, Henderson G, Thomas A, Rae J, Chiessi C & Mulitza S
(2009) 231Pa/230Th as a Paleocirculation Proxy Outside the North Atlantic
Henderson GM, Hickey BJ, Rae JW, Thomas AL, Mueller SA & Edwards N
(2008) 231Pa/230Th in the Argentine Basin as a Tracer of Past Southern-Source Water-Mass Flow
Hickey B, Thomas A, Rae J, Mulitza S, Chiessi C & Henderson G

Hickey J. (2022) The 2021 Eruption of Cumbre Vieja Volcano: Petrological Insights Gained from the Initial Rapid Response to Post-Eruption Study
Barbee OA, Pankhurst MJ, Chamberlain KJ, Scarrow JH, Hickey J, Morgan DJ, Neave D, Coldwell BC, Butcher AR, Rollinson GK, Rodriguez F, Martin-Lorenzo A, Wieser P, Hernandez W, Hernandez PA & Perez Rodriguez N
(2020) New Insights into the Evolution of the 1914-15 Plinian Eruption of Sakurajima Volcano, Japan
Zawalna-Geer A, Petrone CM, Hickey J, Williamson B & Pickles J
(2019) Magma System Model for Sakurajima Volcano, Japan
Zawalna-Geer A, Hickey J, Williamson B, Petrone C, Pickles J, Brown J & Healey J

Hickey Ken (2014) Tracing Fluid Flow in a Carlin-Type Hydrothermal System Using Isotopic, Chemical, and Textural Alteration of Calcite
Vaughan J, Hickey K & Barker S

Hickey Kevin (2023) Predicting the Rate Constants of Munition Compound Reduction by the Fe(II)-Hematite and Fe(II)-Goethite Redox Couples
Cardenas-Hernandez PA, Hickey K, Di Toro D, Carbonaro R, Allen H & Chiu P

Hickey W. (2012) Was Mineral Surface Toxicty an Impetus for Evolution of Bacterial Extra-Cellular Polymeric Substances (EPS)?
Sahai N, Xu J, Zhu C, Zhang N & Hickey W

Hickey-Vargas Rosemary (2018) Chemical Changes in Basalts from IODP Site U1438: Subduction Effects or Alteration?
Hickey-Vargas R
(2018) Reconstruction of Late Oligocene Izu-Bonin Arc Magmas from Mineral-Melt Partitioning
Samajpati E & Hickey-Vargas R

Hickey-Vargas Rosemary (2017) Leveraging Remote Instrument Operation Technologies to Bring Real Research Experiences into Undergraduate Geoscience Courses
Ryan J, MacDonald J, Hickey-Vargas R, Beck M, Vidito C & Ricchezza V
(2017) Tectonic and Magmatic Evolution at Subduction Initiation- the Case of Izu-Bonin-Mariana-
Ishizuka O, Tani K, Harigane Y, Umino S, Hickey-Vargas R, Yogodzinski G, Kusano Y, McCarthy A, Savov I, Arculus R, Reagan M & Stern R

Hickey-Vargas Rosemary (2016) Geochemical & Geochronological Constraints on the Subduction Initiation of the Izu-Bonin Arc
Ishizuka O, Tani K, Harigane Y, Ohara Y, Taylor R, Kusano Y, Hickey-Vargas R, Yogodzinsky G, Sudo M, McCarthy A, Savov I, Arculus R & Bogus K

Hickey-Vargas Rosemary (2015) Re-Os-PGE Systematics of the Izu-Bonin-Mariana Arc-Basin System
Savov I, Dale C, Yang A, Hickey-Vargas R & Exp.351 SP

Hickey-Vargas Rosemary (2011) U-Th-Ba Elemental Fractionation during Partial Melting of Crustal Xenoliths and its Implications for U-Series Disequilibria in Continental Arc Rocks
Brens R & Hickey-Vargas R
(2006) Extreme initial Os and PGE fractionation in Philippine Sea Plate basalts: Evidence for recycled crust?
Dale CW, Luguet A, Macpherson CG, Pearson DG & Hickey-Vargas R
(2005) Re-Os and PGE Study of Philippine Sea Plate Ocean Island Basalts: Constraining Mantle Sources
Luguet A, Macpherson CG, Pearson DG & Hickey-Vargas R

