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Index of Authors

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Đ | Ł | Ø | Þ

Burstein Y. (2011) Kinetic Isotopes Effects in Speleothems: Insight from Clumped Isotopes and Fluid Inclusions
Affek H, Zaarur S, Kluge T, Matthews A, Burstein Y, Ayalon A & Bar-Matthews M

Burström A. (2017) Bolin Centre Climate Festival 2017
Stockmann G, Burström A, Jonsell K, Däcker E, Skelton A & Kirchner N

Bursztyn N. (2017) Increased Student Engagement Through Augmented Reality – A Catalyst for Learning?
Bursztyn N, Jackson D, Walker A, Shelton B & Pederson J

Burt D.J. (2021) Drivers of Permian-Triassic Anoxia in the Context of an Earth System Model
Burt DJ, Ilyina T & Joachimski M

Burt E. (2020) An Isotopic and Mass Balance Framework for Sulfate Redox Processes from the Andes Mountains to Amazon Floodplain
Burt E, Conrad M, Ccahuana Quispe AJ, Bill M, Christensen J, Hilton R, Dellinger M & West J
(2019) Quantifying Groundwater Inputs to the East River, CO Using 222Rn Measurements and Xe Reaeration
Christensen JN, Visser A, Newman A, Burt E, Newcomer ME, Carroll RWH & Williams KH

Burt J. (2005) Hydrogen in the Al2SiO<->5<$> Polymorphs
Burt J, Ross N, Gibbs J & Cox D

Burt W. (2014) Using Carbon and Radium Isotopes to Evaluate the Biogeochemical Impact of Boundary Exchanges in the North Sea
Burt W, Thomas H, Hagens M, Brenner H & Pätsch J
(2014) Radium Isotopes as a Tracer of Sediment-Water Column Exchange in the North Sea
Burt W, Thomas H, Pätsch J, Omar A, Schrum C, Daewel U, Brenner H & de Baar H
(2012) Pore-Water Diffusive Fluxes of 224Ra and CO2 in Bedford Basin, Nova Scotia
Burt W, Thomas H, Fennel K, Smith J & Horne E

Burtin A. (2023) Three-Years Variations of HCl Concentration and Chlorine Isotopic Compositions in Fumarolic Gases of La Soufrière de Guadeloupe (FWI) Reveal Key Constraints on the Scrubbing of HCl(g)
Le Glas E, Bonifacie M, Agrinier P, Robert V, Bardoux G, Moretti R, Labidi J, Chilin-Eusebe E, Didier T, Burtin A & Pantobe L
(2019) MultiGAS Survey from Low-T° Fumaroles in a Tropical Environment. Effects from Internal and External Forcing: Example from La Soufriere de Guadeloupe (FWI)
Moune S, Robert V, Moretti R, Burtin A, Ucciani G, Jessop D, Didier T, Bonifacie M, Komorowski J-C, Tamburello G & Lemarchand A

Burtis N. (2017) Arsenic Distribution and Speciation in Mine Wastes: Developing a Proxy for Long-Term Exposure Risk
Kim C, Burtis N, Cooper J & Hok S
(2017) Utilizing µXRF and EXAFS to Map Arsenic Speciation and Distribution in Fine-Grained Mine Wastes: Implications for Arsenic Bioaccessibility
Hok S, Burtis N, Cooper J & Kim C

Burton A. (2023) Characterization of Silicate Minerals in Alfalfa, Maaz Unit of Jezero Crater Floor, Mars
Yanchilina A, Morris RV, Schmidt M, Corpolongo A, Jakubek R, Van Hoesen D, Murphy A, Sharma S, Smith RJ, Steele A, Hollis J, Uckert K, Bleefeld B, Wu MK, Burton A, Lee CH, Lopez-Reyes G, Pedersen DAK, Bhartia R, Minitti ME & Sobron P
(2017) TEM Observations of Amorphous Silicates and the Adjacent Alteration Products in MIL 090657 Matrix
Sugimoto M, Tsuchiyama A, Matsuno J, Takayama A, Miyake A, Nakamura-Messenger K, Burton A & Messenger S

Burton C. (2016) CO2 Released When Carbonate and Silica Products of Mineral Carbonation Stored Together
Wilson S, Morgan B, Power I, Burton C & Williams T

Burton Ed (2021) Fe(II) Oxidation in the Presence of Sb(V): Mutual Effects on Fe(III) Precipitates and Sb Sequestration
Hockmann K, Wegner L, McCammon C, Peiffer S, Planer-Friedrich B & Burton E

