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Dere A. (2020) Lithologic and Topographic Controls on Weathering in Temperate Coastal Rainforest, Southeast Alaska
Dere A, D'Amore D, Lybrand R, Spinola D, Fedenko J & White T
(2018) Soil and Critical Zone Evolution in the Coastal Temperate Rainforest of Alaska
D'Amore D, Dere A, Lybrand R, Trainor T & White T
(2018) Elemental Fluxes Associated with Agricultural and Restored Prairie Land Uses
Miller A, Dere A & Hemje A
(2017) Geochemical Fluxes Through Intensively Managed Critical Zones
Dere A, Miller A, Goff K & Bettis A
(2016) Interactions between the Role of Climate and Vegetation Controls on Shale Weathering: An International CZO Study
Dere A, Santini T, Larsen J, Nath S & White T
(2014) Investigating Shale Weathering Rates Across a Latitudinal Climosequence
Dere A, White T & Brantley S
(2013) Differences in Shale Weathering on Ridgetops and Slopes along a Latitudinal Climosequence
Dere A, White T, Leidel L & Brantley S
(2012) A Comparison of Shale Weathering Rates Inferred from Catchment Solute Mass Balance Versus Soil Profile Chemistry at Plynlimon, Wales
Dere A, Reynolds B, White T & Brantley S
(2011) Quantifying Rates and Mechanisms of Shale Weathering Across a Continental-Scale Climosequence
Brantley SL, Dere A & White T