Hickin A.S. (2021) Mercury Haloes in Air Above Ore Deposits and Faults on Vancouver Island, BC, Canada
Rukhlov AS, Ootes L, Hickin AS & Mashyanov NR

Hickman Arthur (2019) Early Earth Evolution of the Pilbara Craton, with Implication for Continental Growth
Petersson A, Kemp A, Hickman A, Whitehouse M, Martin L & Gray C

Hickman Arthur (2012) The Hf-Nd Isotope Barcode of Crust Formation in the Archean Earth
Kemp T, Vervoort J, Whitehouse M, Hickman A, Van Kranendonk M & Naeraa T
(2009) Primary Hematite Formation in an Oxygenated Deep Sea 3.46 Billion Years ago
Hoashi M, Bevacqua D, Otake T, Watanabe Y, Hickman A, Utsunomiya S & Ohmoto H
(2007) Towards Improved Accuracy of SHRIMP Zircon 207Pb-206Pb Measurements
Stern R, Kamo S, Bodorkos S, Hickman A & Corfu F

Hickman Arthur (2015) Pillow Basalts from the Mount Ada Basalt, Warrawoona Group, Pilbara Craton: Impications for the Initiation of Grainite-Greenstone Terrains
Murphy DT, Trofimovs J, Hepple RA, Wiemer D, Kemp A & Hickman A

Hickman-Lewis K. (2023) Between Heaven and Hell: Early Environments for Life in the Palaeoarchaean
Westall F, Bréhéret JG, Hickman-Lewis K, Campbell KA, Guido D, Foucher F & Cavalazzi B
(2023) Phyllosilicate-Enhanced Preservation of Primary Biogeochemical Heterogeneities in Archaean (~2.9 Ga) Siliciclastic Microbial Mats
Hickman-Lewis K, Cavalazzi B, Yi K, Hong TE, Byeon M, Jang JH, Montgomery W, Cuadros J, Najorka J, Matlak K, Wolanin B & Smith CL
(2022) Earliest Fossil Record of Cyanobacterial Microbialites >120 Myr Before the Great Oxygenation Event
Hickman-Lewis K, Gasparotto G, Maris A, Poggiali G, Brucato JR, Baneschi I, Boschi C, Siketić Z, Jakšić M, Barac M, Brajković M, Krmpotić M, Ghica D, Stefan M & Cavalazzi B
(2021) Perseverance Rover Notional Caches for Mars Sample Return
Hickman-Lewis K, Herd CDK, Bosak T, Stack KM, Sun VZ, Benison KC, Cohen BA, Czaja AD, Debaille V, Hausrath EM, Mayhew LE, Moynier F, Sephton MA, Shuster DL, Siljeström S, Simon JI, Weiss BP, Smith CL, Steele A, Flannery D, Goreva YS, Gupta S, Kah LC, Minitti ME, McLennan SM, Madariaga JM, Brown AJ, Williford KH & Farley KA
(2021) Biogeochemical Heterogeneity in Palaeoarchaean Microbial Mats: A Testament to the Diversity and Biological Complexity of Earth’s Earliest Ecosystems
Hickman-Lewis K, Westall F & Cavalazzi B
(2018) Influence of Early Ocean Chemistry on Cell Biochemistry and Prokaryotic Metallomic Biosignatures
Hickman-Lewis K, Cavalazzi B, Sorieul S, Gautret P, Foucher F, Georgelin T, Cockell C & Westall F
(2018) Assessing New Biogenicity Criteria of Microfossils with a Novel 3D Imaging Approach
Maldanis L, Hickman-Lewis K, Westall F, Bertrand L, Berenguer F, Gueriau P & Galante D
(2018) Most Ancient Evidence for Life in Barberton: Microbial Mats from the 3.472 Ga Middle Marker Horizon
Hickman-Lewis K, Cavalazzi B, Foucher F & Westall F
(2017) Geochemical Tracing of the Early Archaean Hydrothermal Chemotrophic Biosphere
Hickman-Lewis K, Gautret P, Foucher F, Sorieul S, Cavalazzi B & Westall F

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