Emberson L.
Co-benefits of Tackling Poor Air Quality and Regional Climate: A Focus on Ecosystems
Emberson L, Hicks K & Bueker P
Emberson Robert
The Impact of Landsliding on Chemical Weathering in an Active Mountain Belt
Emberson R, Hovius N & Galy A
Emberson Robert
Weathering Through Weather: Extreme Events as Distinct Chemical Weathering Drivers
Emberson R, Hovius N & Galy A
Emberson Robert
Impact of Soil and Landslide Erosion Processes on Coupled Sulfide Oxidation and Carbonate Weathering
Bufe A, Emberson R, Hovius N, Caves Rugenstein JK & Hassenruck-Gudipati HJ
Embey-Isztin A.
Trace Element and Isotopic Evidence for Subduction-Related Carbonate-Silicate Melts in Mantle Xenoliths from the Pannonian Basin, Hungary
DemÈny A, Vennemann T, Hegner E, Embey-Isztin A, Homonnay Z & Milton A
Formation of Lower Continental Crust by Tectonic Emplacement of Oceanic Crust. An example:The Pannonian Basin
Dobosi G, Kempton PD, Downes H & Embey-Isztin A
Stable Isotope, FeIII/FeII, and Trace Element Evidence for Subduction-Related Fluids in the Upper Mantle beneath the Pannonian Basin
Demeny A, Vennemann T, Homonnay Z, Embey-Isztin A & Dobosi G
Geochemistry of Lower Crustal Granulite Xenoliths from Mindszentkalla and Sabarhegy, Pannonian Basin, Hungary
Embey-Isztin A, Downes H, Dobosi G & Kempton P
Embile R.
Cu, Pb and Fe Release from Sulfide-Containing Mine Tailings in Seawater: A Laboratory Simulation
Embile R, Walder I, Schuh C & Donatelli J
Galena Reaction Rate in Synthetic Seawater
Embile R & Walder I
Embile Jr. R.
Characterization of the Effects of Grain Size to Mine Water Quality and Acid Rock Drainage (ARD) Production in Kinetic Testing
Embile Jr. R, Walder I, Madai F, Moricz F, Walder P & Rzepka P
Emblanch C.
Geochemical and Geophysical Coupling Study of the Karstic Aquifer between Saïs Basin and the Causses of the Middle Atlas (Morocco). Fez-Meknès Area
Miche H, Mayer A, Rouai M, Saracco G, Dekayir A, Chalikakis K & Emblanch C
Embley B.
Coupled Magmatic and Eruption Dynamics of the Puipui and Nearby Submarine Eruptions (Tonga)
Rubin K, Clague D, Michael P, Russo C, Jenner F, Gill J, Todd E, Finlayson V, Escrig S & Embley B
Embley R.
Gas Chemistry of Bubble Plumes and Gas Hydrates along the Cascadia Margin
Lupton J, Baumberger T, Embley R & Merle S
Weird Magmas All over the Place: Young Boninite-Dacite-Basalt Occurrences in the NE Lau Basin
Rubin K, Embley R, Hellebrand E & Chadwick W
Composition within and between Tonga Arc/Lau Basin Backarc Eruptions Reveal Wide Variety of Parent Melts Linked to Eruption Styles
Rubin K, Michael P, Jenner F, Clague D, Glancy S, Hellebrand E, Arculus R, Gill J, Todd E, Lupton J & Embley R
Wedge and Slab Inputs to Boninite Magmas in the NE Lau Basin
Glancy S, Rubin K, Hellebrand E, Jennner F, Arculus R & Embley R
Timescale and Petrogenesis of 2009 and Older W. Mata Boninite Magmas
Rubin K, Michael P, Gill J, Clague D, Plank T, Escrig S, Glancy S, Todd E, Cooper L, Keller N, Soule A, Hellebrand E, Kelley K, Cottrell L, Jenner F, Arculus R, Ruprecht P, Lupton J, Langmuir C & Embley R
Helium Isotope and C/3He Signatures in the Northern Lau Basin: Distinguishing Arc, Backarc, and Hotspot Affinities
