Cristancho E.D.
I-Type Granites and Mineral Entrainment: A Thermodynamic Modelling
Garcia-Arias M, Cristancho ED & Blanco-Quintero IF
Cristea G.
Deuterium Isotopic Fractionation Through the Cell Membrane of Plants
Cuna S, Berdea P, Cristea G, Magdas A & Dordai E
Cristiani-Solís C.
The Epazoyucan-Sierra de Pachuca Oligocene-Miocene Silicic Volcanism: Its Relation to the Sierra Madre Occidental and to the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt Magmatism, Geochemical and Isotopic Evidence
Solís-Pichardo G, Cristiani-Solís C, Martínez-Serrano RG, Martínez-González I, Solé-Viñas J, Ramírez-Ramírez B & Arrieta-García G
Cristina V-P.
Ecosystem-Level Impact Signals of Groundwater Borne Continental Nitrate Transfer to the Ria Formosa Lagoon by Submarine Groundwater Discharge (SGD) Traced along the Mixing Gradient by a Multi-Indicator Approach
Rocha C, Cristina V-P, Wilson J, Monteiro JP & Scholten J
Cristofanelli P.
Regional Scale OA Oxidation Observed over the Po Valley Basin (Italy), at Mt. Cimone (2165 M Asl)
Rinaldi M, Gilardoni S, Decesari S, Fuzzi S, Cristofanelli P, Bonasoni P, Ferrari S, Poluzzi V & Facchini MC
Aerosol Modifications Observed at Mt. Cimone (Italy) during the Eyjafjallajokull Eruption in 2010
Sandrini S, Giulianelli L, Decesari S, Cristofanelli P, Marinoni A, Chiari M, Calzolai G, Canepari S & Perrino C
Aerosol Radiative Forcing Estimated from in situ Measurements at the NCO-P Station (5100 m, Nepal)
Laj P, Bonasoni P, Roger J-C, Villani P, Sellegri K, Venzac H, Calzolari F, Cristofanelli P, Marinoni A, Vuillermoz E, Marcq S & Bergin M
Cristoferi A.
Identification of Active and Capable Faults (FAC) Using Geochemical (222Rn, 220Rn and CO2) and Geophysical (ERT) Investigations: Case Study of the Rieti Basin (Lazio Region, Italy)
Sepe V, Sapia V, Materni V, Ruggiero L, Pizzino L, Sciarra A, Comerci V, Michetti A, Doumaz F & Cristoferi A
Cristofolini R.
Changes of Magma Geochemistry at Mt. Etna during the Last 45ka due to Sampling of a Variegated Mantle
Nicotra E, Viccaro M, Cristofolini R & Conticelli S
Hf Isotope Signature of Mt. Etna Magmas (Sicily, Southern Italy)
Viccaro M, Millar IL, Nicotra E & Cristofolini R
Compositional and Textural Evidence for Magma Mixing Documented in Plagioclase Phenocrysts at Mt. Bidkhan, Iran
Khalili Mobarhan S, Ahmadipour H, Cristofolini R & Viccaro M
Xenolith Evidence for Anatexis of Hydrothermally Modified Mafic Crust (Hyblean Area, Italy): Implications for Primary Origin of Some Trachytoid Magmas
Viccaro M, Scribano V, Cristofolini R & Ottolini L
Mixing Dynamics at Mt. Etna (Italy) from Textural and Compositional Features of Phenocrysts
Cristofolini R & Viccaro M
Differentiation of High-K Calcalkaline Magmas at Mount Bidkhan Volcano (Central Iranian Volcanic Belt)
Khalili Mobarhan S, Viccaro M, Cristofolini R & Ahmadipour H
A New Perspective on the Geochemical Signature of Mt. Etna Alkaline Magmas
Viccaro M, Giacomoni PP, Ferlito C & Cristofolini R
Geochemical and Isotopic Variation of Mt. Etna Volcanic Rocks: The Role of a Heterogeneously Metasomatized Source Region of Magmas
Cristofolini R & Viccaro M
Trace Element Partitioning between Mg-Hastingsite and Alkali Basaltic Melt in Volcanic Environment
Viccaro M, Ferlito C & Cristofolini R
Critchley K.
Developing Biotemplated Nanoparticles for Data Storage
Galloway J, Critchley K & Staniland S
Critelli S.
