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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Gerke L. (2023) New Ventilation and Gas Saturation Constraints for the Arctic Ocean from Dissolved Gas Tracer Data
Arck Y, Gerke L, Brinkman J, Engelhardt E, Freundt F, Friedrich R, Negele S, Robertz J, Scott S, Wachs D, Frank N, Oberthaler M, Tanhua T & Aeschbach W

Gerke T. (2012) Environmental Geochemistry of Some Ore Deposits in the Sierra Gorda Nature Preserve, East-Central Mexico
Carrillo-Chavez A, Cruz N, Audifred AI, Salas E, Ayala E, Levresse G & Gerke T

Gerlach F. (2011) Effect of Lake Sediment Application on Soil Structure Assessed by Means of X-Ray Computed Microtomography
Illerhaus B, Joschko M, Barkusky D, Reinhold J, Gleixner G & Gerlach F

Gerlach R. (2020) Biomineralization of Selenium Nanoparticles by the Fungus Phanerochaete Chrysosporium
Espinosa-Ortiz EJ, Gerlach R & Lens P
(2020) Evaluating Bacterial Ureolysis for the Low pH, High Temperature and Limited Oxygen Conditions of the Deep Subsurface
Akyel A, Martinson A, Skorupa D, Phillips A & Gerlach R
(2018) Controlling Strontium Partitioning during MICP Under Continuous Flow
Zambare N, Lauchnor E & Gerlach R
(2016) Biofilm-Mediated Mineral Precipitation Technology – From the Microscale to the Field-Scale
Gerlach R, Phillips AJ, Cunningham AB & Spangler L
(2016) Advancing Ureolysis Driven Mineral Sealing Strategies for Environmental Engineering Applications
Feder M, Phillips A & Gerlach R
(2012) Potential of Microbiologically Induced Mineralisation to Increase Geologic CO2 Storage Security
Mitchell A, Phillips A, Lauchnor E, Connolly J, Schultz L, Cunningham A & Gerlach R
(2010) Speciation of Selenium by Facultative Bacteria in Phosphate Mine Waste
Kirk LB, Stewart BD, Macur R & Gerlach R
(2009) Geomicrobiological Control of Selenium Solubility in Subsurface Phosphate Overburden Deposits
Kirk LB, Childers SE, Peyton B, McDermott T, Gerlach R & Johnson TM
(2008) Microbially Enhanced Carbonate Mineralization and the Geologic Containment of CO2
Mitchell AC, Phillips AJ, Kaszuba JP, Hollis WK, Cunningham AB & Gerlach R
(2004) Iron (Hydr)oxides and Electron Shuttles Govern the Fate of 2.4.6- Trinitrotoluene by a Soil Bacterium
Borch T, Inskeep W & Gerlach R

Gerloff A-L. (2021) Mercury in Suspended Particulate Matter of Rivers in Germany
Wiederhold JG, Biester HU, Gerloff A-L, Hahn J & Duester L

Germa A. (2023) How Were Crystallization Pressures and Temperatures Affected by Temporal and Morphological Changes in the Last 2 Ma beneath Martinique Island?
Martens A & Germa A
(2023) Preservation of Inherited Argon in Plagioclase Crystals in the Lesser Antilles: Implication for Residence Time after Reservoir Remobilization
Germa A, Quidelleur X, Shea T & Ricci J
(2009) Why are Martinique Lavas so Heterogeneous?
Labanieh S, Chauvel C, Germa A & Quidelleur X
(2008) Two Isotopic Mixing Lines in Martinique Island: The Effect of Ridge Subduction
Labanieh S, Chauvel C, Germa A & Quidelleur X

Germain D. (2014) Formation of Geopolymers during Early Diagenesis: The Example of the Montceau-Les-Mines Lagerstätte
Bernard S, Recanati A, Germain D, Charbonnier S & Robert F
(2013) STXM Characterization of Fossil Organic Matter from the Montceau-Les-Mines Lagerstätte (France)
Recanati A, Bernard S, Germain D, Charbonnier S & Robert F