Derenne S. (2021) Is it Possible to Monitor Nanoplastic’s Degradation Through Carbon Isotope Fingerprinting?
Leblay C, Pierson-Wickmann A-C, Dia A, Anquetil C & Derenne S
(2021) Thermal Analyses of Biocarbonates as Part of the Search for Traces of Life on Mars
Perron AME, Stalport F, Chevillot-Biraud A, Derenne S, Anquetil C, Borensztajn S, Nowak S, Bürckel P, Lecourt L & Menez B
(2020) Tracing the Sources of Organic Matter in the Seine Estuary (NW France) Using Bulk and Molecular Analyses
Huguet A, Thibault A, Anquetil C & Derenne S
(2020) Influence of Environmental Parameters on Bacterial Lipids in Soils from the French Alps: Implications for Palaeo-Reconstructions
Derenne S, Véquaud P, Collin S, Anquetil C, Poulenard J, Sabatier P & Huguet A
(2019) Sulfur Sedimentary Processes and Fossilization
Odin GP, Nguyen Tu TT, Derenne S & Charbonnier S
(2018) Nature and Dynamics of Organic Matter in the Seine Estuary (France) at the Bulk and Molecular Levels
Thibault A, Huguet A, Parlanti E, Micheau C, Sourzac M, Lanos C & Derenne S
(2017) Preservation of Hydrogenated Organic Moieites in Archean Cherts
Delarue F, Derenne S, Baudin F & Robert F
(2017) Characterization of the Dissolved Organic Matter from Arctic Soils Under Climate Change
Alexis MA, Agnan Y, Rouelle M, Courault R, Anquetil C & Derenne S
(2017) Evaluation of 3-Hydroxy Fatty Acids as a Temperature and pH Proxy in Tanzanian Soils
Huguet A, Roussel A, Anquetil C, Coffinet S, Bergonzini L, Williamson D, Majule A & Derenne S
(2017) Are Lipids Better Preserved in Earth-Worm Casts Compared to Soils? a Mesocosm Experiment with 13C-Labeled Litter
Nguyen Tu TT, Vidal A, Quénéa K, Mendez-Millan M, Canolle E, Permal A-S & Derenne S
(2017) Thawing of Arctic Soils: Control of Trace Element Dynamics by Organic Matter
Agnan Y, Alexis MA, Rouelle M, Anquetil C, Obrist D & Derenne S
(2017) Laboratory Investigation of the Origin of Nitrogen in the Insoluble Organic Matter of Carbonaceous Meteorites
Derenne S & Robert F
(2016) Stable Isotope Probing Reveals the Preferential Growth of Branched GDGT Source Microorganisms Under Aerobic Conditions in Peat
Huguet A, Meador TB, Laggoun-Défarge F, Könneke M, Derenne S & Hinrichs K-U
(2016) Molecular and Isotope Constraints on the Formation of the Insoluble Organic Matter of Carbonaceous Meteorites
Derenne S, Robert F & Biron K
(2015) Molecular and Geochemical Constraints on Anaerobic Ammonium Oxidation (Anammox) in a Riparian Zone of the Seine Estuary (France)
Naeher S, Huguet A, Roose-Amsaleg CL, Laverman AL, Lehmann MF, Derenne S & Zopfi J
(2015) Archean Microfossils from the Farrel Quartzite (Pilbara Craton, Australia, 3.0 Gyr) Reveal Contrasted δ15N Signatures
Delarue F, Robert F, Sugitani K & Derenne S
(2014) Synthesis of the Hydrocarbon Backbone of an Analogue of Meteorite IOM
Biron K, Derenne S & Robert F
(2014) Assessing the Use of GDGTs as Temperature Proxies along Altitudinal Transects in East Africa
Huguet A, Coffinet S, Omuombo C, Williamson D, Fosse C, Anquetil C & Derenne S
(2014) Ancient Calcified Roots Reveal Long-Term Rhizomicrobial Activity in the Deep Subsoil
Gocke M, Huguet A, Derenne S, Fosse C, Dippold M, Kolb S & Wiesenberg GLB
(2014) Plant Root Encrustation Processes: Insights from a Multitechnique Characterization Strategy
El Khatib R, Bernard S, Huguet A, Deldicque D, Anquetil C, Gocke M, Wiesenberg G & Derenne S
(2014) Root-Associated Branched GDGTs in Terrestrial Archives: Potential Bias on Temperature Estimates
Huguet A, Gocke M, Derenne S, Fosse C & Wiesenberg GLB
(2013) Denitrification Rates in Riparian Wetlands of the Seine River are Influenced by Carbon Quantity Rather Than Quality
Laverman A, Anquetil C & Derenne S
(2012) Distribution of GDGTs in Tropical Sediments from Guadeloupe (French West Indies): Implications for Application of MBT/CBT and TEX86 Proxies
Derenne S, Huguet A, Belmahdi I, Fosse C & Grossi V
(2012) Experimental Climate Warming in a French Peatland: Impact on the Abundance and Distribution of Branched GDGTs
Huguet A, Fosse C, Laggoun-Defarge F & Derenne S
(2011) The Insoluble Organic Matter in Carbonaceous Meteorites
Derenne S & Robert F
(2010) Occurrence and Distribution of Glycerol Dialkyl Glycerol Tetraethers in a French Peat Bog
Huguet A, Fosse C, Laggoun-Défarge F & Derenne S
(2010) Sources of Colloidal and Dissolved Loads over the Hydrological Cycle in Siberian Rivers
Bagard M-L, Chabaux F, Pokrovsky O, Prokushkin A, Viers J, Derenne S & Templier J
(2009) S and O Functional Analysis of Aqueously Altered Carbonaceous Chondrites IOM
Orthous-Daunay F-R, Quirico E, Lemelle L, Beck P, De Andrade V, Simionovici A, Derenne S & Schmitt B
(2009) Podzolisation and Exportation of Organic Matter in Black Waters of the Rio Negro (Upper Amazon Basin, Brazil)
Bardy M, Derenne S, Allard T, Benedetti M & Fritsch E
(2009) Origin of Chemical Fluxes Carried by Boreal Rivers: Evidence from Major and Trace Element, U and Sr Isotope Data in Two Siberian Rivers
Bagard M-L, Chabaux F, Pokrovsky OS, Prokushkin AS, Viers J, Derenne S, Templier J & Dupré B
(2007) Molecular Identification of the Deuterium-Rich Carrier in Insoluble Organic Matter in Carbonaceous Chondrites
Remusat L, Robert F, Mostefaoui S, Meibom A, Delpoux O, Gourier D, Binet L & Derenne S
(2005) Compound Specific D/H Isotopic Composition of Orgueil and Murchison Insoluble Organic Matter
Remusat L, Palhol F, Robert F, Derenne S & France-Lanord C
(2005) Diagenesis Effects on Specific Carbon Isotope Composition of Plant N-Alkanes
Nguyen Tu T, Derenne S, Largeau C, Bardoux G & Mariotti A
(2004) Characterization of the Organic Matter in an Archean Chert (Warrawoona, Australia)
Skrzypczak A, Derenne S, Robert F, Binet L, Gourier D, Rouzaud J & Clinard C
(2004) Characterization of the Aromatic Units of the Insoluble Organic Matter from Carbonaceous Chondrites
Derenne S, Robert F, Rouzaud J & Clinard C

