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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Herzschuh U. (2014) Lake Sediment Cores as a DNA Archive to Track Historical Treeline Changes
Epp L, Stoof-Leichsenring K & Herzschuh U

Hesegawa H. (2016) Metal Pollution Risk of Water and Soil due to the Open-Beach Recycling of End-Of-Life Ships
Barua S, Rahman IMM, Hossain MM, Jii N, Sawai H, Maki T & Hesegawa H

Heshiki K. (2003) Reaction and Separation of Metal and Silicate in the Early Earth, and Light Elements in the Core
Ohtani E, Kawazoe T, Kanbe Y & Heshiki K

Heshiki Z. (2007) In situ Redox Chemistry of Hydrothermal Fluids at the Loihi Seamount Microbial Observatory
Glazer B, Briggs R, Nuzzio D, Heshiki Z, Edwards K, Moyer C, Emerson D, Tebo B & Staudigel H

Hespenheide B. (2002) S-Fe-Mn Biogeochemistry of Temperate Intertidal Sediments of the North Sea
Bosselmann K, Boettcher M, Theune A, Hespenheide B & Lilienthal S

Hess B. (2023) Diffusion-Induced Stress as a Mechanism for Mineral Replacement with Implications for the Duration of Metamorphic Events
Hess B, Ague J & Austrheim H
(2021) Lightning Strikes as a Major Source of Prebiotic Reduced Phosphorus on Early Earth
Hess B, Piazolo S & Harvey J

Hess D. (2012) In situ Determination of Sulfide Oxidation Rates in the Green Sulfur Bacterium Chlorobaculum Tepidum
MacDonald D, Luther G, Hanson T, Findlay A, Shuman K & Hess D

Hess Kai-Uwe (2015) Water-Speciation in Silicate Glass from Partial Raman Spectra
Helo C, Castro J, Hess K-U & Dingwell D
(2013) 57Fe Mössbauer Spectroscopy of Pantelleritic Melts
Borovkov N, Hess K-U, Fehr KT, Cimarelli C, Dingwell D & Günther A
(2013) Fast Hydration of Volcanic Glass at Low Temperatures
von Aulock FW, Lavallée Y, Hess K-U, Henton - De Angelis S & Kennedy BM
(2013) Fe K-Edge XANES of Synthetic and Natural Silicate Glasses: Composition and fO2 Dependent Structural Properties
Poe B, Romano C, Cibin G, Dingwell D, Hess K-U & Potuzak M

Hess Kai-Uwe (2022) Volatile Distributions in Recent Volcanic Products from Mayotte Active Volcanic Ridge Revealed by Simultaneous Thermal and Evolved Gas Analyses
Thivet S, Hess K-U, Dingwell DB, Di Muro A & Gurioli L

Hess Kai-Uwe (2020) Rheological Change and Degassing during a Trachytic Vulcanian Eruption at Kilian Volcano, Chaîne des Puys, France
Colombier M, Burgisser A, Cáceres F, Druitt T, Gurioli L, Hess K-U, Müller D, Shea T & Dingwell D
(2020) Effects of Cooling on Fe-Ti Oxide Nanolites Crystallisation and Melt Polymerisation at Low Pressure and Oxidising Conditions
Cáceres F, Scheu B, Hess K-U, Cimarelli C, Vasseur J, Kaliwoda M & Dingwell DB

Hess Kai-Uwe (2012) Mixing of Contrasting Silicate Melts: Preliminary Raman Spectra
De Campos CP, Perugini D, Neuville D, Hess K-U, Ertel-Ingrisch W & Dingwell DB
(2012) Multiple Glass Transitions in Natural Volcanics: A Demonstration of Shallow Magma Mixing during Strombolian Eruptions at Yasur Volcano, Vanuatu
Lavallee Y, Kremers S, Hanson JB, Hess K-U, Chevrel MO, Wassermann J & Dingwell DB
(2007) Comparative Study of Geospeedometry Methods
Richard D, von Aulock FW, Hess K-U & Dingwell DB
(2007) The Rheological Behavior of Samples from Tungurahua Volcano, Ecuador
von Aulock FW, Lavallée Y, Richard D, Hess K-U & Dingwell DB

