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Curtis S. (2022) Mastcam-Z Views of Alteration in Jezero Crater Floor Rocks
Garczynski B, Johnson JR, Horgan BHN, Vaughan A, Rice M, Bell J, Núñez J, Curtis S, Million C & St. Clair M

Curtis T. (2021) Residential Indoor Air Quality: Investigating PM10 and PM2.5 Sources, Behaviour and Environmental Factors in a Citizen Science Study
Bramwell L, Chang P, Curtis T, Deary M, Entwistle JA, Jabeen K, Namdeo A & Potgieter-Vermaak S

Curtius H. (2014) Thermochemistry of Metastudtite and Amorphous UO3
Guo X, Ushakov S, Navrotsky A, Labs S, Curtius H & Bosbach D
(2013) Raman Spectroscopy and Powder Diffraction Study of Synthetic Coffinite (USiO4) at High Pressures
Bauer JD, Labs S, Weiss S, Bayarjagal L, Curtius H, Morgenroth W, Bosbach D, Hennig C & Winkler B
(2012) Synthesis, Characterization and Stabilities of Mg-Zr(IV)-Al-Cl Containing Layered Double Hydroxides (LDHs)
Rozov K, Curtius H & Bosbach D
(2011) Hydrothermal Synthesis of Lentil Shaped ThSiO4 Nanoparticles
Labs S, Curtius H & Bosbach D

Curtolo A. (2021) Hydrous-Silicic Diamond Forming Fluids
Nestola F, Novella D, Nimis P, Pamato MG, Lorenzon S & Curtolo A

Cury Leonardo (2022) Organic and Inorganic Records in the Botijuella Travertine System, Central Andes, Puna Altiplano
Cury L, Alonso G, Stepanenko T, Rocha Santos L & Bahniuk Rumbelsperger AM
(2017) Controls of Tufa Development in Bonito Region – Brazil
Oste J, Froehner S, Sanez J, Vasconcelos E, Cury L & Bahniuk A

Cury Leonardo Fadel (2022) Orgamineral Precipitation Occurring in Laguna Timone Maar Crater, Pali Aike Volcanic Field National Park, Chilean Patagonia
Bahniuk Rumbelsperger AM, Cury LF, Henriquez C & Calderon M

Cusack D. (2018) Soil Carbon Storage and Turnover in Tropical Forests along a Precipitation Gradient in Panama
Finstad K, Cusack D, Dietterich L, Turner B & McFarlane K

Cusack M. (2020) Robustness of Marine Biomineral Clumped Isotope Thermometry
Medina-Sanchez J, Clog M, Yin H, Kamenos N & Cusack M
(2012) Brachiopods Recording Seawater Temperature's Grow up and be a Good Proxy
Cusack M & Perez-Huerta A
(2012) Aragonite -Calcite Seas and the Evolution of Biocalcification
Balthasar U & Cusack M

Cusack P. (2018) Evaulating the Potential of Bioleaching of Gallium from Bauxite Residue by Oxalic Acid
Ujaczki É, Courtney R, Curtin T, Cusack P & O`Donoghue L

Cushing M. (2002) 10Be Down-Concentration Profiles and High Denudation Rates: Diagnostic Criteria for Identifying Active Deformation?
Siame L, Bellier O, Baroux E, Sébrier M, Cushing M & Braucher R

Cuss Chad W (2024) Building the Foundation for Environmental Nanogeochemistry: A Survey of Natural Nanoparticle Systems and Standards Across Laboratories
Cuss CW, Benedetti MF, Brake T, Churchill C, Costamanga CA, Fernando S, Hofmann T, von der Kammer F, Mesnard L, Montano M, Ranville JF, Slaveykova V, Tharaud M, Wilkinson KJ & Worms IAM