Germain Y. (2023) Geochemical and Iron Isotopic Study of Low-Temperature Hydrothermal Fluids and Deposits at Mayotte Submarine Volcanic System
Rouxel O, Giunta T, Cathalot C, Mastin M, Manoux M, Jaudon P, Guyader V, Donval J-P, Germain Y, Mazeas F & Rinnert E
(2023) Submarine Venting of Liquid Carbon Dioxide in the Horseshoe Structure Offshore Mayotte Island
Mastin M, Donval J-P, Guyader V, Germain Y, Giunta T, Scalabrin C, Gaucher EC, Dehez S, Jouenne S, Rouxel O, Rinnert E & Cathalot C
(2023) Impact of Volcanism on Sedimentary Diagenesis
Manoux M, Dumoulin J-P, Bombled B, Monvoisin G, Gauthier C, Cheron S, Boissier A, Germain Y, Rabouille C, Pastor L, Rouxel O & Cathalot C
(2022) Trace Metal Distributions in the South West Indian Ocean (SWINGS Cruise): A Focus on Iron and Manganese
Baudet C, Planquette H, Bucciarelli E, Sarthou G, Pelleter E, Gayet N, Germain Y & Jeandel C
(2021) Particulate Trace Metals from Shallow Hydrothermal Vents
Vorrath M-E, González-Santana D, Arnone V, Bressac M, Germain Y, Desprez de Desincourt F, Sarthou G & Planquette H
(2021) Copper Isotope Systematics in Seafloor Hydrothermal Systems: A Case Study of TAG and Snake Pit Fields, Mid-Atlantic Ridge
Djedjroh Y, Rouxel O, Cathalot C, Pastor L, Leroy L, Boissier A, Germain Y, Cheron S, Pelleter E, Besson F & Cambon MA
(2020) Spatial Association between Talc-Rich Mineralization and a "Black Smoker"-Type Deposit in a Newly Discovered Inactive Field (MARK Area, Mid-Atlantic Ridge)
Pelleter E, Fouquet Y, Boissier A, Cheron S, Leroy L, Germain Y & Cathalot C
(2019) Hydrothermal Iron Budget at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge: Diving Inside the TAG Neutrally Buoyant Plume
González-Santana D, Cheize M, Planquette H, Whitby H, Gourain A, Holmes T, Germain Y, Cathalot C, Pelleter E, Fouquet Y & Sarthou G
(2019) What Happens to Hydrothermal Sediment? A Diagenetic Study along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge
Pastor L, Rouxel O, Besson F, Germain Y, Boissier A, Cheron S, Hubert M, Djedjroh Y, Cathalot C, Pelleter E, Roussel E, Cambon Bonavita M-A & Menot L
(2019) Geochemical Mass Balance during Hydrothermal Alteration of Subseafloor Volcanic Rocks at Brothers Volcano, Kermadec Arc
Rouxel O, Schlicht L, Kutovaya A, McDermott J, Samin A, Djedjroh Y, Germain Y & Leroy L
(2019) Copper Isotope Systematics of Hydrothermal Sediments from TAG and Snake Pit Fields, Mid-Atlantic Ridge
Djedjroh Y, Rouxel O, Cathalot C, Pastor L, Besson F, Germain Y, Boissier A, Leroy L, Cheron S, Pelleter E & Cambon MA
(2018) High Resolution Particulate Trace Metals Dispersion from the TAG Hydrothermal Vent (Mid-Atlantic Ridge)
Cheize M, Planquette H, González-Santana D, Whitby H, Gourain A, Holmes T, Guyader V, Germain Y, Roudaut M, Cathalot C, Sarthou G, Pelleter E & Fouquet Y
(2017) Combination of Organic and Inorganic Proxies for Hydroclimate Reconstruction of the Ogooué River Basin (Gabon, Gulf of Guinea) during the Last 25ka
Skonieczny C, Bayon G, Schefuß E, Mollenhauer G, Thiéblemont D, Bouillon S, Toucanne S, Etoubleau J, Chéron S, Nonnotte P, Rouget M-L, Ponzevera E, Germain Y, Dennielou B & Marret F
(2015) Multiple Sources of Metals in Seafloor Hydrothermal FeMn Deposits: A Case Study at Utu'Uli, Pacific Ocean
Pelleter E, Rouxel O, Fouquet Y, Josso P, Germain Y, Cheron S & Etoubleau J
(2013) REE and Neodymium Isotopes in Sedimentary Organic Matter
Freslon N, Bayon G, Toucanne S, Bermell S, Bollinger C, Cheron S, Etoubleau J, Germain Y, Kripounoff A, Ponzevera E & Rouget ML

