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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Gariépy C. (2002) Hf Isotope Composition of 3 Ga Komatiites from Ontario, Canada
Stevenson RK, Bizzarro M, Simonetti A & Gariépy C
(2000) Sm-Nd and Pb-Pb Isotopic Characterization of the Late Archean La Grande Subprovince, Quebec: Significance to the Crustal Development of the Eastern Superior Craton
Isnard H, Gariepy C & Stevenson RK

Garijo D. (2020) Microorganisms in the Critical Zone: An ASSET Case Study for Sample Processing and Data Workflows, Synthesis, and Dissemination
Aronson E, Maltz M, Garijo D, Arogyawsamy K, Dove N, Mayorga E, Freund H, Bruyere C & Daniels M

Garijo Marcos D. (2011) Dissolution of Gold in Hydrochloric Acid
Garijo Marcos D & Shikazono N

Garing C. (2016) Hydrologic and Geochemical Responses to CO2 Injection in Basalts Based on Flow-Through Experiments
Thomas D, Hingerl F, Maher K, Garing C, Bird D & Benson S
(2013) Geochemical Investigations of Saltwater Intrusion into the Coastal Carbonate Aquifer of Mallorca, Spain
Garing C, Luquot L & Gouze P

Garland M.I. (2001) Trace Element and Inclusion Chemistry of Gem Corundum: Extrapolating the Source for the Montana Alluvial Sapphires
Garland MI, Henderson GS & Wicks FJ

Garland R. (2018) Disequilibrium Biosignatures on the Early Earth and their Detectability with the James Webb Space Telescope
Krissansen-Totton J, Olson S, Garland R, Irwin P & Catling D

Garming J. (2004) Iron Diagenesis within and Below the Zone of Anaerobic Oxidation of Methane
Riedinger N, Pfeifer K, Kasten S, Garming J, Vogt C & Hensen C

Garnder C. (2005) Compositional Relationships between Mafic Inclusions and Host Andesite at Mount Hood (Oregon), Cascade Range, USA
Woods M, Streck M & Garnder C

Garneau M. (2012) Records of Atmospheric Pb Deposition along the St. Lawrence Valley, Quebec
Pratte S, Mucci A & Garneau M

Garnero E (2005) Deep Mantle Heterogeneity, Anisotropy, and Thermochemical Piles
Garnero E, Helmberger D & McNamara A

Garnero Edward (2015) Ultra-Low Velocity Zone (ULVZ) Locations Provide Insight into their Cause and Global-Scale Convection Patterns
McNamara A, Li M & Garnero E
(2014) Investigating the Origin of Ultra-Low Velocity Zones
Li M, McNamara A & Garnero E
(2014) The Interaction of Subducted Oceanic Crust with Long-Lived Compositional Reservoirs in the Deep Mantle
McNamara A, Li M, Williams C, Garnero E & Van Soest M

Garnett Mark (2020) Mobilized Permafrost Carbon is Concentrated in Particulate Matter and Ebullition Methane in Northern Quebec Thaw Lakes
Gonzalez Moguel R, Douglas P, Bass A, Pilote MP & Garnett M

Garnett Mark H (2023) Climate Controls on Carbon Dioxide Release from Sedimentary Rock Weathering: Insight from in situ Measurements and Carbon Isotopes
Hilton R, Roylands T, Soulet G & Garnett MH
(2021) Environmental Controls on Rock-Derived Carbon Dioxide Emissions
Roylands T, Soulet G, Garnett MH & Hilton RG

Garnett Mark H. (2019) Investigating Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Oxidative Weathering of Sedimentary Organic Matter
Roylands T, Hilton RG, Garnett MH, Soulet G, Newton JA & Ogrič M
(2018) Old Dissolved Inorganic Carbon in the Mackenzie River Basin: A Smoking gun for the Degradation of Aged Organic Matter?
Hilton R, Tipper E, Galy V, Garnett M, Dellinger M, Schwab M, Tank S, Bryant C, Ascough P & Eglinton T
(2018) The Hidden Age of Carbon Released by Peatlands
Dean J, Garnett M, van der Velde Y, Meisel O & Dolman H
(2017) Direct Measurement of CO2 Flux and its Isotopic Composition Released during Oxidative Weathering of Sedimentary Rocks
Soulet G, Hilton RG, Garnett MH, Klotz S, Dellinger M & Ogric M

