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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Gougeon R.D. (2017) Novel Metalorganic Compounds Revealed in Meteorites
Ruf A, Kanawati B, Yin Q-Z, Moritz F, Harir M, Lucio M, Shilobreeva S, Gabelica Z, Gougeon RD, Quirico E, Haack H, Gonsior M, Jenniskens P, Hinman NW & Schmitt-Kopplin P

Gough A. (2022) The Pursuit of Elusive Extraterrestrial Liquid Water in Astromaterials
Krizan PAB, Hoi Shan Chan Q, Gough A & Papineau D
(2022) Characterisation and Metallogenesis of Cobalt-Bearing Mineralisation in the English Lake District
Eskdale AE, Gough A, Lowry D & Johnson S
(2021) Metallogenesis of Cobalt-Bearing Mineralisation in the English Lake District
Eskdale AE, Gough A, Lowry D, Solferino G & Johnson S

Gough L. (2005) Geochemical Landscapes of Alaska
Wang B, Gough L, Smith D & Gustavsson N

Gouin J. (2013) Formation of Monazite-(MREE) from Paleozoic Shales: Role of Host Rock Chemical Composition and Organic Material
Tuduri J, Chevillard M, Colin S, Gloaguen E, Gouin J, Potel S & Pourret O

Goujon Céline (2016) Speciation and Solubility of Fe(III) in Crustal Fluids
Testemale D, Sanchez-Valle C, Goujon C, Pokrovski GS & Guyot F

Goujon Celine (2020) In situ Characterization of Fluids and Melts to Shallow Supecritical and Magmatic Conditions
Testemale D, Louvel M, Goujon C, Legendre M, Lahera E & Hazemann J-L

Gould D. (2012) Bacterial Communities in Drainage from Waste-Rock Test Piles
Bailey BL, Blowes DW, Gould WD, Smith L & Sego DC
(2011) Amendment of Mill Tailings for in situ Treatment of Mine Drainage
Blowes D, Lindsay M, Hulshof A, Ptacek C & Gould D
(2008) Humidity Cell Analysis of Waste-Rock from the Diavik Diamond Mine, NWT, Canada
Moore M, Blowes D, Ptacek C, Gould D, Smith L & Sego D

Gould I. (2020) Organic Compounds as Geochemical Tracers in Planetary Exploration
Robinson K, Bockisch C, Gould I, Fecteau K, Seewald J & Shock E
(2016) The Effect of Magnetite Upon the Transformations of Carboxylic Acids at Hydrothermal Conditions
Johnson K, Williams L, Gould I, Hartnett H & Shock E
(2013) Iron-Containing Mineral Effects on Hydrothermal Reactions of Ketones
Yang Z, Gould I & Shock E
(2010) Minerals Affect the Interconversion between Alkanes and Alkenes in Hydrothermal Systems
Shipp J, Hartnett H, Gould I, Shock E & Williams L
(2010) Mechanistic Organic Geochemistry of Carboxylic Acids
Glein C, Gould I, Williams L, Hartnett H & Shock E
(2010) Reversible Functional Group Interconversion in Organic Hydrothermal Reactions – The Central Role of Ketones
Yang Z, Gould I, Williams L, Hartnett H & Shock E

Gould Jamie A (2023) How Does Temperature Affect Aeolian Abrasion on Mars?
Edgar JO, Gould JA, Badreshany K, Graham SP & Telling J

Gould Jessica (2018) An Open-Ocean Assessment of Alkenone δD as a Paleo-Salinity Proxy
Gould J, Kienast M, Dowd M & Schefuß E

Gould W. (2000) The Mechanisms of Release and Attenuation of Arsenic in a Gold Mine Tailings Impoundment
Stichbury MK, Bain JG, Gould W & Blowes DW

Goulet G. (2021) The ID21 Beamline at ESRF: Sub-Micron Spectroscopy Under Cryo Conditions for Life and Environmental Sciences
Castillo-Michel H, Cotte M, Salome M, Bugnazet D, Veronesi G, Pradas Del Real AE, Colocho Hurtarte LC, Villalobos E & Goulet G

Goulet R. (2017) Gas Generation from Organic Waste over a 7 Years Period: Implication for the Management of Low and Intermediate Level Radioactive Waste
Beaton D, Serran M, Pelletier P & Goulet R

Goumans J. (2023) Multi-Step Release of Slab-Bound Fluids Caused by Blueschist Metamorphism in the Subducting Slab (Bridge River Blueschist, British Columbia, Canada)
Goumans J, Smit M & Musiyachenko K

