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A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Fuping P. (2017) Origin and Tectonic Evolution of Arc Terranes along the Northern Margin of North China Craton
Fuping P, Zhou H, Zhang Y, Zhou Z, Xu W & Wang Z

Furche M. (2013) Continuous Soil Gas Monitoring Related to CCS – Lessons Learned from a 5-Year Case Study
Schloemer S, Moeller I & Furche M

Furdek Turk M. (2018) Geochemistry of Superhigh-Organic-Sulfur Raša Coal (Croatia), with an Emphasis on the Rare Earth Elements
Fiket Z, Medunic G, Furdek Turk M, Ivanic M, Dolenec M & Kniewald G

Furdui V. (2010) Simultaneous Analysis of Anionic Species of As, Se and Cr by HPLC-CRI-ICP-MS
Xie Q, Furdui V & Moody WB

Furger M. (2009) Hourly-Size Segregated Sampling of Trace Elements and Subsequent Source Apportionment
Richard A, Furger M, Bukowiecki N, Lienemann P, Nachtegaal M, Prevot A & Baltensperger U

Füri E. (2024) On the Challenges of Tracing the Origin of Nitrogen on Earth, Moon, and Mars – S. Epstein Science Innovation Medal Lecture
Füri E
(2021) Triple Oxygen Isotope Measurements by Multi-Collector Large-Geometry Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry
Peres P, Bouden N, Villeneuve J, Marrocchi Y, Deloule E, Füri E, Gurenko A, Piani L, Thomassot E & Fernandes F
(2021) First in situ Nitrogen Isotope Measurements in Martian Meteorites
Deligny C, Füri E, Deloule E & Peslier A
(2021) Nitrogen Speciation and Solubility in Silicate Melts and Fluids
Bernadou F, Slodczyk A, Füri E, Gaillard F, Marrocchi Y & Canizares A
(2021) First in situ Analyses of Nitrogen in Primitive Subduction-Related Melts
Füri E, Portnyagin MV, Mironov N, Deligny C, Gurenko A, Botcharnikov R & Holtz F
(2020) Nitrogen Solubility in Bridgmanite Under Lower-Mantle Conditions
Fukuyama K, Kagi H, Inoue T, Kakizawa S, Shinmei T, Sano Y, Deligny C & Füri E
(2020) Origin and Distribution of Volatile Elements in the Early Solar System
Füri E
(2019) Redox Control on Nitrogen Isotope Fractionation during Planetary Core Formation
Dalou C, Füri E, Deligny C, Piani L, Caumon M-C & Boulliung J
(2019) Nitrogen Solubility in the Upper Terrestrial Magma Ocean: An Experimental Approach
Boulliung J, Füri E, Dalou C, Tissandier L, Zimmermann L & Marrocchi Y
(2017) Towards New Constraints on the Origin and Budget of Terrestrial N
Füri E, Deloule E & Dalou C
(2017) The Oldoinyo Lengai Volcano Plumbing System Architecture, and Composition from Source to Surface
Mollex G, France L, Füri E, Bonnet R, Botcharnikov R, Zimmermann L, Wilke S, Deloule E, Chazot G, Kazimoto E, Marty B & Burnard P
(2016) Chondritic Xenon in a Mantle Plume beneath Eifel (Germany): Implications for Early Earth's Differentiation
Caracausi A, Avice G, Burnard P, Furi E & Marty B
(2016) Nitrogen Isotopes as Tracers of Volatile Sources in the Inner Solar System
Füri E & Marty B
(2015) Origin of Nitrogen in Lunar Basalts
Füri E, Barry PB, Taylor LA & Marty B
(2014) Constraints on the N Isotopic Evolution of the Solar Nebula from Volatile Analyses of a CAI
Füri E, Chaussidon M & Marty B
(2014) Origins and Concentrations of Volatiles in the Interiors of the Terrestrial Planets
Füri E & Marty B
(2013) Evidence for Chondritic Lunar Water and Nitrogen Trapped in Apollo 17 Volcanic Glasses
Füri E, Marty B, Deloule E & Gurenko A
(2013) High-Precision Atmospheric Helium Isotope Measurement in Volcanic Areas
Lan TF, Mabry JC, Marty B, Burnard P, Füri E, de Moor JM, Fischer TP & McMurtry GM
(2013) Nitrogen Isotopes in Lunar Soils: A Record of Contributions to Planetary Surfaces in the Inner Solar System
Marty B, Chaussidon M, Füri E, Hashizume K, Podosek F, Wieler R & Zimmermann L
(2012) Nitrogen-Helium-Argon Isotope Relationships in Subglacial Glasses from Iceland's Neovolcanic Zones
Halldorsson S, Hilton D, Barry P, Furi E, Fischer T & Groenvold K
(2011) Central Indian Ridge Versus Réunion Hotspot: Do Interaction Processes Account for on and off Axis Geochemical Observations?
Hemond C, Janin M, Murton B, Füri E, Hilton D & Dyment J
(2011) Origin and Flux of Lunar (Micro-) Impactors: Constraints from N-Ar Analyses of Single Luna 24 Grains
Füri E, Marty B & Assonov S
(2009) Indian Ridges, Hotspots, Interaction: Réunion Central Indian Ridge and Amstersdam St Paul Southeast Indian Ridge Cases
Hémond C, Janin M, Maia M, Füri E, Hilton D, Murton B & Dyment J
(2009) Nitrogen Isotopes and Plume-Ridge Interaction: The Central Indian Ridge and the Reykjanes Ridge
Barry P, Hilton D, Sano Y, Takahata N, Murton B, Füri E, Hemond C & Dyment J
(2009) Ridge-Hotspot Interaction at the Central Indian Ridge, 20°S: New Helium Isotope Results
Füri E, Hilton D, Dyment J, Hémond C & Murton B
(2009) He-CO2 Characteristics of Submarine and Subaerial Fluids of the Costa Rica Forearc
Hilton D, Furi E, Fischer T, Ramirez C, Tryon M, Barry P, Brown K, Alvarado G, Montero W & Denyer P