Hess L.J. (2022) Investigating Mineral Weathering and Soil Carbon Storage Across a Patagonian Climate by Vegetation Pedogenic Matrix
Hodges C, Vivanco L, Araujo PI, Hess LJ, Kaye J & Austin AT

Hess N. (2022) Distinct Depth-Discrete Profiles of Microbial Communities and Geochemical Insights in the Subsurface Critical Zone
Wu X, Gushgari Doyle S, Lui L, Neilsen T, Liu Y, Hess N, Jagadamma S, Hazen TC, Arkin AP & Chakraborty R
(2018) Changes in Soil Organic Matter Abundance and Molecular Composition in an Arid Ecosystem in Response to Long-Term Elevated CO2
Hess N, Tfaily M, Koyama A & Evans D
(2018) EMSL: A DOE Scientific User Facility for Earth System Science Research
Hess N
(2015) Novel Analysis Approach and New Insights from UHR MS of Soil Organic Matter
Hess N, Tfaily M, Tolic N, Heredia-Langner A & Robinson R
(2014) Characterizing SOM Leveraging Extraction Bias and Controlling for Distortion Effects
Roscioli K, Shen Y, Fillmore T, Tfaily M, Zhao R, Tolic N, Anderson B, Anderton C, Pasa-Tolic L, Hess N & Robinson E
(2014) EMSL Radiochemistry Annex: A New International User-Facility for the Study of Radiological Samples
Hess N
(2014) Integration of Biogeochemistry and Genomic Datastreams for Interpetation of Ecosystem Robustness
Hess N, McCue LA, Heredia-Langner A & Bailey V

Hess P. (2012) Aerosol Impacts on Climate and Biogeochemical Cycles
Mahowald N, Ward D, Kloster S, Flanner M, Heald C, Heavens N, Hess P, Lamarque J-F & Chuang P

Hesse B. (2022) Unexpected Metal Micro/Nanoparticles in Mediastinal Lymph Nodes: A Combined µXRF and INAA Case Study
Di Benedetto F, Visonà S, Moretti M, Merli D, Osculati A, Giaccherini A, Montegrossi G, Capella S, Belluso E & Hesse B
(2018) Distribution, Speciation and Enrichment Processes of Scandium in Lateritic Profile of New Caledonia
Munoz M, Ulrich M, Bonnet C, Levard C, Rose J, Ambrosi J-P, Cathelineau M, Teitler Y, Marcaillou C & Hesse B
(2016) Attachment on the Rocks: The Adhesion System of Anomia
Birkedal H, Froelich S, Leemreize H, Tseng Y-H, Stock S, Kenesei P, Almer J, Hesse B & Waite H
(2015) ID21 a Synchrotron Multi-Modal Platform for Micro-Spectroscopic Analyses in Earth, Environmental and Geo-Sciences
Castillo-Michel H, Cotte M, Salome M, Fayard B, Hesse B, Rivard C, Bugnazet D, De Nolf W, Gagliardini E, Berruyer G & Susini J

Hesse F. (2021) Response of Microbial Activity to Dynamic Flow Conditions in the Vadose Zone: A Modeling Study
Khurana S, Heße F & Thullner M
(2020) Influence of Spatio-Temporal Heterogeneity on Biogeochemical Cycling in the Subsurface Using a Numerical Modeling Approach
Khurana S, Heße F & Thullner M
(2013) Relevance of Mass Transfer Processes for the Interpretation of Stable Isotope Fractionation
Thullner M, Centler F, Fischer A, Hesse F, Richnow H-H & Wick LY

Hesse I. (2017) Quantification of Novel Methanogens and Anaerobic Methanotrophs in Marine Sediments of the Helgoland Mud Area, North Sea
Kulkarni A, Oni O, Schnakenberg A, Hesse I, Wami H & Friedrich M