Burton Edward D. (2020) Antimony Mobility and Influence on Iron(II)-Catalyzed Ferrihydrite Transformation Pathways
Hockmann K, Karimian N, Schlagenhauff S, Planer-Friedrich B & Burton ED
(2020) Coupling between Antimony Mobility and Iron Cycling in the Environment
Burton E, Hockmann K & Karimian N
(2018) Dynamic Interactions between Phosphate and Schwertmannite
Schoepfer V, Burton E, Johnston S & Kraal P
(2017) Deciphering Sulfur Cycling, Porewater Geochemistry and Carbonate Mineralogy in Modern Dolomitic Sediments
Morgan B, Wilson SA, Johnston SG, Gagen EJ, Burton ED & Southam G
(2017) As and Sb Behaviour Post Freshwater Restoration of the Jarosite and Fe(II)-rich ASS/AMD-Affected Wetlands
Karimian N, Johnston S & Burton E
(2016) Sorption of antimony(III) and antimony(V) to Mackinawite (FeS)
Hockmann K, Planer-Friedrich B & Burton ED
(2016) Extreme Redox Oscillations in Fresh Water Re-flooded Acid Sulfate Soil Wetlands: Effects on Fe, S and Trace Metals Speciation
Karimian N, Johnston S & Burton E
(2015) Impact of Fe(II) Concentration and pH on Transformation of As/Sb Bearing Jarosite
Karimian N, Johnston S & Burton E
(2013) Benthic Nutrient Fluxes and Iron-Phosphorus Cycling in Sulfidic Estuarine Muds
Kraal P, Burton ED, Bush RT, Rose AL, Cheetham MD & Sullivan LA
(2013) Release of Solid-Bound Phosphate during the Sulfidization of Lepidocrocite
van Riel KPGL, Behrends T, Bush RT & Burton ED
(2013) Coupling of Arsenic Mobility to Microbial Sulfate Reduction in Subsurface Environments
Burton E, Johnston S & Adams D
(2011) As, Fe and S Cycling during Reductive Biomineralisation of Pedogenic Jarosite
Keene A, Johnston S, Burton E & Bush R
(2011) Re-partitioning of Fe and Cu during the Oxidation and Acidification of Acid Sulfate Soil Materials
Claff SR, Burton ED, Sullivan LA & Bush RT
(2011) Readily Available Acidity in Schwertmannite
Vithana C, Sullivan L, Bush R & Burton E
(2011) Episodic Estuarine Hypoxic Events: Integrating the Biogeochemistry, Hydrology and Climate on a Sub-Tropical Floodplain, Eastern Australia
Wong V, Johnston S, Walsh S, Morris S, Burton E, Bush R, Sullivan L & Slavich P
(2011) The Role of Microbial Sulfidogenesis in Shaping Iron-Sulfur-Arsenic Interactions within Floodplain Soils
Burton E, Johnston S & Bush R
(2010) Seawater Inundation of Fe-Rich Coastal Lowlands – Hydrogeochemical Coupling and Hysteresis at the Tidal Fringe
Johnston S, Keene A, Bush R, Burton E & Sullivan L
(2010) Sulfur Biomineralisation Across a Spatio-Temporal Hydrogeochemical Gradient in an Acid Sulfate Soil Wetland
Burton E, Bush R, Johnston S, Keene A & Sullivan L
(2010) Climate Change Impacts on Coastal Lowland Acid Sulfate Soil Landscapes
Bush R, Sullivan L, Burton E, Johnston S, Keene A, Wong V & Mosley L
(2009) Biomineralisation of nano-Fe(III) Phases in Inland Waterways
Isaacson L, Burton E, Bush R, Sullivan L & Johnston S
(2009) Iron-Sulfur Biomineralisation and Arsenic Mobility in Acid Sulfate Wetlands
Burton E, Johnston S, Bush R, Sullivan L, Keene A & Watling K
(2008) Unraveling the Formation and Oxidation of Iron-Monosulfides in Acid Sulfate Soil Landscapes
Burton E, Bush R & Sullivan L
(2008) Changes to Metal Availability Following the Oxidation of Acid Sulfate Soil Materials
Claff S, Sullivan L & Burton E
(2008) The Effect of Tidal Movements on Sulfur Cycling in Mangrove Sediments Using Stable Isotopes
Maher C, Sullivan L & Burton E
(2007) Sulfide Oxidation, Acidification and Deoxgenation by Reaction of Resuspended Sulfidic Benthic Sediments
Fyfe D, Bush R, Burton E & Sullivan L
(2007) Schwertmannite Reduction and iron(II)-monosulfide Formation in Acidified Coastal Lowlands: Iron-Sulfur Geochemistry and Implications for Water Quality
Burton E, Bush R & Sullivan L
(2007) Catalytic Action of Aqueous Fe(II) and S(II) on the Transformation of Schwertmannite to Goethite
Bush R, Burton E & Sullivan L
(2007) Schwertmannite Transformation to Hematite by Heating: Implications for Pedogenesis, Water Quality and CO2/SO2 Export in Acid Sulfate Soil Landscapes
Henderson S, Sullivan L, Bush R & Burton E
(2006) Sedimentary iron cycling in waterways associated with acid sulfate soils
Burton E, Bush R & Sullivan L
(2006) Elemental sulfur dynamics in coastal lowland acid sulfate soil landscapes
Bush R, Burton E, Sullivan L & Fyfe D
(2006) Schwertmannite in acid sulfate subsoils and associated groundwater geochemistry
Sullivan L, Cabot Y, Bush R & Burton E

