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Index of Authors

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Gardner James E. (2019) Experimentally Validated Bubble Growth Model for Interpretation of Magma Ascent Dynamics
Coumans JP, Llewellin EW, Wadsworth FB, Humphreys MCS, Mathias SA & Gardner JE
(2018) Homogeneous Bubble Nucleation in Rhyolite
Hajimirza S, Gonnermann HM, Gardner JE & Giachetti T

Gardner L. (2022) Exploring Earth’s Deep Water Cycle Using Sublithospheric Diamonds
Gardner L, Jacobsen SD, Rivers M, Zhang D, Shirey SB & Pearson DG

Gardner Mairi F. (2008) Making Andesites in a Lower Crustal Hot Zone: Preconditioning the Lithosphere of Taupo Volcanic Zone
Gamble J, Price R, Smith I, Bill M, Gardner M & Cameron E
(2007) Short-Term Geochemical Variation within a Single Eruption Event: Mount Edgecumbe Volcano, Bay of Plenty, New Zealand
Gardner MF, Carroll LD, Gamble JA, Ellam RM, Troll VR & Price RC
(2006) Shallow-level processes at Anak Krakatau: crystallisation and late stage crustal contamination
Gardner M, Troll V, Hart G, Gertisser R, Wolff J & Gamble J

Gardner Murray (2011) Microbially Induced Corrosion of Depleted Uranium Metal in Oxic Soil
Baxter A, Shaw S, Gardner M & Thompson I

Gardner R. (2022) A Systematic Evaluation of Mineral-Based Reactive Amendments for in situ Treatment of Fluoride-Contaminated Groundwater at a Former Aluminum Smelter Site
Vlassopoulos D, Vlassopoulos D, Gardner R, Ghosh R & Gaines KK

Gardner T (2000) A Diffusion Model for Weathering Rind Genesis in a Tropical Setting
Sak P, Brantley S, Fisher D & Gardner T

Gardner Terrence (2015) Mn(II) Oxidation and Remediation in Polluted Environments
Santelli C, Chaput D, Hansel C, Burgos W, Duckworth O & Gardner T

Gardner W. Payton (2023) Locating and Quantifying Geothermal Groundwater Discharge to the Colorado and Virgin Rivers Using Continuous Boat-Mounted Helium Measurements
Newman CP, Humphrey EC, Brennwald M, Gardner WP, Palko KM & Gooseff MN
(2022) Constraining Bedrock Groundwater Recharge Parameters and Residence Time Distributions in Mountain Systems with Environmental Tracers and Bayesian Uncertainty Quantification
Thiros NE, Gardner WP, Woodburn E, Dennedy-Frank PJ & Williams KH

Gardner William Payton (2023) Atom Trap Trace Analysis of Cosmogenic 39Ar in Geologic Materials
Gardner WP, Arck Y, Wachs D, Hieronimus E, Oberthaler M & Aeschbach W
(2023) Predicting Groundwater Residence Times in a Mountain System with Environmental Tracers and Bayesian Uncertainty Quantification
Thiros NE, Woodburn ER, Dennedy-Frank JP, Williams KH & Gardner WP

Gardon J. (2012) Bioaccessibility of Trace Metals on Mining and Smelting Impacted Dusts: Importance of Particle Size on Children Exposure
Goix S, Oliva P, Castet S, Duprey J-L, Point D & Gardon J

Garduño Ruíz D.I. (2022) Photochemical Modelling of the Climate-Redox Evolution of the Great Oxidation Event: From a Snowball Earth to a Hot-Moist Greenhouse
Garduño Ruíz DI, Goldblatt C & Ahm A-S

Gareev B. (2023) Volcanic Eruptions Records in the Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous Bazhenov Formation of Western Siberia
Yermakov Y, Bulatov T, Kulikova A, Gareev B & Spasennykh M
Gareev B, Batalin G & Chugaev A
(2020) Sr-Chemostratigraphy Using MС-ICP-MS Investigations
Gareev B, Batalin G, Nurgaliev D & Chugaev A

Gareil P. (2012) Interaction between Eu(III), Phenolic Acids and Al2O3 Nanoparticles
Moreau P, Colette-Maatouk S, Reiller PE, Gibert-Brunet E & Gareil P

Garel E. (2021) Dissolved Gases Monitoring to Disclose Regional Hydrogeochemical Interactions Processes Involved in Mineral Water Genesis in Non-Active Zone: The Case of Corsica Island
Dupuy M, Garel E, Labasque T, Chatton E, Vergnaud V, Aquilina L, Santoni S, Mattei A & Huneau F