German B. (2002) The Distribution of the Cs, Sr, U in the Chernobyl Clay-Sandy Grounds: The Thermodynamic Model Development and Testing
Irina K, Vasiliy S, German B & Yury S

German Chris (2020) Detachment Tectonics and Hydrothermal Circulation Pattern beneath TAG, Mid-Atlantic Ridge
Ruepke L, Guo Z, Petersen S, German C, Ildefonse B, Fuchs S & Hasenclever J
(2020) The Ocean’s Response to the 2018 Kīlauea Volcano Eruption
Wilson S, Hawco N, Barone B, Boysen A, DeLong E, Dugenne M, Dutkiewicz S, Dyhrman S, Ferron S, Follows M, Foreman R, Funkey C, German C, Harke M, Hill C, Huber J, Knapp A, Letelier R, Shimabukuro E, Soule A, Turk-Kubo K, White A, Zehr J, John S & Karl D

German Christopher (2021) Using Seawater Iron Isotopes to Characterize the Physicochemical Speciation and Scavenging Rates of Dissolved Iron: Southern East Pacific Rise Hydrothermal Plume
Steffen J, Summers B, Conway T, German C, Sherrell RM & Fitzsimmons J
(2021) Effects of Ocean Chemistry on Chemical and Morphological Evolution of Iron Sulfide Nanoparticles
Matzen S, Ely T, Wacket A, Gartman A, German C & Toner BM

German Christopher R (2023) Forward Geochemical Modeling as Guiding Tool for the Exploration of the Kama'ehuakanaloa Hydrothermal Vent Field, Hawaii
Milesi V, Shock EL, Seewald JS, Trembath-Reichert E, Sylva SP, Huber JA, Lim DSS & German CR
(2023) The Role of Shallow Intraplate Hydrothermal Fluxes on the Marine Dissolved Iron Inventory and Global Primary Production: A Kama’ehuakanaloa (Lō’ihi) Seamount Case Study
Lanning N, Sieber M, Steffen J, Bian X, Yang S-C, Weiss G, German CR, Seewald JS, Jenkins WJ, Hatta M, Tagliabue A, John SG, Conway TM & Fitzsimmons JN
(2023) Nanoparticulate Iron Oxyhydroxides Aggregated in Carbon Matrices Dominate Iron Speciation in Hydrothermal Plumes over the 1-100 km Distance from Vent Source
Matzen SL, Steiner Z, Klose L, Ely T, Fitzsimmons JN, Koschinsky A, Achterberg EP, German CR & Toner BM
(2022) Characteristics of Hydrothermally Derived Particles from Globally Distributed Deep-Sea Vent Fields
Toner BM, Wackett AA, Kamermans BR, Matzen SL, Ely T, Achterberg EP & German CR
(2022) Changes in Hydrothermal Plume Iron Speciation in the 1-100 km Distance from Vent Source
Matzen SL, Steiner Z, Hoffman C, Moore L, Bundy R, Resing JA, Fitzsimmons JN, Achterberg EP, German CR & Toner BM
(2022) Linking Volcanic and Hydrothermal Systems along 150 Kilometers of Southern East Pacific Rise Crest by AUV Sentry Photo, Water-Column and Sonar Data
White SM, Keohane I, German CR, Resing JA & Walker SL

