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Abstract Details

(2020) Influence of Spatio-Temporal Heterogeneity on Biogeochemical Cycling in the Subsurface Using a Numerical Modeling Approach

Khurana S, Heße F & Thullner M


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The author has indicated that they are available to discuss this presentation on Thursday 25th June 17:00.

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06a: Room 2, Thursday 25th June 08:09 - 08:12

Listed below are questions that have been submitted by the community that the author will try and cover in their presentation. To submit a question, ensure you are signed in to the website. Authors or session conveners approve questions before they are displayed here.

Submitted by Jenna Poonoosamy on Thursday 25th June 04:13
Could you please elaborate how does does the DA affect the temporal dynamics? Could you please elaborate how the Pe influences the system memory? On slide 11, why is the trend of DO appear different from the other species?
I would first like to clarify that Pe# and Da# that I refer to pertain to average flow conditions enforced in the domain (the average flow velocity was enforced to be constant for all spatially heterogeneous and temporally dynamics simulations). Influence of Pe# - When the Pe# is high, the transport is advection dominated. The preferential flow paths introduced as a result of spatial heterogeneity then have a higher role to play in mass transport, thereby influencing nutrient distribution and growth of microbial species in both space and time. Effectively, the link between the external forcing at the inlet of the domain and the domain/outlet of the domain is stronger (reflected in the cross-correlation distribution). The domain responds quickly to temporal dynamics. So for high temporally dynamic regimes having high Pe#, the memory of the domain/system is shorter. For low temporally dynamics regimes, the memory is not impacted by Pe#. Influence of Da# - The domain is reaction dominated at higher Da numbers and buffers the temporal dynamics enforced at the inlet of the domain. So irrespective of how transport regime is impacted due to temporal dynamics and spatial heterogeneity, the impact on nutrient cycling is limited. Consider the case of DO for example: For the same reaction rate expressions (process network), the Da# is high in the slow and medium flow regimes. DO is removed completely in the domain and the domain transitions to anaerobic regime (not shown in the presentation). So while a shift in the oxic-anoxic interface is indeed introduced due to spatial heterogeneity and temporal dynamics, the impact on DO removal from the domain is low in slow and medium flow regimes. However, there is an observable linear relationship between spatial heterogeneity and impact on DO removal in the fast flow regime where the Da# is low and the domain does not buffer the impact of spatio-temporal heterogeneity.

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