Hesse M. (2017) Modeling Fluid Flow in Low-D18O Skarns: Insights from Empire Mountain, Mineral King, Sierra Nevada, California, USA
Ramos E, Hesse M, Barnes J, Jordan J & Lackey JS
(2015) Reactive Transport of Partial Melt with Solid Solution
Jordan J & Hesse M
(2015) Coupling pH Transport and Surface Chemistry
McNeece C & Hesse M
(2015) Compositional and Noble Gas Isotope Banks in Two Phase Flow: Changes in Gas Composition during Migration
Sathaye K, Larson T & Hesse M
(2015) You can Connect but you Can’t Drain: Percolation and Trapping of Iron-Sulphide Melts in Silicate Mantle
Hesse M, Ghanbarzadeh S & Prodanovic M
(2015) The Role of Plate Tectonic Cycling in Modulating Earth’s 3He/22Ne Ratio
Dygert N, Jackson C & Hesse M
(2014) Transport Modeling of Noble Gases during Subduction
Smye A, Hesse M, Jackson C, Kelley S & Parman S
(2007) Convective Dissolution of CO2 in Saline Aquifers
Hesse M, Riaz A & Tchelepi H
(2002) Absarokites from the Western Mexican Volcanic Zone: Constraints on Mantle Wedge Conditions
Hesse M & Grove T

Hesse P. (2012) Catchment-Wide Denudation Rates from the Murrumbidgee River, Murray-Darling Basin, SE Australia, Using in situ Cosmogenic 10Be
Fujioka T, Dosseto A, Hesse P & Mifsud C
(2008) Vegetation over Hydrologic Control of Sediment Transport over the Past 100, 000 yr
Dosseto A, Turner S, Hesse P, Maher K & Fryirs K

Hesse R. (2012) Origin of Spherulitic Concretions in Cambro-Ordovician Black Shales, St. Lawrence Estuary, Quebec, Canada
Hesse R & Fong C
(2012) Oxalate-Promoted Formation of Saponite from a Silicate Gel at 60℃ and Ambient Pressure
Schumann D, Hartman H, Eberl DD, Sears SK, Hesse R & Vali H
(2008) A HRTEM- and XRD-Based Characterization of Individual Packets and Layers of 2:1 Clay Minerals after Treatment with N-Alkylammonium
Schumann D, Hesse R, Sears SK & Vali H
(2007) An HRTEM and XRD Investigation of 2:1 Clay Mineral Diagenesis in the Jeanne d'Arc Basin, Offshore Eastern Canada
Schumann D, Hesse R, Sears SK & Vali H
(2005) Chlorine Stable Isotopes from Passive and Active Continental Margins as Tracers of Advective Fluid Flow
Hesse R

Heßelbach K. (2015) Long-Term Exposure to PM2.5 from Biomass Combustion in Vitro Induces Stress Proteins and Reduced Metabolism in Human Bronchial Epithelial Cells (BEAS-2B)
Dornhof R, Heßelbach K, Humar M & Merfort I
(2015) PM2.5 from Biomass Combustion Induces Stress Related and Antioxidant Proteins in THP-1 Macrophages
Heßelbach K, Dornhof R, Maschowski C, Gieré R, Humar M & Merfort I

