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García-Alonso J.I. (2019) Simplified Technique for 87Sr/86Sr Measurement in Limestones by MC-ICP-MS
Puente B, Ballesteros D, Painchault A, Nehme C, Mouralis D & García-Alonso JI

Garcia-Arias M. (2020) Cordilleran Granitoids and Restite Entrainment: A Thermodynamic Modelling
García-Arias M, Puerto-León JS & Ronderos-Almeida CD
(2017) I-Type Granites and Mineral Entrainment: A Thermodynamic Modelling
Garcia-Arias M, Cristancho ED & Blanco-Quintero IF
(2009) Experimental Determination of Restite/Melt Partitioning in Anatexis: The Role of Apatite
Garcia-Arias M, Corretge LG & Castro A
(2007) Experimental Determination of Cl/Co of Rb, Sr and Ba and Comparison with Cl/Co of a Migmatite
Garcia-Arias M, Corretgé LG, Castro A & De la Rosa J

García-Armisen T. (2014) NO3- Reduction is Fe-Dependent in a Ferruginous Chemocline
Michiels C, Darchambeau F, Roland F, Morana C, Lliros M, Garcia-Armisen T, Thamdrup B, Borges A, Bouillon S, Canfield D, Servais P, Descy J-P & Crowe S
(2013) Photoferrotrophy and Fe-Cycling in a Freshwater Column
Llirós M, Crowe SA, García-Armisen T, Darchambeau F, Morana C, Borrego CM, Triadó-Margarit X, Bouillon S, Borges AV, Servais P, Canfield D & Descy JP

Garcia-Arostegui J-L. (2011) Ecological Impact of Submarine Groundwater Discharge in a Mediterranean Lagoon: Correlations between Radon, Radium and Nitrate in the Mar Menor, Murcia, Spain
Claude C, Baudron P, Mayer A, Gilabert J, Martinez-Vincente D, Radakovitch O, Leduc C, Garcia-Arostegui J-L & Cabezas-Calvo-Rubio F

Garcia-Arredondo M. (2019) Rhizosphere Reactive Transport and Transformation Induced by Diel Root Processes
Yabusaki S, Garcia-Arredondo M, Keiluweit M & Fang Y

García-Calderón N. (2003) Wastewater Irrigation Effect in Physical and Chemical Soil Properties of Mezquital Valley, Hidalgo State, Mexico
Reyes-Solis I, García-Calderón N & Servín-Ruíz D

García-Cardenas S. (2019) Evaluation of the Presence and Spatial Distribution of Critical Raw Materials in Los Buitres and San José Tailing Impoundments, Punta del Cobre District, Atacama, Chile
Caraballo MA, Townley B, Riquelme B, González-Díaz EY, García-Cardenas S, Martínez P & Moraga R
(2018) Evaluation of the Presence and Spatial Distribution of Critical Raw Materials in the Cauquenes Porphyry Copper Tailing
Caraballo MA, Townley B, González-Díaz EY, Riquelme B, García-Cardenas S, Collao R, Martinez P & Noriega F