Furman Olha (2014) Speciation of Mercury and Sulfur in Northern Peatlands
Furman O, Toner BM, Nater EA, Sebestyen SD, Tfaily MM, Chanton JP & Kolka RK

Furman Olha (2015) Interpretation of Depth Profiles of Organic Sulfur Species in Northern Peatlands
Furman O, Toner BM, Nater EA, Sebestyen SD & Kolka RK

Furman Olha (2016) The Effect of Climate Change on Coupled Biogeochemistry of Sulfur and Mercury in Organic Soils
Toner B, Furman O, Gutknecht J, Sebestyen S, Kolka R & Nater E
(2016) Mercury Distribution in Australian Catchment Outlet Sediments at the Continental Scale
Furman O, de Caritat P, Maher W, Foster S, Gruber B & Thompson RM

Furman Tanya (2015) Genesis of Mafic-Intermediate Lavas at Hasandag Stratovolcano, Central Anatolia
Gall H, Furman T, Kurkcuoglu B & Hanan B
(2015) Mineralogy, Geochemistry and Petrogenesis of Lamprophyres from Central Sakarya Region (NW Anatolia, Turkey)
Buyukkahraman G, Hudak M & Furman T
(2015) Metasomatic Modification of Lherzolite during Slab Rollback in NW Anatolia
Gunes B, Kurkcuoglu B, Yurur T, Hanan B & Furman T
(2015) Insights into Continental Evolution and Lithospheric Stability: Geochemical Evidence from the Western Rift, Uganda
Pitcavage E, Furman T & Nelson W
(2013) Isotopic and Geochemical Constraints on the Origin of Post-Collisional Mafic Tholeiites from Erkilet, Central Anatolia
Kurkcuoglu B, Furman T, Pickard M, Sen E, Hanan B, Sen P, Sayit K & Yurur T
(2012) Petrogenesis of Alkaline Mafic Rocks from Sivas, Central Anatolia: New Insight into Ancient Continental Assembly and Break-Up
Pickard M, Furman T, Kurkcuoglu B, Hanan B & Sayit K
(2011) Isotopic Variations in Mafic Volcanic Rocks from the Western Branch of the East African Rift
Graham D, Furman T, Blichert-Toft J, Lupton J, Ebinger C & Rogers N
(2011) An Isotopic Glimpse of the Lithospheric Mantle beneath the East African Rift System
Nelson W, Shirey S & Furman T
(2008) Multi-Component Isotopic Mixing in the Ethiopian Rift: Modeling Plume Contributions to Recent Magmatism
Rooney T, Hanan B, Furman T & Graham D
(2008) Hf Isotopic Insights into Mantle Source Contributions in Turkana, East African Rift System
Locke J, Bryce J, Furman T, Hanan B, Rooney T & Graham D
(2008) Sr, Nd, Pb and Hf Evidence for Two-Plume Mixing beneath the East African Rift System
Nelson W, Furman T & Hanan B
(2007) Thermochemical Coupling in Deep Mantle Plumes: A Case Study of Turkana, N. Kenya
Furman T, van Keken P, Bryce J & Lin S-C

Furman Tanya (2014) HIMU-Like Magmatism on the Northeast African and Arabian Plates: The Role of Continental Lithosphere Metasomes
Rooney T, Nelson W, Dosso L, Furman T & Hanan B