DeReuil A. (2012) Geochemistry Across the Frasnian / Famennian Boundary, Hongguleleng Formation, Xinjiang Province, China
Waters J, Carmichael S, DeReuil A, Suttner T, Kido E, Chen X, Talent J & Mawson R

Deriaz J. (2022) Developing a Proof-Of-Concept Environmental Geochemistry Database in Canada
Cleaver A, Cole J, Deriaz J, Tomini E, Karwaski J & Levesque M

Deriglazova M. (2017) Elements in the Human Organism of Norilsk Residents
Deriglazova M & Rikhvanov L

Derimian Yevgegy (2011) Temporal Trend in Anthropogenic Sulfur Aerosol Transport from Central and Eastern Europe to Israel
Karnieli A, Derimian Y, Indoitu R, Panov N, Levy R, Remer L, Maenhout W & Holben B

Derimian Yevgeny (2015) Combined Use of TEM/EDX, microRaman and AFM for Characterizing Single Atmospheric Particles
Choël M, Unga F, Simonetti R, Derimian Y & Duponchel L

Derkowska Katarzyna (2022) New Insights into the Isotopic Composition of the Zechstein Kupferschiefer Unit Based on the in situ Cu and Fe Isotopic Data
Derkowska K, Lazarov M, Ciazela J, Derkowski P & Wojtulek P

Derkowska Katarzyna A. (2021) High-Temperature Chalcocite in Silicate Slag Melt and Implications for Mineralogy of Sulfides from Natural Cu-Rich Exotic Melts
Derkowska KA & Ciążela J

Derkowski A. (2022) Negative Verification of Micas as Hydrogen Isotope Reference Materials. What Next?
Derkowski A, Kanik NJ & Dyckmans J
(2022) Adsorption of Molecular Hydrogen on Clay Minerals Under Conditions Relevant to its Natural and Artificial Geologic Occurrence
Ziemianski PP & Derkowski A
(2022) Similarity and Dissimilarity of Factors Controlling Methane and Hydrogen Gas Adsorption in Geologic Formations
Derkowski A & Ziemianski PP
(2017) Segregation of Cesium and Rubidium Geochemical Pathways in the Upper Continental Crust
Derkowski A & McCarty DK

Derkowski P. (2022) New Insights into the Isotopic Composition of the Zechstein Kupferschiefer Unit Based on the in situ Cu and Fe Isotopic Data
Derkowska K, Lazarov M, Ciazela J, Derkowski P & Wojtulek P
(2022) Geochemistry of Porphyry-Style Pyrite as a Tool for Vectoring Boiling Horizons: An Example from Myszków Mo-Cu-W Deposit (Poland)
Naglik B, Dumańska-Słowik MA, Toboła T, Dimitrova D, Derkowski P, Zieliński G, Habryn R & Markowiak M

Derksen J. (2021) Zeta Potential of Calcite-Water Interface: An Improved Model for High Ionic Strength Conditions
Hidayat M, Vinogradov J, Leroy P, Jougnot D, Derksen J, Iglauer S, Vega-Maza D & Sarmadivaleh M