German Christopher R. (2017) Geological Settings of Hydrothermal Vents at 6°15’W and 55°30’E on the Gakkel Ridge, Arctic Ocean
Marcon Y, Purser A, Diehl A, Albers E, Türke A, McDermott J, German C, Hand K, Schlindwein V, Dorschel B, Wegener G, Boetius A & Bach W
(2017) Dissolved-Particulate Exchange in the Proximal Hydrothermal Plume at the Aurora Vent Field, Gakkel Ridge, Arctic Ocean
Türke A, Bach W, Boetius A, Diehl A, German C, Köhler J, Mertens C, Monien P, Prause S & Sueltenfuss J
(2017) Geochemistry, Physics, and Dispersion of a Gakkel Ridge Hydrothermal Plume, 87°N, 55°30’E
McDermott J, Albers E, Bach W, Diehl A, German C, Hand K, Koehler J, Seewald J, Walter M, Wegener G & Wischnewski L
(2017) The Chemistry of Hydrothermally Derived Iron in the Deep Ocean: A Particle Perspective
Toner B, German C, Dick G & Breier J
(2017) Hydrothermal Exploration of the Gakkel Ridge, 2014 and 2016
German C & Boetius A
(2016) Sinking Feelings: Model and Iron Isotope Evidence for the Fate of Fe from the East Pacific Rise Hydrothermal System
John S, Fitzsimmons J, Marsay C, German C & Sherrell R
(2016) Resuspension and Lateral Transport of Radiologically-Contaminated Seafloor Sediment off Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant
Honda M, Buesseler K, German C, Otosaka S, Black E, Kawakami H, Manganini S & Pike S
(2015) Role of Authigenic Fe-Mineral Formation in the Delivery of Carbon to Marine Sediments
Toner B, Hoffman C, Fitzsimmons J, Sherrell R, Heller M, Lam P & German C
(2013) Coupled Cycling of Fe and C<sub>org</sub> in Submarine Hydrothermal Systems: An Ocean Biogeochemistry Perspective
German C, Legendre L, Sander S & le Bris N
(2013) Coupled Cycling of Fe and C<sub>org</sub> in Submarine Hydrothermal Systems: Modeling Approach
Legendre L, German CR & Sander SG
(2012) Measuring the Speciation of Iron in Hydrothermal Plume Particles
Toner B, Breier J, Edwards K, Fakra S, German C, Marcus M & Rouxel O
(2010) Chemistry of Newly-Discovered Hydrothermal Vents in the East Scotia Sea
James R, Connelly D, Green D, Alker B, Hawkes J & German C
(2009) Export Fluxes from Submarine Venting to the Ocean: A Synthesis of Results from the Rainbow Hydrothermal Field, 36°N MAR
German C, Thurnherr A, Knoery J, Charlou J-L, Jean-Baptiste P & Edmonds H
(2009) Deep Ocean Interactions between Hydrothermally-Sourced Iron and Organic Carbon
Toner B, Bennett S, Chu N-C & German C
(2008) Hf and Nd Isotopes in Marine Sediments: Constraints on Global Silicate Weathering
Bayon G, Burton K, Vigier N, Dennielou B, Ponzevera E, German C & Nesbitt R
(2003) Secular Fe Isotope Variations in the NW and Central Pacific Ocean
Chu N, Johnson C, Beard B, German C, Nesbitt R & Usui A
(2003) The Modification of Hydrothermal Fe-Isotopic Signature during Plume-Processes
Severmann S, German C, Edmonds H, Beard B & Johnson C
(2002) Decoupling of Hf and Nd Isotopes in Western Pacific Fe-Mn Crusts
Chu N-C, German C, Nesbitt R, Van de Flierdt T, Frank M & Kubik P
(2002) The Record of the Hydrothermal Activity at Rainbow (MAR, 36º14'N) by Sediment Cores
Chavagnac V, German CR & Cave RR
(2002) The Role of Aeolian Dust in Scavenging Rare Earth Elements from the Ocean
Bayon G, German CR, Burton KW & Nesbitt RW
(2000) A Spatial and Temporal Record of the Hydrothermal Plume at Rainbow, 36N on the MAR
Cave RR, German CR, Khripounoff A, Nesbitt RW & Thomson J
(2000) Nd and Sr Isotopes in South East Atlantic Cores – Looking for Fluctuations in Sediment Provenance and Transport Processes between Interglacial and Glacial Periods
Bayon G, German CR, Nesbitt RW & Pierre C