Burton Evie (2023) The EDIG Project: A Volunteer led Initiative Working to Address Global Challenges in Geoscience
Doran AL, Watson R, Bidgood A, Tiddy C, Rieger P, Benaim A, Hantsche A, Roberts L, Burton E, Gaieck WI, Desmau M & Griffin M

Burton H. (2020) Solid Transformation of Litharge into Laurionite and Blixite
Kirkes L, Zhang L, Xiong Y, Knox J & Burton H

Burton J. (2008) Geochemistry of Paleoproterozoic Gunflint Formation Carbonate: Implications for Early Hydrosphere-Atmosphere Evolution
Fralick P & Burton J

Burton Kevin W (2023) Influence of Particulate Weathering on Elemental Cycles: Evidence from Lithium Isotopes
Liu C, Pogge von Strandmann P, Wilson DJ, Hathorne E & Burton KW
(2023) Strontium Isotope Behaviour in Early Magmatic Products during Subduction Initiation of the Izu-Bonin-Mariana Arc
Robinson LW, Burton KW, Nowell GM & Prytulak J
(2022) Exploring the Weathering of Continental Particles in Estuaries Using Lithium Isotopes
Liu C, Pogge von Strandmann PAE, Hathorne E & Burton KW
(2021) Tracing Silicate Weathering in Estuaries Using Lithium Isotopes
Liu C, Pogge von Strandmann PAE, Burton KW & Hathorne E
(2021) Strontium Stable Isotope Behaviour Accompanying Dehydration of Antigorite-Bearing Serpentinite
Robinson LW, Burton KW, Nowell GM, Williams HM, Lopez Sanchez-Vizcaino V & Garrido CJ
(2021) Elemental Release from Estuarine Particulates Traced Using Iron and Neodymium Stable Isotopes
Burton KW, Archer C, Pogge von Strandmann PAE, McCoy-West A & Gislason SR

