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(2020) Robustness of Marine Biomineral Clumped Isotope Thermometry

Medina-Sanchez J, Clog M, Yin H, Kamenos N & Cusack M


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14b: Plenary Hall, Monday 22nd June 22:18 - 22:21

Javier Medina-Sanchez
Matthieu Clog
Huabing Yin
Nicholas Kamenos View all 2 abstracts at Goldschmidt2020
Maggie Cusack View abstracts at 2 conferences in series

Listed below are questions that have been submitted by the community that the author will try and cover in their presentation. To submit a question, ensure you are signed in to the website. Authors or session conveners approve questions before they are displayed here.

Submitted by Kimberly Lau on Monday 22nd June 19:21
Really interesting results, thank you for sharing. Did you observe a relationship between the clumped isotope data and traditional d18O data?

Submitted by Torsten Vennemann on Monday 22nd June 20:54
Thank you for your presentation; sadly I could not get the audio to work on your video, hence my question: really interesting to see that for one species of brachiopod it does not seem to work, but for others its does - could this possibly be related to different organic matter contents in the shells...? Hence perhaps an analytical difference with organic matter interference...? What did the D48 and/or D49 for these samples relative to the others look like...? THANKS !

Submitted by Georgina Lukoczki on Monday 22nd June 21:23
It is very interesting that the vital effects seem to be pretty much the same for clumping regardless of carbonate mineralogy. I can see in one species (Mytilus edulis) the two different biominerals are aragonite and calcite. What are the mineralogies of the different biominerals of the same species in the other cases?

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