Derluyn H. (2023) Composition and Origin of Gas Associated with High pH Waters within the Mid-Continent Rift in Minnesota (USA)
Combaudon V, Julia G, Sissmann O, Noirez S, McKeever D, Derluyn H & Deville E
(2023) A Multiscale Petrology Study on Fe-Rich Clays Minerals in Fayalite-Bearing Gabbros within the Kansas (USA) Precambrian Basement: An Attempt to Quantify Natural Hydrogen Generated
Combaudon V, Kularatne K, Centrella S, Sissmann O, Deville E & Derluyn H
(2023) Setting Upper Limits on the Natural Hydrogen Generation in Intracratonic Areas
Kularatne K, Sénéchal P, Combaudon V, Sissmann O, Deville E & Derluyn H
(2022) Investigating and Quantifying Natural H2 Emissions within the Fe-Rich Kansas Precambrian Granitoid Crust, Through High Resolution Microscopy and Tomography
Combaudon V, Sissmann O, Kularatne K, Julia G, Guyot F, Bernard S, Viennet J-C, Martinez I, Renard S, Newell KD, Derluyn H & Deville E
(2020) Numerical Study of Barite Precipitation in Porous Media Under Deep Geothermal Conditions
Cazenave F, Bachaud P, Casas L, Cezac P, Derluyn H, Estublier A & Meiller C
(2016) 3D Dynamic Imaging of Pore Scale Processes in Geomaterials
Cnudde V, Bultreys T, Derluyn H, Boone M, De Kock T, Van Stappen J, De Schrijver T, Boone M, Masschaele B & Van Hoorebeke L

Dermatas Dimitrios (2019) Groundwater Pressures in Cr(VI) Impacted Aquifers of Central Greece
Argyraki A, Pyrgaki K, Kelepertzis E, Megremi I, Botsou F & Dermatas D

Dermatas Dimitris (2016) Cr and Mn Speciation and Interactions in Greek Ophiolites
Chrysochoou M, Mamais D & Dermatas D

Dernov-Pegarev V. (2004) Extraction Scales of Some Ore Elements (Zn, Pb) from Granitic Magmas Under their Degassing
Lukanin O & Dernov-Pegarev V

DeRocher K. (2020) Interfaces, Interphases, and Graded Single Crystals in Dental Enamel
DeRocher K, Smeets P, Goodge B, Zachman M, Balachandran P, Stegbauer L, Cohen M, Gordon L, Rondinelli J, Kourkoutis L & Joester D

DeRosa R. (2017) Preliminary Study of Geogenic Arsenic in Thermal Waters of Northern Calabria (Italy)
Apollaro C, Vespasiano G, Barca D, DeRosa R, Fuoco I, Miriello D & Bloise A

Derrey Insa (2019) Synthetic Fluid Inclusions in Olivine: An Experimental Technique for Fluid-Melt Trace Element Partitioning in Basaltic Systems
Zemlitskaya A, Botcharnikov R, Derrey I, Portnyagin M, Mertz-Kraus R, Buhre S, Weyer S & Holtz F

Derrey Insa Theresa (2015) UV-fs-LA-ICP-MS Analyses of Fluid Inclusions: Insights into the Formation of Tin Ore Deposits
Albrecht M, Derrey IT, Horn I, Müller A, Holtz F & Weyer S
(2014) Synthesis of Fluid Inclusions: Experimental Tests on Achieving Equilibrium
Derrey IT, Botcharnikov R, Albrecht M, Dupliy E & Holtz F
(2014) Metal Mobility in Granite-Related Hydrothermal Ore Deposits: a Synthetic Fluid Inclusion Study
Derrey IT, Albrecht M, Botcharnikov R, Horn I, Weyer S & Holtz F
(2013) Metal Mobility in Hydrothermal Fluids: Experimental Investigations
Derrey IT, Botcharnikov RE, Albrecht M, Horn I, Weyer S & Holtz F
(2013) Analysis of Fluid Inclusions with fs-LA-ICP-MS
Albrecht M, Derrey IT, Horn I, Schuth S, Melcher F & Weyer S
(2011) Element Transport and Mineral Replacement Reactions during Alkali Contact Metamorphism
Derrey IT, Marks M & Markl G

Derrick J. (2018) From Microns to Kilometres: Linking Meteorite Observations to Asteroid Impact Processes
Davison T, Derrick J, Collins G & Bland P