Burton Kevin W. (2019) Molybdenum Isotope Evidence for Extensive Crustal Extraction and Recycling in Earth’s First Billion Years
McCoy-West A, Chowdhury P, Burton K, Sossi P, Nowell G, Fitton G, Cawood P & Williams H
(2019) Using Stable Isotopes to Constrain Carbon and Sulphur Sequestration at the Carbfix Site in Iceland
Ancellin M-A, Gislason SR & Burton KW
(2019) The Timing and Mechanisms of S Release during the 2014–15 CE Holuhraun and 1783–84 CE Laki Flood Lava Eruptions, Iceland. A Chalcophile Isotope Perspective
Gallagher C, Burton K, Savage P, Thordarson T, Houghton B & Nowell G
(2019) Earth’s Missing Pb is in the Mantle
Burton K & Parkinson I
(2019) Neodymium Stable Isotope Behaviour in the Critical Zone
Grattage J, McCoy-West A, Alban-Millet M, Gíslason S, Nowell G & Burton K
(2018) The Neodymium Stable Isotope Composition of Oceanic Basalts
McCoy-West A, Millet M-A, Nowell G & Burton K
(2018) Neodymium Stable Isotope Behaviour Accompanying Basalt Weathering
Grattage J, McCoy-West A, Gislason S, Nowell G & Burton K
(2018) The Timing and Mechanisms of S Release during the 2014–15 Holuhraun and 1783–84 CE Laki Flood Basalt Eruptions, Iceland. A Chalcophile Isotope Perspective
Gallagher C, Burton K, Savage P, Nowell G, Thordarson T & Houghton B
(2018) Extreme Mantle Heterogeneity Preserved in Earth’s Oceanic Crust
Burton K, McCoy-West A, Inglis E & Parkinson I
(2017) Copper Isotope Composition of Planetary Mantles
Savage P, Day J, Moynier F & Burton K
(2017) The Stable Neodymium Isotope Composition of the Silicate Earth
McCoy-West A, Millet M-A, Nowell G & Burton K
(2017) Erosion and Weathering Drive Net CO2 Drawdown in the Mackenzie River Basin over Geological Time
Horan K, Hilton R, Dellinger M, Galy V, Gaillardet J, Tipper E, Selby D, Ottley C & Burton K
(2017) Reconciling the Iron Isotope Composition of Mid-Ocean Ridge Basalts with their Mantle Source
Burton K & Inglis E
(2017) Stable Iron Isotope Behaviour during Fluid Release from Subducted Slab Serpentinites
Inglis E, Bouilhol P, Debret B, Williams H & Burton K
(2017) Highly Siderophile Element (HSE) and Hf-Os Isotope Signatures of Carbonatites
Schweitzer KM, Luguet A, Nowell GM & Burton KW
(2017) Diogenite Highly-Siderophile-Element Systematics Do Not Provide a Direct Record of the Vestan Mantle
Riches A, Burton K, Nowell G & Ottley C
(2017) A Reappraisal of Sub-Chondritic Os/Ir Ratios in Off-Craton Peridotite Xenoliths
Strack R, Luguet A, Lorand J-P, Nowell G & Burton K
(2016) Silicon Isotopes in Ancient Zircons
Savage P, Trail D, Burton K & Moynier F
(2016) Germanium Stable Isotopes (δ74Ge) in Weathering: Is There Potential for Paleo-Weathering Reconstruction?
Baronas JJ, Hammond DE, Rouxel O, West AJ, Torres M, Opfergelt S, Burton K, James R, Pogge von Strandmann P, Monteverde D, Gaillardet J, Bouchez J & Galy V
(2016) Rhenium as a Tracer of Oxidative Weathering from the Andes to the Lowland Amazon Basin
Dellinger M, Hilton RG, West AJ, Torres MA, Burton K & Clark KE
(2015) Controls on the Molybdenum Isotope Composition of River Water: Insights from Iceland and New Zealand
Horan K, Hilton R & Burton K
(2015) Fingerprinting the Source of Sulphur Saturation in Flood Basalt Eruptions
Gallagher C, Burton K, Thordarson T, Vye-Brown C & Brown R
(2015) New Insights into Planetary Formation from Os Stable Isotopes
Nanne JAM, Millet M-A, Williams H, Burton K, Dale C & Nowell G
(2015) A Partial Late Veneer for the Source of 3.8 Ga Isua Rocks: Evidence from Highly Siderophile Elements and 182W
Dale CW, Kruijer TS, Burton KW, Kleine T & Moorbath S
(2015) Molybdenum in the Mantle
Liang Y-H, Siebert C, Halliday A, Fitton G, Burton K, Wang K-L & Harvey J
(2015) Mantle Heterogeneity and the Onset of Melting beneath Mid-Ocean Ridges Revealed by Lead Isotopes
Burton K, Parkinson I & Gannoun A
(2015) Tracing δ18O – δ2H Isotopic Evolution of Ancient Fracture Fluids: A Novel Approach Using Sr Stable Isotopes
Sutcliffe C, Burton K, Nowell G, Parkinson I, Glein C, McDermott J, Li L & Sherwood Lollar B
(2015) Variations in the Strontium Isotope Composition of Seawater during the Quaternary
Nowell GM, Plumstead J, Parkinson I & Burton K
(2015) Rusty River Hypothesis: Understanding Iron-Carbon-Climate Feedback Utilizing Iron Stable Isotopes
Hawley S, Williams H, Pogge von Strandmann P & Burton K
(2015) Molybdenum Isotope Behaviour Accompanying Vapour-Phase Transport in Geothermal Systems
Neely R, Þorbjörnsson D, Pearce C, Gislason S & Burton K
(2015) Constraints on the Incongruent Weathering of Hf Isotopes in the Leverett and Russell Catchments, West Greenland
Rickli J, Hindshaw R, Leuthold J, Burton K & Vance D
(2015) Combining Ge/Si, δ30Si, and δ74Ge to Unravel Controls on Weathering and Solute Production in Tropical Catchments
Baronas JJ, Torres M, West AJ, Hammond DE, Clark KE, Opfergelt S & Burton KW
(2015) Nucleosynthetic 84Sr Heterogeneity in the Early Solar System
Charlier B, Parkinson I, Burton K, Grady M & Wilson C
(2015) Iron Stable Isotope Variations Accompanying Prograde Metamorphism of Basalts & Gabbros from Alpine Ophiolites
Inglis E, Debret B, Millet M-A, Burton K, Nowell G, Dale C & Williams H
(2015) Titanium Stable Isotope Fractionation during Planetary and Magmatic Differentiation Processes