Lupton J, Lilley M, Butterfield D, Resing J, Arculus R, Rubin K, Graham D, Keller N, Baker E & Embley R
Primitive Submarine Basalts and Three Primary Magma Types from Pagan, Mariana Arc
Tamura Y, Ishizuka O, Stern R, Nunokawa A, Shukuno H, Kawabata H, Embley R, Bloomer S, Nichols A & Tatsumi Y
Distinguishing Arc, Backarc, and Hotspot Affinities Using Helium Isotope and C/3He Ratios
Lupton J, Resing J, Lilley M, Butterfield D, Keller N, Arculus R, Baker E & Embley R
Mantle Diapir or Mantle Wedge Plume of NW Rota-1 Volcano, Mariana Arc
Tamura Y, Ishizuka O, Stern R, Shukuno H, Kawabata H, Embley R, Hirahara Y, Chang Q, Kimura J, Tatsumi Y, Nunokawa A & Bloomer S
Hydrothermal Systems of Intraoceanic Arcs
de Ronde C, Baker E, Embley R, John L, Butterfield D, Faure K, Leybourne M, Chadwick W, Ishibashi J, Reising J, Walker S, Merle S & Greene R
Hydrothermal Systems and Recent Eruptive Activity in the Northern Lau Basin, South Pacific Ocean
Lupton J, Resing J, Arculus R, Lilley M, Embley R, Baker E, Butterfield D, Nakamura K-I, Crowhurst P & Greene R
Recent Explorations of Submarine Volcanoes Along the Mariana and Kermadec Arcs - New Windows of Opportunity for Studying Active Volcanic and Hydrothermal Processes
Embley R
Embui F.V.
Compositional Diversity in Mt. Cameroon Eruptions
van der Zwan FM, Suh CE, Hansteen TH, Gerami-Manesch M, Garbe-Schönberg D, Devey CW, Embui FV, Tibang EEB & Taboko A
Emeis K-C.
Nitrogen Cycle and Particulate Matter Fluxes in the Indian Ocean Subtropical Gyre
Harms N, Lahajnar N, Gaye B, Schwarz-Schampera U & Emeis K-C
Indian Monsoon and Westerlies during the Holocene – Consequences for the Oxygen Minimum Zone in the NE Arabian Sea
Burdanowitz N, Emeis K-C, Gaye B, Lückge A & Rixen T
Present and Past Nitrogen Turnover in the Danube Estuarine Transition Zone
Möbius J, Dähnke K, Emeis K-C, Friedrich J, Ion G & Lahajnar N
Reconstructing Past Organic Matter Fluxes from δ15N Records
Möbius J, Gaye B, Lahajnar N & Emeis K-C
Cycling of Nitrogen in the Namibian Coastal Upwelling System – The Stable Isotope View
Emeis K-C, Nagel B & Lahajnar N
Hypotheses and Facts on the When, Why and How of Sapropel Formation in the Mediterranean Sea
Emeis K-C
High Resolution Geochemical Investigation of Selected Late Pleistocene Sapropels of the Mediterranean Sea: Productivity Versus Preservation
Weldeab S, Emeis K & Christoph H
Emeleus C.
Sr and Nd Evidence for Successive Contamination of the Slieve Gullion Ring Dyke Magmas, Co. Armagh, Ireland
Troll V, Chadwick J, Ellam R, McDonnell S, Meighan I & Emeleus C
Emeleus Henry
The Influence of Crustal Composition on Magmatic Differentiation Across Five Major Crustal Terranes: The British-Irish Palaeocene Igneous Province (BPIP)
Troll VR, Nicoll G, Meade F, Ellam R, Emeleus H & Gamble J
Generation and Emplacement of Granitic Magmas at the Paleocene Rum Igneous Complex, Northwest Scotland
Nicoll G, Troll V, Donaldson C, Ellam R & Emeleus H
Petrogenesis of Voluminous Mixed Rhyodacite-Basalt Ash-Flows of the Tertiary Rum Igneous Centre, NW-Scotland
Troll V, Donaldson C & Emeleus H
Emeleus Henry
Incremental Construction of the Unit 10 Peridotite, Rum Eastern Layered Intrusion, NW Scotland
Hepworth L, O'Driscoll B, Gertisser R & Emeleus H
Emelyanov A.