Germani C. (2021) Natural Enrichments of Cd and Tl in Bark of Trees Consumed by Beaver (Castor Canadensis) in a Rural Watershed Devoid of Point Sources of Metal Contamination
Barraza F, Shotyk W, Cuss CW, Grant-Weaver I, Javed MB, Germani C & Noernberg T

Germann T. (2022) Scale-Bridging Using Machine-Learning: Nanoconfinement Effects in Porous Media
Viswanathan H, Santos J, Pachalieva A, Kang Q & Germann T

Germanovich L. (2010) Preliminary Model of Hydrothermal Circulation at East Pacific Rise 950 N Constrained by Thermal, Chemical, and Seismic Data
Lowell R, Farough A & Germanovich L

Germerott S. (2011) Geochemical Signatures of Thermochemical Sulfate Reduction – Ketones and Sulphur Species
Germerott S, Ostertag-Henning C & Behrens H
(2010) Experimental Investigations on TSR in a Mineral Buffered System with Fixed H2 and H2S Fugacities
Germerott S, Ostertag-Henning C & Behrens H

Germs Gerard (2022) Neoproterozoic Glaciations and their Tally on Seawater Evolution: Stable C, O and Cr Paired with Radiogenic Nd, Sr Isotope-Stratigraphy of the Witvlei Group (Namibia)
Hohl SV, Rodler A, Viehmann S, Gaucher C, Germs G, Goderis S, Frei R & Huang X
(2019) Neoproterozoic Environmental Conditions: A Novel Metal Stable Isotope Perspective
Rodler A, Hohl S, Gaucher C, Germs G, Hegenberger W, Goderis S, Claeys P & Frei R

Germs Gerard J.B. (2017) Early Cryogenian Cr Isotope Stratigraphy, Otavi Group, Namibia
Rodler AS, Frei R, Korte C, Gaucher C & Germs GJB

Gerner L. (2021) Processes Controlling the Flux of Legacy Phosphorus to Surface Waters at the Farm Scale
Barcala V, Rozemeijer J, Osté L, Van Der Grift B, Gerner L & Behrends T

Gernon Thomas (2017) Snowball Earth Ocean Chemistry Driven by Weathering of a Shallow Ridge System during Rodinia Breakup
Gernon T, Hincks T, Tyrrell T, Rohling E & Palmer M
(2017) Pulsing Evolution of a Hotspot: Constraining the Scale of Mantle Heterogeneities
Taylor R, Farley R, Davila Harris P, Branney M & Gernon T
(2015) Discovery of a 2.4 Ma, VEI 5 Plinian Eruption on Guadeloupe
Hatter S, Palmer M & Gernon T
(2015) Selective Preservation of Amides in Marine Tephra Layers
Palmer M, Manners H, Gernon T, Sutton P & Rowlands S

Gernon Thomas M (2023) Kimberlite Ascent by Rift-Driven Disruption of Cratonic Mantle Keels
Gernon TM, Jones SM, Brune S, Hincks T, Palmer MR, Schumacher J, Primiceri R, Field M, Griffin WL, O'Reilly SY, Keir D, Spencer C, Merdith A & Glerum A
(2021) Petrological and Geochemical Snapshot of a Melt-Rich Crystal Mush: The 289 ka Fasnia Eruption, Tenerife
Horn EL, Taylor RN, Gernon TM & Stock MJ

Gernon Tom (2013) The Role of Tephra Diagenesis in the Carbon Cycle
Palmer M & Gernon T
(2013) Marine Sediments as an Archive of the Evolution of Volcanism on Montserrat
Johnson P, Inglis E, Marchant I, Cassidy M, Palmer M, Talling P, Gernon T & Watt S

Gernot R. (2010) The Movement of Rock Particles Up and Water Pores Down Through Weathering Bedrock
Brantley S, Jin L, Ma L, Maya B, Ray F, Gernot R, Cole D & Navarre-Sitchler A

Gerog B. (2015) Silicon Isotopes As a New Method of Measuring Silicate Mineral Reaction Rates in the Critical Zone
Zhu C, Liu Z, Gerog B, Yuan H, Scheafer A & Zhang Y

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