Millet M-A, Williams H, Dauphas N, Burton K & Macpherson C
(2014) Impact of the Soil Weathering Degree on the Fate of Soil Organic Carbon, Fe and Si: Insights from Si and Fe Isotopes in Icelandic Soils
Opfergelt S, Williams H, Cornelis J-T, Van Hoye F, Guicharnaud R, Sigfusson B, Georg B, Siebert C, Gislason S, Halliday A & Burton K
(2014) Dominance of Deeply Sourced Iron in the Pacific Ocean
Horner T, Williams H, Hein J, Burton K, Halliday A & Nielsen S
(2013) Unradiogenic Lead in the Mantle Source of Mid-Ocean Ridge Basalts
Burton K & Parkinson I
(2013) Coupled Radiogenic and Stable Sr Isotope Variations in Oceanic Basalts
Sutcliffe C, Burton K, Parkinson I, Porcelli D & Halliday A
(2013) Molybdenum Isotope Fractionation in the Mantle
Liang Y-H, Siebert C, Fitton JG, Burton KW & Halliday AN
(2013) Biological Fractionation of Molybdenum Isotopes: Lake Mývatn, Iceland
Neely R, Siebert C, Burton K, Eiriksdottir E & Einarsson A
(2013) Molybdenum Isotope Fractionation in the Great Artesian Basin, Australia
Siebert C, von Strandmann P & Burton K
(2013) Tracing Perturbations in the Oxygenation of the Cenozoic Ocean Using Molybdenum Isotopes
Archer C, Nielsen S, Burton K & Hein J
(2013) Stable and Radiogenic Strontium Isotope Behaviour in the Subglacial Environment
Stevenson E, Aciego S, Parkinson I, Burton K & Arendt C
(2013) Assessing the Influence of Glacial Weathering on Marine Iron (Fe) Inputs Using Fe Stable Isotopes
Hawley S, Williams H, Pogge von Strandamann P, Gislason S & Burton K
(2013) Rapid Core Formation and an Early ‘Veneer’ on Earth: Highly Siderophile Elements in Pre-Lunar Mantle Domains
Dale CW, Burton KW, Gannoun A, Parkinson IJ, Williams HM & Moorbath S
(2013) Changing Riverine Silicon Isotope Delivery to the Ocean over Glacial-Interglacial Intervals? Evidence from Glaciated Basaltic Terrains
Opfergelt S, Burton K, Pogge von Strandmann P, Gislason S & Halliday A
(2012) Strontium Stable Isotope Variations in Lunar Basalts
Sutcliffe CN, Burton K, Parkinson I, Cook D, Charlier B, Porcelli D, Mokadem F & Halliday A
(2012) Iron Isotope Variations in Icelandic Soil Profiles and Fractionation of Fe Isotopes during Weathering
Williams H, Opfergelt S, Siebert C, Rebecca N & Burton K
(2012) Novel Insights on a Traditional Proxy: Combining the Stable and Radiogenic Sr Isotope Systems to Characterise Continental Weathering
Pearce C, Parkinson I, Burton K, Stevenson E, Gaillardet J, Rudnick R, West J & Hammond D
(2012) Stable Calcium Isotope Fractionation in Basaltic Catchments (Iceland)
Hindshaw RS, Reynolds BC, Burton KW & Bourdon B
(2012) Stable Strontium Isotope Behaviour in Himalayan River Catchments
Stevenson EI, Burton KW, Parkinson IJ, Pearce CR, Mokadem F & James R
(2012) Field Evidence of Sr Exchange between Particulate Material and Seawater in Estuaries
Jones M, Gislason S, Burton K, Pearce C, Mavromatis V & Oelkers E
(2012) Volcanic Impact on the Silicon Isotope Composition of Natural Waters during the 2010 Eyjafjallajökull Eruption, S-Iceland
Alfredsson HA, Opfergelt S, Burton KW, Mokadem F, Eiriksdottir ES & Gislason SR
(2011) Widespread Evidence for Heterogeneous Accretion of the Terrestrial Planets and Planetisimals
Dale CW, Burton KW, Pearson GD & Greenwood R
(2011) Strontium Stable Isotope Variations in Lunar Basalts
Sutcliffe N, Burton K, Parkinson I, Cook D, Charlier B, Mokadem F & Halliday A
(2011) Contrasting Silicon and Magnesium Isotope Fractionation with Clay Mineralogy in Volcanic Soil Weathering Sequences, Guadeloupe
Delvaux B, Opfergelt S, Georg B, Cabidoche Y-M, Burton K & Halliday A
(2011) Silicon Isotopes in Granitoid Rocks
Savage PS, Georg RB, Williams HM, Burton KW, Halliday AN & Chappell BW
(2011) Stable Strontium (δ88Sr) Isotopic Fractionation during Hydrological Cycling
Pearce C, Parkinson I, Burton K & Gaillardet J
(2011) Molybdenum Isotope Fractionation during Soil Formation: A New Proxy?
Siebert C, Pett-Ridge J, Opfergelt S, Burton K & Halliday A
(2011) Ancient Lead Trapped in the Earth’s Upper Mantle
Burton K, Cenki-Tok B, Mokadem F, Harvey J & Parkinson I
(2011) The Strontium Stable Isotope Composition of Seawater during Glacial Intervals
Stevenson E, Burton K, Parkinson I, Anand P, Hathorne E & Mokadem F
(2011) Release Rate of Pollutants, Nutrients and Protons from Pristine Eyjafjallajökull Ash
Alfredsson HA, Gislason SR, Stipp SLS & Burton KW
(2011) Seasonal Magnesium Isotope Variations in Soil Solutions Reflecting Physico-Chemical Processes Controlling Soil Weathering Fluxes
Opfergelt S, Georg B, Burton K, Guicharnaud R, Siebert C, Gislason S & Halliday A
(2011) Probing the Silicon Isotope Signature of Supply Limited Chemical Weathering in the Cordillera Central of Costa Rica
West AJ, Opfergelt S, James R, Pogge von Strandmann P & Burton K
(2010) Silicon Isotopes and Magmatic Evolution
Savage P, Georg B, Williams H, Burton K & Halliday A
(2010) The Impact of Climate and Dam Construction on Silicon Fluxes to the Oceans
Gislason S, Eiriksdottir E, Oelkers E & Burton K
(2009) Miocene Os and Tl Isotopes in the Indian Ocean: Implications for Antarctic Water Export and the Residence Time of Os
Nielsen S, Gannoun A, Burton K, Halliday A & Hein J
(2009) Osmium Isotope Constraints on Chemical Heterogeneities in Indian Mid-Ocean Ridge Basalts