Radioecological Monitoring in the Arctic
Emelyanov A, Novikov A & Lavrinovich E
Emerson D.
The art of Biomineralization
Chan CS, McAllister SM, Keffer JL, Zhou N, Hoover RL, Kato S, Koeksoy E & Emerson D
X-Ray Vision in the Arctic Tundra: Exploring How Redox Biogeochemistry Influences Ecosystem Processes
Herndon E, Kinsman-Costello L, Michaud A, Emerson D & Bowden W
Experimental Insights into Ancient Biogeochemical Fe-Cycling and Fe-Biosignature Formation
Koeksoy E, Kappler A & Emerson D
Implications for Extracellular Iron-Oxidation and Production of Biogenic Iron Oxides by Fe-Oxidizing Bacteria
Emerson D, Chan C & Barco R
Role of Lithotrophic Fe-Oxidizing Bacteria in Iron Cycling in Shallow Marine Sediments
Beam J, Emerson D, Scott J & Chen T
Microaerophilic iron(II) Oxidation: An Experimental Approach to Quantify Microbial iron(II) Oxidation Rates
Schmidt C, Maisch M, Lueder U, Druschel G, Emerson D & Kappler A
Early Temporal Microbial Succession of Marine Chemolithoautotrophic Communities on Iron-Sulfides
Barco R, Nealson K & Emerson D
Biogenicity of Iron Microfossils Based on the Morphology, Physiology, and Behavior of Modern Iron-Depositing Microbes
Krepski ST, Hredzak-Showalter PL, Emerson D, Luther Iii GW & Chan CS
The Coupling of Voltammetric Microelectrodes with Optical Microscopy: A Novel Combination as Applied to the Study of Neutrophilic Iron Oxidizers
Hredzak-Showalter P, Krepski S, Chan C, Emerson D & Luther G
Investigating Marine Corrosion Communities Using Tagged Pyrosequencing and Single Cell Genomics
McBeth J & Emerson D
Emerging Patterns in Deep-Sea Microbial Iron Mats
Emerson D, McAllister S, Chan C, Fleming E & Moyer C
Untangling the True Phylogeny of Leptothrix ochracea with Single Cell Genomics and FISH
Fleming EJ, Langdon AE, Stepanauskas R, Poulton N, Masland D & Emerson D
Marine Iron-Oxidizing Bacteria and Steel Corrosion
McBeth JM, Farrar KM, Fleming EJ, Ray RI, Little BJ & Emerson D
Environmental Voltammetry to Characterize Microbial Habitats
Druschel G, Emerson D & Macalady J
The Loihi Seamount Microbial Observatory: An Extremely Common Deep-Sea Habitat for Fe-Oxidizing Bacteria
Edwards K, Moyer C, Emerson D & Horn G
In situ Redox Chemistry of Hydrothermal Fluids at the Loihi Seamount Microbial Observatory
Glazer B, Briggs R, Nuzzio D, Heshiki Z, Edwards K, Moyer C, Emerson D, Tebo B & Staudigel H
Formation of Biomineralized Stalks by a Marine Iron-Oxidizing Bacterium
Chan C, Emerson D, Fakra S & Edwards K
FeMO: An Observatory for the Study of Iron-Oxidizing Bacteria
Edwards K, Emerson D, Moyer C, Staudigel H, Tebo B, Bailey B, Rogers D & Templeton A
Environmental Limits of the Circumneutral Iron-Oxidizing Bacterial Isolate ES-1: Field, Culture, and Kinetic Results from Voltammetric Analyses
Druschel G, Emerson D, Glazer B, Kraiya C, Sutka R & Luther G
Utilization of the ?13C Associated with Amino Acid Biosynthesis as a Proxy for Examining the Intermediary Carbon Metabolism of Microorganisms
Scott JH, Fogel ML & Emerson D
Emerson H.