Zircons from the Arenite of Early Mesozoic Continental Redbeds of the Western and Central Mediterranean Area: A Case of Typological Study
Perri F, Rizzo G, Mongelli G & Critelli S
Geochemistry and Mineralogy of the Triassic to Early Jurassic Pelite Layers Continental Redbeds from the Calabria-Peloritan Arc, Italy
Perri F, Mongelli G, Critelli S, Greco M, Pappalardo A, Sonnino M & Spina A
Critelli T.
Experimentally Quantifying Metabasalt Dissolution Kinetics at 25℃ and pH 2-12
Critelli T, Saldi GD, Daval D, Apollaro C, Oelkers EH, Schott J, De Rosa R, Knauss KG & Marini L
Crits-Christoph A.
Large Freshwater Phages with the Potential to Augment Aerobic Methane Oxidation
Chen L-X, Méheust R, Crits-Christoph A, McMahon K, Nelson TC, Warren L & Banfield J
Microbial Mediation of Watershed Biogeochemical Cycles
Banfield J, Thomas A, Matheus Carnevali P, Lavy A, West-Roberts J, Crits-Christoph A, Hurst-Williams K & Hubbard S
Crmarić D.
Assessment of Cu(I) in Marine Waters: Evaluating Possible Impact of Antifouling Coating on Cu Redox Cycling
Bura-Nakić E & Crmarić D
Crne Alenka
Pre-Jurassic Weathering and Erosion Studied on andøya, Northern Norway
Brönner M, Crne A, Rueslåtten H & Olesen O
Črne Alenka
Carbonates of the 2.0 Ga Zaonega Formation: REE and Sr Isotopic Indications of their Origin
Crne AE, Lepland A, Kamber BS, Melezhik VA, Prave AR, Fallick AE, Brasier AT & Condon DJ
Negative C-Isotope Excursion in Carbonates during 2.0 Ga Shunga Event
Crne AE, Melezhik VA, Lepland A, Fallick AE, Prave AR & Brasier AT
CO2 Pulses and Carbonate and Biotic Crises in the Mesozoic
Bernasconi S, Črne A, Méhay S, Keller C, Hochuli P, Erba E & Weissert H
Croal L.R.
Development of an Iron Isotope Biosignature for Anaerobic Photosynthetic Fe(II) Oxidizing Bacteria
Croal LR, Johnson C, Beard B, Welsch S, Poulson R & Newman DK
Experimental Constraints on Fe Isotope Fractionations during Biogeochemical Cycling of Fe
Johnson C, Beard B, Welch S, Croal L, Newman D & Nealson K
Croasdale D.R.
Factors Affecting the Physical Phase State of SOA Particles from Biogenic and Anthropogenic Precursors
Virtanen A, Saukko E, Lambe A, Massoli P, Onasch T, Wright J, Croasdale DR, Laaksonen A, Davidovits P & Worsnop DR
Crocitti M.
Outcrops of x-5 and x-6 Tephra Markers along the Southern Tyrrhenian Coast of Italy
Donato P, Albert P, Crocitti M, De Rosa R & Menzies M
Crocker A.J.
Determining Changes in North-Atlantic Carbon Cycling Across Abrupt Climate Events
Greenop R, Burke A, Rae J, Nita D, Reimer P, Chalk T, Crocker A, Rees-Owen R, Barker S & Waelbroeck C
Radiogenic Isotope Finger-Print of Potential Source Regions of Windblown Material on the North American Continent
Jardine GE, Crocker AJ, Bailey I, Muhs DR & Wilson PA
Crocker L.
Mantle-Crust Interactions and Implications for the Lithosphere of the Southern Rio Grande Rift (New Mexico) from Pb Isotope Data
Crocker L & Konter J
Crocket Kirsty
NERC Changing Arctic Ocean: Implications for Marine Biology and Biogeochemistry
Ganeshram R & Crocket K
Rare Earth Elements in Biogenic Carbonate as Proxies for the Marine Carbonate System?
Crocket K, Baer T, Abell R, Beveridge C, Hughes D, Hathorne E & Schijf J
Behavior of Beryllium in the Weathering Environment and its Delivery to the Oceans
Suhrhoff TJ, Rickli J, Crocket K, Bura-Nakic E & Vance D
Neodymium Isotopes and Rare Earth Elements in the Tropical Atlantic Ocean: Results from the GEOTRACES GA06 Cruise
Lambelet M, Crocket K, van de Flierdt T, Bridgestock L, Deng F, Chance R, Baker A & Achterberg E
Towards a Mineralogical View of Iron Colloids and Nanoparticles in Aquatic Environments
Wood D, Crocket K, Stutter M, Wilson C & Schröder C
Neodymium Isotopic comNeodymium Isotopic Composition of East Antarctic Continental Shelf and Deep Water
Rehkamper M, van de Flierdt T, Lambelet M, Crocket K, Abell R, Nitsche F & Griffiths A
Limited Exchange of Neodymium Isotopes with the NE Atlantic Continental Margin
Stichel T, Klar J, Crocket K, James R, Statham P, Lohan M, Milne A & Mills R
Weathering Fluxes and Sediment Provenance on the SW Scottish Shelf at the Last Deglaciation
Arosio R, Crocket K, Nowell G, Callard L, Benetti S & Howe J
Source, Cycling and Circulation Effects on Seawater Rare Earth Elements in the NE Atlantic
Crocket K, Hill E, Abell R, Johnson C, Gary S, Brand T & Hathorne E
Crocket Kirsty C.