Burton K & Gannoun A
(2009) The Effects of Metasomatic Sulphide on Mantle Re-Os Systematics: Unravelling Melt Depletion and Secondary Processes
Harvey J, Gannoun A, Burton K & Schiano P
(2009) Molybdenum Isotope Fractionation during Continental Weathering
Siebert C, Burton K & Halliday A
(2009) The Miocene Ocean 187Os/188Os Curve: Driven by Continental Weathering
Georg B, West J, Gannoun M, Burton K & Halliday A
(2009) Are Oxygen Triple Isotope Ratios of the Lunar Regolith Distinctive from Those of Lunar Basalts?
Miller M, Burton K, Greenwood R & Gannoun M
(2009) Temporal Variations in the Iron Isotopic Compositions of Pacific Hydrogenetic Fe-Mn Crusts
Williams H, Nielsen S, Burton K, Hein J, Siebert C & Halliday A
(2009) Resolving Changes in Silicate and Carbonate Weathering Using Radiogenic and Stable Sr Isotopes
Parkinson I, Mokadem F & Burton K
(2009) Experimental Quantification of Kinetic Mg-Isotope Fractionation during Magnesite Precipitation
Pearce C, Saldi G, Schott J, Burton K & Oelkers E
(2008) The Behaviour of Mg and Li Isotopes during the Dissolution and Precipitation of Silicate Minerals
Wimpenny J, James R, Gislason S, Gannoun M & Burton K
(2008) Hf and Nd Isotopes in Marine Sediments: Constraints on Global Silicate Weathering
Bayon G, Burton K, Vigier N, Dennielou B, Ponzevera E, German C & Nesbitt R
(2008) Strontium Stable Isotope Variations Accompanying Continental Weathering with Implications for the Marine Radiogenic Strontium Record
Burton K, Parkinson I & Mokadem F
(2008) Molybdenum Isotope Fractionation Accompanying Weathering, Riverine Transport and Estuarine Mixing
Pearce CR, Burton K, Pogge von Strandmann P, James R & Cohen A
(2007) Quantification of Stable Strontium Isotope Variability in Nature by MC-ICP-MS
Nowell G, Charlier B, Pearson G & Burton K
(2007) Investigating the Source of Continental Flood Basalts: Insights from Intra-Lava Flow Osmium Isotope Variations
Vye C, Gannoun A, Burton K, Barry T & Self S
(2007) Glacial-Interglacial Variations in the 87Sr/86Sr Composition of Seawater
Mokadem F, Burton K, Parkinson I, Charlier B & Hathorne E
(2007) Stable and Radiogenic Isotope Variations Accompanying Continental Weathering
Burton K, Gannoun A, Georg B, Gislason S, James R, Pogge von Strandmann P, Mokadem F, Sigfusson B & Vigier N
(2007) The Influence of Weathering Processes on Riverine Mg and Li Isotopes in Rivers Draining Basaltic Terrain
Pogge von Strandmann P, Burton K, James R, van Calsteren P & Gislason S
(2006) Changes in the extent of marine anoxia during the Early Jurassic: Evidence from molybdenum isotopes
Pearce C, Cohen A, Coe A & Burton K
(2006) Assessing continental weathering rates and actinide transport in the Great Artesian Basin
Pogge Von Strandmann P, Reynolds B, Porcelli D, James R, Van Calsteren P, Baskaran M & Burton K
(2006) Silicon Isotope Variations in River Waters: A Weathering Proxy?
Reynolds B, Georg RB, Burton KW, James RH & Halliday AN
(2004) Quantifying the Effect of Weathering Processes on the Chemical Signal to the Oceans
Burton K, Gannoun A, Vigier N, Bayon G, Reynolds B, James R & Gislason S
(2004) Silicate Weathering Mechanisms Inferred from Direct Measurements of 176Hf/177Hf Ratios in River Waters
Bayon G, Vigier N, Burton K, Brenot A, Carignan J & Chu N
(2004) U-Series in Icelandic Rivers
Vigier N, Burton K, Gislason S, Rogers N & Hodge E
(2004) Re-Os Behaviour during Subduction of Oceanic Crust
Dale C, Gannoun A, Argles T, Burton K, Parkinson I & Boyle A
(2004) Re-Os Systematics in Mid-Atlantic Ridge Abyssal Peridotites: Preliminary Results from ODP Leg 209
Harvey J, Gannoun A, James R, Alard O, Rogers N, Burton K & Leg 209 shipboard scientific party O
(2004) Assessing the Scale of the Osmium Isotope Heterogeneity in Mid- Ocean Ridge Basalts
Gannoun A, Burton K, Alard O, Parkinson I & Thomas L
(2002) Mg-Isotopes in Terrestrial and Extraterrestrial Olivines
Alard O, Burton KW, Bland PA & Russell SS
(2002) Constraints on Basalt Erosion from Li Isotopes and U-Series Nuclides Measured in Iceland Rivers
Vigier N, Burton KW, Gislason SR, Rogers NW, Schaefer BF & James RH
(2002) The Role of Aeolian Dust in Scavenging Rare Earth Elements from the Ocean
Bayon G, German CR, Burton KW & Nesbitt RW
(2002) Open-System Behaviour in Mid-Ocean Ridge Basalts
Gannoun A, Thomas LE, Burton KW & Schiano P
(2002) Assessing the Role of Incongruent Weathering
Sherlock S, Burton K, Kelley S & Reynolds B
(2002) Osmium Isotope Variations in the Oceans: Past and Present
Burton K, Gannoun A & Henderson G
(2000) The Partitioning of Rhenium and Osmium into Magmatic Olivine and the Consequences for the Chemistry of Oceanic Basalts
Burton KW, Gannoun A, Schiano P, Birck J & Allègre CJ
(2000) A Cenozoic Record of the Osmium Isotope Composition of Sea Water Deduced from an Individual Hydrogenetic Fe-Mn Crust from the Central Pacific Ocean
Gannoun A, Burton KW, Birck J, Allègre CJ, Lee D, Halliday AN & Hein JR
(2000) Neodymium in Sedimentary Foraminifera Records the Isotopic Composition of Surface Seawater
Vance D, Henderson GM, Burton KW & Slowey NC
(2000) Tracing Holocene Sources of North Atlantic Deep-Waters Using Nd-Isotopes in Bahamas Slope Sediments
Reynolds B, Henderson G & Burton K