Cuss Chad W. (2022) Trace Elements in Peat Bog Surface Waters and Sphagnum Moss Porewaters: Indicators of Dissolution of Atmospheric Dusts from Open Pit Mining and Other Industrial Activities
Shotyk W, Barraza F, Butt SA, Chen N, Cuss CW, Devito K, Frost LV, Grant-Weaver I, Javed MB & Noernberg T
(2021) Trace Elements in Surface Water of Ombrotrophic Bogs Indicate the Dissolution of Dust Particles Generated by Mining Activities in Northern Alberta
Butt SA, Shotyk W, Barraza F, Chen N, Cuss CW, Frost L, Grant-Weaver I, Javed MB, Oleksandrenko A & Pei L
(2021) Size Distribution of Trace Elements in Sphagnum Mosses within the Athabasca Bituminous Sands Region
Chen N, Shotyk W, Barraza F, Belland R, Javed MB, Cuss CW & Grant-Weaver I
(2021) Natural Enrichments of Cd and Tl in Bark of Trees Consumed by Beaver (Castor Canadensis) in a Rural Watershed Devoid of Point Sources of Metal Contamination
Barraza F, Shotyk W, Cuss CW, Grant-Weaver I, Javed MB, Germani C & Noernberg T

Custance H. (2014) Vadose Zone Salinity Accumulation and Flushing in Aridland Regolith Aquifer, South Australia
Bestland E, Craven C, Custance H & Lewis S

Custer S. (2018) Sr and U Isotopes Reveal the Influence of Lithologic Structure and Weathering on Surface-Groundwater Interaction along a Mountain Stream (Hyalite Canyon, MT)
Miller F, Ewing S, Payn R, Paces J, Leuthold S, Michalek T & Custer S

Custodio D. (2015) Earth's Natural Fertilizer: Tracing Phosphorus in Dust from the Sahara Towards America's Tropical Rain Forests
Gross A, Turner B, Goren T, Pio C, Cardoso J, Tirosh O, Todd M, Rosenfeld D, Weiner T, Custodio D & Angert A

Cuthbert M. (2016) Porosity and Fracture Sealing in Rock with Bacterial Calcite Precipitation: From Lab to Field Trials
Phoenix V, Tobler D, Cuthbert M, Riley M & Handley-Sidhu S
(2015) Biomineralisation of Amorphous Calcium Phosphate Sorbents for Waste Cleanup
Handley-Sidhu S, King S, Stolpe B, Sidhu Y, Cuthbert M, Macaskie L, Lead J & Mullan T
(2014) Mechanism of Microbial Amorphous Calcium Phosphate Manufacture and its Application to Radionuclide Remediation
Handley-Sidhu S, King S, Stolpe B, Sidhu Y, Lead J, Cuthbert M & Macaskie L
(2014) Modelling Saline Water Intrusion Processes in Dual Porosity Media Using Centrifuge Permeameter Techniques
Crane R, Cuthbert M & Timms W
(2014) Use of Fluorescence in Conjunction with Radon Activity to Monitor Groundwater-Surface Water Interactions in a System Under Stress
Rutlidge H, Andersen M, Rau G, Cuthbert M, Graham P, Unland N, Hofmann H, Gilfeddder B, Atkinson A, Cartwright I, Halloran L & Baker A
(2014) Water Oxygen Isotope Systematics from Source to Stalagmites
Baker A, Acworth RI, Andersen M, Cuthbert M, Graham P, Jex C, Mariethoz G, Marjo C, Markowska M, Rau G, Roshan H, Rutlidge H & Treble P
(2012) Mechanism of Microbial Hydroxyapatite Manufacture and its Application to Radionuclide Remediation
Handley-Sidhu S, Renshaw J, Stolpe B, Lead J, Pattrick R, Charnock J, Baker S, Cuthbert M & Macaskie L
(2011) Investigating the Transport of Strontium Through Biogenic Hydroxyapatite Barriers
Renshaw J, Handley-Sidhu S, Sinclair Smith F, Grail Q, Cuthbert M, Riley M & Macaskie L