Garel Marc (2021) On the Barium – Oxygen Consumption Relationship in the Mediterranean Sea: Implications for Mesopelagic Marine Snow Remineralisation
Jacquet S, Lefevre D, Tamburini C, Garel M & Le Moigne F

Garel Mathieu (2021) Lactation and Gestation Influence the Body Calcium Isotope Composition: Insights from Wild and Domestic Mammals
Hassler A, Martin J, Ferchaud S, Grivault D, Merceron G, Garel M, Tacail T, Le Goff S, Albalat E, Hernandez J-A & Balter V

Garel-Laurin A-C. (2023) Advanced Confocal Raman Spectroscopy Applied to High Temperature Dissolution Problems
Yoshizawa FT, Burov E, Garel-Laurin A-C & Toplis M

Garenne A. (2012) Hydrogen Abundance in Carbonaceous Chondrites from Thermogravimetric Analysis
Garenne A, Beck P, Montes-Hernandez G, Chiriac R, Toche F, Quirico E, Bonal L & Schmitt B

Garey J. (2007) Archaea and Bacteria in an Arsenic-Rich Shallow-Sea Hydrothermal System, Papua New Guinea
Amend J, Meyer-Dombard D, Akerman N, Osburn M, Herndon E, Garey J, Rubelman H & Wu T

Garfi G. (2020) Combining Machine Learning with Dual-Energy micro-Ct to Segment Mineral Phases
Jennings-Gray D, Berg S, Garfi G & Krevor S

Garg N. (2023) Elucidating Radiation-Induced Degradation in Siliceous Minerals via Multi-Modal Imaging
Garg N
(2022) Irradiation Impact in Concrete: Gamma Effects on Cement Paste Constituents (Calcium Silicate Hydrates) and Neutron Effects on Minerals Present in Aggregates
Tajuelo Rodriguez E, Baral A, Hunnicutt WA, Garg N, Sun H, Cakmak E, Arregui Mena JD, Anovitz L, Ilavsky J, Le Pape Y & Rosseel TM
(2021) Reactivity of Municipal Solid Waste Incineration (MSWI) Ashes in a Cementitious Matrix
Kumar V & Garg N

Garg S. (2017) Impact of Irradiation on Silver Nanoparticles Mediation by H2O2 in the Presence of Natural Organic Matter
Rong H, Garg S & Waite TD
(2016) Oxidative Dissolution of Silver Nanoparticles by Chlorine: Implications to Silver Nanoparticles Fate and Toxicity
Rong H, Garg S, Miller C & Waite D
(2016) Hydroquinone-Mediated Redox Cycling of Iron and Concomitant Oxidation of Hydroquinone Under Acidic Conditions
Jiang C, Garg S & Waite D
(2013) The Role of Reactive Intermediates in Redox Transformations of Iron in Photolyzed Acidic Natural Organic Matter Solutions
Waite D, Garg S, Bligh M & Rose A
(2011) Production of Superoxide and Hydrogen Peroxide on Photolysis of Natural Organic Matter
Garg S, Rose A & Waite D
(2011) Silver Nanoparticle-Reactive Oxygen Species Interactions: Application of an Electron Charging-Discharging Model
He D, Jones AM, Garg S & Waite D
(2010) Reactive Oxygen Species Generation by Elemental Iron and Silver Nanoparticulates
Waite TD, Jones A & Garg S
(2006) Superoxide-mediated reduction of ferric iron in natural aquatic systems
Waite TD, Rose AL, Garg S & Fujii M

Gargano Anthony (2020) Differences between Bulk and in situ Cl Isotope Compositions of Lunar Materials
Gargano A, Sharp Z & Shearer C
(2018) Chlorine and Zinc Isotope Composition of Lunar Materials: Insight into Volatile Element Isotope Fractionation on The Moon
Gargano A, Sharp Z & Shearer C

Gargano Anthony M (2023) Potassium and Chlorine Isotope Compositions of Ordinary Chondrites
Vaci Z, Gargano AM, Koefoed P & Wang K

Gariani G. (2022) Relationship between Chemical and Structural Features of Topaz to Unravel Formation Conditions: A Multidisciplinary Approach
Precisvalle N, Bonadiman C, Langone A, Gigli L, Plaisier JR, Hansen TC, Gianoncelli A, Bonanni V, Gariani G & Martucci A

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