Gounelle M. (2024) Revisiting Martensite Formation and its Consequences in Iron Meteorites
Danoix R, Danoix F, Gattacceca J, Maurel C, Gounelle M & Roskosz M
(2023) Constraining the Meteorite Flux on Earth during the Last 2 Ma
Sadaka C, Gattacceca J, Dumas F, Kuzina D, Braucher R & Gounelle M
(2023) Nanoscale Analysis of Siderites: Insights into the Low Temperature FeNi Phase Diagram
Danoix F, Danoix R, Cuvilly F, Gattacceca J, Maurel C, Roskosz M & Gounelle M
(2023) Ammonium is a Significant Reservoir of Nitrogen in the Orgueil Meteorite
Laize-Générat L, Soussaintjean L, Poch O, Bonal L, Savarino J, Caillon N, Ginot P, Vella A, Flandinet L, Gounelle M & Bizzarro M
(2017) From Prodigies to Meteorites (1492-1803)
Gounelle M
(2017) European Sample Return Missions and the Curation in Europe of Material Returned from Space
Russell S, Smith C, Hutzler A, Meneghin A, Brucato J, Ferriere L, Gounelle M, Westall F, Berthoud L & Grady M
(2009) Astronomical Oxygen Isotopic Evidence for Supernova Pollution of the Solar System Birth Environment
Young E, Gounelle M, Smith R, Morris M & Pontoppidan K
(2009) Metal and Sulfide Origin in Eucrite and Diogenite
Gounelle M & Alard O
(2004) Fe-Isotope Composition of Pallasites
Mullane E, Russell S, Gounelle M & Mason T
(2003) Magmatic & Impact Processing on the HED Parent Body: Effects on Iron Isotope Signatures
Mullane E, Russell S, Gounelle M & Mason T
(2002) On Early Solar System Chronology
Gounelle M & Russell S
(2002) Was 26Al a Chronometer or Heat Source in the Early Solar System?
Ash R, Russell S, Gounelle M, Young E & Belshaw N
(2002) REEs in Al-Rich Chondrules: Clues to their Origin
Russell S, Gounelle M, Jeffries T & Alard O
(2002) Iron Isotope Fractionation in an Archaean BIF Sample Suite
Mullane E, Herrington RJ, Russell SS, Gounelle M, Weiss D & Coles B

Gourabjiri-pour A.

Gourain A. (2019) Hydrothermal Iron Budget at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge: Diving Inside the TAG Neutrally Buoyant Plume
González-Santana D, Cheize M, Planquette H, Whitby H, Gourain A, Holmes T, Germain Y, Cathalot C, Pelleter E, Fouquet Y & Sarthou G
(2018) High Resolution Particulate Trace Metals Dispersion from the TAG Hydrothermal Vent (Mid-Atlantic Ridge)
Cheize M, Planquette H, González-Santana D, Whitby H, Gourain A, Holmes T, Guyader V, Germain Y, Roudaut M, Cathalot C, Sarthou G, Pelleter E & Fouquet Y
(2017) Organic Complexation of Copper along the GEOTRACES GA01 Section
Gourain A, Salaun P, Tagliabue A, Vanden Berg C, Boutorh J, Cheize M, Contreira-Pereira L, Lherminier P, Menzel J-L, Sarthou G & Shelley R

Gourari L. (2023) Mineralogical Composition and Paleoclimatic Records of the Quaternary Clay Deposits in the Saïs Plain
Agharabi A, Har N, Gourari L & Benslimane A

Gourcerol B. (2021) Reserve and Resource Assessment of Li-Rich Geothermal Brines in Europe
Millot R, Gourcerol B, Sanjuan B, Jeandel E, Rettenmaier D & Lebouil S
(2021) New Geochronological and Thermobarometric Data for Revisiting Alpine Pb-Ag Ore Deposit Genesis (Macôt-La Plagne and Peisey-Nancroix)
Bertauts M, Janots E, Rossi M, Duhamel-Achin I, Lach P, Gourcerol B & Magnin V
(2020) Reserve and Resource Assessment of Li-Rich Geothermal Brines in Europe
Millot R, Gourcerol B, Sanjuan B, Jeandel E, Rettenmaier D & Lebouil S
(2017) Deciphering Element Paragenesis, Element Associations and Multi-Stage Mineralizing Processes in Orogenic Gold Deposits with LA-ICP-MS Analysis of Sulfides
Gourcerol B, Kontak D, Thurston P & Petrus J

Gourcy L. (2014) Nitrate Sources and Dynamics in Alluvial Aquifers Assessed Through Multi-Isotope Fingerprinting and Groundwater Dating
Kloppmann W & Gourcy L
(2013) How Isotopic Hydrogeochemical Tools can Help Policy Makers to Target Priority Area for Drinking Water Preservation?
Brenot A, Gourcy L, Petelet-Giraud E & Négrel P

Gourdal M. (2016) Role of Sea Ice Biogeochemistry in Air-Ice-Ocean Exchange of Climatically Important Gases (CO2 and DMS) in the Arctic: Preliminary Results of Coupled Sea Ice-Ocean Physical-Biogeochemical Model Simulations
Hayashida H, Mortenson E, Monahan A, Steiner N, Blais M, Gale M, Galindo V, Gosselin M, Gourdal M, Hu X, Levasseur M & Mundy CJ