Furman Tanya (2017) Geochemical Implications of OIB Type Basalt in Garnet-Spinel Stability Field in Southern Thrace Region, Turkey
Günes B, Kürkcüoglu B, Hanan B, Yürür T & Furman T

Furman Tanya (2018) Microscale Geochemical Analysis of Primitive Lavas from Bufumbira, East Africa: Implications for Lithospheric Stability and Heterogeneity
Pitcavage E, Furman T & Nelson W
(2018) Lithospheric Drip Magmatism in NW Saudi Arabia Highlights N. Red Sea – Dead Sea Transform Interaction
Furman T, Loucks E, Byrd A, Alotaibi T, Cipar J & Crispin K

Furman Tanya (2019) Mineral-Scale Geochemistry of Primitive Lavas from Bufumbira, Uganda: Implications for Rift Magmatism
Pitcavage E, Furman T, Nelson W & Spencer S

Furman Tanya (2020) Magma Storage beneath Ardestan Pluton, Iran; Insights from Silicate Minerals, Zircon Signatures and Crystal Size Distribution
Babazadeh S, Furman T, Cottle J, Raeisi D & Lima I

Furmann A. (2011) Chemical Compound Classes Supporting Microbial Methanogenesis in Coal
Furmann A, Picardal F, Schimmelmann A, Brassell S & Mastalerz M

Furnes Harald (2011) Geochemical and Tectonic Fingerprinting of Ophiolites
Dilek Y & Furnes H
(2011) Different Types of Precambrian Ophiolites
Furnes H, Dilek Y & DeWit M
(2010) Petrological and Tectonic Evolution of the Palaeoarchean Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa
Furnes H, de Wit M & Robins B
(2009) Pillow Lava as Microbial Habitat for 3.5 Billion Years: Petrographic Signatures of Bioalteration
Furnes H, McLoughlin N, Staudigel H, Banerjee NR, Fliegel D, Muehlenbachs K & DeWit M
(2009) Structure and Geochemistry of the Incipient Oceanic Crust of the Red Sea and the Rifted Margin of Western Arabia
Dilek Y, Furnes H & Schoenberg R
(2009) Combined FIB and TEM Analysis of Tubular Alteration Textures in Pillow Lavas from the 2.0 Ga Pechenga Greenstone Belt, Russia
Fliegel D, Wirth R, McLoughlin N & Furnes H
(2009) Thermophile Inhabitants of the Archean Seafloor Basalts
Muehlenbachs K, Furnes H & DeWit M
(2008) Direct in situ Dating of Titanite in Biotextures Using Laser Ablation MC-ICP-MS
Fliegel D, Mcloughlin N, Kosler J, Banerjee N, Simonetti A & Furnes H
(2008) Inferring Mechanisms of Biocorrosion from Trace Fossil Morphology
Staudigel H, Furnes H, McLoughlin N, Banerjee N, Connell L & Templeton A
(2007) The δ18O of the Ocean at 3.8 Ga
Muehlenbachs K, Furnes H, De Wit M, Rosing M & Staudigel H
(2007) Direct Dating of Archean Microbial Ichnofossils
Banerjee N, Simonetti A, Furnes H, Muehlenbachs K, Staudigel H, McLoughlin N, de Wit M & Van Kranendonk M
(2005) A Mechanism for Preservation of ~3.5 Billion-Year-Old Microbial Alteration Textures in Pillow Basalts from the Barberton Greenstone Belt
Banerjee N, Furnes H, Chacko T, Muehlenbachs K, Staudigel H & De Wit M
(2004) The Ocean Crust as a Bioreactor
Staudigel H, Bailey B, Furnes H, Tebo B & Templeton A
(2004) Pillow Lavas as a Habitat for Early Life on Earth
Banerjee N, Furnes H, Muehlenbachs K, Staudigel H & de Wit M
(2004) The Deep Biosphere's Imprint on Carbonate Carbon Isotope Systematics in Basalts from the Seafloor
Muehlenbachs K, Banerjee N & Furnes H
(2003) Carbon Isotopic Ratios as a Powerful Biosignature in Altered Basaltic Glass
Muehlenbachs K, Furnes H & Banerjee N
(2003) Life on the Rocks: Bioalteration of Volcanic Glass from the Oceanic Crust
Banerjee N, Muehlenbachs K & Furnes H

Furnes Harald (2015) Multiple Sulfur Isotope Geochemistry of the Paleoarchean Onverwacht Suite, Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa
Mishima K, Ueno Y, deWit M & Furnes H
(2015) Lu-Hf Isotope Systematics of 3.47 Ga Barberton Basalts: Constraints on the Early Crust-Mantle Evolution
Yamaguchi T, Iizuka T, Nakai S, Hokanishi N, de Wit M & Furnes H