García-Casco A. (2022) Lithosphere Dispersal and Mantle Flow Across Plate Boundaries after Continental Break-Up
Rojas-Agramonte Y, Riel N, Kaus B & Garcia-Casco A
(2021) Metastable Nanodiamond Linked to Serpentinization of Olivine
Pujol-Solà N, Garcia-Casco A, Proenza JA, González-Jiménez JM, del Campo A, Colás V, Canals À, Sánchez-Navas A & Roqué-Rosell J
(2021) Hydrothermal Pt Mineralization in Ophiolitic Chromitites
Farré de Pablo J, Proenza JA, González-Jiménez JM, Aiglsperger T, Torró L, Domènech C & Garcia-Casco A
(2019) Not Deep-Mantle Origin of Unusual Minerals in the Moho Transition Zone of Eastern Cuba Ophiolites
Pujol-Solà N, Proenza JA, Garcia-Casco A, González-Jiménez JM, Melgarejo JC & Gervilla F
(2019) Diamonds in Ophiolitic Chromitites are not in all Cases Formed at UHP Conditions
Farré-de-Pablo J, Proenza JA, González-Jiménez JM, Garcia-Casco A, Colás V, Roqué-Rosell J, Camprubí A & Sánchez-Navas A
(2018) Provenance of Zircons in Ophiolitic Chromitites from North America
Proenza JA, González-Jiménez JM, García-Casco A, Colás V, Farré-de-Pablo J, Pujol-Solà N, Gervilla F, Camprubí A & Rojas-Agramonte Y
(2017) HFSE-Bearing Phases in Ophiolitic Mantle Chromitite Bodies from Eastern Cuba: Mineralogical Evidence of Fe-Ti Type Metasomatism of Oceanic Upper Mantle
Pujol-Solà N, Proenza JA, García-Casco A, Melgarejo JC, Gervilla F, González-Jiménez J-M, Torró L & Llovet X
(2017) Archean to Permian Zircons in Cretaceous Mantle-Hosted Ophiolitic Chromitites from Eastern Cuba
Proenza JA, González-Jiménez JM, Garcia-Casco A, Belousova E, Griffin WL, Talavera C, Rojas-Agramonte Y, Aiglsperger T, Navarro-Ciruana D, Pujol N, Gervilla F, Lazaro C & O'REILLY SY
(2016) Fluid-Rock Interaction in the Subduction Environment: Tremolitite-Veins and Associated Blackwalls in Subducted Atg-Serpentinite (Central Cuba)
Butjosa L, Garcia-Casco A, Proenza JA, Blanco-Quintero IF & Cambeses A
(2015) Zircon Inheritance in a Young Intra-Oceanic Arc System: The Southern Lesser Antilles Arc
Rojas-Agramonte Y, Kröner A, García-Casco A, Buhre S & Wong J
(2015) Blueschists Accretion along the Subduction Interface: Insights from Diego de Almagro Island (Chilean Patagonia)
Hyppolito T, Angiboust S, Juliani C, Calderon M, Garcia-Casco A & Glodny J
(2015) Integrating Petrology, P-T Records and Geochronology to Descipher Subduction-Exhumation Processes: The Trinidad Dome, Escambray Metamorphic Complex, Cuba
Despaigne-Diaz AI, Garcia-Casco A, Caceres-Govea D, Wilde S & Jourdan F
(2011) Protracted History of Continental Subduction at the Southern Edge of the Maya Block, Central Guatemala: Petrological and Geochronological Evidences
Solari L, García Casco A, Lee JK & Ortega Rivera A
(2009) Melting of Subducted Mélanges in Mantle Wedge Plumes: Eutectic-Like Behaviour in the Generation of Batholiths?
Castro A, Gerya T & García-Casco A

Garcia-Caurel E. (2023) Optical Properties of Aerosol Haze Analogs: Implications for Future Observations with the James Webb Space Telescope
Drant T, Perrin Z, Vettier L & Garcia-Caurel E

Garcia-Florentino C. (2019) Terrestrial Weathering of Ilmenite and Olivine in the Northwest Africa 11273 Lunar Meteorite
Huidobro J, Torre-Fdez I, Garcia-Florentino C, Ruiz-Galende P, Aramendia J & Madariaga JM
(2019) Transformation in the Gypsum-Syngenite-Polyhalite System to Describe their Formation on Mars
García-Florentino C, Gómez-Nubla L, Torre-Fdez I, Ruiz-Galende P, Aramendia J & Madariaga Mota JM

García-Gil S. (2015) Chemical Forms of Fe in Sediments of Ría de Vigo (NW Spain)
Ramírez-Pérez A, de Blas E & García-Gil S

García-Granda S. (2004) Structure and Crystallization Behavior of the (Ba, Sr)HAsO4·H2O Solid Solution in Aqueous Environments
Prieto M, Jiménez A, Salvadó M & García-Granda S

Garcia-Guinea J. (2011) Arsenic, Copper, and Zinc Leaching Through Preferential Flow in Mining-Impacted Soils
Helmhart M, O'Day P, Garcia-Guinea J, Serrano S & Garrido F