Derrien D. (2021) Weathering Promoted by Biological Activity Enhances Carbon Storage Inside Large Phyllosilicate Particles in an Acidic Forest Soil
Derrien D, Kellen I, Ghanbaja J & Turpault M-P
(2017) Investigation of Organo-Mineral Associations at the Micron Scale by NanoSIMS
Remusat L & Derrien D
(2014) Tracking Fresh Microbial Products in Forest Soils with the Sharp Probe of the NanoSIMS
Remusat L, Hatton P-J, Brewer E & Derrien D
(2011) Combining NanoSIMS with STXM/TEM Imaging to Shed New Light on Organic Matter Contained in Micron-Sized Particles
Remusat L, Derrien D, Hatton P-J, Nico P & Rouzaud J-N
(2010) The Speciation of Organic Matter in Soil Mineral Organic Associations – Inference from STXM and N, C and Fe NEXAFS
Nico P, Keiluweit M, Kleber M, Hatton P-J, Zeller B & Derrien D

Derriennic Hervé (2021) Early Diagenetic Processes in an Eutrophic Estuarine System: Indices of Sediment Contribution to Summer Hypoxia of the Loire?
Hulot V, Metzger E, Schmidt S, Mouret A, Deflandre B, Rigaud S, Derriennic H, Bénéteau E, Sanchez S & Maillet G
(2017) Evaluating Hypoxia Risk in the Gironde Estuary (SW France) Based on High-Frequency Monitoring
Schmidt S, Derriennic H & Lebleu P

Derriennic Herve (2017) Tellurium Environmental Behaviour at the Continent-Ocean Interface: Preliminary Scenarios for Hypothetical Radionuclide Releases
Gil-Diaz T, Keller V, Schäfer J, Eiche E, Mößner C, Pougnet F, Dutruch L, Bossy C, Derriennic H, Coynel A & Blanc G

Derry Louis (2023) Congruent vs. Incongruent Silicate Weathering as a Function of Climate Hydrochemistry in Two Subduction-Related Granitoids
Derry L, Suhr N, Fernandez NM, Chorover J, Geisbrecht I, Druhan JL & Gaillardet J
(2023) Refractory Element and Titanium Isotope Constraints on Volcanic Parent Material Variability and Elemental Mobility in the Critical Zone
Grant KE, Deng Z, Rigoussen D, Garcia MO, Chadwick O, Moynier F & Derry L
(2018) Tracking Fe-Oxidation in Spheroidal Weathering of Basalts
Perez-Fodich A & Derry L
(2018) Examining the Role of Organic Compounds and Secondary Minerals on Ga/Al Fractionation in the Critical Zone
Richardson J, Kumpf B & Derry L
(2018) Multi-Level Radiocarbon Analysis of Hawaiian SOC
Grant K, Galy V, Haghipour N, Eglinton T & Derry L
(2018) Ge/Si as a Tracer for Si in Paired Catchments of the Luquillo CZO
Aguirre A, Derry L & Kurtz A
(2018) Late Cenozoic Constraints on Carbon Cycle Forcings
Derry L
(2017) Biogeochemical Consequences of Ferruginous Oceans
Derry L
(2017) Iron Loss Promotes SOC Turnover on a Hawaiian Soil Gradient
Grant K, Galy V, Haghipour N, Eglinton T & Derry L
(2017) Distinct Soil Organic Matter Properties Across a Fe and Rainfall Gradient
Inagaki TM, Grant K, Müeller CW, Derry LA, Lehmann J & Kögel-Knabner I
(2017) Extreme Basalt Weathering Results from High Soil CO2, Unsaturated Conditions and Organic Acids
Perez-Fodich A & Derry L
(2017) Germanium/silicon Ratio to Trace Weathering and Hydrothermal Contribution to Element Fluxes in River Waters from Guadeloupe (FWI)
Gaspard F, Opfergelt S, Ameijeiras-Marino Y, Dessert C, Derry L & Delmelle P
(2016) Seawater-Ocean Crust Interaction and Proterozoic Oxidation
Derry L

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