Assessing the Relationship between Spectral Induced Polarization and Geochemical Alteration of Zero Valent Iron during Corrosion
Vincent Z, Thomle J, Qafoku N, Szecsody JE, Day-Lewis FD, Zeng C & Emerson H
Subsurface Uranium and Technetium Reduction and Sequestration Through Liquid-Phase Chemical Reduction and Sequestration Amendments
Pochampally SV, Emerson H, Hager JR, Snyder MM, Lawter A, Szecsody JE & Mackley RD
Impact of Cr(VI) as a Co-contaminant on the Adsorption and Desorption of U(VI) in Hanford Sediments Under Mildly Alkaline Oxic Conditions
Doughman M, Katsenovich Y, Gudavalli R, O'Shea K, Emerson H, Szecsody JE, Carroll KC, He X & Qafoku N
Monitoring the Behavior of Cementitious and Glass Waste Form in Disposal Conditions: Lysimeter Testing
Asmussen M, Meyer P, Thomle J, Emerson H & Smith GL
Governing Factors of 99Tc Reductive Removal by Zero Valent Iron Materials of a Wide Particle Size Range
Boglaienko D, Emerson H, Katsenovich Y & Levitskaia T
Uranium Sequestration with pH Manipulation by Ammonia Gas
Katsenovich Y, Emerson H, Cardona C, Dipietro S & Szecsody J
Emerson S.
The Ocean’s Biological Pump Determined from in situ O2 Measurements on Profiling Floats
Emerson S & Yang B
Measuring the Ocean’s Biological Carbon Pump Using Oxygen Data from Profiling Floats
Emerson S, Yang B & Riser S
Determining the Ocean’s Biological Pump Using Oxygen Measurements on Profiling Floats
Emerson S, Bushinsky S & Riser S
Global Variability of the Ocean’s Biological Pump from in situ Measurements of the Air-Sea Oxygen Flux: A Status Report
Emerson S, Bushinsky S & Riser S
Noble Gas Isotope Fractionation during Air-Sea Exchange: A Tracer for Mechanisms that Determine N2/Ar Ratios in the Ocean
Emerson S, Tempest K & Hamme R
Emerson André Alves F.
The Role of Bi on the Upgrade of Hypozonal Gold Deposits: An Example from Southeast Brazil
Brando Soares M, Vasconcelos Corrêa Neto A & Emerson André Alves F
Emetz A.
Geochemical Parameters and Age of U Ores Related to Sodium Metasomatism in the Ukrainian Shield
Emetz A, Cuney M, Mercadier J & Nazarchuk N
Origin of the Banded Ores in the Sandstone of the Lubin- Siroshovice Cu-Ag Deposit (Fore-Sudetic Monocline, Poland)
Emetz A
The Modelling of Copper-Lead Interrelations in the Mineral-Forming Environment of Low-Temperature Hydrothermal Deposits
Emetz A
Numerical Modeling of Sb-Containing Sulphide Aggregates Formation in the Beregovo Epithermal Ore Field (Intercarpathian, Ukraine)
Emetz A & Skakun L
Sb-Sulfosalt Formation in the Muzievo Deposit: Galena in Oxidizing Hydrothermal Solution
Emetz A
Emile-Geay J.
What are Asian Speleothem δ18O Telling us? Insights from an Isotope-Enabled Model
Hu J, Emile-Geay J & Nusbaumer J
Reexamining Disagreement between Simulated and Observed Climate Variability with Water Isotope Physics and Proxy System Models
Dee S, Parsons L, Loope G, Ault T & Emile-Geay J
Blind Speleothem Calibrations: A Cautionary Tale from Crystal Cave
Hu J & Emile-Geay J
Emmanuel D.
Multi-Wavelength Raman Survey of IOM from Primitive Meteorites
Quirico E, François-Regis O-D, Pierre B, Lydie B, Rosario B, Emmanuel D, Thomas P, Gilles M, Jean-Noel R, Cecile E & Jean D
Emmanuel I.
Assessments of the Nighttime and Daytime Radiative Fluxes Balance on Seasonal Timescale over West African Climate
Ojo O, Adeyemi B & Emmanuel I
Emmanuel L.
Glacial Erosion Dynamics in a Small Mountainous Watershed (Southern French Alps): A Source-To-Sink Approach
Bonneau L, Toucanne S, Bayon G, Jorry S, Emmanuel L & Silva Jacinto R
The Quest for Evaluating Mg/Ca in Bivalve Shells as a Temperature Proxy: Where are We Now?
Mouchi V, de Rafélis M, Lartaud F, Briard J & Emmanuel L