Garnica J. (2014) Chemical Composition of Wet Precipitation Long Range Transport of Mercury at Three Sites of Taxco-Alarcon, Guerrero, Mexico
Garcia R, Garnica J, Calderon ME, Campos J, Muñoz C, Ramírez A, Bustos E & Luz J

Garnier A. (2021) A New Retrieval Algorithm of the Thermal Infrared Optical Depth of Dust Based on the Combined CALIOP and IIR Observations
Zheng J, Garnier A, Zhang Z & Yu H

Garnier Cedric (2019) Copper Speciation in Natural Waters by CLE-Adcsv – A Methodological Uncertainties
Marcinek S, Cindric A-M, Padan J, Garnier C & Omanovic D
(2017) Technology-Critical Elements (Sb, Ta, Te, In, Ga) and Organic Matter Interactions by Fluorescence Quenching
Mounier S, Filella M, Ayoub N, Redon R, Hajjoul H & Garnier C
(2017) A Complemetary Approaches for Speciation of Trace Metals in the Stratified Krka River Estuary (Croatia): DGT vs. Voltammetry
Cindric A-M, Garnier C, Oursel B, Cukorv N, Pizeta I & Omanovic D
(2017) Trace Metal Content and Mobility in Estuarine Sediments of the Krka River (Adriatic Sea, Croatia)
Cukrov N, Garnier C, Dang DH, Cindrić A, Omanović D & Cukrov N
(2017) Evidencing the Contrasted Impact of Urbanized Rivers Inputs on Coastal Sediments Geochemistry: Insight from Toulon Bay (France) and St-Georges Bay (Beirut, Lebanon)
El Houssainy A, Abi Ghanem C, Durrieu G, Dang DH, Mahfouz C, Omanović D, D'onofrio S, Khalaf G & Garnier C
(2012) Total Mercury and Methylmercury Accumulation in Aquatic Sediments
Cossa D, Garnier C, Gobeil C, Elbaz-Poulichet F, Mikac N, Patel-Sorentino N & Tessier E
(2012) Analysis and Modelling of Arsenic Dynamics in Coastal Sediments
Dang DH, Tessier E, Lenoble V, Durrieu G, Le Poupon C, Mullot J-U, Mounier S & Garnier C

Garnier Cédric (2019) Effect of Sodium Azide (NaN3) onto Dissolved Organic Carbon Mobility during Laboratory Resuspension Experiment
Layglon N, Misson B, Lenoble V, Mounier S, Omanovic D & Garnier C
(2018) Impact of Metal Contaminants from an Alumina Plant Effluent in Seawater (Mediterranean Sea)
Jacquet S, Monnin C & Garnier C

Garnier G. (2013) Ni availability/Ni Solid Phases in Soils and Waters from Ultramafic Complexes in Brazil: A Narrow Relationship
Zelano I, Sivry Y, Quantin C, Gélabert A, Tharaud M, Jouvin D, Montarges-Pelletier E, Garnier G, Pichon R, Nowak S, Miska S, Abollino O & Benedetti M