Burton Kevin, W. (2020) Tracing Estuarine Metal Release from River-Borne Particulates in Iceland
Burton K, Archer C, Gislason S, Pogge von Strandmann P, McCoy-West A & Vance D
(2020) Tracing Mechanisms of Sulphur Release with Cu and Zn Isotopes in Historical Icelandic Flood Lavas
Gallagher CR, Savage PS, Nowell GM, Houghton BF, Thordarson T & Burton KW
(2020) Tracing CO2 and H2S Sequestration in a Basaltic Aquifer Using Stable Isotopes at CarbFix, Iceland
Ancellin M-A, Gíslason SR, Snæbjörnsdóttir SÓ, Sigfússon B, Nowell GM, Pogge von Strandmann PAE, Oelkers EH, Alfreðsson HA, Aradóttir ES, Mesfin KG & Burton KW

Burton Michael (2013) A Global Volcanic CO2 Flux Inventory
Burton M, Sawyer G & Granieri D
(2013) Processed Controlling Recent Lava Fountaining Activity on Mt. Etna, Revealed Using Remote Sensing Measurements of Volcanic Gases
La Spina A, Salerno G & Burton M
(2013) Reconciling Ground Deformation and Degassing Activity at Mt. Etna
Burton M, Allard P & Puglisi G
(2013) SO2 Camera Measurements on Stromboli
Salerno G, Sawyer G & Burton M