Hesselbo Stephen (2017) Constraining Carbon Inputs during the Onset of OAE 1a via Inverse Modelling
Adloff M, Greene S, Naafs D, Monteiro F, Lunt D, Ridgwell A & Hesselbo S
(2017) Comparing Records of End-Cretaceous and End-Permian Volcanism
Percival L, Jenkyns H, Mather T, Robinson S, Batenburg S, Woelders L & Hesselbo S
(2017) Effect of Thermal Alteration on the Preservation of Molybdenum- and Zinc-Isotope Palaeoproxies in Organic-Rich Sediments
Dickson A, Idiz E, van den Boorn S, Sweere T, Ruhl M, Porcelli D, Henderson G, Jenkyns H & Hesselbo S
(2013) Preservation Potential of δ7Li Values in Mesozoic Calcite Fossils
Ullmann CV, Campbell HJ, Frei R, Hesselbo SP, Pogge von Strandmann PAE & Korte C
(2011) Early and Middle Jurassic δ13C and δ18O Trends: A High Resolution Dataset from the UK
Korte C, Hesselbo SP & Ullmann CV
(2009) Chromium Isotope Data for the Yorkshire ‘Jet Rock’: Transition Metal Isotope Analysis of the Toarcian OAE from NE England
Amor K, Al-Suwaidi A, Hesselbo S, Jenkyns H & Porcelli D
(2009) Evidence for the Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event in the Southern Hemisphere (Neuquèn Basin, Argentina)
Al-Suwaidi A, Damborenea S, Hesselbo S, Jenkyns H, Manceñido M & Riccardi A

Hesselbo Stephen P (2023) Mercury (Hg) Isotope Evidence for Enhanced Importance of Terrestrial Hg to the Global Ocean during the Early Jurassic Oceanic Anoxic Event (Toarcian OAE)
Zheng X, Percival L, Yin R, Al Suwaidi A, Storm M, Ruhl M, Xu W, Hesselbo SP & Jenkyns HC

Hesselbo Stephen P. (2020) Oceanic Organic Carbon as a Possible Driver of Small-Scale (Periodic) Carbon Cycle Shifts in the Mesozoic
Silva RL, Ruhl M, Duarte LV & Hesselbo SP
(2018) Environmental and Organic-Matter Characterisation of the Toarcian Lacustrine Da’anzhai Member, Sichuan Basin, China
Xu W, Weijers JWH, Idiz EF, Ruhl M, Gorbanenko O, Tegelaar EW, Jenkyns HC, Riding JB & Hesselbo SP
(2018) A High-Precision Numerical Time Scale for the Toarcian Stage: Implications for Timing of the Marine Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event (TOAE) and Karoo-Ferrar Volcanism
Ruhl M, Hesselbo SP, Xu W, Thibault N, Jenkyns HC, Mac Niocaill C, Riding JB & Ullmann CV
(2016) Sedimentary Mercury Signals from Large Igneous Province Volcanism: Insights from the End-Triassic and End-Cretaceous
Percival L, Mather T, Hesselbo S, Jenkyns H, Ruhl M, Whiteside J & Woelders L
(2016) Lacustrine Expansion and Carbon Drawdown during the Early Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event
Xu W, Ruhl M, Jenkyns HC, Hesselbo SP, Riding JB, Selby D, Naafs BDA, Weijers JWH, Pancost RD, Tegelaar EW & Idiz EF
(2015) Early Jurassic (Toarcian) Palaeo-Environmental Change: New Proxy Data from the Mochras Borehole, Wales, UK
Xu W, Ruhl M, Hesselbo S, Jenkyns H, Riding J, Storm M, Huggett J, Ullmann C & Leng M
(2015) Geochemistry of a Precambrian Impactite: The Stac Fada Member, NW Scotland
Saunders N, Amor K, Porcelli D & Hesselbo S
(2015) Geochemistry of the Belemnite Rostrum: Genesis and Diagenesis
Ullmann CV, Frei R, Korte C & Hesselbo SP
(2014) Tectonics Forced the Middle Jurassic Ice Age
Korte C, Hesselbo SP, Ullmann CV, Ruhl M & Thibault NR

Heßeler V. (2019) The Influence of Microbial Sulfate Reduction on the δ34SCAS Composition in Modern Mg-rich Carbonates
Schurr S, Fichtner V, Strauss H, Immenhauser A, Vasconcelos C, Hänsch S, Heßeler V, Areias de Oliveira C & Fernandes Barbosa C
(2019) Sulfur Cycling at the Kermadec Arc Revealed by Sulfur Isotopes
Peters C, Hesseler V, Koschinsky A, Bach W, Stucker V & Strauss H

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