Garnier Jeremie (2023) δ65Cu and δ66Zn Behavior Across Mangrove Pollution Gradients in Brazil
Barreira J, Castro S, Tonhá M, Cunha B, Garnier J, Souto de Oliveira CE, Babinski M, Reithmaier GMS, Yau YYY, Cabral A, Amora Nogueira L, Marotta Ribeiro H, Abuchacra RC, Santos I, Luiz-Silva W, Sanders C, Machado W & Araújo DF
(2017) Tracing Anthropogenic Zinc Contamination in Coastal Environments Using Stable Isotope Composition
Araújo D, Machado W, Weiss D, Viers J, Dantas EL, Garnier J & Babinski M
(2017) Nickel-Hyperaccumulating Plants from the Serpentine Soils of Brazil: Vegetation Control on Ni Isotope Fractionation
Quantin C, Ratié G, Garnier J & Maia de Freitas A
(2017) Chromium Mobility in Ultramafic Areas: An Isotopic Study
Bolanos V, Sivry Y, Garnier J, Quantin C, Tharaud M, Lens P & van Hullebusch E
(2016) Availability and Release of Chromium from Barro Alto and Crominía Mining Areas (Goiás State, Brazil)
Bolanos Benitez SV, Sivry Y, Garnier J, Quantin C, Tharaud M, Lens P & van Hullebush E
(2015) Nickel Isotope Fractionation during Smelting and Refining: A New Way to Trace the Sources of Ni in Soils
Ratié G, Garnier J, Jouvin D, Ettler V, Sivry Y & Quantin C
(2014) Nickel Isotopes Fate in an Ultramafic Complex
Ratié G, Jouvin D, Garnier J, Rouxel O, Miska S, Guimaraes E, Sivry Y, Emmanuelle M-P, Zelano I & Quantin C
(2012) Combining µSXRF, EXAFS and Isotopic Signature to Understand the Ni Cycle in Impacted Ultramafic Soils
Quantin C, Jouvin D, Gelabert A, Montarges-Pelletier E, Sivry Y, Zelano I, Pichon R, Garnier J & Benedetti M
(2005) Oxidation of Natural Groundwater from Bangladesh: Arsenic Speciation Evolution Assessed by XAS
Thoral S, Rose J, van Geen L, Garnier J, Chapon V, Hazeman JL, Heulin T & Bottero J

Garnier Jérémie (2022) Tracking Zn and Pb Isotope Signals from Antifouling Paints in Coastal Environments
Cunha B, Garnier J, Araujo DF, Tonhá M, Machado W, Fernandez M, Souto de Oliveira CE, Ramos Ruiz I & Babinski M
(2021) Environmental Dynamics of Chromium in Ultramafic Systems: A Combined Approach
Quantin C, Garnier J, Bolanos Benitez V, Gelabert A, Adjei Mensah E, Sivry Y, Juillot F, Morin G, Krishnan S & Subramanian S

Garnier Josette (2021) Reservoir Changes Nutrient Concentrations of their Downstream Rivers: Evidence from Four Reservoirs in the Seine Basin (France)
Yan X, Thieu V & Garnier J
(2021) Assessing Nitrate, Carbon and Sediment Fluxes by Coupling SWAT and RIVE Models: The Case of Vienne Watershed (France)
Manteaux S, Sauvage S, Samie R, Monteil C, Cakir R, Garnier J, Billen G, Thieu V & Sanchez-Perez JM
(2020) Coupled River/Estuary Modeling Approach for Carbon Dynamics in a Temperate European River
Laruelle G, Marescaux A, Thieu V & Garnier J
(2018) Application of a Generic Estuarine Model to Coastal Waters: A Mechanistic Understanding of pH and the Carbonate System
Laruelle G, Cai W-J, Thieu V, Raimonet M, Volta C, Marescaux A, Garnier J & Regnier P
(2017) Nutrient Cascade Through the Agro-Food System and the Terrestrial-Water Continuum: Exploring Scenarii for Combatting Coastal Eutrophication
Garnier J, Ramarson A, Thieu V & Billen G

Garnier P. (2013) Living in Soil Pores: Physical and Nutritional Constraints for Microbial Decomposers of Soil Organic Matter
Chenu C, Nunan N, Juarez S, Moyano F, Otten W, Schmidt S, Garnier P & Monga O

Garnier-Zarli E. (2011) Impact of Biotic and Abiotic Factors on the Mobilization of Heavy Metals in Al-Ghadir River Sediments (Lebanon)
Mcheik A, Fakih M, Bousserrhine N, Toufaily J, Alphonse V, Noureddine H & Garnier-Zarli E

Garniwan A. (2019) Mineral Evolution during Fe(II)/Mn-Oxide Redox Dynamics and Implications for Contaminant Fate
Schaefer M, Mock R, Handler R, Abernathy M, Aiken M, Garniwan A, Lee I, Scherer M & Ying S

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