Gourdol L. (2021) Overcoming the EMMA Dilemma: On the Potential for PHREEQC’s Inverse Modelling Functionality to Decouple Chemical Processes from Conservative Mixing Processes and Reducing Variability in End Member Mixing Analysis
van Zweel KN, Gourdol L, Hissler C, Pfister L & Zehe E

Gourdon R. (2023) A Simplified Approach for Geochemical Modelling of Complex Anthropogenic Deposits
Dai W, Gautier M, Lupsea M, Blanc D & Gourdon R
(2022) What Degree of Complexity to Model the Release of Metals from Solid Deposits from Water Treatment Nature-Based Solutions?
Blanc D, Banc C, Gautier M, Lupsea M, Marsac R & Gourdon R

Gourgaud A. (2016) New K-Ar Ages of Post-Collisional Quaternary Basaltic Volcanism in the Central Anatolian Volcanic Province, Turkey
Dogan-Kulahci GD, Guillou H, Gourgaud A, Deniel C, Temel A & Varol E
(2014) Post-Collisional Quaternary Basaltic Magmatism from the Central Anatolian Volcanic Province (CAVP): Mineralogy and P-T Estimates
Doğan GD, Gourgaud A, Deniel C, Temel A & Varol E
(2011) Origin of Miocene Volcanic Rocks from Eskisehir, NW Anatolia, Turkey
Telsi̇z S, Temel A & Gourgaud A
(2008) Mineralogical and Geochemical Studies of the Afyon Volcanics, West Central Anatolia, Turkey: Preliminary Results
Doğan GD, Temel A, Gourgaud A & Demirbağ H
(2008) Mineralogical and Geochemical Characteristics of Volcanic Rocks from Eskişehir, Northwest Anatolia, Turkey: Preliminary Results
Telsiz S, Temel A & Gourgaud A
(2007) Geochemical Properties of Miocene Basaltic Rocks from Yavuzeli-Araban-Narli Region, Southeast Anatolia, TURKEY
Telsiz S, Temel A, Gourgaud A & Alpaslan M
(2007) Petrology and Geochemistry of Cemilkoy Ignimbrite, Cappadocia, Turkey
Dogan GD, Temel A & Gourgaud A
(2004) Petrology and Geochemistry of Volcanic Rocks from Guvem District, NW Central Anatolia, Turkey
Telsiz S, Temel A & Gourgaud A
(2000) The Role of Asthenospheric Mantle in the Generation of Tertiary Basaltic Alkaline Volcanism in the Polatli-Ankara Region, Central Anatolia, Turkey: Constraints from Major-Element, Trace-Element and Sr-Nd Isotopes
Temel A, Gourgaud A, Alici P & Bellon H
(2000) Petrology and Geochemistry of Balkuyumcu-Ankara Volcanics, Central Anatolia, Turkey
Varol E, Temel A, Gourgaud A & Bellon H

Gourgiotis A. (2023) The Use of Stable Lead Isotopes for the Identification of the Sources and Transport Processes Leading to the Release of Radioactive Contaminants Downstream of Former Uranium Mine Sites
Geng T, Peron O, Mangeret A, Le Coz M, David K, Del Nero M, Montavon G & Gourgiotis A
(2021) Controls of Climate and Organic Matter on Uranium Fluxes to Lake Sediments over the Holocene
Lefebvre P, Sabatier P, Mangeret A, Gourgiotis A, Le Pape P, Develle A-L, Louvat P, Diez O, Reyss J-L, Gaillardet J, Cazala C & Morin G
(2021) Evolution of Noncrystalline Uranium in Lake Sediments over 3, 300 Years
Lefebvre P, Gourgiotis A, Mangeret A, Sabatier P, Le Pape P, Diez O, Louvat P, Menguy N, Merrot P, Baya C, Zebracki M, Blanchart P, Malet E, Jézéquel D, Reyss J-L, Bargar J, Gaillardet J, Cazala C & Morin G
(2017) Alteration of Basaltic Glass in Residual Rate Condition: Analogy with Nuclear Glass
Ducasse T, Jollivet P, Frugier P, Gourgiotis A & Gin S
(2016) Measurement of Free Radium and Thallium with Donnan Membrane Technique: Application to Complexation Study with Dissolved Organic Matter
Martin L, Simonucci C, Viollier E, Lascar E, Tharaud M, Courbet C, Gourgiotis A, Rad S & Benedetti M
(2012) Coupling between Separative Techniques and ICPMS for Lanthanides Separation and On-Line Isotope Ratio Measurements
Isnard H, Gourgiotis A, Mialle S, Bourgeois M, Vio L, Nonell A & Chartier F

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