Cuthbert S. (2023) Early Retrogression of Eclogite in HP and UHP Domains, Western Gneiss Region, Norway
Spengler D, Włodek A, Zhong X, Loges A & Cuthbert S
(2023) Long Story Encrypted in a Small Grain – Zircon from Meta-Andesite in Lower Köli Nappes Reveals Complex History of Virisen Arc, Scandinavian Caledonides, Sweden
Walczak KA, Carter I, Cuthbert S, Ziemniak G & Włodek A
(2020) Preservation of High Pressure Mineral Assemblages in Felsic Gneisses: Influences of Bulk Composition and Hydration Versus Dehydration Reactions
Cuthbert S
(2019) Halogens in Garnet Eclogites from Western Norway: Implications for Subcontinental Mantle Metasomatism
Burgess R, Hughes L, Quas-Cohen A, Pawley A, Droop G & Cuthbert S
(2011) Diamond-Facies Fluid Flow during Subduction: Evidence & Consequence
Quas-Cohen A, Cuthbert S, Droop G, Ballentine C & Burgess R
(2010) Norwegian Garnet Websterites: Analogues for Mantle Metasomatism?
Cuthbert S, Qas-Cohen A, Ballentine C, Burgess R & Droop G

Cutler I. (2005) Thermodynamic Models of Mantle Melting to Very High Pressure: Molecular Dynamics and the Macroscopic Scale
Spera F, Cutler I & Nevins D

Cutler J. (2008) EXAFS Characterization of Poorly Crystalline Ferric Arsenate Undergoing Transformation to Scorodite
Chen N, Le Berre J-F, Warner J, Cutler J, Jiang D, Rowson J & Demopoulos G

Cutler K. (2023) Plagioclase-Saturated Hygrothermobarometry and Plagioclase-Melt Equilibria Using Machine Learning
Cutler K, Cassidy M & Blundy JD

Cutler N. (2021) Using Soil Ancient DNA for the Reconstruction of Past Environments: Insights in the New Applications of Paleosols on Well-Dated Tephras
Huang DY-T, Rodriguez S, Klaminder J, Dugmore A & Cutler N

Cutright T. (2016) Tracking the Distributions Microbial Communities and Activities Associated with Acidic Coal Mine Drainage in Appalachia, USA
Senko J, Sharma S, Pritchard C & Cutright T

Cutten H. (2016) K–Ar Dating of Fault Rocks from the Proterozoic Capricorn Orogen, Western Australia
Cutten H & Zwingmann H

Cutter G. (2023) Reimagining Oceanographic Biogeochemistry: Bringing the Ocean to the Community Through Virtual Reality
Wiederwohl CL, Bogdanoff R, Thomas A, Fitzsimmons JN, Twining B & Cutter G
(2021) Identifying the Primary Oxidation Processes for Particulate Sulfide Using Mechanistic Models of Reducing Microenvironments in Large, Sinking Particles
Evans N, Bianchi D, Cutter G & Moffett J
(2019) Hydrogen Sulfide as a Trace Metal Ligand in the Surface Pacific Ocean
Cutter G & Buckley N
(2019) Can Hydrogen Sulfide in Oxygen-Deficient Zones Affect Metal Cyling?
Buckley N & Cutter G
(2017) Multiple Oxidation State Trace Elements in Suboxic Waters off Peru: In situ Redox Processes and Advective/Diffusive Horizontal Transport
Moffett J, Cutter G, Nielsdottir M & Saniale V
(2012) Assessing the Release of Bioactive Trace Elements from Coal Fly Ash into Natural Fresh Waters
Wall C, Sohst B, Cutter G & Sedwick P
(2012) Arsenic and Phosphate Cycling in Surface Waters of the North Atlantic
Cutter G, Wurl O, Zimmer L & Phillips M
(2008) Biogeochemistry of Sulfur Cycling in the Cariaco Basin
Li X, Lyons T, Cutter G, Cutter L & Scranton M

Cutter L. (2008) Biogeochemistry of Sulfur Cycling in the Cariaco Basin
Li X, Lyons T, Cutter G, Cutter L & Scranton M

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