GarcÌa-GutiÈrrez M. (2019) Role of Anions on Smectite Colloid Stability
Missana T, Alonso U & García-Gutiérrez M
(2019) Colloid Formation and Mobilisation from Compacted Bentonite in Favourable Environments
Alonso U, Missana T, Garcia-Gutierrez M, Morejon J, Mingarro M, Fernandez AM, Kronberg M & Sellin P
(2016) Barium Adsorption onto Cementitious Materials
Missana T, Garcia-Gutierrez M & Mingarro M
(2016) Chloride Influence on Cadmium Retention onto Smectite and Aluminium Oxide
Mayordomo N, Alonso U, Missana T & Garcia-Gutierrez M
(2014) Analysis of Stability and Sorption Capability of γ-Al2O3 Nanoparticles /Clay Mixtures
Mayordomo N, Alonso U, Benedicto A, Missana T & Garcia-Gutierrez M
(2013) Modelling of Cs Adsorption in Natural Mixed Clays and the Effects of Ion Competition
Garcia-Gutierrez M, Missana T, Benedicto A, Ayora C & De-Pourcq K
(2013) Se(IV) Uptake by Äspö Diorite: Micro-Scale Distribution
Alonso U, Missana T, Patelli A, Ceccato D, García-Gutiérrez M & Rigato V
(2005) Evolution of the Sorption Studies on a Spanish Bentonite during 8 Years of the FEBEX Project
Missana T, Garcia-Gutierrez M, Alonso U, Granizo N, Mingarro M & Martín PL
(2002) Migration of Bentonite Colloids in a Granite Fracture
Missana T, GarcÌa-GutiÈrrez M, Alonso U & QuiÒones J

Garcia-Lorenzo M. (2015) Mobility Indices for the Evaluation of Metal Contamination in Soils Affected by Mining Activities
Martinez-Sanchez M, Perez-Sirvent C, Garcia-Lorenzo M & Hernandez-Cordoba M
(2015) Geochemical Characterisation of Topsoils, Surface Waters and Efflorescences in a Historic-Metal Mining Area in SE, Spain
Perez-Sirvent C, Hernandez-Perez C, Garcia-Lorenzo M, Martinez-Sanchez M & Hernandez-Cordoba M

Garcia-Martinez A. (2017) Reconstruction of Southern Ocean Paleo-Temperatures Based on Hydroxylated GDGTs along with Changes in Dust Deposition and Export Productivity
Fietz S, Ho SL, Huguet C, Rosell-Melé A & Garcia-Martinez A

Garcia-Olivares A. (2011) Simulations of Glacial/Interglacial Cycles with Simple Box-Models. Key Triggers for Deglaciations
Herrero C, Garcia-Olivares A & Pelegri JL

García-Ordiales E. (2023) Dispersion of Heavy Metals in the Sediments of the Central Coast of Asturias (Bay of Viscay, Spain)
García-Ordiales E, Margas M, Navarro E, Barquero JI, Higueras PL, Cienfuegos P & Roqueñí N
(2022) Some Remarks on the Interpretation of Sequential Chemical Extraction Methods in Soil Samples Contaminated by Mining Activity
Alvarez-Quintana J, Ordóñez A, Loredo J, García-Ordiales E, Cienfuegos P & Alvarez R

García-Orellana I. (2009) 10 Years of Arsenic in Atmospheric Particles in Southwestern of Spain
Sánchez de la Campa AM, de la Rosa JD, Alastuey A, Querol X, Ramos JL, González-Castanedo Y, Fernández-Camacho R, Rodríguez S, Sánchez-Rodas D, Stein A & García-Orellana I