Furniss G. (2008) An Empirical Method for Estimating Instream Pre-Mining pH and Dissolved Cu Concentration in Catchments with Acidic Drainage and Ferricrete
Nimick D, Gurrieri J & Furniss G

Furota S. (2016) Variations in Terrestrial Plant Biomarker Compositions in a Sediment Core of IODP Site U1423 over the Last 4 Ma: Paleovegetation and Transport of Terrigenous Matter
Aoyagi C, Sawada K, Furota S, Irino T & Igarashi Y
(2016) Evaluation for Provenances of Plant Fragments in Marine Sediments Deposited by Flood Using Biomarkers
Furota S, Sawada K, Nishida N & Ikehara K

Furota T. (2016) Cesium-137 Concentrations in Freshwater Fishes Collected in Lake Inba
Ishii N, Kagami M, Furota T, Tagami K & Uchida S

Furrer G. (2023) The Role of Al13 on the Formation of Nanocrystalline Basaluminite
Moradi H, Furrer G, Carrero S, Pöthig R, Rentsch D & Wanner C
(2017) Natural Formation of Large Amounts of Nanocrystalline Al-Hydroxysulfates
Wanner C, Pöthig R, Carrero S, Fernandez-Martinez A & Furrer G
(2013) Linking Soil Chemistry, Treeline Shifts and Climate Change: A Scenario
Mavris C, Anderson S, Egli M, Blum A, Furrer G & Dahms D
(2013) The Influence of Frost Weathering on the Release of Readily Available Ions from Granite Surfaces
Chwalek T, Torres N, Furrer G, Brandl H, Müller B & Hauser P
(2011) Influence of Cyanide on Granite Weathering
Wongfun N, Plötze M, Brandl H & Furrer G
(2009) Groundwater Geochemistry and As Content in the Eastern Pannonian Basin (Romania) – PCA Analysis
Jimenez C, Mertens J, Rowland HAL, Baciu C, Berg M, Furrer G, Hug S & Cordos E
(2009) Pioneering Fungi and their Role in Initial Weathering of Damma Glacier Forefield Granite in the Swiss Alps
Brunner I, Ploetze M, Zumsteg A, Furrer G & Frey B
(2009) Primary Microbial Succession in a Glacier Forefield
Zumsteg A, Brunner I, Furrer G, Plötze M & Frey B
(2009) Al Nanoclusters: A New Method for As Removal from Water
Mertens J, Rowland H, Jimenez C, Baciu C, Hug S, Wehrli B & Furrer G
(2009) Cyanide-Promoted Mineral Weathering in a Glacier Forefield
Wongfun N, Furrer G, Plötze M & Brandl H
(2008) Effect of Cyanide-Mineral Interactions on Granite Weathering in a Glacier Forefield
Gärtner D, Plötze M & Furrer G
(2004) Interaction of Aqueous Aluminum Species with Pentel Anions
Banerjee D, Rentsch D & Furrer G
(2004) Ni Immobilisation by Al-Modified Montmorillonite: A Novel Uptake Mechanism Deduced by P-EXAFS
Nachtegaal M, Scheidegger A, Dähn R & Furrer G
(2002) The Continuous Growth of Aqueous Aluminum Nanoclusters
Furrer G, Casey WH, Phillips BL, Rentsch D & Wehrli B
(2002) Chemical Reactivity of Aqeous Aluminum Nanoclusters
Banerjee D, Furrer G & Hany R
(2002) Heavy Metal Uptake by Natural and Modified Zeolites
Wingenfelder U, Furrer G & Schulin R
(2002) Antimony Contamination in Soil and Ground Water by Shooting Range Activities
Wersin P, Johnson CA & Furrer G

Furst K. (2018) Urbanization and Water Quality Trade-Offs: A Geochemical Case Study from Jaipur, India
Coyte R, Furst K, Mitch W & Vengosh A

Furue R. (2003) Geochemical Conceptual Model at an Underground Research Laboratory (URL) Construction Site, Mizunami, Japan
Iwatsuki T, Furue R & Mizuno T

Furukawa J. (2016) Re-suspension Processes of Radioactive Cs Emitted by the FNDPP Accident in Summer and Autumn – Possibility of Biosphere-Atmosphere Circulation of Radioactive Cs
Kita K, Kinase T, Demizu H, Igarashi Y, Adachi K, Kajino M, Yamada K, Toyoda S, Yoshida N, Ninomiya K, Shinohara A, Okochi H, Ishizuka M, Maki T, Abe Y, Nakai I, Furukawa J & Onda Y

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