Changes in the Deglacial NW Atlantic from Deep Sea Coral epsilonNd
Crocket KC, van de Flierdt T, Robinson LF & Adkins JF
Deglacial NW Atlantic Ventilation from Paired Deep-Water Coral Radiocarbon and Nd Isotopes
Crocket KC, van de Flierdt T, Robinson LF & Adkins JF
Deep Water Production in the GIN Seas: The Nd Record from Feni Drift
Crocket K, Gutjahr M, Foster G, Richards D, Vance D & Tranter M
The Marine Pb Isotope Response to Ice Sheet Growth and Decay
Crocket KC, Foster GL, Richards DA, Vance D, Tranter M & Wadham JL
Pb Isotopes and Glacial/Interglacial Weathering Intensity
Crocket K, Richards D, Foster G & Vance D
Seawater sulfate cycling during the Late Palaeocene Thermal Maximum
Crocket K, Newton RJ, Bottrell SH & Wignall PB
Crocket Kirsty C.
Water Mass Mixing in the Drake Passage during the Last 40 kyrs
Struve T, van de Flierdt T, Robinson LF, Burke A, Crocket KC, Lambelet M & Auro M
Neodymium Isotopic Composition and Concentration in Equatorial to North Atlantic Seawater
Lambelet M, van de Flierdt T, Crocket K, Rehkämper M, Kreissig K, Coles B, Rijkenberg M, Gerringa L, van Aken H & de Baar H
Crockett Z.
Enhancement of Acetoclastic Methanogenesis during in situ Biostimulation of Coalbed Methane Generation
Barnhart E, Smith H, Schweitzer H, Mueller R, Orem W, Varonka M, Ruppert L, Clark A, Crockett Z & Fields M
Crockford Peter
Feast Then Famine: Exiting the GOE and Setting the Stage for a Billion Years of Environmental Stability
Crockford P, Hodgskiss M, Peng Y, Wing B & Horner T
Low Mid-Proterozoic Atmospheric Oxygen Levels?
Planavsky N, Reinhard C, Isson T, Ozaki K & Crockford P
Insights into the Genesis of post-Marinoan Barite Using Ba Isotopes
Crockford P, Wing B, Paytan A, Halverson G, Torres M, Hayles J, Caxito F, Uhlein G & Horner T
Triple Sulfur Isotope Relationship during Sulfate Reduction via Anaerobic Oxidation of Methane
Peng Y, Gong S, Bao H, Feng D, Cao X, Crockford P, Roberts H & Chen D
Eukaryotic Paleoecology at the End of the Boring Billion: Insights from Bylot Supergroup, Arctic Canada
Agić H, Porter S, Hodgskiss M, Wörndle S, Gibson T, Crockford P & Halverson G
Emergence of Large Seawater Sulfate Reservoir Without MIF-S at the Early Stage of the GOE
Bekker A, Crockford P & Wing B
Crockford Peter W
Barium Isotope Signatures of Authigenic Carbonates in Seep Environments
Feng D, Gong S, Sun T, Crockford PW, Bohrmann G, Peckmann J, Liang Q & Roberts H
Double-Substitution of 34S and 18O – A Tracer for Sulfate Sources
Surma J, Ueno Y, Katsuta T, Nakagawa M, Crockford PW, Bao H & Yoshida N
Enhanced Marine Biological Carbon Pump as a Trigger for Early Mississippian Marine Anoxia and Climatic Cooling
Zhang F, Pohl A, Elrick M, Swart P, Cheng K, Crockford PW, Fakhraee M, Lin Y, Cao M, Wei G, Li N & Shen S
Controls on Barium Isotopes in Seep Barites from the Northern Gulf of Mexico Continental Slope
Feng D, Sun T, Crockford PW, Tian L-L, Gong S & Roberts HH