Burton Mike (2019) Crystallisation in Basaltic Magmas Revealed via in situ 4D Synchrotron X-Ray Microtomography and Implications for Lava Flows
Polacci M, Arzilli F, La Spina G, Le Gall N, Cai B, Hartley M, Di Genova D, Vo N, Nonni S, Atwood R, Llewellin E, Lee P & Burton M
(2019) Highly Explosive Basaltic Eruptions: Magma Fragmentation Induced by Rapid Crystallisation
Arzilli F, La Spina G, Burton M, Polacci M, Le Gall N, Hartley M, Di Genova D, Cai B, Vo N, Bamber E, Nonni S, Atwood R, Llewellin E & Lee P
(2019) The Masaya Triple Layer: A Petrological Approach to Constraining the Dynamics of an Episodic, Highly Explosive Basaltic Plinian Eruption
Bamber E, Arzilli F, Polacci M, Hartley M, Fellowes J, Di Genova D, Chavarria D & Burton M
(2018) Tracing Magma Degassing Using Experimental Approaches
Le Gall N, Pichavant M, Burton M & Lee P

Burton Mike R (2023) Volcanic Gas Geochemical Monitoring of the 2021 Tajogaite Eruption (La Palma, Canary Island) Reveals a CO2-rich Source for Alkaline Ocean Island Volcanism
Aiuppa A, Burton MR, Allard P, Asensio-Ramos M, La Spina A, Nicholson EJ, Pardo Cofrades A, Zanon V, Barrancos J, Bitetto M, Hartley ME, Hernandez PA, Lages J, Padrón González E, Wood KT, Hayer C, Cyrzan K, Rose-Koga EF, Schiavi F, D'Auria L & Perez Rodriguez N
(2022) In situ 4D Dendritic Crystallization in Basaltic Magmas Reveals How Magma Mobility Occurs within the Earth's Crust
Arzilli F, Polacci M, La Spina G, Le Gall N, Llewellin EW, Brooker RA, Torres-Orozco R, Di Genova D, Neave D, Hartley M, Mader HM, Giordano D, Atwood R, Lee PD, Heidelbach F & Burton MR
(2022) Halogens in Melt Inclusions Trace Recycled Mantle Lithologies
Hartley M, Waters EC, Burgess R, Burton MR, Halldorsson SA, Pankhurst MJ, Romero Moyano J, Shorttle O & Stewart A
(2021) A Combined Petrological and Numerical Approach to Investigate Basaltic Plinian Eruptions at Masaya Caldera, Nicaragua
Bamber EC, Arzilli F, Burton MR, Polacci M, La Spina G, de' Michieli Vitturi M, Hartley ME, Petrelli M, Fellowes J, Chavarría D & Saballos JA

Burton Mike R. (2020) Highly Explosive Basaltic Eruptions: Magma Fragmentation Induced by Rapid Crystallisation
Arzilli F, La Spina G, Burton MR, Polacci M, Le Gall N, Hartley ME, Di Genova D, Cai B, Vo NT, Bamber EC, Nonni S, Atwood R, Llewellin EW, Brooker RA, Mader HM & Lee PD
(2020) Equilibrium, Disequilibrium, and Crystal Growth in Basaltic Magmas
Hartley M, Arzilli F, Polacci M, La Spina G, Burton M, Le Gall N & Maclennan J
(2020) Understanding Basaltic Plinian Activity at Masaya Caldera, Nicaragua
Bamber EC, Arzilli F, Polacci M, La Spina G, Petrelli M, Hartley ME, Di Genova D, Fellowes J, Chavarria D, Saballos JA, De' Michieli Vitturi M & Burton MR
(2020) Suppression of Plagioclase and Clinopyroxene Nucleation in a Basaltic Magma: Insights from Real-Time Synchrotron Tomography
Le Gall N, Arzilli F, Cai B, Polacci M, Vo N, La Spina G, Hartley M, Atwood R, Di Genova D, Nonni S, Llewellin E, Burton M & Lee P

Burton S (2005) Silicon – Aluminum MAS-NMR TRAPDOR of Natural Silica Minerals
Hinman N, Burton S, Cho H, Tenesch A, Kotler J & Strumness L

Burton Sarah (2014) Influence of Supercritical CO2 on Interfacial Ion Binding and Dynamics in Smectite-NOM Composites
Bowers G, Hoyt D, Varga T, Burton S, Ferguson B & Kirkpatrick J

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