Garcia-Orellana J. (2019) Remobilization of Dissolved Metals from a Coastal Mine Tailing Deposit Driven by Groundwater Discharge and Porewater Exchange
Alorda-Kleinglass A, Garcia-Orellana J, Rodellas V, Cerdà-Domènech M, Tovar-Sánchez A, Diego-Feliu M, Trezzi G, Sánchez-Quilez D, Sánchez-Vidal A & Canals M
(2019) Using a Simple Analytical Solution to Asses the Distribution of Radon and Radium Isotopes in a Coastal Aquifer
Diego-Feliu M, Saaltink M, Folch A, Martínez-Pérez L, Goyetche T, Alorda-Kleinglass A, Rodellas V & Garcia-Orellana J
(2019) A Review of the Ra Isotopes as SGD Tracers
Garcia-Orellana J, Rodellas V, Tamborski J, van Beek P, Stieglitz T, Diego-Feliu M, Alorda A & Bruach JM
(2018) Losses of Soil Organic Carbon with Deforestation in Mangroves of Madagascar
Arias-Ortiz A, Glass L, Masqué P, Benson L, Kennedy H, Garcia-Orellana J, Ridgway S, Salgado G, Duarte CM & Lovelock CE
(2017) Anthropogenic 137Cs, 237Np, 239Pu and 240Pu in the Mediterranean Sea
Castrillejo M, Garcia-Orellana J, Kenna T, Casacuberta N, Fleisher M & Masque P
(2017) Seawater Recirculation Versus Karstic Groundwater Driven DSi Fluxes to a Coastal Mediterranean Lagoon
Tamborski J, Bejannin S, Souhaut M, Garcia-Orellana J, Claude C, Stieglitz T, Pujo-Pay M, Conan P, Crispi O, Monnin C & van Beek P
(2017) Study of the Chemical Fluxes Associated with SGD in Several Hotspots along the French Mediterranean Coastline
van Beek P, Tamborski J, Bejannin S, Petrova M, Souhaut M, Lacan F, Stieglitz T, Radakovitch O, Claude C, Pujo-Pay M, Conan P, Crispi O, Garcia-Orellana J & Heimburger L-E
(2017) Anthropogenic I-129 and U-236 along the GEOTRACES-Ga01 Transect in the North Atlantic
Masque P, Castrillejo M, Casacuberta N, Christl M, Vockenhuber C, Garcia-Orellana J & Synal H-A
(2017) Influence of Deep Water Formation and Boundary Scavenging on 231Pa and 230Th Distribution in the Mediterranean Sea
Roy-Barman M, Gdaniec S, Foliot L, Thil F, Burckel P, Andersson P, Mörth C-M, Masque P & Garcia-Orellana JG-O
(2015) Modelling the Behavior of Natural U and Ra in Forsmark, Sweden
Krall L, Trezzi G, Garcia-Orellana J, Andersson P, Tullborg E-L, Auque L & Porcelli D
(2015) Evaluating Submarine Groundwater Discharge as a Source of Nutrients to the Mediterranean Sea Using 228Ra
Rodellas V, Garcia-Orellana J, Masqué P, Feldman M & Weinstein Y
(2015) First Transect of 236U and 129I in the Mediterranean Sea
Castrillejo M, Casacuberta N, Christl M, Garcia-Orellana J, Masqué P, Vockenhuber C & Synal H-A
(2012) Evaluation of 224Ra as a SGD Tracer in Long Island Sound
Garcia-Orellana J, Cochran JK, Daniel JWR, Rodellas V, Bokuniewicz H & Heilbrun C
(2007) Radium Isotopes as Tracers of Submarine Groundwater and Nitrogen Discharge in a Karstic Area
Garcia-Solsona E, Garcia-Orellana J, Masqué P, Mejías M & Ballesteros B

Garcia-Pichel F. (2001) Environmental Analyses of Nucleic Acids: Potential Benefits for Geochemical Research
Garcia-Pichel F

Garcia-Pichel Ferran (2019) Carbon and Nitrogen Isotopes Biosignatures of Early Earth Continental Biosphere Modern Analogs
Thomazo C, Couradeau E, Marin-Carbonne J, Homann M, Sansjofre P, Lalonde S & Garcia-Pichel F

García-Ramos J.C. (2023) Regional Paleoenvironmental Features Modulated T-OAE Global Effects (Toarcian, Early Jurassic): Aqueous Molybdenum Drawdown
Fernández-Martínez J, Martinez-Ruiz F, Rodríguez-Tovar FJ, Piñuela L, García-Ramos JC & Algeo TJ
(2021) Geochemical Approach to Constrain Bottom-Water Oxygenation during the Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event (T-Oae) at the Northern Iberian Palaeomargin
Fernández-Martínez J, Rodríguez-Tovar FJ, Martinez-Ruiz F, Piñuela L & García-Ramos JC

Garcia-Rios M. (2021) Evaluation of Barcelona Soil Capacity for Sorption and Degradation of Emerging Contaminants
Garcia-Rios M, Duporte G, Gomez E & Luquot L
(2019) Modeling Bioremediation of As-Rich Acid Mine Drainage in a Flow Reactor
Garcia-Rios M, De Windt L & Casiot C
(2017) Effective Kinetic Laws for Cement in Contact with a CO2-rich Solution
Garcia-Rios M, De Gaspari F & Gouze P
(2016) The Role of Mineral Heterogeneity on the CO2 Storage Capacity and Injectivity Under CO2 Supercritical Conditions
Garcia-Rios M, Luquot L, Soler JM & Cama J
(2014) Gypsum Precipitation during Interaction between CO2-Rich Sulfate Solution and Carbonate Rocks (From Atmospheric to Supercritical CO2 Conditions)
Cama J, Garcia-Rios M, Luquot L & Soler JM

García-Rivas J. (2021) Mineralogical and Geochemical Characterization of the Benavila (Portugal) Bentonites
García-Rivas J, Dias MI, Romero EG, Barrios MS & Paiva I

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